Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1375 February before the expedition

Chapter 1375: February Before the Expedition
After the first month, the pace of work of the various ministries suddenly accelerated.

It is mainly the change of defense of each unit and the preparation of logistics materials.

Because of the rebellion in the middle of Shu, and even the participation of Shu soldiers, the Longxiang army went south from the Longjian Zhuzhou to suppress it, and will not be transferred back for the time being.

The Tianxiong army, who had been on an expedition for a whole year, returned to Henan to rest.

The sudden generals guarding Zhenzhou and Beiping Prefecture and the Second Jinglue Army returned to Shanguo and Heyang to rest.

They were replaced by the three armies of Tielin, Wuwei, and Konghe.

The Tiande army was also transferred to Beiping Mansion, ready to follow the conquest.

The Baoning Army was transferred eastward to guard Cangzhou.

The Hengye Army returned from Yingzhou and went south to guard Yuezhou.

2 soldiers from Guanneidao and Zhili Daozhou entered the east of the river to defend.


With an order, the feathers galloped, and the various armies began to mobilize nervously, looking like the future of a big war.

Shao Shude participated in the Spring Festival on the second day of February, having fun with the people and gaining a sense of presence.

"Your Majesty, will the people of Hebei be conscripted this year?" Chen Cheng, who was wearing an ermine fur coat, was very dazzling among the crowd.

"I'm afraid it's inevitable." Shao Shude stopped at the head of the village, looking thoughtfully at the people who were plowing in the spring.

Farm cattle are still not enough.

The fight against Khitan did yield a lot of livestock, including at least 40 cattle.But unfortunately, they are basically beef cattle, which are not very useful except for milk production and manure production.

The little calf can train slowly, but it takes time, and there is no way to do it slowly.

It is said that in addition to the cattle that are spontaneously trained and cultivated by the people, Sinong Temple is also a major provider of cattle.

They breed cattle in several directions: milk production, meat production, pulling carts, and plowing land.

The latter two have very similar uses, and are actually one.

Just last year, they bred a kind of cattle, which are not very tall, but have a gentle temper, strong pulling power, and great endurance. They are the seeds of the best farming cattle.This will continue to be cultivated, and it is very close to success.

Once the breeding is successful, the population will be multiplied slowly, and then promoted to the whole country-of course, this is a subtype of dryland cattle, and if it is a paddy field in the south, buffaloes must be bred.

In short, breeding is a systematic project.It takes long-term, patient investment, and a little bit of luck.Once successful, it will have a huge role in promoting the social economy.

The progress of society is originally formed by the accumulation of these bits and pieces.There is no rush, no hurry, what is most needed is long-term planning and sufficient patience. After the investment is in place and the direction is correct, the matter is very simple: be a friend of time.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." The people who were busy in the fields bowed down after seeing Shao Shude in dragon robe.

"Get up." Shao Shude said, holding his hands up.

Everyone got up one after another.

"Did you go out with the army last year?" Shao Shude asked from a distance by the canal.

Some guards have already crossed the ditch and came to the field.They held some silk in their hands as a reward.

When Shao Sheng went out, he never chatted with others, and spent money when he needed to. Everyone was happy.

After the farm husbands accepted the reward, they were naturally grateful.

The guards did not leave, but stood on the ridge of the field, looking at them unintentionally.

"Your Majesty, I have gone out to fight and killed many Khitan thieves!" shouted a big man wearing earrings.

"Listening to the local accent is kind." Shao Shude said happily: "Warriors should be rewarded, and I will give you another coin."

Soon another guard passed by and delivered the Jianji Tongbao newly minted last year to this person.After sending the money, he didn't go back, but stood under the tree by the canal.

"Following His Majesty is a joy. Last year, he guarded the Liang Dao and fought several times with the Khitan. He had to kill seven or eight people, right? In the end, only five were identified. It's bad luck. This time, it is considered to have made up for the money." The big man took the money. , did not forget to complain a few words.

Shao Shude laughed loudly, and said: "Even the Tutuan villagers are so brave, and the Khitan is undefeated, is there any reason?"

