Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1366 Bonus Part 2

Chapter 1366 Bonus II
Outside Xiangyang City, boats are like forests, and business travelers are like crucian carp.

Unknowingly, this place has become a prosperous city in the south of Zhili Road, and a place of wealth and taxation.

There are two distribution terminals in Xiangyang, the Dadi Wharf in the west of the city and the Xianshan Wharf in the south of the city.

Zhao Kuangming and Yao Ji were sitting in a restaurant near the embankment at this time, climbing up and looking far away, overlooking the entire river.

Under the shining lights, merchants are transshipping goods overnight.

Woolen cloth from Lingzhou, Fengzhou, Shengzhou and even Lanzhou was traded ship after ship.Some merchants who have done a lot of business didn't even have time to inspect the goods. They only took a cursory look, then finished the delivery with others, and hurriedly loaded the goods and left.

The demand for woolen cloth in Jianghan area is increasing day by day.If you ship it back one day earlier, you can make money one day earlier.

"Ten years ago, we only saw goods from the south and north to Tongguan, but not many goods from the east of Tongguan." Yao Ji shook his wine bowl and said with emotion.

Zhao Kuangming's eyes still stayed on the river.

Large and small boats are lined up neatly, and you can't see the end at a glance.Even in the extreme distance, there are still dots of lights moving on the river, rushing to the pier to unload.

There is a square market near the pier.In other words, the pier is in Fangshi, surrounded by simple wooden fences.Many doors were opened on the fence, and carriages came in and out, and there was an endless stream.

The city magistrate of Fangshi had a big belly, pointing and pointing.

The city marshal followed closely behind him, nodding and bowing.

The tax policemen hold swords and bows to maintain order in the surrounding area. At the same time, they keep a close eye on the merchants who are trading, and check the transaction certificates of both parties from time to time-the imperial court has regulations. When trading in the market, there must be buying and selling documents. Need to paste a stamp, so as to complete the transaction.

"There used to be tax police in Guanbei, but now they have spread everywhere." Zhao Kuangming looked away and smiled.

The history of tax police is indeed relatively early, almost 20 years ago.At that time, it was compiled independently, but now it is mostly scattered in various cities and towns.

Large-scale transactions must be completed in the square city, and those who violate the rules will have their goods confiscated.The highest official of Fang City is called "City Order", and there are several assistants such as "Shi Zuo" and "City History". The "city marshal" is in charge of the tax police in Fangshi, maintaining order, patrolling and arresting illegal transactions.Sometimes they would send people out on horseback to inspect various places to see if anyone was trading privately outside the market to avoid loss of tax revenue.

It should be said that Daxia's business tax is relatively clear.There are taxes at the border, and there are taxes at the checkpoints in the country-sometimes the taxes will be abolished, and sometimes they will be collected, it all depends on the financial situation.

In Fangshi, there are taxes such as residence tax, Chumo money, and stamp duty.

No random tax collection, no random apportionment, but the investigation is relatively strict. Once tax evasion, the punishment is quite severe.Therefore, it is best for merchants not to trade privately if they have nothing to do. It is good if they are not found, but the goods will be confiscated if they are found.

Besides, there is a liquidation bank in Fangshi to help you reconcile and cancel accounts, so you don’t need to transport a large amount of copper coins and silk over long distances, and then argue with people for a long time because of the fineness of copper coins and the quality of silk.

Don't worry about being robbed on the road.Imagine, when you are transporting thousands of copper coins through Huaixi in a carriage, do you really think that the dozen or so guards under you can withstand the warm greetings of "Caizhou fellows"?Let's be honest, isn't it good to go to Fangshi to buy goods with silver bills?

"There are big profits in the meantime, so the more tax police officers, the better." Yao Ji said.

"How much money can this Xiangyang Fang City charge in a year?" Zhao Kuangming asked.

"I heard that Jianji received more than [-] yuan in six years." Yao Ji replied.

