Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1401 Disintegration

Chapter 1401 Disintegration
On September [-]th of the eighth year of Jianji, the overwhelming Shatuo soldiers and horses had already cleared the west bank of Meituo Lake. If he had not received the holy order, Shi Jiantang would have led his army eastward to launch a new round of attacks on the Jurchens.

But even so far, he has made great achievements.

From west to east, with a distance of thousands of miles, tens of thousands of Shatuo soldiers and horses marched all the way. With lightning speed, they killed the Mohe rebels in the two mansions of Tieli and Dongping until they cried for their fathers and mothers, and captured nearly ten thousand soldiers.Even the Jurchen just named by the sage, they killed about four thousand people without mercy.

Don't say that you didn't work hard when you were under King Jin's tent in the past.In fact, the sage gave them a lot of rewards, and the armor and equipment were updated. Wherever they went, the supplies were complete, and the battle was fought happily.

After serving in the army for more than ten years, it was the first time that he focused all his energy on fighting. It was so easy.

"What? Li Siyuan and Zhou Dewei defeated the bandits again?" Shi Jiantang was very surprised when he heard the copy of the military newspaper from Shangjing when he was grazing horses in Haixi.

After Li Siyuan eliminated the Wei brothers, he beheaded Lu Guangchou and broke Qianzhou.Liu Yan from Chaozhou personally led the troops to rescue him, but he was defeated. Tiancheng's army once chased into Chaozhou territory, looted and returned.

Zhou Dewei led Kelan's army to the south.Zhong Kuangshi was terrified, and made the final decision to raise Hong and Yuanzhou to surrender.Before Jizhou surrendered, he took refuge in Ma Yin. Zhou Dewei sent troops from Jiangxi Province as vanguards to attack Jizhou.

In just a few months, there is only Jizhou left in the eight states of Jiangxi. The speed of the changes is astonishing.

"Jiangxi is so easy to fight, and there is money. If I are sent south, everyone can make a small fortune." Seeing his old brothers take off one by one, Shi Jiantang felt extremely uncomfortable.

Yes, I was very worried when I saw that they were not reused.But now seeing them galloping across the south, making great achievements, and seeing that they are about to make a fortune, the soreness in my heart can't be suppressed no matter what.

In contrast, the barbarians of Bozhou turned to Luo Taiwang one after another, and the news that Gao Renhou broke through the city of Zhou and captured and killed Yang Duan made no sense at all—Lao Gao and them were not in the same group, so they couldn't be jealous or envious. Come.

But if you take a closer look, the situation in the south seems to be clear.

Zhao Kuangning of Jingzhou offered land to the court, Zhong Kuangshi of Hongzhou surrendered the land of the two prefectures, and I heard that Ye Guanglue, the Western Lingnan Road, asked to be an official in the court because of his old age and incompetence...

The princes came to Beijing one after another.Now that the pressure is on Qian Liu in Hangzhou, Wang Shenzhi in Fuzhou, and Liu Yin in Guangzhou, will they follow suit?
As for Ma Yin, it is estimated that he will have to be beaten up, and his attitude will change only after he knows that he is afraid.

In a trance, there are very few contributions that the south can make.All of them surrendered too quickly, not giving the Great Xia warriors a chance to make meritorious deeds.

Shi Jiantang walked out of the tent.

The wind was a little bit chilly, and on the vast expanse of blue waves, there were occasional boats passing by.

On the other side of the Great Lake is the camp of the Jurchens.

According to the intelligence of the past few days, some tribes are already afraid of the military might of the Great Xia, and do not intend to stay to "discuss the explanation".But there are still many people staying here, not knowing what they are thinking.

In fact, Shi Jiantang didn't understand that the Jurchen tribes were originally scattered everywhere, and more than [-] people could gather in Meituo Lake. Most of them were suppressed by the activities of the forbidden army in various places.

That being the case, why are you so confident?Do you really think you are invulnerable?
A savage is a savage, and he will not shed tears when he sees the coffin.

Wanyanxiu returned to Meituo Lake again, devastated.

Inside and outside the city of Meizhou, it has become a ghostly place.

The men who resisted have been killed, and the women and children have become trophies-this is the reason why many people are unwilling to leave. The yellow-faced woman in the family does farm work all day long. A comparison, it can be thrown away.

"Grandpa, before you came back, people from the Wuyan clan and the Pucha clan sent some women from Bohai." Inside the animal skin tent, Wanyan Ling, the son of Wanyanxiu, came over and said softly.

Wanyanxiu glanced at him, saw his son's face drooling, and said with a smile: "Like it?"

Wanyanling was a little embarrassed, and said: "I specially selected the ones from famous families in Bohai, and they can have children with them, so they can have children."

"I'm determined." Wanyanxiu had a look of relief on his face.

