On August [-], after a few days of dawdling, the fleet of the Ping Navy finally arrived at the mouth of the Yalu River.

The vegetation near the estuary is verdant, and autumn has not yet been seen in a big way.

On the silted sandbar, reeds are densely packed, and occasionally a few water birds fly out, croaking and going away.

"The people in Wugu City are going crazy with hunger?" Ping Haijun envoy Zhu Liang asked.

"It shouldn't happen." Zhao Zonghui, Ping Haijun's deputy envoy, said with a smile.After finishing speaking, he saluted, climbed the rope net first, and got down on the boat.

There were more than a dozen flat navy soldiers in the cabin, wearing leather armor, holding crossbows and spears, and quietly watching the shore.

Fishing, transporting goods, transporting people, exploring, and doing business, Ping Haijun does everything, but does not fight.

Zhao Zonghui looked at the tense faces of the sons and daughters, and his heart was at a loss.After going ashore, it won't collapse immediately, right?

In the distance, a boat has sailed to the shore.

For the last part of the journey, the sailors jumped directly into the waist-deep sea and pushed the boat forward.

It's mid-August, the sea is not warm, and the officers and men of the Ping Navy are really working hard.

"No one!" The old sailor who came ashore first grinned and waved towards the sea.

There were several people beside him, struggling to walk in the foul-smelling muddy flats, stabbing the reeds with spears.

The waterfowl fluttered up and dropped feathers all over the place—it would be safer if there were waterfowl.

Someone else took out a few wild duck eggs from the reeds, and his face was full of joy.

Zhao Zonghui breathed a sigh of relief.They heard that the thieves had occupied the pier, so they didn't go there, but diverted to the coastal beach that was easily overlooked by others, and used small boats to pick people up and down.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time that Ping Navy officers and men have carried out serious landing operations.In the past, they basically carried other troops ashore, and then just watched them fight.

But this time is different.

There are thousands of natives from Anton Prefecture in the fleet, but the saint asked Ping Haijun to personally carry out the landing operation, open the landing channel, establish a solid beachhead, and receive the follow-up troops to go ashore.

The reason for this is the fault of fucking fishing.

A censor in the court said that Ping Haijun was keen on fishing and doing business. He looked like a merchant, a peddler, and a fisherman, but he didn't look like a warrior.

Shao Shude knew it was his fault.The Pinghai Fleet has become Pinghai Fishery, Pinghai Trade, Pinghai Passenger Transport, and Pinghai Expedition Company. It is all his micromanagement, no wonder others.Ever since, he decided to let Ping Haijun also go into battle to see the blood.Don't wait for a long time, I really forgot that I am a warrior.

But Shao Sheng's expectations may be in vain.Ping Haijun and his grandsons chose an inaccessible tidal flat to land, and luckily, they did not encounter the enemy and avoided another battle.

More and more people are coming ashore.

The sailors cut down the reeds, tied them into rows, and then found some branches, bushes, etc., and spread them on the muddy ground to fill in a road.

Zhao Zonghui also waded to the shore.Regardless of the wet and cold, he immediately went to supervise the construction of the camp.

"Bohai people are really trash." He looked around with a smile on his face.

Bohai has two cities nearby, one is Dahang City and the other is Boba City.Strictly speaking, they were all under the jurisdiction of the Anton Governor's Mansion in the former Tang Dynasty. After the Tang court's forces completely withdrew from Liaodong, the Bohai people occupied it and built a post road leading to the small Goryeo Kingdom.

In fact, it is not very accurate to call it a subordinate department.

The origin of Little Koryo or Post-Koryo is more complicated.After the Tang Dynasty destroyed Goguryeo, all its wealthy families and upper households were moved into the Central Plains.To put it simply, the essence of Goguryeo was removed, but it was not removed.

Because of their continuous resistance, the Anton Protectorate was unable to gain a foothold in Pyongyang, so it slowly retreated, gradually retreating to western Liaoning.

Later, the Tang court simply abolished the Han officials and directly used the barbarian officials to rule.At this time, all parties saw advantages and began to gradually erode the power vacuum left by Tang Ting.

Silla invaded the area south of the Wei River (Datong River), and after the establishment of the Balhae State, it invaded and occupied the northern area of ​​Goguryeo—these two countries ate parts of Goguryeo’s corpse, mainly during the Wu Zetian period.

The area north of the Weishui River and south of the Yalu River is nominally owned by Tang Ting, but in fact the grassroots has lost control.As a last resort, Wu Zetian sent Gao Dewu as the governor of Andong, using his status as a descendant of the Goguryeo royal family to implement the rule of Jimi.But Gao Dewu founded the country in private, "a little self-reliance", Wu Zetian had no choice but to admit it.

