Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1390 Help him face

Chapter 1390 Help him face
Dozens of knights showing off their might came from outside Yanzhou Port.

Behind them, there were more than 300 cavalry from Tokyo. They rushed directly to the pier, prohibited all ships from leaving the port, and gathered the sailors together and locked them in an empty barracks.

Yanzhou is one of the important ports in Tokyo on the Bohai Sea. In summer and autumn, a large number of ships sail to Japan and the northern provinces of the Bohai Sea.Roughly located in Kraskino City, Poshet Bay, Russia in later generations, at the mouth of the Yanchu River—at this time it was called Longhe, and the port was also named Longhepu.

In the 80s, the Soviet Union excavated this relic, and learned that there were gates on the south, east, and west sides of Yanzhou, an urn city, sheep and horse walls, and complete defense facilities.There are government offices, temple relics, and even schools in the city. It can be seen that it was a fairly civilized central town.

But when the Manchu Qing ceded it, the place was already deserted, and there were not even a few savages to be found.

There are more than ten ships moored in Longhepu Harbor in Yanzhou, full of cargo, which will be taken down together.

The trade between Bohai and Japan is quite frequent, much higher than the trade frequency between the Tang Dynasty and Japan. Generally, furs, medicinal materials, handicrafts and Tang Dynasty goods for resale are exported.

But what will be searched from the cabin is mostly daily necessities, gold and silverware, furniture, books, weapons and even food.

After a little judgment, it can be seen that these are noblemen and wealthy businessmen from Bohai who plan to escape by boat, either to Japan or to Silla, Baekje and the like.

Not to mention, everything was confiscated.

Li Xiaoxi asked people to count the belongings and store them together.

Their people are not only here, but Qupu (Longji Port, Fujuli, Qingjin City, North Hamgyong North Korea, North Korea) in the south also sent people to contact them.Even, he is negotiating with Zhang Dingbao and Dou Jin to send troops to attack several ports in Nanhai Prefecture, such as Tuhaopu (Jiangsangli, Bukcheong County, South Hamgyong Province, North Korea), Sipu-the latter is located in Huatai, North Hamgyong Province, North Korea. The county is famous locally for the Musudan Daepodong missile.

Blocking the port, preventing people from running, and then concocting it slowly, this is their strategy.

Although Tokyo, Nanjing and other places have more mountains and less land, it seems that they are not as good as the farming plains of Shangjing and Dongping Prefecture, but the commerce and trade here are prosperous, and there is actually a lot of wealth.

In the past 200 years, Bohai State has sent official missions to Japan 34 times, and Japan has returned to Bohai Sea [-] times. The non-governmental trade between the two countries is dozens of times more than this, and the wealth is considerable.

It's all our money, no one can run away!

Zhang Dingbao stayed in Tokyo for three days, then took his leave and took Dou Mei and others to the north to go to the holy place.As for Dou Jin, he is still traveling to various places to persuade officials and generals to surrender. There are still many things.

On the day he left, a group of recruits named Fubing, who were actually still waiting for land distribution, entered Longyuan Mansion.

A total of 5000 of them, led by Shi Jingrong, went to Longyuan Mansion to "look at the house"—no, look at the land, and look for parts.

The layout of Daxia's soldiers in the Northeast is very clear. It was originally planned to place more than 7000 soldiers in the Anton Mansion, but it was finally reduced to [-]. placement.

Shenzhou's military force is also [-], and these people who lined up plus the remaining [-] people of the Wansheng Yellow-headed Army just happened to be settled.

The Datong Army is divided into Xianzhou and Xiazhou. The former has [-] troops and the latter has [-] troops.

The Qing Sai army was assigned to various places, and now it seems that Longyuan Mansion has to bear a considerable part of the army.Saints attach great importance to the port resources here, and there are large areas of coastal and river plains in the Tuomen River and Dragon River Valleys, which just happen to be divided up.

Don't say that saints don't give benefits to surrendered soldiers.

Land, houses, women, don't they all come here?These Jin soldiers, as the local ruling class, lead three tribal families in one household, and the tribal clans naturally have to learn from their masters.From now on, the elements representing Bohai folk culture are all signs of subjugation and should not be advocated.

If it can be stabilized for a hundred years, it will basically be settled, assimilation is clean, there are no Bohai people, Goguryeo people, and Mohe people anymore, only Xia people.

Shao Shude is very optimistic about them, because Bohai people have been actively studying for 200 years, but the efforts are not enough. What we need to do now is to increase the dosage of medicine, and the medicine cannot be stopped. One of the "Handi" - you say it is not a traditional Handi, who are you?Culture, language, writing, clothing, food, art, etc., are so traditional that they cannot be more traditional. Is it different from the Central Plains?

