The upper echelons of Khitan have agreed on the details of the evacuation, but the infantry group mainly composed of Xi Ren, Han'er, Bo Hai, etc. is still attacking the camp of the Xia people.

Especially the southeast village where the leader was injured launched an extremely fierce offensive, so that Ma Sixun and Shi Junli, the main village of Jingfan, had to send troops out to rescue them, and then they were met by the long-awaited Tatar, Wugu, The Shiwei cavalry attacked, and the two sides fought in the field. The fighting was extremely fierce.

A Baoji stood on a high platform, silently watching the heated battlefield.

Although they were far apart, he seemed to be able to clearly hear the shouts, curses, and screams of the soldiers on both sides.

The horses are galloping, and the arrows are raining down.

The sword and ax are long and the feet do not turn the heels.

Both sides showed amazing courage, and human lives disappeared in the breeze at a fast speed.

"Let's go!" A Baoji sighed with emotion, extremely sad.

Under his order, the cavalry of Xi, Yu, and Khitan rode forward to replace the Tatar, Ugu and other troops who had been fighting for a long time without success.

The brave and desperate Li Congke also returned to the camp with his wounded two-thousand-step cavalry.

Yeluxia cast a bitter glance at the Southeast Village, Xia Bing was still guarding there firmly, but he stopped attacking.

"This battle has been won! Alas!" Under the cover of the cavalry, he reluctantly ordered the infantry to retreat. After being contained and rectified, he took the cart tent and slowly headed north.

At this moment, a large cloud of smoke and dust appeared in the southern sky.

The retreat speed of the Khitan people suddenly accelerated.

"Beat drums and gather troops!" Ma Sixun and Shi Junli shouted almost simultaneously.

"Damn it, I finally think of us forwards!" Ma Sixun looked at the smoke and dust in the south, laughed and cursed.

Shi Junli finally felt that the old horse might not have deliberately found fault with him, and that this guy scolded everyone, which is great.

"General Shi, Wansheng Huangtou army is brave if you are brave, but along the way, you have fought stubborn enemies many times and suffered heavy casualties. Can you still fight now?" Ma Sixun asked suddenly.

"I want you to take care of it!" Li Congke pushed the fellow, and said with a sneer, "Even if there is only one person left in the Wansheng Yellow-headed Army, they still dare to charge and kill them."

Ma Sixun was pushed, but he was not annoyed, instead he smiled and said, "It's a pity you have short legs, no!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, leading two thousand warriors of the black-headed army who were ready to go, and said: "Trouble Wansheng and the yellow-headed army guarding the camp. Don't neglect the place where military resources are important."

After a while, the gate of the camp opened wide, and two thousand cavalry came out in a file. After a little reorganization, they pursued all the way north.

Ma Sixun is a bold and careful person, and at the same time he understands the battlefield situation very well.If the Khitan's retreat at the beginning was very methodical, then when they saw a large cloud of smoke and dust from the south and the reinforcements were approaching, there would definitely be a trace of panic. This was their opportunity.

In other words, they don't need to fight the determined Khitans, they just need to keep exerting pressure to break the last string in the Khitans' hearts and let them collapse themselves.

And once the organized army is defeated, it will be no different from pigs and sheep.People strive to be the first, beggar their neighbors, and have no thought of resistance. They can easily follow behind and reap the results of the battle.

The two thousand cavalry stepped forward unhurriedly, and sure enough a group of Khitan cavalry came to intercept them.The warriors of the Heiji Army were not afraid at all, and when they got close, they dismounted one after another, raised their well-stringed step bows, and shot with them.

Heavy arrows hurled, knocking down dozens of people on the spot.

The Khitan people were anxious and hurriedly dispersed.He wanted to leave, but he was afraid of military law, but if he didn't run, the smoke and dust in the south was getting closer and closer. Obviously, Xia Guo cavalry was chasing and killing them. Would they still be able to escape safely?

This kind of contradictory thinking is reflected in the behavior, that is, walking and not daring to go, staying and staying very reluctantly, lack of fighting spirit, low morale, walking in circles far away, shooting soft arrows.

Ma Sixun was determined, he said hello, picked 300 people to mount their horses, straightened their spears, and charged straight towards the Khitan people.

The Khitans were taken aback, subconsciously dispersed to both sides, trying to finish them off with their bows.

Ma Sixun asked people to dismount again, picked up his bow and set up his arrows, the heavy arrows flew past, and more than ten riders fell off their horses again.

Some people stood upright and loudly provoked the Khitans to fight in front of the battle.

The broken Khitan cavalry was in a panic, why are these people so courageous?It was outrageous for the infantry to provoke the cavalry. As a result, this side ran away, and the infantry over there still chased them on horseback to provoke.

Well, they didn't know that in another time and space more than [-] years later, there was an army called the Eight Banners. Their mounted infantry liked to chase the Mongolian cavalry, and after dismounting, they shot them with infantry bows.

Well-trained infantry, fighting these weak cavalry like herdsmen, isn't it just in hand?

The Khitans circled around Ma Sixun's 2000 men, but they had no way to deal with them. On the contrary, they were killed by the infantry for more than ten riders.Seeing that Xia Qi over there was getting closer and closer, they lost their patience. Under the greeting of the leader, they turned around and headed north, and walked away.

"Get on the horse and chase!" Ma Sixun ordered with a big smile.

The two thousand infantry got on their horses, shouted loudly, kicked the Khitan man's buttocks, and shouted to kill.

This time, the Khitans didn't stop to stop them, but accelerated their speed, taking advantage of their lightness, and fled all the way.