During the reign of Emperor Zhongzong, when Goryeo sent envoys to the court, the Tang court completely adopted a tacit attitude, but on the surface it did not admit the existence of such a country.

After the Anshi Rebellion, the Bohai Kingdom expanded in an all-round way in Liaodong, and launched a military strike against the Goryeo Houguo, turning it into its own subordinates, just like Heishui Mohe.

But the Goguryeo people continued to resist and gained independence several times.During the Yuanhe period of Emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty, several short-lived emperors emerged in succession in the Bohai Kingdom, and the situation was chaotic. The Houguo of Goryeo took the opportunity to get rid of the rule and sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty to "introduce the second department of musical instruments and musicians".

And when the government of Balhae State was stabilized, "Silla was settled in the south, and all the tribes were settled in the north", the Queen of Korea was once again enslaved.This time, the people of Bohai didn't give them another chance, and directly changed the land to the people and implemented the state and county system. Although the local area may still be ruled by the Goguryeo clan, at least the Goryeo Kingdom does not exist in name.

The situation is like this. The direction of the old land of Goryeo Houguo now belongs to Bohai Xijing and Nanjing. The local local tyrants are the masters of local facts whether they were in the Tang Dynasty or during the rule of Bohai.The Bohai Sea is weak, so it would be good if they don't establish an independent country, don't even think about sending troops to help, the only thing Xia Jun needs to face is the threat from the north.

"Damn it, can't Ping Haijun choose a good place? Grandpa is soaked through."

"It's cold, let me go into the water, I would have hacked you to death with a knife."

"Hurry up to boil water and cook, I'm tired and don't want to kill anyone today."

"Is there any meat? Don't cook the vegetable soup, be careful I kick it over."

More than a hundred martial arts masters with a Weizhou accent came ashore, shouting and cursing.

Some people even pushed and shoved the Ping and Navy soldiers who were burying pots and cooking, and some people slashed on the firewood pile with a knife, with a look of resentment.

"There is so much noise, do you still have military law in your eyes?" Zhao Zonghui was furious when he heard this, and stepped forward to reason.

The voice of the Weibo Tutuan became softer, but as the people behind continued to land ashore, they started whispering again.

Seeing this, Zhao Zonghui was anxious, but his face remained calm, he just snorted coldly and said: "The sage is coming to Fuyu Mansion soon, if you continue to behave like this and make Longyan furious, you will know what will happen ?”

Now no one speaks.

If we were to say who Wei Bowufu was most afraid of, the saint would probably be one of them.The people and warriors in the states of Wei and Bo were a little afraid of the continuous migration of immigrants, killing them if they refused to accept, with a tough attitude and cruel methods.

"It's gone, it's gone." A mature and prudent person roared, and the people who went ashore stopped gathering and went to clean up the mud on their bodies.

However, there were still some people who were upset, and before they left, they muttered in a low voice: "The sage is already fifty years old, let's see who will listen to the new king after he dies..."

Zhao Zonghui didn't hear it, but he could more or less guess that these bird people had bad things to say.

He was not angry either. He supervised the construction of the camp, sent people to explore the way, contacted Black Bone City, etc. All tasks were assigned in an orderly manner.

By the time the last of the men had landed, it was almost completely dark.

Zhu Liang, the military envoy of the Ping Navy, remained on board.Because there are still a lot of materials that have not been transported ashore in time, we have to continue tomorrow.

Landing operations are inherently difficult.

On August [-]th, when Qin Wang Shao Chengjie broke through the Changling Mansion, Xia's army, which had landed near the Yalu River, began to march north.When Tang Enpu Wharf was captured that day, more than a thousand defenders were caught off guard and fled in defeat.

On the seventeenth day, he conquered Dahang City and beheaded five hundred people.

On the [-]th, he occupied Boba City and killed [-] enemies.

On the 21st, they killed and rushed to Bochakou, and the defenders were defeated by more than a thousand manpower and fled.

At this time, a group of troops who divided their troops to the west also defeated the Bohai Navy under the Black Bone City, killing more than [-] people.

At this point, the situation in Yalu Mansion in Xijing, Bohai Sea suddenly collapsed.

There were not many elite soldiers here, and most of them were rural braves who were pulled hastily.His eyes were fixed on the direction of Changling Mansion. Although Black Bone City was a thorn in the hinterland, Xia Bing only had five hundred soldiers guarding the city, so the threat was not very great.

But who would have imagined that the Xia people played a landing operation again. Tens of thousands of people landed at the mouth of the Yalu River and hit them seven inches above the emptiness.

