Chapter 1440



He cut it with a knife, and blood spattered.

The big cannibal was really bad luck.

He was massacred by Huang Chao 30 years ago, lost all his belongings, and suffered heavy casualties.

It took a long time for the pain to heal.

Thirty years later, with the increasing prosperity of trade, the big cannibal seems to have forgotten the blood flow in the past, and happily settled down in Guangzhou to do business.

As a result, it was bloody massacred again today.

The soldiers of the Qing Navy rushed into the homes of every Hu businessman, with butcher knives held high, and heads rolling.

The woman was dragged into the barracks and disappeared after a while.

No one dared to move the goods, they were counted and recorded one by one, and pulled away in a carriage.The warriors all know that they are about to surrender. This is a bribe to buy their lives. Don't stretch out your hands if you shouldn't - of course, it doesn't hurt to hide them secretly. .

The places where Hu merchants lived were cleaned up, and other big households and rich merchants watched with trepidation.After being invited into the Jiedu envoy's mansion, they only said a few words, and they pledged donations one after another.

As the most dazzling pearl in Wuguan District, Guangzhou is very wealthy.Foreign trade brought them a lot of wealth, and even in the Tianbao period of the former Tang Dynasty, they were well-known far and wide, and provided a lot of taxes to the court.

The taxes collected by the imperial court are actually only a small part of the wealth, and the real bulk is still in the hands of the merchants. This is a well-known fact in Guangzhou.

Liu Yin spoke very kindly, but the fate of the big food and barbarians was there, and his persuasive power became stronger all of a sudden.

The businessmen who pledged donated did not show any embarrassment, and all of them were righteous, and they gave money and goods very happily.But in one night, they raised 20 strings of money, 50 pieces of silk, plus a variety of goods that they have never heard of, and there are countless—these are all commodities that were originally planned to be traded with Hu merchants.

Many people also donated other courtyards, farms, and forests outside the city, and they don't regret it at all.

Some people even donated the goods on the ships that had not yet returned to "overcome the difficulties together", which moved Liu Yin very much.

If I had known that everyone was so understanding of righteousness, I would have asked them for more money.If you have more money, you can organize the army, maybe you won't lose today.

Mistakes, missteps!

But the matter has come to this point, and it is useless to lament.Liu Yin was still thinking about it, and after clearing up his mood, he asked to surrender on the fourth day of February.

And his surrender also marked the change of hands of the Qing Navy.Even if there are powerful and generals in the local area who are still resisting, there will be no big waves.Take the time to smooth things out one by one, it's easy.

At the same time, the news of the fall of Guangzhou was also promoted by all parties, and spread out step by step.

A large number of soldiers and horses rushed into Guizhou City in a panic.

For a time, the streets and alleys were noisy and noisy.

Lu Shizhou did not restrain the soldiers, he did not have that mood, nor did he have that prestige.

Of course, it would be nonsense to say that there is no prestige at all.

Lu Shizhou was from Yangzhou. When he led his troops to besiege Hongzhou, he was defeated by Zhou Dewei.

As the son of Huainan's meritorious general Lu Ke, Lu Shizhou took over his father's position and was in charge of the Heiyun Sword Capital. He was repeatedly suspected and even threatened by Yang Wo.

The defeat of Hongzhou was not a crime of war.The rest of the tribes collapsed, and the [-] troops he brought were affected, and then they were defeated. Can he be blamed?What's more, on the way to defeat, he even beheaded two generals and schools of the Jin army and killed more than a thousand pursuers, which made the Jin people terrified.

But he figured it out soon.After the defeat, Zhu Sicheng, Fan Sicong, Chen Fan and others may be fine, but he may not be.Yang Wo saw that they were not pleasing to the eyes of these meritorious and old ministers, and he insisted on promoting those who followed him, punishing and even killing the old ministers. Will there be good fruit to eat when he returns this time?
After figuring it out, he immediately rushed west with more than a hundred of his own soldiers, and sought refuge with Ma Yin, not even his family business, his wife and children.