Zhang Dingbao ran wildly all the way, and it took only five days to arrive outside Aodong City.

At that time, Shao Shude was hunting, and they were led over by the guards.

"Yi Yichang, Rongyue Chongling. Fangzhi Pingyang, Enjia Licuo." Shao Shude hunted to a beautiful scenery-ancient tomb area, and after reading some inscriptions, he asked: "Zhao Shilang, is there any What is the allusion?"

This is an early royal family burial area in Bohai, such as the tombs of Princess Zhenhui and Princess Zhenxiao.

The epitaph is clearly visible, all written in Chinese characters and parallel script, and the calligraphy is superb, which is pleasing to the eye.

"Your Majesty, the people of Bohai have only learned superficially." Zhao Guangfeng smiled and said, "E Chang is the daughter of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and Princess Gai Chang of E Yi. , intending to rebel. I am afraid it is inappropriate to use this as a metaphor for Princess Zhenxiao."

Shao Shude smiled lightly and said, "It's not good to say that in front of others."

Zhao Guangfeng also laughed.

The cultural level is not good, and the allusion is wrong, so why don't people comment?
"By the river, on the side of the broken mountain, night terrace He Xiao, barren for several years. Sensual old trees, green wild smoke, springs closed, empty and desolate... These few sentences are well written, with real feelings. " Shao Shude commented.

Zhao Guangfeng agrees: "The rhetoric does not need to be gorgeous, but the sincerity can move people."

"Who says that the husband and son-in-law are transformed first, and there is no time to help the government; the child is young, and the day has not yet been appointed. The princess shed tears when she left the weaving room, and she was sad when she looked at the empty boudoir." Shao Shude walked a few steps and looked at the other piece. The epitaph said: "Princess Bohai's husband and son-in-law don't live long, and both sisters are widows."

"Zhao Shilang, I said before that the Bohai Sea is the same as Mu Huafeng, and the country is almost the same as the former Tang Dynasty. You still don't believe it." Shao Shude said with a smile: "Look at this parallel prose, this calligraphy, it is not difficult to get a Jinshi?"

"I can't pass the exam." Zhao Guangfeng insisted: "Every sentence of parallel prose must use allusions. If you don't have profound attainments, you will make a fool of yourself. The Bohai people are even worse. But I really underestimated them before. Now it seems that five The land in the capital is indeed very good, with such a Tang flavor. How about other than the five capitals, we have to wait and see."

Zhao Guangfeng believes that there are differences in the development of the Bohai region.The Sinicization of the Wujing area is well done, but it does not mean that other areas are also good.

"Let's sit down and have a rest." Shao Shude said not far away there was a thatched hut where the gravekeeper lived.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Dingbao is here, and there are more than ten officials and generals under Bohai Dongjing, Long Yuanyin, and Dou Mei, the son of Qingzhou Governor Dou Jin." Seeing that the sage had finished chatting with Zhao Shilang, Pugu Chengen came forward to report.

"Let him come over." The guards had already laid out the carpet, and Shao Shude said while sitting cross-legged on the futon.

Zhang Dingbao and others came soon.

"Minister/criminal officer/criminal general...greetings to His Majesty." A group of people knelt down on the ground and paid homage.

"I heard that my son besieged Zhongjing and failed for more than ten days. As soon as Zhang Qing arrived, he immediately opened the city and asked to surrender. This is a great achievement." Shao Shude said.

"Your Majesty, the King of Qin's army is very sharp, Feng, Xing, Lu and other prefectures are all attacking him, and the officials and generals in Bohai are already frightened." Zhang Dingbao said: "Zhongjing is a famous city in Bohai, with a high city and deep pools, so it can slightly resist the king's division. , but it was already at the end of the crossbow. The minister and General Dou went to the city, and the defenders heard that Tokyo had fallen, and they were discouraged and desperate, so they stopped resisting. In truth, the credit is still on the King of Qin, and the minister and General Dou just spent a few words Tongue is really insignificant."

"Zhang Qing doesn't need to be overly modest. There are not so many bad rules here." Shao Shude said with a smile: "You will know in a few years. Those warriors always only praise themselves, and demote others to nothing. They wish they could take all the credit. It should be what it should be, my son has merit, you have merit, and Dou Mei and others have merit.”

Zhang Dingbao was slightly surprised when he heard that.It is understandable that martial arts fighters strive for merit in the serious atmosphere of the Central Plains.However, Bohai is a family politics, the status of warriors is lower than that of literati, and the rules are different.

For example, in the case of Zhongjing's surrender, after staying behind and agreeing, the sergeants were ordered to lay down their weapons and ask for surrender.If it was in the Central Plains, it was probably the sergeants who killed the left behind and surrendered.