"Your Majesty, may you take me to the Bohai Sea this year?" the big man asked again.

"Last year you went on an expedition and delayed the farming work, but you can't go this year." Shao Shude laughed.

The big man stomped his feet twice in frustration, then squatted on the ground, looking extremely uncomfortable.

Shao Shude smiled, and looked at the soil that had been dug up.This piece of land seems to have been abandoned for a long time, and it is not easy to reclaim it.There may be a lot of grass seeds left in the field, which will affect the harvest.However, if there is a loss, there must be a gain. There has been no food for a long time, the soil fertility has been well restored, and the harvest will not be bad.

Shao Shude walked a few steps, saw a young man, and asked, "What's your name? Did you go to war last year?"

"Yelu Quanzhong, the king. He went to war last year, and he also gained a lot. He killed a Qi...Xi Ren." The young man replied.

"Excellent!" Shao Shude remembered this young man, he seemed to be one of Yu Lu Jiangu's servants, and he gave him the name.

So he asked a few more questions with great interest, and was even more impressed when he learned that the young man was still actively studying and preparing to take the Jinshi exam.I thought to myself, as long as he "enters the selection line", he has to be admitted by high or low, and make a typical publicity, so that the Khitan people can also see it. Within the framework of Daxia, you also have a way to succeed, no matter Whether it's writing or martial arts.

After walking through the village, Shao Shude called several officials from the House of Internal Affairs: Governor Ye Lijingchen, Young Supervisor Zhao Zhi, Young Supervisor Zhang Yun, Fucheng He Yunlian, Fucheng Chu Zhongye, Yu Hou Zhou Zhiyu, etc.

"This year's expedition to the Bohai Sea, the Ministry of Internal Affairs needs to organize a group of people to accompany it." Shao Shude said: "People from the Land Management Department are in charge of selecting the site of Huangzhuang, the Yuhou Department selects young people, the Weaving Department inspects leather goods and medicinal materials, and the Shipping Department cannot be left behind. "

"Your Majesty, do you want the Shipping Department to investigate the Sumo water channel?" Nori Keishi asked.

"No." Shao Shude explained: "After conquering Bohai, Tokyo and Nanjing, you worked together with the Ministry of Industry and the general supervisor to build a shipyard."

"Yes." Yeli Jingchen replied.

Recently, he also did some work to learn about the shipping history of Bohai State.

In fact, Bohai's navigation technology is not bad.They traveled south from Ryuwonfu and Shibinfu in Tokyo many times, and sailed far to Japan. The exchanges were very close. There are many cultural relics of the Balhae Kingdom in the later Japanese museums, which are the evidence of the exchanges between the two countries.

In addition to Bohai officials, Bohai folks also have exchanges with Japan.On the good side, there are good stories of cultural, commercial, and religious exchanges left behind. On the bad side, it is the harassment of pirates.

Pirates are mainly Heishui Mohe, a second-class ethnic group in Bohai State.These people's navigation skills are not bad. After all, it is definitely not bad to be able to go to Qingzhou to sell horses.There is a huge difference between the ships. The more powerful pirates ride in wooden boats, while the lesser pirates ride in canoes—usually made of birch bark and animal skins, which are so simple that they can be overturned by a big wave. .

The main starting points of businessmen, monks, pirates, and official missions were Tokyo (Hunchun and north) and Subinfu (Vladivostok and Shuangchengzi) on the Bohai Sea.

Yeli Jingchen thought about it, and the sage probably wanted to build a boat workshop here.

It's actually a good choice.Especially Longyuan Mansion, which is located in Tokyo of the Bohai Sea, has a household registration of more than [-]. It is relatively affluent place and can support a large port.

After turning around, Shao Shude returned to Linshuo Palace.Just after entering the Jiaotai Palace for some fun, Shanggong Xie came to report: All the Tu people in Huibei have come to Beijing, and they are willing to donate their land and surrender.

Shao Shude was overjoyed and asked, "Xie Shang Palace, what was the name of this place in Han Dynasty?"