When he arrived in Changsha, Ma Yin regarded him very highly, and immediately entrusted him with military power.

Then he was sent to Guizhou to assist the Jiedu envoy of the Jingjiang Army and Ma Xizhen, the eldest son of Ma Yin, to confront the Ningyuan Army and Lingnan West Road.

The former Jiedu Envoy of the Jingjiang Army was Li Qiong, and it was he who led the troops to defeat Gui Guan.However, he passed away the year before last at the age of 68.

Ma Xizhen's ability is average, and he can't hold the scene well-to be honest, as far as he likes to sing with poet monks and Taoist priests, he is not very popular among warriors.

Lu Shizhou was sent to Guizhou to help Ma Xizhen stabilize the situation.

After getting in touch with him for a while, Lu Shizhou discovered that Ma Xizhen was actually not as miserable as the outside world said.He studied poetry and songs, and had banquets and chants with literati, which were actually a means of protecting himself.

He is the eldest son, but this status is useless, his father dotes on Yuan Shi.

Yuan's son, Ma Xisheng, is 13 years old this year. He is said to be very popular with Ma Shuai.

Although Ma Xizhen was appointed as the governor of the Jingjiang Army, all the officials and generals under him were Ma Shuai's people. He was unable to win over, and he did not dare to win over, so he showed that he loved literature and did not make friends with generals.

Master Lu looked down on this.

Temperament is soft.If people are dead and birds are facing the sky, they should give it a try. What if it succeeds?

Whenever he thinks of this, Lu Shizhou wished that he was Ma Yin's son, became the governor of the Jingjiang Army, and then when Lao Tzu died, he would send his troops north to attend the funeral.

Of course, it's just thinking about it, and now he has more difficult problems to deal with.

"Dutou, Ya Nei has gone to another courtyard, not in the city." The general came over and said in a low voice.

With the help of his own soldiers, Lu Shizhou took off his armor and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I heard that you Cuo Da was banished to Guizhou in the past, and he wrote some poems. The yamen asked someone to carve a stone to commemorate it, and sang with a group of Cuo Da. I guess he will come back tomorrow." The general said.

Master Lu Zhou smiled.

He knows some literature and ink, and has read a few books when he was young.Later, he felt that it was really out of character, so he went out to be a ranger until his father made a fortune with King Wu.

Wu Guan this place, the style of writing is not flourishing, this is a fact.But sometimes some top literati are welcomed, because this is a good place to demote officials.

Zhang said that he was exiled in Qinzhou and wrote poems such as "Sending Envoys from Lingnan" and "Farewell to Chen Qi and Li Shi in Nanzhong".

When Shen Quanqi was exiled in Annan and passed by Yong and Rongshi, he once wrote "Entering the Gate of Ghosts".

Song Zhiwen has "Fat Tengzhou", and Dai Shulun, Liu Zongyuan, Li Deyu and others also have poems-these full-level bigwigs came to Wuguan, which more or less drove the development of local cultural undertakings, making Wuguan such a wild life The land gradually became like the traditional Han land.

"Dutou, do you want it?" The general asked urgently.

Lu Shizhou put away the smile on his face and asked, "How is the situation in the army?"

"The people from Hunan are so worried that it's hard to say what they think in their hearts. The local people in Guiguan are very active. It seems that they don't want to work for Ma Yin anymore." said the general.

Those who come from Hunan are not necessarily from Hunan, but may also be from Henan, Huainan, and Jiangxi.The first two were the remnants of Sun Ru's troops back then, but now they are both generals.The latter is a new subordinate developed by Liu Jianfeng when he went west to Jiangxi, and now he is also a veteran, a small school and the like.

And these people, in the official documents of the former Tang Dynasty, have a unified name: Cai thief.

In the past, Wang Jianzhao in central Guizhou was a Cai thief, Zhao Kuangning in Jingnan was a Cai thief, Yang Wu’s elite Heiyun Longjian Army was a Cai thief, Qian Liu’s elite warriors were all a Cai thief, Fuzhou’s Wang Shenzhi was a Cai thief, and Hunan’s Ma Yin was a Cai thief. Cai thief...

