Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1362 Liaodong Road

Thousands of horses are galloping in the wilderness, it's so lively.

"Whoosh!" Shao Shude shot an arrow.

The gray hare kicked its legs and fell dead.

The falcon screamed, grabbed another rabbit, and fell down with fluttering wings.

The sergeants and chieftains ran over quickly, picked up the prey, and offered it in front of Shao Shude's horse.

"This arrow is too poisonous to use." Shao Shude looked at the hare in Zhong Yanyou's hand, shook his head, and said, "Warrior, you should hone your skills. You don't need to use black-headed arrows."

The faces of the Heishui Mohe chieftains who were elated at first fell down.

Barbarians are so straightforward, they don't know how to hide their emotions.If you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it. Although not everyone is like this, it is indeed a common ethos.

The use of poisonous aconite arrows is a specialty of Heishui Mohe and Bohai people, and is often used when killing people and hunting.At this time, when Shao Shude said it, he couldn't hold back and was slightly annoyed.

"Wanyanxiu, are you not convinced?" Shao Shude laughed, got off his horse and asked.

Wanyanxiu opened his mouth, but in the end he still couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and said: "Even if I don't use poisonous arrows, no one can compare to me."

"Yuan Xingqin." Shao Shude smiled.

"The end is here!"

"Compete with him." Shao Shude said: "Whoever wins, this bow will belong to him."

After finishing speaking, Chu Shenping asked Chu Shenping to fetch a walking bow, took it and shook it.

The famous products made by Shaofu are naturally extraordinary.Yuan Xingqin saw nothing, but Wanyanxiu's eyes lit up, and he was eager to try.

So the shooting deer began.

The two each took a step bow with one stone and seven buckets, put on iron armor, and were limited to eight arrows, and shot at the straw man sixty steps away.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" The martial artist rolled out of the battlefield, shooting arrows and protruding a word "quick".

When Wan Yanxiu took aim, Yuan Xingqin had already shot two arrows, both of which hit.

Wanyanxiu took a deep breath, without being disturbed, and shot slowly, three arrows in a row, without missing the target, all hit.

Shao Shude rubbed the stubble on his chin, and said in a low voice: "The Five Divisions of Heishui are located in a place of bitter cold, with a violent temperament. They have always made a living by raising pigs, fishing, hunting, and gathering. They are really good at archery. In the future, they will destroy Bohai Sea." After that, Heishui Mohe has thirty surnames, what do you think should be done?"

"Your Majesty, you may move them to various places and divide them up." Chen Cheng said, "There are also a large number of Heishui Mohe tribes in the Bohai Sea. I haven't really ruled before, so if your Majesty wants to register a household, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort."

In short, the northern half of Bohai State's territory, including their Shangjing, was not given away as a phone bill, but was snatched from Heishuimohe by continuous "Northern Strategy" for several generations.

The process of "Northern Strategy" is of course cruel, and that is a history of blood and tears in Heishui Mohe.Many tribes had to surrender to Bohai. After more than 100 years, some were absorbed and digested, integrated into the main body of Sumomohe, and became "Bohai people", but most of them still maintained the traditional living conditions and were not assimilated, and there were frequent turmoil .

In order to prevent them from colluding with the five Heishui tribes far to the north, the Bohai Kingdom has repeatedly relocated these tribes in the country, and now they are mostly distributed in various prefectures in the east and north of the country, living in a relatively scattered manner.

After Shao Shude learned about it, he complained about the assimilation ability of Bohai State. The country has been in existence for more than 200 years, and even the close relatives of Mohe in the heartland have not been assimilated. The Heishui Mohe to the north of Weishui, the descendants of Goguryeo, and the Goguryeo people on the Liaodong Peninsula have not been assimilated either.

But then again, if the eldest brother doesn't laugh at the second brother, Tang Ting is not doing very well in this regard.

The Goguryeo people who migrated to Huainan were basically assimilated and integrated into the Han nationality.

The Turks and Sogdians in Guanzhong and Luoyang were barely assimilated.

However, the Turkic descendants of Huaixi and the nine surnames of Zhaowu maintained their state of grazing and hunting until the Anshi Rebellion, which is also outrageous.

Not to mention Youzhou, there are a lot of tribal black households.

Obviously, Tang Ting is better than Bo Hai in terms of assimilation, but it is not good enough.It was more like they were worried that the Hu people would rebel in the frontier, so they moved to the heart of the Central Plains, thinking that it would be fine.