"Most of them are Xuantu and Lelang counties." Xie replied.

"Ling Zhongshu draws up an order to set up Lezhou. This is the Zhengzhou of the country, and they will discuss the specific county." Shao Shude ordered.

Xie Shi responded softly.

The female historian brought a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and Mrs. Xie wrote on the spot—what she wrote was "Zhongzhi", which did not have legal force, and she had to go to Zhongshu to turn it into a real imperial decree.

In fact, the problem is not big.With Shao Shude's current prestige, this matter is a certainty and cannot be changed.

"Anything else? Report it together. While I'm still in the capital, hurry up and handle it." Shao Shude gently played with the meat toy and said.

Xie's eyes were sharp, and he took a sneak peek, but saw Yue Liduo lying on his side on the blanket, naked.

A white line went from top to bottom and disappeared at the bend of the leg, as if it had dried up.

She suddenly felt sad.

Being a palace official is really a big trick.Unable to marry, even afraid to talk to men.But she is also a woman, and under the gorgeous dress, that ripe body also needs to be comforted.But in the end, she was not as good as the captive Khitan woman.

"Your Majesty." Xie stabilized his mind and said, "Jiangzhou Inspector Zhou Dewei came to report that Yang Wu seems to have not given up, and is preparing to attack Jiangxi for the second time. Brothers Wei Quantong in Fuzhou and Wei Zaichang in Xinzhou have Yin You Different ambitions, dissatisfied with Da Xia, close contact with Yang Wu, and even hooked up with Qian Liu in Hangzhou. There are also "Jiang You Heroes" Peng Gan, Lu Guangchou, Lu Guangmu, Tan Quanbo, etc., who each separate the prefectures and counties, It has been more than [-] years. These people are called Zhong Kuangshi's subordinates, but they are actually independent and unpredictable."

"What else did Zhou Dewei say?" Shao Shude raised his voice.

Usually quite clever, why can't I come up with an idea for a long time today.

Xie's heart trembled, and he said hastily: "General Zhou, please grant him the full power to act cheaply."

Shao Shude left the toy with his left hand, patted Yue Liduo's buttocks, asked her to move away, and then spread out the map to examine it carefully.

Jiangxi is now full of local power factions.If a foreign enemy invades, they may be able to unite for a short time and act in unison.If not, there may be internal fighting with each other.Especially that Wei Quanyun, who actually competed with Zhong Chuan for the power in Jiangxi, but failed.At this time, the evil spirit must not die, or there may be abnormalities.

"Yue Liduo, you have listened to it for a long time, do you have any insights?" Shao Shude asked.

Since Shao Shude asked this question, Yue Liduo naturally couldn't "play dead".I saw her propping up her delicate body, revealing her infinitely beautiful upper body, frowning and looking at the map, she said, "Your Majesty can trust Zhou Dewei?"

"It's not trust." Shao Shude said: "But among the generals of the foreign system, if there is anyone who is least likely to rebel, it is probably him."

"So you can trust Sergeant Zhou?" Yue Liduo asked again.

"Zhou Dewei is kind to the army. His subordinates seem to seldom oppose him." Shao Shude said: "I understand what you mean, but in the final analysis, I still believe Zhou Dewei."

Having said that, he pondered for a while.

Zhou Dewei has only 8000 people under his command. He has such great confidence that he can wipe out the entire Jiangxi in one go?is it possible?

If the operation is not good, if you lose some battles, Jiangzhou may also be lost.

"My concubine heard that His Majesty divides the world's warriors into four classes, A, B, C, and D, and he has a good evaluation of Jin soldiers." Yue Liduo said: "Since Zhou Dewei can win over the sergeants, let him do as he pleases. Your Majesty has more than half The world, so what if Jiangzhou is lost?"

"What if the Kelan army turns back from Jiangxi?" Shao Shude asked.

"Then convict." Yue Liduo's face actually showed a bit of murderous look, but it was quite funny when coupled with her naked body.

