The surrender negotiations actually lasted for some time.Until the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month, Ma Yin mobilized the entire army, then opened the gates of the city, and formally surrendered.At this point, the Hunan Campaign, which lasted for more than half a year, was largely over, and the rest was tedious finishing work.

Shao Chengjie rode a war horse and watched from a distance under the guard of Sergeant Cong Ma Zhi.

There are more than 1 defenders in Changsha city, and they are leaving the city in batches at the moment. After handing over their equipment and armor at the designated location, they will go to the temporary camp outside the city to station.

Among them, the Tutuan peasants temporarily recruited will be dismissed, and the rest will wait for reorganization.

There are also some military towns near Changsha, with varying numbers of soldiers and horses.For several months, they have been cooperating with the Changsha defenders, taking advantage of their familiarity with the geography, to repeatedly harass the Xia army's flanks.At this time, I also received an order to drive towards Changsha and accept reorganization.

Huang Fan, commander of the navy capital, led more than 2 warships into Liuyangkou just now, intending to burn Xia's army food and grass. After receiving Ma Yin's order, although he didn't understand it, he still carried it out and led [-] people to surrender.

Xu Dexun, the governor of Yongzhou, and Ouyang Si, the commander of Yiyongdu, won two battles in the southern suburbs of Yongzhou. , After receiving the order, he was so angry that he almost killed the messenger, but he still carried out the order-surrendering to his defeated generals, one can imagine how aggrieved he was.

Yang Dingzhen, the governor of Hengzhou, had just led his army out of the city, and was about to ambush a part of the Jin army going south. After hearing the order, he rushed back to Hengzhou in a hurry.After hesitating for a day, he landed in Kaesong.

The governor of Shaozhou and Yao Yanzhang from Runan sent more than a hundred people who were good at traveling, covered their heads with branches and leaves, floated down the water with long knives, violated the summer camp at night, and set fire to it.Shu soldiers disturbed, Yanzhang attacked with a large army, won, and chased and killed for more than [-] li.

Wei Wang Shao Mianren made a big face in Shaozhou. For the first time, he knew that the battlefield situation was complicated and the enemies were treacherous and brave. Not all of them were incompetent.

Yao Yanzhang surrendered on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month.

As soon as Ma Yin gave the order, the governors of the states and the commanders of the land, water and horse forces basically carried out the order without any delay.This performance made the clerks who surrounded Shao Chengjie look cloudy and uncertain, and they secretly spoke out, using the orders of Ma Yin's command and prohibition, and they were quite united as an excuse to kill Ma Yin's family to eliminate future troubles.

Shao Chengjie disdained this and directly refused.

What do you say, a man is playing some dirty tricks?If they dare to rebel, it's just a matter of seeking peace, anyway, it's impossible for him to pull himself off and do such a thing.

"The soldiers of Chu will pick and choose, wait for the general's order, and be ready to go south at any time." Shao Chengjie flicked his horsewhip, not intending to continue watching, and ordered.

"Wait a minute." Shi Xiaoqing, the chief of the palace, pulled the reins and asked, "Your Highness is planning to go south to Wuguan?"

Shao Chengjie looked at him and didn't speak.

Xiao Qing also stared at each other with wide eyes, refusing to budge.

In the end Shao Chengjie was defeated and said: "Forget it, I'll stay in Changsha, it's okay, right?"

"Your Highness is wise." Xiao Qing said happily.

However, he did not intend to let King Qin go easily, and continued: "Your Highness bears the weight of the world. He has won many battles in the battle of Hunan, and he has made great achievements. The saint sees it in his eyes, and his heart must be happy, so why bother to go to Wuguan?" What about the land of miasma?"

Not to mention the fifth control, he felt that the south of Changsha was very dangerous and he shouldn't go there.

"The big battles were all fought by Fu Cunjian, so what does it matter to me?" Shao Chengjie said.

"Fu Cunshen is the deputy envoy of the camp, and he is the deputy marshal in His Highness's tent. His credit is the credit of His Highness." Xiao Qing said: "This principle is justified no matter where it is."

Seeing Xiao Qing's upright speech, Shao Chengjie had no choice but to say: "I'm afraid of you, so do whatever you say."

Of course, it's not that he doesn't know what's good or bad, it's just that he's used to speaking in this tone.

In fact, he has received a complete and high-quality education since he was a child, and he knows that someone like Xiao Qing who can persuade is better than a flatterer.What's more, he knows how to do things, can do things, and has a good reputation among the bureaucrats of the royal family. He himself is a Jinshi in the former Tang Dynasty, so he has enough talents and knowledge, and he will use them in the future.

In addition, he really didn't need to go south.

When the third brother Mianren was governor of Cangzhou, I heard that he did a good job. He suppressed barbarians, distributed land to the newcomers from Hebei, and often went over mountains and mountains to inspect various villages. His political reputation was good.

As a result, when he went to the battlefield, he immediately showed his original shape, and was attacked by Yao Yanzhang, the governor of Shaozhou, and was greatly humiliated.

This performance does not pose a threat to him, so there is really no need to be too anxious.

After saying goodbye to Xiao Qing, Shao Chengjie took the sergeant Cong Ma Zhi to patrol outside the defense areas of each battalion.

He had heard rumors that the people of Jin and Yan were a little unstable.Considering that the war is unlikely to end within a few months, people have been sent to various counties and townships to distribute donations and bring back a batch of goods, intending to reward the entire army.

The first to inspect was the Boryeong Army located in the east of the city.