However, the supporting work after the relocation has not been able to keep up, such as solving the difficulties in life for the Hu immigrants, encouraging them to change the past life and production mode, learning Chinese culture and so on.If these tasks are done less, the effect will naturally be poor.

Originally, even if Tang Ting didn't do these tasks, as long as the time was long enough, these barbarians would be assimilated a little bit after all.The problem is that when the Anshi Rebellion broke out, the central government lost control of the local government, and things got complicated.

"Heishui Mohe in the Bohai Sea, find a way to register households with Qimin." Shao Shude said: "The five departments of Heishui mainly focus on Huairou Jipi. They can trade with them, but they are not allowed to go south."

Are you kidding me, generations of monarchs in Bohai Sea managed to conquer the north with great difficulty, opened up thousands of miles, and drove Heishui Mohe to the Heilongjiang and Songhua River basins, should they be invited back again?

The Liao Kingdom once made this mistake.It is unimaginable that a large number of Jurchens were moved to the warmer and richer Liaodong and Liaoxi, so that they have more sufficient resources to reproduce the population.

"Your Majesty is wise." Chen Cheng cupped his hands.

While the two were talking, the competition was over.

Both Yuan Xingqin and Wan Yanxiu hit seven out of eight arrows, but Yuan Xingqin shot faster, taking less than half of the time - on the battlefield, there is not so much time for you to aim, and you often look up Shooting by hand relies on feeling and muscle memory. This is a skill that soldiers are good at. It is normal for Yuan Xingqin to shoot fast.

"The two have no distinction, I'm in a dilemma." Shao Shude murmured intentionally.

"Your Majesty, both warriors hit seven out of eight arrows, how about rewarding them both?" Chen Cheng suggested after understanding Shao Shude's meaning.

"Forget it, since Chen Shilang said so, let's reward them all." Shao Shude gestured with his eyes, and Chu Shenping brought another bow.

In fact, there are also a few bolts of tussah silk woven cloth, a special product of Bohai Sea, which were rewarded together.

"Liu Rengong's family, the Lu family and the Li family are good. I'm jealous, and I'll take advantage of you. Let's go down and pick one." Shao Shude patted the shoulders of the two again, and said regretfully.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward." Yuan Xingqin bowed and saluted.

He has no shortage of women, property, and weapons. What he cares about is the impression in the heart of the saint, which is the greatest guarantee for the future.

Wanyanxiu didn't understand the rules of the Central Plains very well, so he stood there for a while, and when someone reminded him, he suddenly realized, knelt down on the spot, kowtowed, and said: "Your Majesty's generosity, I didn't believe it at first, but now I do, thank you His Majesty's reward."

Shao Shude laughed, helped him up with his own hands, and said: "The thirty surnames of Heishui, they came to pay tribute many times in the former Tang Dynasty, but they were blocked by the Bohai Sea. Now Daxia is newly established, and the thirty surnames of Heishui are also my people. I love warriors the most, and the Blackwater warriors are willing to be the guides to come to see me, as long as they are capable, they can have as much wealth, official positions, and beauties as they want."

"Your Majesty's heart is much stronger than that of the Lord of Bohai Sea." Wan Yanxiu said sincerely.

Everyone laughed.

Although this barbarian is already a general of the Luoyan Army, he is so reckless that he compares the saint with the Bohai Dashi, isn't it ridiculous!
Shao Shude didn't mind at all, and said: "If I don't have this self-confidence and heart, how can I get so many warriors to serve? And how can I become the emperor? If I become the Supreme Khan? Han people, Dangxiang people, Tubo people , Qiang, Uyghur, Sogdian, Shatuo, Khitan, Mohe, and Goguryeo are all my sons and daughters. Those who make merit will be rewarded, and those who have done wrong will be punished. I will not deliberately favor or discriminate against any side. End If Commander Yan can make great contributions, he can also come to Han to become an official, and he will be rich and have no worries."

Wan Yanxiu recalled the expenses of the Han officials and generals he saw along the way, even in the state of keeping everything simple during the expedition, he still envied him endlessly.

Today, if you only practice archery, you will be rewarded with good bows, property, and beauties. Isn't this better than raising pigs in your hometown?
Wanyanxiu's family has more than a thousand pigs, and is a well-known wealthy family, but compared to the rich people in the Central Plains, what are these?
That is really a colorful world, there is no way to rob, if you don't have that ability, it's better to fight for the Supreme Khan in exchange for wealth.