Zhao Kuangming knew about the "circle", but he didn't know its value, so he asked, "How much is the discount?"

"One yuan weighs eighteen baht, nine silver and one copper, and one yuan is worth one and a half coins." Yao Ji said.

"I heard that merchants from the Western Regions often bring silver bowls and vases to the Central Plains to buy goods. In some places, silver is not so valuable. Can this silver dollar still be so valuable?" Zhao Kuangming asked again.

Yao Ji was also half a bottle of water, so he stayed for a while, and could only say, "Yamei, 'yuan' is not the same as silver. Eighteen baht silver, copper, and a silver dollar are not the same thing."

"Why is it not the same thing?" Zhao Kuangming asked.

"Silver was silver before it was minted into silver dollars. After it was minted into silver dollars, it was no longer silver," Yao Jie thought for a long time, but still couldn't understand it, so he could only say: "Anyway, many merchants sell money now. Goods, just say how much it is worth, not how much money or how many pieces of silk it is worth."

Zhao Kuangming seems to have realized something.

"So it's come to this point." He murmured with some emotion.

"Yes." Yao Ji continued: "In May, the rich man in Jiangling Mansion estimated that Liu Zhongye would sell tea to the north, and sold it to Zhao Cheng, a rich merchant in Guanbei, in the South City of Luoyang. Now, it can be seen that these big merchants, even if they are not in Fangshi, usually use silver dollars to denominate their prices. If the yamen go to check the account books, they will keep one that is denominated in silver dollars, which is very convenient.”

Zhao Kuangming was even more emotional when he heard the words.

In fact, there are not many silver dollars on the market at all.It may look like dozens or hundreds of pieces are collected by big merchants' homes, but it is really rare to see silver coins in circulation.But it is such a "hypothetical" money that has gradually become popular all over the country, so that people who do big business like to use this kind of thing to keep accounts and trade.

Fangshi silver dollar bills can be used as gifts.The gift giver dares to give it, and the recipient dares to accept it, and they all recognize its value, which is already very telling.

It took Shao Shude more than [-] years to get people in the world to accept such a concept, and he made huge profits.

"Without this thing, the situation in the world would not have changed so quickly. Silver dollars can be worth [-] troops, which can be said to be a great contribution." Zhao Kuangming sighed, "Seeing the big from the small, it seems that my brother has given up on letting me enter the court. "

Yao Ji also sighed, picked up the jug to pour wine for Zhao Kuangming, and asked, "Have you made up your mind in the yamen?"

Hearing this, Zhao Kuangming was overjoyed, and said, "If I don't think about it, why should I go north? To see the bustling scenery of Xiadi?"

"In fact, Xiangyang only got up in the past two or three years. It wasn't very good before." Yao Ji said.

Zhao Kuangming was even happier, and said: "My father and brother run Xiangyang. I don't know what it looks like here."

"Drinking confused." Yao Ji also laughed.

"In the seven counties of Xiangzhou back then, the adults searched in every possible way and forcibly relocated them, but in the end there were less than 20 people. In Tang, Deng, Suiyingfu and other states, the people's livelihood was even worse, and the population was sparse." Zhao Kuangming said: "It's just Jun, Fang Er The state is located in a remote place, and the household registration is still complete. How many people are there in Xiangyang now?"

"There are always three or four million." Yao Ji said: "But they speak with foreign accents, people from Guanzhong, Hebei, Tubo, Dangxiang, and even new Khitan people."

"It doesn't matter where people are." Zhao Kuangming said: "The key is that Xiangzhou is alive and looks like a peaceful and prosperous age. The people can live, the court can levy taxes, and the warriors have money. This is more important than anything else. This year it is broken again. Khitan defeated Bohai, and the last hope of many people has also been shattered, so what do you say?"

Yao Ji nodded lightly.

