Chapter 1341
Immortal Zhong came to Bailang County.

Going eastward from Linyuguan, you can reach Yingzhou for about 480 miles. Bailang County is in the middle and exposed to the outside. Not far to the north is the Khitan Realm, which is extremely easy to be attacked.

He reckoned that the Khitan people should have been mobilized by now, and the pastures were full of vitality in late May. If Shilu and Abaoji had the heart, they would definitely lead their troops south and try to cut off the supply line.

"Since ancient times, when marching and fighting, the most poisonous thing is to cut off food. Yingzhou can't support an army. If the Khitan thieves have a heart, they will definitely come to cut off food. Don't take it lightly. Young knight-errants in the countryside, recruit more and let them prepare their own equipment and horses. , go north to search for the Khitans." Zhong Jinxian said as he walked on the muddy post road.

"Yes." White Wolf Order Zhao Ying replied.

Zhao Ying is a Confucian classics student from Kansai. She has passed the Jinshi examination twice but failed.There happened to be an opportunity to become an official in Yingzhou. As a famous top student in Confucianism in Tong, Hua, Yao and other states, he could directly become an official without being an official, so he simply skipped the exam and directly became the White Wolf Order.

Even if you are admitted to Jinshi, you may not be able to become a county magistrate. Now there are ready-made border county parents' officials, can you do it?There is no need to choose.

As for the clouding of the future because of the "education" problem, it depends on personal choice.What's more, now is the first year of the dynasty, and the requirements are not so strict. It is not impossible for those without fame to be prime ministers as long as they do well.If the dynasty has been established for decades or even hundreds of years, then he really has to take the Jinshi exam, otherwise he really has no future.

On the post road are the carriages and horses of people coming and going.The queue was very long, and the vehicles were fully loaded with supplies, transporting them to the front line without stopping.

Linyu Pass, Lai'an County, Bailang County, Liucheng County, Tuhe Village, and the soon-to-be-constructed Haji Village are all important gathering nodes for military rations and supplies—according to the news obtained yesterday, the black army selected elites and spared no effort , galloping for more than a hundred miles overnight, arrived at the site of the Tang clam garrison, and built a defense line on the spot. When the large troops went up, the construction of a large-scale camp would begin.

The distance between each node is reasonable, and it can be reached in a few days. Each place has about 20 hu of food and grass and a large amount of military resources. A small number of state soldiers conscripted from the rear bring a large number of soil groups to guard.

If the Khitan people really want to win this war, they can only make a fuss about this aspect-Linyu Pass is sparsely populated, the products are not abundant, the road is long, and logistics is a dead end.

Immortal Zhong Jin walked around for a while, and carefully inspected the camp where grain was stored.

The moat outside the gate is filled with iron sticks.

The walls of the moat are well built.

Behind the moat wall, it was sprinkled with barbed wire.

Very good, it was built in strict accordance with the Xiaying system, and Immortal Zhong is very satisfied.

During the battle, many generals found it troublesome and didn't bother to get this kind of thing, which left a loophole.It may be fine most of the time, but when encountering an enemy's strong attack suddenly, something may go wrong.

For such things as raiding the camp at night, if you strictly follow the drills, it will be difficult for others to succeed.But why are people often captured by night raids?Without him, lazy!Or they don't know how to operate, or the quality of sergeants varies.

Opposite every general who has played a brilliant victory, there is always an opponent of average quality.

Master Wang's military discipline is very strict, especially the method of going to camp, which is tireless. This may be related to the present. He likes to think that he is invincible first, and wait for the enemy to be victorious.To put it bluntly, it is to maximize everything on one's own side, and then wait for the opponent to make a mistake and seize the opportunity.

This kind of opponent is the most difficult to deal with, but Zhong Jinxian is very satisfied.

In this world, the dawn of unification finally appeared, but nothing happened.Once something goes wrong, who else can command Wansheng Huangtou, Hengye, Datong, Qingsai and other armies?Even Yingzhou state soldiers will have problems, Zhong Jinxian can't imagine.