Xia Jun, who had just broken through the Changling Mansion, did not stop.According to the scouts, they were collecting food and grass again, planning to make a move south of Xijing.

In such a bad situation, Zhang Dingbao, who stayed behind in Bohai Xijing, almost abandoned the city and fled.

On August 23, the sky was overcast and the grass was withered and yellow. Shao Shude and his party arrived at Fuyu Mansion.

He looked up at the sky and sighed.He knew that it would be impossible to conquer the Bohai Sea this year.

The Bohai people also knew this, so the resistance in the Shangjing area was very fierce, and they procrastinated every step of the way. They wanted to wait until the snow fell and take a breather.

Their elite soldiers and generals have already been exhausted by the Khitan.This year's attack on Hu Jie's Mansion, the [-] forbidden troops lost nearly half, the military strength was greatly damaged, and time was urgently needed to rectify.

The only one who can save them is General Dong.

"During the Zhenguan period, Li Shimin conquered Goguryeo and ordered a general retreat on September [-]." Shao Shude said: "The area around Hujie Mansion and Shangjing is even colder, at most half a month, and the Dashi can linger for another year and a half. "

"Your Majesty, there is no need to be in a hurry. Now, we should urge the rear to transfer food and grass, prepare firewood, and prepare for the winter." Chen Cheng suggested.

The Tiancheng army is scattered in various camps along the line from Yingzhou to Fuyu Prefecture, each camp is a granary, and the combined grain storage is probably only enough for the army's needs for three months.

This amount of food is definitely not enough to survive the winter.

But didn't a lot of cattle and sheep be seized this year?It might be necessary to kill a batch, and make it into dried meat as soon as possible to supplement the military supplies.

In addition, there are many decayed grasses in the wilderness, and they don't even need to be dried when they are cut back. They can be chopped up directly, and they can also raise a batch of livestock.

"Yue Liduo, when does it usually snow in Fuyu Mansion?" Shao Shude asked.

"Last year it was September [-]th, and the year before last was around the Double Ninth Festival." Yue Liduo replied.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised.

Knowing so clearly, either is born with a good memory, or has done homework in advance.Either way, it's great.

Chen Cheng couldn't help looking at this woman.

The sage has played with women all his life, so don't end up being pecked by geese.

"Time is running out." Shao Shude said again.

"Send an order to Liang Hanyu. If there is no progress before September [-]th, the troops will be withdrawn. Hujiefu and Suzhou will be guarded by the Luoyan Army." Shao Shude ordered: "After the Yuguo Army arrived in Yingzhou, they traveled day and night to Fuyu. The Tiancheng army will give additional rewards and continue to stay in the villages. The blankets, sweaters, firewood, grain and grass needed for the winter will be checked again, and if there are any shortages, report them immediately."

"Over there at Changling Mansion, retreat to An Dong Mansion at the latest on September [-]th."

"All the ministries of the Yin Mountains, send another batch of cattle and sheep over here. I won't take their things for nothing, I will buy them with money and silk."

"Ping Haijun cleaned up the warehouse. The fishing season was held in July and August, and all the sea fish caught were sent to the north. While the Liao River is still navigable, send as much as you can."

"That's all."

Cui Que quickly wrote the order and sent it to various places.

The most important thing now is to prepare for retreat and winter.

Some troops will withdraw, including Shao Shude himself, he will not stay here for too long.

But the ground that has just been laid must obviously be guarded.Either send new troops to replace them, such as the Youguo Army, or give them additional rewards to keep them in the local Maodong, such as the Tiancheng Army.

Wait until the beginning of spring next year, and then move northward to wipe out the Bohai Kingdom in one go.

This is not only out of consideration for the long-term stability of the dynasty, but also a trace of the last obsession of being a modern person.

The northern border of the Bohai State is in the Khabarovsk area on the north bank of the Heilongjiang River.

The famous horse breeding place in Bohai State, Subinfu, includes the later Vladivostok.

Most of the area north of the Datong River (including Pyongyang) in North Korea in later generations belonged to Nanhai Prefecture in Nanjing, Bohai State, and a small part belonged to Yalu Prefecture in Xijing.

Xingkai Lake, the border lake between China and Russia in later generations, was called Meituo Lake at this time, and the surrounding area is the most important rice producing area in Bohai State.

He knew very well that as the founding emperor, if he was not interested in this place, he would just let it go.In the end of the Great Xia Dynasty, they may not have any interest in this place.

Can you guarantee that another powerful power will rise in the Northeast, and then bring the three eastern provinces into a unified dynasty?Not necessarily.

If you don't take advantage of the warm period, you won't be here in the future.

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