When the sage personally conquered Khitan, there were rumors in Henan, Hebei, Shannan and other places that the imperial army went deep into the barren land and transported grain and grass for hundreds of miles, which cost a lot.However, all the people of Khitan are soldiers, and they are light and fast. After adopting the strategy of luring the enemy to go deep, it is easy for Da Xia Wufu's army to be overwhelmed and the entire army to be wiped out.

Rumors spread with nose and eyes, and there are quite a few people who believe them.Especially those who are willing to believe, are secretly delighted and full of expectations.

The final result let them down.When Lubu's swift knights galloped to the states, some people cheered for joy, some were indifferent to it, and some beat their chests and feet. The scene was really wonderful.

Of course, even at this time, there are still people who don't believe it. It is certain that the army in front has been defeated, and the saint escaped alone, in a panic.It was not until a large number of Khitan prisoners were taken to Beijing and Tokyo that they reluctantly admitted that the last obstacle in the north had also been cleared.

Zhao Kuangming still remembered his brother's face at that time.

There are regrets and regrets, but also relief, and a little self-deprecating smile.After so many years, it was the first time he knew that people's expressions could be so complicated.

It was also from then on that my brother seemed to have figured it out.He no longer rushed to find a position as Jiedushi for himself, but urged himself to become an official in the court.And the imperial court also gave a positive response, and the position of Beiya Privy Councilor was waiting to be filled.This time he went north, he was going to take up his post.

As for Jingnan Town, the elder brother seems to have no confidence in running the business anymore.

Going south, the brothers Lei Yanwei and Lei Yangong, who were supported by Ma Yin, could not be wiped out.

To the west, Qianzhong Town was captured by the imperial court.Gao Renhou sent his troops to the south, and went to all the prefectures to declare his military power. The barbarian chiefs were all in awe, and they sent envoys to pay tribute to show their respect.

To the east, that is Eyue of Zhejia.

To the north is Zhili Road, the heart of the imperial court.

There is no direction for expansion anymore, and his strength does not support him to do so. After all, Jiangling was too badly harmed by Qin Zongquan back then, so it can be said that he is poor and useless.

The two brothers had a long talk all night, talking about Huainan, Jiangxi, and Hunan from the eight tribes of Khitan and Bohai, and finally decided that it would be better to sell it to the imperial court while Jingnan was still more valuable.

The price is definitely different between actively selling and being forced to sell under soldiers.

Therefore, Zhao Kuangming's entry to Beijing this time was not just as simple as becoming an official in the Privy Council of Beiya, but in fact he also took on the important task of bargaining with the imperial court.

The elder brother has territory in seven states, the county king doesn't want to, it is unlikely, the Duke can still fight for it.If this doesn't work, the Duke of the county is the last one, and Zhao Kuangming must also be given a title.

The Zhao family has always been respectful to brothers and sisters, enjoying blessings together and being difficult together, the elder brother is the county magistrate, and the younger brother has to be a county magistrate or county uncle to be decent.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of soldiers in Jingnan, and their livelihoods must be arranged.They have been with the Zhao family for so many years, so they can't end up with nothing, which is inappropriate.

Of course, the court will definitely worry about these things.After all, it was the imperial court who had pissed off the warriors and corrupted Jingnan.

"Let's go." Zhao Kuangming drank the last sip of wine, stood up and said, "Just now Yao Zhangji said something, I have not answered it, and now I can say it. When the Tang court was in Chang'an, there was no way to govern it, but seeing Nanhuo entering In Guanzhong, there are no goods from the north to the south. I am thinking that over time, the people in Kansai will become poorer and poorer, and their lives will be difficult. Now, there are wool cloth exported to the east and south, and the people in Jianghan love it, and they donate money to buy it. Let the people of Kansai give up their hearts? The sage has the means to turn decay into magic, so what if my Zhao brothers are loyal to him? Back then, my father didn’t want to follow Qin Zongquan because he was nothing. A sage is different and worth following. That’s it. gone."

(End of this chapter)

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