The real Cai thieves and the fake Cai thieves of "Cai Hua" are all Cai thieves.

"Are you sure?" Hearing what the general said, Lu Shizhou felt relieved and asked repeatedly.

"How can there be a certainty about this matter?" The general said helplessly: "You are also an old martial artist, you should know what a martial artist is thinking."

Master Lu chuckled twice, and punched him.

It's hard to say whether the warriors are against or not.

When we are at a critical point, if there are external incentives, such as people who have a lot of connections making noise, raising their arms and shouting, it may be the other way around. There are too many examples of this.

If the general has a keen sense of the unusual aura and takes decisive measures, it is possible to suppress it, such as Duan Xiushi in the Jingyuan fire incident.

That is to say, many warriors have no objection whether they rebel or not, they just follow the trend.Under normal circumstances, they are all in a state of being coerced by thorns.

"When Ya Nei left the city, who did he bring with him?" Lu Shizhou asked again.

"The army took it away, and collected food and grass by the way." The general said.

"That's all Ma Xizhen has." Lu Shizhou smiled.

It is said to be "grain requisition", but it is actually looting.

Ma Xizhen couldn't control the unruly warriors, so he could only rely on this method to appease and curry favor with them, making Lu Shizhou, a general on the battlefield, look down upon them.

A literati cannot be a marshal, a prince, or even an emperor. Do you know that without this strength?
"You split up and gather all the trustworthy people to put on armor and weapons." Lu Shizhou ordered.

"Obey." When the general heard this, he was excited, and immediately led people to connect with him.

Lu Shizhou entered the Duyu Housi, sighing inwardly.

At the beginning, many Jin soldiers were killed outside Hongzhou City. They were afraid and dared not surrender to Xia, so they turned to Ma Yin.Now it seems that there are some mistakes. Zhou Dewei should not be a small person, so he will not have too many prejudices against him.

What's more, Zhou Dewei may not have the right to deal with the surrender of generals of his level.

He has also heard about Da Xiazi's demeanor.

Fighting each other on the battlefield is the duty of warriors.As long as you don't use any indiscriminate schemes that both people and gods are angry with, you won't be held accountable if you surrender in the past.

This kind of open-mindedness is indeed unique to the emperor.

It's a pity, I didn't think about it for a while, and I went astray.Finally, there is still a chance to make amends. If Guizhou is surrendered, maybe there will be a fortune.

Still, it was a bit of a risk after all.

Why did Ma Yin dare to let him be the commander of Ma Budu to assist Ma Xizhen?Isn't it because he is a foreign general and has some ability, just to help his son?
During his tenure in Guizhou, his performance was still very good.

He fought against Ye Guanglue and Shao Desheng, and generally speaking, he won more than he lost, so he accumulated a good prestige in the army.Taking advantage of this opportunity, he also arranged some of the more than a hundred soldiers he brought with him to serve as military officers or local county officials.

This time, taking advantage of Shao Desheng's leading troops to attack Liu Yin, he led more than ten thousand troops south to attack Rong Guan.

Defeat Ningyuan's army in a field battle first, and capture and kill more than [-] people.The marching Sima Pang Juzhao of the Ningyuan Army fled in a panic and defended the city to the death—to be honest, if the Ningyuan Army hadn't had Xia Ting as their confidence, this group of people might have surrendered.

Master Lu has been around the city for a long time, but he can't.It wasn't until the city of Guangzhou was broken and the news of Liu Yin's surrender came that Lu Shizhou ordered a large-scale plunder of the countryside, and Pang Juzhao didn't dare to pursue him when he returned to Guizhou.

With these solid military exploits, plus the intention to win over, he got the support of some local soldiers in Guiguan, and this is all the capital.

It was a little risky, but he wasn't prepared to wait.Anyway, Ma Xizhen's prestige is almost zero, so if you give it a try, maybe you will succeed?

(End of this chapter)

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