"Xuanhui..." Zhong Jinxian looked at Zhao Ying, and said, "You were born in Kansai Prefecture, and you will become a county magistrate after you finish your studies. This is the kindness of my superiors. I don't want to talk about many things, so I just mention them." One point, I don't want to live a day in the world where martial arts are rampant, have you thought about it?"

"I don't want to." Zhao Ying shook her head resolutely.

"Then you have to work diligently." Zhong Jinxian looked around and said in a low voice: "Don't give the warrior a chance."

What is consensus?This is called consensus!Zhao Ying understood and nodded slightly.

On May 28, Immortal Zhong Jin came to Luhe Town.

This place is desolate, except for a military stronghold built in the first half of this year, there is almost nothing left.

The sails on the sea are little by little, drifting with the current.

Zhong Jinxian walked into the military town, carefully checked the grain stored in the warehouse, and then looked at the city wall.

Obviously, it was built hastily.There are many swamps nearby, and materials are scarce. He even saw a tombstone being pulled over and built on the wall.

"The remnants of Goryeo, hindering Liaochuan..." Chong Jinxian stroked his beard, feeling something in his heart.

This time, it will be done in one battle.Whether it is Goguryeo or Khitan, Liaodong does not allow the existence of power.

"There are thieves!" Yiqi rushed from the north and shouted loudly.

The convoy was still moving forward, but the guarding sergeants suddenly became nervous.

"There are Khitan cavalry, ten miles away." Another cavalry came galloping from the northwest, with a feathered arrow sticking out of his back.

The convoy stopped.

Xifang Ye woke up from his doze, jumped off the carriage, and looked at the north.

"It's less than ten miles away." There were knights escaping from behind, shouting loudly.

On the far side of the sky, a large cloud of smoke and dust appeared, which was a sign of the cavalry's large-scale dispatch.

"Fix formation!" Xixi Ye roared.

The sergeants immediately took out their iron armor and leather armor, and put them on each other in pairs.

Tutuan folks pushed and pulled the carriages, unleashed the unhooks, and took the equipment. The entire convoy of more than 2000 people seemed to be fully wound up and moved at high speed.

Several people tried to escape.

Xifang Ye came over and stabbed the deserter, screaming and falling to the ground.

Xixi Ye calmly cut off the man's head and threw it in front of the battle, saying: "Since you are in the battle, don't try to escape. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Yelu Quanzhong sighed.

These people don't use their brains.

From Linyuguan to Liucheng, most of the five hundred miles of road are deserted, where can you escape?I'm afraid I'm going to starve to death in the wild.

Forget it, just as Xixi Ye said, since you have been conscripted into battle, don't think about it, it's better to make up your mind and fight it out.

Fight, not necessarily die.Flee, most likely die.

Don't say you are unlucky.It is 480 miles from Linyuguan to Liucheng, and it is several hundred miles further north from Liucheng to Khitan.Thousands of miles of supply lines, as long as Khitan's brains are not bad, they will come to your idea.And with such a long distance, it is impossible for you to divide troops to guard everywhere, there must be a large gap to drill.If you were not found by the Khitan people, it was because of your luck that you were found. It is true that you are unlucky, but in fact it is inevitable, so there is nothing to say.

"Tu Er, little Khitan, hold on tight!" the black-faced man Yue Sanlang, wearing a brand-new leather armor and holding a walking bow, said loudly.

"Why underestimate me?" Mohe Ren Tu Er said.

There is also a leather armor on his body, I don't know where it came from, Yelu Quanzhong has never seen it all the way.

"Nothing." Yelu Quanzhong looked at Yue Sanlang, and said: "In the wilderness, you can't escape, you can only fight."

Two soldiers from Puzhou came to patrol, and after listening to their conversation, they were a little surprised, and said: "Good man! After the thieves are beaten back, I invite you to drink and play with women."