"It's really a hero of the female middle school, with such a strong gambling nature." Shao Shude said with a smile: "But you are right. I have more than half of the world, even if I misunderstand the wrong person and lose the bet, it doesn't hurt. Then appoint Zhou Dewei as Jiang The state defense envoy can do it cheaply."

"What else is there?" Shao Shude asked, looking at Mr. Xie who was writing furiously.

Yueli Duo has been embraced by him, playing with it unconsciously.

"Yang Duan, the governor of Bozhou, gathered tens of thousands of people to rebel, and Gao Renhou, Duke of the Ba Kingdom, has come from Qiannan and is ready to conquer." Xie said.

"What is the reason for Yang Duan's rebellion?" Shao Shude asked.

The native official of Bozhou was originally the Luo family, who has been in charge of Bozhou since the Tang Dynasty.

In the fifth year of Dali (770), Bozhouman rebelled.Tang Ting ordered Luo Rong, the military academy stationed in Mayang, to lead troops to conquer and put it down——Luo Rong, a native of Yangqu County, Taiyuan Prefecture, was leading an army stationed in central Guizhou at that time.

Because of this achievement, the Tang court granted Luo Rong the title of Marquis of Bozhou, the town of Shizhen.

Luo Rong married the daughter of Li E, who was born in Zhaojun Li, as his wife. It has been passed down for four generations from the Daizong Dynasty to the hereditary line to the Qianfu reign of Emperor Xizong.

The fourth generation Banzhou Hou Luo Taiwang is not capable.When Nanzhao invaded, they were repeatedly defeated. Later, Yang Duan, the leader of the Bozhou barbarians, led his army to rescue and defeated the Nanzhao army.It coincided with the internal turmoil in the Luo family, the struggle for power, and the vitality was seriously injured, so Tang Ting appointed Luo Taiwang as the chief of the Bozhou barbarians, and Yang Duan as the governor of Bozhou, and the two shared the power of Bozhou.

After Gao Renhou sent troops from Dongchuan to conquer central Guizhou, both Yang Duan and Luo Taiwang surrendered, and they still held their old posts.

"Your Majesty, Bozhou is the Zhengzhou of the imperial court. Governor Zhao Guanwen wanted to transfer Yang Duan to Fuzhou Governor, but Yang Duan turned against him," Xie said.

"It's unreasonable!" Shao Shude snorted coldly, clenched his fists tightly, angry in his heart.

Yue Liduo also snorted, with a look of pain on her face.

"Deprive Yang Duan of his job and other positions, and make Luo Taiwang the governor of Bozhou, order him to gather barbarians and attack Yang Duan with Wang Shihui." Shao Shude ordered.

In later generations, the Yang family of Bozhou claimed to be Han, and Shao Shude believed it.But in the Tang Dynasty, he found this identity very suspicious.

The Yang family is clearly a local native, and Yang Duan's uncle was born in Xixie, and he is a serious man.

On the contrary, Luo's context can be traced, he was born in a family of Hedong Military Academy.During Daizong's time, Bozhou Man rebelled, and the imperial court could not put down even two generals. Later, Luo Rong was transferred. He spent several years digging mountain roads, suppressing and appeasement, and finally defeated the enemy.

Luo Rong is capable, but his great-great-grandson Luo Taiwang is very poor.When Nanzhao invaded, they fought and failed repeatedly, and even abandoned the city and fled to the uncle's house in Luzhou for refuge.In the end, Yang Duan stepped forward, set up an ambush, and defeated Nanzhao. He accumulated huge prestige, and logically shared Luo's power.

Yang Duan's rebellion this time really made him lose his head. Did he think he was very powerful?

But he forgot that Luo Shi ruled Bozhou for 90 years, and even though he was forced to share power with Yang Duan more than 20 years ago, he was still the chief of Bozhou granted by the Tang court.

This time, let him taste the taste of the attack.

"What else is there?" Shao Shude asked again after making up his mind to clean up the Yang family in Bozhou.

"No more." Xie replied.

"Back off." Shao Shude waved his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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