When the Ministry surrendered in Hedong, there were still [-] people. After the two visits to Jiangxi, there were still [-] people left, and now there are only [-] people left, and they are already on the verge of rebellion.

The four main officers, Li Cunxian, Li Sigong, Li Chengyue, and Yuan Jianfeng, naturally have their hearts towards the imperial court. They have been working hard to stabilize the troops and have done a lot of work these days.But to be honest, they themselves were terrified, because the expressions of the soldiers were obviously wrong, and there was an undercurrent in the army, and they might make trouble at any time.

At this time, there are only two ways.

One is to issue a reward, and then withdraw them back to the east of the river to rest and relieve their tension.

The second is to allow them to plunder, which can release negative emotions.

Generally speaking, the general in the army likes to use the second type, which has a miraculous effect on restoring morale.

Pay attention to the point that only looting is allowed, and no wounding is allowed.

If you don't pay attention to it, you will acquiesce in burning, killing and looting, but you can't make too much noise, let alone massacre the city.

There is also a completely laissez-faire system, such as "not sealing the knife for three days" and "not sealing the knife for five days", are all products of this laissez-faire system, and often cause crimes to massacre the city.

Among the founding divisions of various dynasties, Xia Jun had maintained good discipline, and Shao Chengjie definitely couldn't choose the second method.

"I have sent people to various counties to distribute donations. There are also goods in Changsha City. I will ask Ma Yin to take the lead in distributing a batch. You will announce to each battalion that before the end of the month, people will give you a string of money and two bolts of silk. There are soldiers." Shao Chengjie pulled Li Cunxian who came forward to salute, and said: "After the announcement, whoever speaks strange words, there is no need to hesitate to hunt and kill them directly. At this moment, the sons and daughters will not make it difficult for the reward."

"Of order." Li Cunxian heaved a sigh of relief.

The army is so fucking hard to manage.If you fight in the north, and indulge in military discipline a little bit, there are not so many things at all, and the Jin soldiers are actually not that domineering.

But fighting in Hunan is different. You are not allowed to rob money and play with women. It is certain that the soldiers will be very angry.

In fact, Li Cunxian didn't quite understand either.In the ancient dynasties, from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, military discipline may have been maintained well in peacetime, but when the country was founded in troubled times, which military discipline was so strict?Isn't burning, killing and looting commonplace?As long as the trouble is not too much, it will not be included in the history books at all, and it will not harm the reputation of the monarch, so why bother to control it so hard?
Let's go back to this dynasty, how is the discipline of the Feilong Army?The forbidden troops also make some "disturbance" incidents from time to time. Is it necessary to hunt and kill sergeants for this and affect morale?

Shao Chengjie doesn't think about those shitty things.It's not that he doesn't know, but that he doesn't care.

Morale dropped, so I led people to charge, and morale suddenly rose again.In his past military career, he had used this trick more than once, and he had several scars on his body.

A real man should face the sharp edge directly, which is very admired by the heroes in the army. For this reason, they can temporarily ignore other "unpleasant" things and increase their tolerance.

If Jin soldiers dare to rebel, he dares to kill, afraid of a bird!
The Hengye army was in the west of the city. When Shao Chengjie turned around, he just watched from a distance and did not enter the camp.

The foundation of the Yokohama army is very complicated. At the beginning, it was the descendants of the Jin army from Yun, Wei and other places. Later, some Yiding and Chengde descendants were added. The "Yan people" in Yin's mouth.

The combat effectiveness and obedience of this army are worse than those of the Jin army, and they have been stationed far away for a long time. They came earlier than the Baoning army. , only [-] were left.

Some even deserted in the army, and they didn't know where they went.

If there are people who rebel, they are the most likely.

Ma Yin's surrender today should have a certain deterrent effect on them, and supplemented by military rewards, it can be slightly stabilized.But Shao Chengjie is not sure if they are driven south to Yongzhou, will there be a large-scale rebellion.

We can only let them temporarily garrison around Changsha.

Crying children get milk, troops that are prone to rebellion are more valuable in the united front, and honest people suffer more. This principle is true even in the 21st century.

I can only wait for a while, and then slowly clean them up.

At the end of the first month, various troops arrived in Changsha one after another.After some screening and dismissal, more than [-] people were obtained.

Shao Chengjie ordered Xu Dexun, Yao Yanzhang, Ouyang Si, Yang Dingzhen, Huang Fan and others to divide and control the various armies, advance by land and water, one part stayed in Hunan, and the other joined the five-management army to fight the rebellion in the south.

Wang Shenzhi and the others have been defeated in a row, and they should realize their true level. This trip south to suppress the rebellion should be a good opportunity for him to take the blame and make meritorious service.

The title of title has not yet been determined. If you still lose your teachers and land and continue to consume the credit you saved when attacking Guangzhou before, the Duke of the county may not be able to keep it.

Presumably Wang Shenzhi was also very depressed.Isn't it good to hand over the power directly and become an official in the court?Then the price is sold at the highest point.You know, if you do more, you will make more mistakes, if you do less, you will make fewer mistakes.

But the world is like this, and he can't help it.

The sage knows the goods, he only looks at your value.Wang Shenzhi's series of battles in Hunan has greatly reduced his value, and he is not as glamorous as before.

At the same time when all the troops and horses were going south, Ma Yin and the main military and political officials in Hunan also took their wives and children and went north to Luoyang to face the saint.

The messenger sent the news back earlier than them...

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