He knew that women with children were the most sought-after.Having children proves that it is possible and easy to give birth.The children brought here can be raised by themselves, and when they grow up, the family will have many knowledgeable helpers.

"Why did the Wuyan family and the Pucha family suddenly change their attitude?" Wan Yanxiu asked, "Where are they? Why didn't they come to see me?"

"Grandpa, it's just outside. They didn't want to send people to see Lord Xia before, but now they will lose a few battles, so they know how powerful they are." Wan Yanling said.

Wanyanxiu looked up and down carefully at his son.

Wanyanling felt a little uncomfortable when he saw it, this matter was indeed his own decision, without consulting his father's opinion.

"You—" Wan Yanxiu thought for a while, and said, "From tomorrow onwards, it will be called Wangling, and immediately go south to fight for the Great Xia sages and gain wealth."

Wanyanling's face was pale.My father has many sons. Although he is the eldest son, the family business has never been said to be handed over to him.Looking at the current situation, he was about to be kicked out of the house?
"Don't think too much." Wan Yanxiu sighed, and said: "You have never been to the Central Plains, so you don't know the prosperity and prosperity of the Central Plains. Lord Xia has always recruited warriors from all over the world to serve as his own soldiers. You must seize this opportunity .He is a generous person, and he especially loves warriors. If you follow him, you will have a lot of wealth and women.

Wanyanling's face paled slightly, he nodded, not daring to disobey his father's will.

After a while, Wu Yanyi, the leader of the Wuyan clan, and Puchanikan, the leader of the Pucha clan, walked in.

"Are you scared?" Wanyanxiu chewed and ate a bright red salted fish, and asked mockingly, "Where did you suffer?"

Wu Yanyi and Puchani looked at each other and sighed together.

Wu Yanyi said: "It is said that Lord Xia is reasonable. We were invited by him to go south to attack the Bohai Sea. Now that we are going to drive us away, is it plausible?"

Puchanikan also said: "I have heard that Lord Xia is generous and generous, why is he so stingy now? He sent us away without giving us any favors, wouldn't he be a fool?"

"Where did you suffer?" Wanyanxiu emphasized his tone.

The two of them suffocated.

After a long while, Wu Yanyi said dejectedly, "I was rushed by Shatuo people in Haixi, and they got separated, and thousands of people died."

"In Ningzhou, I was entangled by an old man named Xu Hao. My brother was beheaded by him, and 800 people died." Puchanikan said.

"A lot of people died." Wan Yanxiu said.

The faces of the two were not very good-looking.

"Xia Jun's soldiers marched northward in three routes, and they are almost at Meituo Lake. If you gather a crowd to fight, do you think you can fight?" Wan Yanxiu asked.

"That Shatuo soldier is too annoying. If they don't come, maybe they can still fight." Puchanikan thought for a while and said.

"You really don't understand." Wanyanxiu laughed suddenly, and said: "The Shatuo soldiers are the servants of Lord Xia, and they are actually not very good at fighting. The reason why you find it difficult to deal with is because they are better at fighting. Do you understand war?"

It's like one side's strength is 100, and the other side's strength is 80, but they have a crushing effect. What's the problem?

"The ones who can really fight are the Imperial Army." Wan Yanxiu finished eating the salted fish, threw the fish tail to the dog, and continued: "You also know that I was an official in the south, and I have seen the fighting power of the Imperial Army. The Tianxiong Army who came last year , That's really a powerful army. You can't beat it, I can't beat it, and all the warriors from all tribes gather together, and they can't beat it. This year the Tianxiong Army didn't come, but the Tielin Army and the Tiande Army came. Since they are both forbidden troops , I think it shouldn't be bad."

"Stop talking about frustration, just tell me what to do?" Wu Yanyi said impatiently: "If you even have no confidence in the Wanyan clan, then this battle will not be won. Not only you, but also the Heshilie clan and I It seems that they don't really want to fight anymore, they suffered a little loss in Dongping Mansion."

"You don't want to fight anymore?" Wan Yanxiu asked with a serious face.

The two hesitated for a while, then nodded heavily.

"Don't want Lord Xia to give an explanation?" Wan Yanxiu asked again.

"We've had enough..."

"Don't want land anymore?"

"The land will be discussed later..."

"Then I suggest that before the main force of the Xia army arrives, the three of you and I will go south together to welcome the Great Xia saint." Wan Yanxiu suggested: "How? With such a large group of people gathered in Meituo Lake, do you think Xia Bing Come, will you take the opportunity to wipe out your brain?"

"Is this useful?" Wu Yanyi wondered: "If the Xia people are determined to kill us, even if they show their kindness in advance, it will be useless."