"Haha!" Yue Sanlang smiled boldly, took the well-stringed bow in his hand, and said, "It's a deal, I'm sure I won't die."

The Puzhou soldiers looked at the infantry bow in his hand and were in awe.Those who can afford this kind of strong bow should not talk too much, just nodded and left.

The sound of horseshoes ahead became more and more urgent.After a while, there were scattered sounds of horseshoes on the left, right, and rear.

The entire convoy was divided into two parts, each forming a circle, and each other's horns, taking care of each other.

Xixi Ye stood in a car formation at the front, silently evaluating the strength of both sides.

Of the 300 guards on our side, [-] of them are Puzhou soldiers. When the saint conquered Hebei, they were conscripted twice. They are qualified warriors and have enough experience.

The [-] Tutuan villagers were recruited in Youzhou.In fact, it is not Tianshefu who knows nothing, and his combat effectiveness is not bad.

As for the attacking Khitans, he took a look and estimated that there were thousands of them.This small group of people can't break through their car formation, but if they start to exercise, that is, if more than 2000 of them continue to drive the convoy to Yingzhou City, to be honest, I'm not sure. After all, the quality of the Tutuan villagers varies, will they panic? Hard to say.

However, he has already sent several cavalry to report to White Wolf and Liucheng respectively, hoping to be notified successfully.

"Whoosh!" An arrow flew out from not far away, heading straight ahead.

Xixi Ye was furious, who disobeyed orders and shot arrows indiscriminately?Can you hit it at such a long distance?

"Boom!" A Khitan cavalry fell off his horse.

Xixi Ye closed his half-opened mouth, turned his head to look, but saw a black-faced man wearing a huge earring picking up a bow and nodding an arrow.

"Swoosh!" Another arrow flew out

The Khitan cavalry fell again.

"Grass!" Xixi Ye couldn't help cursing, the Tutuan villager is so fierce, who the hell is this?
Yue Sanlang shot the third arrow and missed.

He shook his head ruefully.There is no wind today, and there are few factors that interfere with the accuracy, so the shot missed.

"The thieves are rushing over!" A soil group shouted.

The blue veins on Xixi Ye's forehead were exposed.When you are in battle, you yell, do you understand the rules?This batch of soil groups is too difficult to carry.

But the enemy did rush over.

"Woo—" the horn sounded.

The state soldiers who were holding their bows and arrows subconsciously let go of their bowstrings.The sound of the horn sounded, and the arrows flew out. They had almost formed a conditioned reflex. The annual drills were really not in vain.

The dense arrows flew out to the north, and I didn't know whether to aim or not. Anyway, they were covering shots. The Khitan cavalry charged in the front lay down dozens of cavalry at once, and the rest immediately dispersed and rode away.

"Let go! Let go of your hands!" Xixi Ye jumped out of the carriage, took the scabbard and hit a few lumps of dirt that were fixed there because of the high tension and muscle stiffness.

"The first time is raw and the second time is familiar. I am nervous the first time, just get used to it."

"So soft riding bows, how can they compare with walking bows? Don't worry, they can't shoot us with all their strength, they can only be shot by us."

"Horses are actually very smart. They will stop when they see a vehicle obstacle, and they will hide when they see a spear. No matter how your knight drives them, they will not move forward. Our chariot formation is here, and the Khitans will not be able to pass unless they dismount their horses."

Xixi Ye's loud voice resounded throughout the car formation, which greatly relieved the anxiety and tension of the local group.

During the battle, the encouragement of a brave man like him is very important. With a big brother to guide you, you can perform at a super level, but without a big brother, you can spend less than [-]% of the cost. The difference is huge.

Yelu Quanzhong stared blankly at the bow in his hand.

He saw very clearly that a horse was shot off by him just now.

I should have shot Xi people, not Khitan people.Yelu Quanzhong looked up at the sky, speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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