The customs are different, the rules are different, you really have to pay attention in the future, or you will suffer.

"Shangjing has been under siege for [-] days, and voices in the city are gradually discussing surrender. Maybe Zhang Qing will make new achievements?" Shao Shude asked.

"I dare not obey orders!" Zhang Qing said loudly.

"Okay!" Shao Shude said with a smile, "I'm about to go north, so you can go with me."

"Follow the order." Zhang Dingbao responded.

Shangjing was besieged for 20 days, and the fighting was still fierce.

The people of Bohai didn't have the courage to go out to fight in the field, so they are currently huddled in the city, defending desperately.However, their combat power was limited, and they were attacked several times and almost died.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Shangjing will not last long.In this context, voices of surrender gradually rose, and Da Chiu Zhuan could not stop it.What's more, I heard that he himself has the intention of surrendering.

"I heard that the Lord of Bohai intends to surrender, is this true?" Thinking of this, Shao Shude asked Zhang Dingbao.

Zhang Dingbao thought for a while, and said slowly: "Your Majesty, from the perspective of a minister, it's hard to say that this person tends to go to extremes. He was besieged by the king's master and he was in danger. He might surrender. But he was a little bit It's capricious, and the minister can't see clearly, so it's hard to say."

"It's already July, and I don't have time to play with him." Shao Shude said: "Well, you go north quickly to persuade him to surrender. If the big brother writes his wish to surrender, I will treat him with courtesy and reward him generously. If there is no peace in the war , Capricious, don't blame me for not saving face for him."

"Observe the order." Zhang Dingbao's heart tightened, he knew exactly what the saint's words meant.

Treating each other with courtesy is Li Ke's status as a family member.If they don't treat each other with courtesy, that's what will happen to A Baoji and Zhu Quanzhong.

Zhang Dingbao and others ignored their fatigue and went northward that day.

Shao Shude left Aodong City on the ninth day of the seventh lunar month and marched northward with all his people. When he arrived in Huzhou, he heard that the Lord of Bohai had sent Pei Qi to the summer camp, and presented him with the seal, household registration and registration of the Bohai Kingdom, please surrender.

All the ministers congratulated.

Shao Shude was also very satisfied, and even planned to copy a poem to express his joy.

The battle against the Bohai Sea, which lasted several months, finally came to fruition.This is not just about the Bohai Five Capitals and Fifteen Governments. In fact, it involves a lot of things, and it may even be related to the future direction of this nation.

Shao Shude did not let the main officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs accompany him to collect money for the royal family.

In fact he is promoting a model.He is not sure what impact this model will have in the future, but doing it is better than not doing it well.

Compared with this, he has no interest in paying attention to those feudal towns in the south.

On the night of the [-]th, Shao Shude held a banquet for his officials by the bank of the Huhan Sea.From time to time, literati wrote poems, beauties sang and danced, and officials had a good time. Zhang Suqing and others watched silently and presented several paintings.

At dawn, another news came from ahead: General Shen De of the Bohai Forbidden Army killed Shen Guangtai, an envoy of the Tianmen Army, and condemned dozens of officials to surrender, but he regretted not surrendering again!

Shao Shude gently pushed away Yue Liduo who was sleeping next to him, with a worried expression on his face.

A little embarrassed, and a little annoyed.

He didn't know if Da Chiu Zhuan regretted it when the Khitan surrounded Shangjing in history.

All he knew was that A Baoji was a fairly open-minded person, and if he surrendered, he would most likely treat him with courtesy.But later, the names of the two horses he often rides, Urugu and Ali, were only given to the Bohai king and his wife. They were compared with animals, and the meaning of humiliation was obvious, but they didn't know what happened in the middle.

"(A Baoji) stationed troops in the south of Huhan City... He wrote plain clothes, took the manuscripts to lead the sheep, and led more than 13 members of his staff to surrender. He gave them a gift and released them...sent [-] people, including Kang Modi, to the city to ask for weapons. Killed by the soldiers...recover the rebellion, attack the city, destroy it...recover the crime."——Shao ​​Shude is not very clear about this kind of details, but he has been tricked now, the emperor and ministers of Daxia drank last night The scene of talking and laughing seems to have become a joke.

He even made a fucking painting!Everyone is embarrassed.

"Bohai people don't want to be decent, I will help him to be decent. Send an order to Fu Cunjian to attack the city with all his strength, and don't care about casualties." Shao Shude instructed Shanggong Xie.

Still puzzled, he pulled Yelu Zhigu who came to deliver the news together, stripped him naked, and pressed him beside Yue Liduo...

(End of this chapter)

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