"You don't understand." Wanyanxiu shook his head and said, "Why did the people of Bohai repair the side wall back then? Because their expansion to this point is already the limit. Going further north would be time-consuming, laborious, worthless, and might even cost money." Big loss. If Lord Xia came here, do you think he is interested in Heishui? Since he is not interested, he will not care about it. Even if he kills all the people on the side of Meituo Lake, as long as he can’t occupy Heishui all the time , we still have to face us sooner or later. What's more, he won't be able to kill them all. We still have many people in the tribe. Lord Xia will continue to go north, the weather is freezing, and the income is very little, and the risk is great. He will not do this of."

"You say that, it sounds reasonable, but I always feel that there is still something wrong." Wu Yanyi said.

"I also don't think it's reliable." Puchanican hesitated.

"Forget it! Forget it!" Wan Yanxiu didn't realize that his good intentions were misunderstood by others, and he became angrily said: "Tomorrow I will summon the warriors from the clan to go south, so you can do as you please. Get out, what are you still standing here for?" ?”

The two dawdled and refused to leave.

"Greedy! Greedy! Greedy!" Wanyan Xiu sighed, "Greedy kills people."

"Wanyanxiu, I just have one question." Wu Yanyi said: "My family also has nephews in the Luoyan Army, so logically speaking, I don't have to worry about anything. I only have one question today."

"Say." Wanyanxiu asked curiously.

"Is there any trouble in Xiazhu Kingdom?" Wu Yanyi asked.

"No. Everything that needs to be cleaned up is almost done. He has opened up thousands of miles in the north, won consecutive battles, and there is no one in the country who dares to rebel." Wan Yanxiu said.

"Then I'll listen to you." Wu Yanyi said: "It's a big deal, it's just another Bohai country."

"I'll listen to you too." Puchanikan said, "Anyway, it's not a loss to grab so much food this time and transport it back."

Wan Yanxiu looked at the two happily, and said: "I am doing this for your own good, for everyone's good. By the way, if they want to go south, they can also call on He Shilie and others."

All of a sudden, a gust of wind blew up, mixed with fine snowflakes, piercing his head and face straight into the man's neck.

Shao Shude rode on the steed and felt a distinct chill.

"Winter, October, Bingshenshuo, went up to Pugou and stationed horses, supervised the army to fill the road and crossed the Bocuo River, there was a blizzard, the soldiers were wet and many died, and the fire was on the road to wait for them."

Li Shimin withdrew his troops from Liaodong. When he crossed the Liaohe River in October, he encountered a snowstorm, the clothes of the soldiers were wet, and many people died.

Tang Jun is short of leather clothes!

Shao Shude looked at the soldiers of the Tiande army who were following him, there were more than ten thousand soldiers in total, and each of them had a piece of sheep fur, most of which were donated by Longyuan Mansion and Shibin Mansion.In addition, um, they also recruited (robbed) a batch from ordinary people in Bohai.

Before the Tielin Army and other departments went north from Shangjing, they were preparing more than 3 pieces of sheep fur. If they collected more from the people, there would be no shortage.

As for the Shatuo people, they are originally tribal, so there is no shortage of furs.

Fighting in Liaodong, especially in late autumn and midwinter, is impossible without leather clothing.

Under the government army system, all clothing, armor, food and equipment were prepared by themselves. How many of Li Shimin's [-] government soldiers prepared furs?I'm afraid there are not many.

Fortunately, Xia Jun was prepared.

But even so, the biting cold wind still made the soldiers uncomfortable, and their morale was a little low.

Shao Shude sighed. He originally wanted to go to Heilongjiang to make a card and leave his name in the history books, but now it seems that it will not be possible.

Liaodong is cold in the early days, and General Dong is mighty, so there is nothing to do.

"Your Majesty, return from the rangers. There are Jurchen Wanyan's and other five tribes going south to welcome you." Xie Yanzhang, Marquis of Tiande Army Capital, came on horseback and reported.

Shao Shude wiped the fine snowflakes from his eyebrows and beard, and asked, "What are the Jurchens who gather on the east bank of Meituo Lake doing?"

"A few of them ran away in fear of the power of the sky. Some of them went south to welcome them. The morale of the rest was demoralized, and they probably dispersed soon. Once the army arrived, if they charged and killed, the enemy would be defeated." Xie Yanzhang replied.

"Okay." Shao Shude glanced at Xie Yanzhang with satisfaction.

In fact, this is also good.Enemies who are divided are better than those who are united and united.Isn't the profound meaning of the art of war just to improve one's state to the extreme, and then continuously weaken the enemy's state, making its morale low and soldiers incapable of fighting, and finally defeated in one fell swoop?

"Hurry up and go north, meet these savages for a while." Shao Shude waved his hand and ordered.

Shao Shude remembered Xie Yanzhang's contribution.

When the city of Bianzhou was broken, Zhang Hui was sent here, and he had an extra son and a daughter.I don't know how many nights, when he hugged Zhang Hui's soft and warm body, his mind was peaceful, and when he fell asleep soundly, he would always think of Xie Yanzhang's contributions.

You can give him more burdens in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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