And their flight naturally aroused the tension of other tribes.As the sound of horseshoes behind them became more and more urgent, the last string in the hearts of the Khitan people finally broke. Those with horses and those without horses fled one after another, and the army lost its organizational structure.Immortals are coming into the world at this moment, I am afraid it will be difficult to organize them.

Ma Sixun was eager for meritorious service, and led 2000 people at a gallop, letting go of the Khitan infantry who had abandoned their cart tents and scattered everywhere, concentrated on searching for horses, drinking water, and looking for Abaoji, Shilu, Yuwen and other prominent figures. Where, trying to make a miracle.

It's a pity that his luck was not very good. After chasing him for two days, when he arrived at the city of Longhua Prefecture, there was no sign of Abaoji.

Under the annoyance, he became a little sober, knowing that some things depend on fate, and if there is no such fate, one cannot force it.So he dismounted with two thousand soldiers, climbed to the top of the city of Longhua Prefecture with only one drum beat, and broke into the city.

There was little resistance in the city.One group of elite soldiers has already been conscripted and scattered in the wilderness, and one group is panicked, the top figures have already fled. For the rest, what can you expect from them?When they saw the soldiers of the Heiji Army entering the city, they scattered and handed over the city.

"Retire here for the night, and go to Yaoni City tomorrow." Ma Sixun ordered.

Since Abaoji can't be caught, then the first goal is to conquer the city.When post-war tributes were made, these were the most hard-hitting credits, much more powerful than empty-mouthed "defeat so-and-so".

On June 28, Wang Jianji, the envoy of Tianxiong Army Du Yuyi, arrived in Longhua Prefecture with [-] cavalry. After seeing the [-] black soldiers who stayed here, he sighed.

On the spot, Gao Youqing, the governor of the Hengye Army under his control, ordered Gao Youqing to lead two thousand cavalry soldiers of the Hengye Army to march westward and capture Miyun County—perhaps there is no need to attack, and the word "receive" is more appropriate.

"General, the Khitan has been defeated and all the tribes have been defeated. Now you should be brave and diligent, search for horses as much as possible, and look for traces of the bandit chiefs. Don't give them a chance to recover." Li Yu, the judge of the Tianxiong Army, suggested: "I heard that the black The Hu army has gone to Yaonian City, and Nanlou and Zimeng were probably taken by them one by one. On the other side of the Khitan Yazhang, the camp soldiers from Yingzhou are already fighting fiercely with the bandits, and the defeat is not difficult. We may have nothing to gain."

"What do you mean?" Wang Jianji glared at him, and said, "All the way north, throwing a Wansheng yellow-headed army as the vanguard of the dead ghost, I thought it would be a big setback, so I just waited to take the top, but who knew these boys He's quite capable of fighting, and the Khitan lost his big teeth. Now there's really no credit for it. If the Khitan wants to run away, it's really hard for us to catch up. Tell me, where else can we go now?"

Li Yu thought for a while, and said: "General, if you want to try your luck, you might as well go to the North Tower."

"Isn't the North Tower already captured by the cavalry army? What am I going there for? Congratulations to them, flattering Liang Hanyong?" Wang Jianji said displeased.

"General." Li Yu said sternly, "The cavalry army marched into Liaoze after defeating the thief general Yelu Helu. Where is Yelu Helu now?"

"No trace." Wang Jianji said.

"Yelu Shilu and Abaoji's uncle and nephew looked south in a hurry. There were countless cart tents, cattle and sheep left in the wild. There were so many people who wanted to eat and drink. Joining Yelu Helu's tribe was the only choice. Bring a large number of cattle and sheep with the army, and you can get supplies." Li Yu continued to analyze: "After the rendezvous, with A Baoji's temperament, he must want to go to the North Tower and try to take back the tribe's old and weak women and children, cattle, sheep, horses and camels. The Khitan suffered a great loss this time, and they will not be able to recover within decades."

"The North Tower has been conquered by our army, how stupid is A Baoji to bump into it?" Wang Jianji didn't believe it.

"A Baoji doesn't know." Li Yu said: "His wife and children are all in the North Tower, if he doesn't take a look, would he be willing?"

Wang Jianji hesitated in his heart.

According to his plan, he would continue to go north, search for other traces of the old and weak, and capture them—this is more credit than simply capturing the Khitan soldiers.

But listening to what Li Yu said, it seems that there is still a possibility of capturing Abaoji?Can't help being moved.

But it is still a long way to go to the North Tower.

The pursuit of the prairie cavalry is not as wild as you imagined.In fact, the horses run for up to two hours a day, and the rest of the time they have to graze and rest.

Even if one person and two horses chase a hundred miles on the first day, they can only go seventy miles on the second day, and run fifty miles on the third day. If you still want to chase on the fourth day, the horse will kick you and it will not be able to run. up.This is why the cavalry is not as fast as the infantry on a long march.

If you want to be fast, you can only change horses.

These few thousand horses they had temporarily strengthened their war horses. At this time, there were more than ten thousand horses. Gao Youqing took away four thousand horses, and there were less than ten thousand horses left.

"Go, go and snatch the horses of the Heilong army." Wang Jianji ordered: "Go to the field to search again, see if there are any Khitan defeated troops, and grab some horses back. Gou Ri's Heilong army, along the way Snatching horses everywhere, wanting to take all the credit for themselves."

Li Yu stroked his beard and smiled.On the grassland, horses mean marching speed and military exploits. They belong to strategic resources. Who would be willing to leave them to others?
Chasing Shi Lu and Abaoji's uncle and nephew is just doing their best.So what if you can't catch up?After this defeat, Khitan could not breathe for decades.If he tried to kill them all, even if A Baoji escaped, he might have to go far away, would he be willing?

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