Thinking of this festival, Wan Yanxiu knelt down again, kowtowed and said: "Your Majesty, there are more than ten relatives and friends in my hometown. There are people with infinite strength, who have never lost in wrestling, and they can hold the flag for Your Majesty. Trust me, Your Majesty, he alone People can carry it without the need for a flag, and they don’t get tired all day long. Some people are poor and hunt bears in the mountains, and they go up with a wooden spear. They are extremely brave. Never missed. Some people are good at hunting in the mountains, dense forests, walking on flat ground..."

"Let them come." Shao Shude said, "Are you afraid I won't be able to reward you?"

Wan Yanxiu was overjoyed and thanked him.

Seeing the hot eyes, the nobles of Wuyan's nearby stepped forward one after another and asked for a competition.

Sha Luqi stepped forward with no expression on his face, the knife was half out of its sheath.

Shao Shude pressed his hand, stepped forward, and said, "It's okay. I just like these warriors with true temperament."

He walked up to the Heishui Mohe chieftain and warrior, and said: "They are all simple people, I trust you. Today I hunted a lot of rabbits and deer, and I will drink and eat meat later."

When the chieftains heard this, they burst out laughing and gathered around Shao Shude, feeling proud, some even danced.

Chu Shenping left Shao Shude's side, walked in front of Xia Luqi, and said, "The sage has something to say, 'Ren Gong's concubine, Luo Shi, I feel sorry for you, so I rewarded Xia Luqi.'"

Xia Luqi smiled slightly and said: "I thank Your Majesty for the reward."

The night is naturally a bonfire feast.

When the wine was at its peak, Shao Shude also came off the stage in person and danced for a while.

It is a custom in the Tang Dynasty that when you are happy, sometimes there will be a dance.

After drinking on the Sheri Festival, even the prime minister and senior officials sometimes dance with the common people.

How to put it this way, it is a bit Hu Feng, it is not the same as the emperors and officials of other dynasties who showed more majesty and order, and they seem to pursue true temperament.

That night, the messenger sent back good news from the east: Wang Yanzhang Kehezhou, Shao Chengjie went to Changling Mansion, Ping Haijun went north from the Yalu River to Black Bone City, and troops from various ministries gathered one after another to sweep the borders of Xijing in the Bohai Sea.

Also on this night, the north wind was blowing strongly, the clouds were densely covered, and it looked like a storm was about to come.

General Winter is about to show off.

Shao Shude didn't plan to stay here any longer.Some of the nobles from Heishui Mohe who had been interviewed by him returned to the north overnight, each returning to his own home.

In the next few months, they will work hard to link up and win more tribes to support them.In the spring of next year, they will go south in a big way, cooperate with Xia Jun to attack Bohai Sea, and destroy this enemy who has oppressed them for more than a hundred years in one fell swoop.

On the former land of Goryeo Houguo to the north of the Weishui River, envoys also rushed to express their willingness to submit to the imperial court.

Shao Shude accepted their surrender and gave them gifts, but refused everything else.

He is very clear that these people's minds are nothing more than wanting to take advantage of the favorable opportunity of Bohai State's weakening and even extinction, to break free from the shackles and become independent again.

They are proud. For hundreds of years, neither Tang Ting nor Bo Hai could make them truly surrender.Superficial surrender is exhausted, but the grassroots must still be controlled by them.

Shao Shude had no interest in this so-called surrender.

Next year he will go to Pyongyang for a tour.Leaving aside the other places occupied by Silla, at least the [-] counties of Goryeo Houguo north of Weishui (Datong River), it is impossible for him to give up.

Silla people, every time they take advantage of the Central Plains, step by step to the north, just like stealing a chicken, take a little bit, and finally succeed in pushing the national border to the Yalu River, pure disgusting people!

On August [-]th, Shao Shude went south from Fuyu Prefecture to Shenzhou, and at the same time sent down the Deyin: Liaodong Road, Shenzhou, Xianerzhengzhou, and Fengsheng, Pengsheng, Protecting, Yingsheng, Zhongsheng, Baosheng, Ritual holy seven restraints in the state.

Shao Chengjie, the king of Qin, was also appointed as the governor of Liaodong Road, the commander of the state army, and the commander of the Liaodong battalion.

Zhang Quanyi, the governor of Canzhou, was the transshipment envoy of Liaodong Road, responsible for civil affairs.

Zhong Jinxian, the governor of Yingzhou, was the Liaodong Daoist, responsible for enlightenment.

He ordered 20 people from the three tribes of Shatuo to travel eastward to Beiping Mansion to wait for the holy order.

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