Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 147 Shangyuan and Lingzhou

Chapter 147 Shangyuan and Lingzhou

"At the time of the dragon, the first moon in the capital city is full of lanterns and shadows. The Jinwu bans and permits night travel. Noble relatives and servants, workers and Jia, all travel at night. Cars and horses are parallel to each other, and people don't care about it."

The Lantern Festival in Xiazhou can't be compared with Chang'an, but in these turbulent years, it is very precious to have a pure land where the people can relax and have fun when the festival comes after a year of hard work.

The three counties of Xiazhou currently have a population of 5 to [-]. As far as the state city is concerned, if you count the large number of people living near the city wall, there will always be [-] people.

Many people rushed into the city to play before the city gate was closed at night, and the streets were crowded with people.Adults and children talked and laughed, the rich and the poor gathered together, and the miscellaneous party members who lingered in the city stared blankly at this bustling and wonderful night, and compared it with the days in the mountains or grasslands, and suddenly felt a sense of loss.Longevity Heaven is divided into Upper Realm, Middle Realm, and Lower Realm. Even if Xiazhou is not the Upper Realm, it must belong to the Middle Realm.

"Everyone, congratulations for Xiazhou's various scenes today! Drink this cup to the brim!" Shao Shude persuaded, holding up the wine bottle.

"It's all thanks to the commander in chief, drink this cup to the brim." All the generals congratulated one after another.

Shao Shude held a banquet tonight and invited all the generals.The location of the banquet was on the city wall near the bell tower of Xiazhou City. The cold wind was blowing and the environment was not very good.However, there are some screens and curtains to cover it, which is not very uncomfortable.

But who made the commander-in-chief have such an elegant mood? He also said that every year on the Lantern Festival, the generals will be entertained at the bell tower to see the lights of thousands of families in Xiazhou.

Don't tell me, it's really interesting.Seeing that life in the middle of the state is getting better day by day, and the life in the market is getting stronger day by day, everyone is in a happy mood, and they drink a lot of wine without knowing it.

Lu Huaizhong, Guan Kairun, Li Tangbin, Guo Qi and others led the Wuwei army stationed in Youzhou, Li Yanling, Zhu Shuzong, Zhe Siyu, Wang Yu, Li Yixian, Yang Liang, Chen Cheng, Yeli Yulue, Cai Songyang, Xu Hao, Shao Desheng, Qiang Quansheng, Liu Zijing and other generals sat around, which made Shao feel proud.

Before I knew it, I had come to this point!

The generals under his command are not the same as in the past.Yamen generals like Li, Zhu, Zhe, Wang, etc., which one is not a high-end mansion today, with dozens of guests, staff, and military generals in the mansion?The retainers and aides advise the lord, and the soldiers and generals are all trained according to the standards of military officers. They are their right and left hands when they lead the army. The first generation of Xiazhou's general family has almost taken shape.

No, there may be a second generation.Zhe Siyu and Zhu Shuzong were originally from the general family. After they gained high positions in Xiazhou, people from their hometowns in Linzhou and Jinyang came to join them. They were all confidants trained by the family for several generations.Some know how to scout and listen, some understand logistics and transportation, some know how to march and deploy, and some are good at charging. This is their officer corps, and it is also the background of a family of generals.

"Li Yanling, in the past at Hejindu in Fengzhou, did you ever think about today?" After putting down the wine bottle, Shao Shude asked.

"Even in my dreams, I never thought about it." Li Yanling shook his head, and said: "All I thought about was how to get more money and silk from the merchants at the ferry crossing, so that every day counts. But it's only been six or seven years , this is the scene..."

Li Yanling took a sip of wine suddenly, his face was red.

"Wang Yu, when you were stationed in Huazhou in a dilemma, did you ever think about today?" Shao Shude asked again.

"At that time, the general couldn't sleep well every day. After being with the commander in chief, he was much better. He ate well and slept soundly, but he couldn't fight in battle. It's a pity." Wang Yu said.

"Chen Cheng, when you were stuck in the three cities of Jinyang and couldn't make up your mind, did you ever think about today?"

"In the past years, Marshal Cao died suddenly, Zhaoyi's soldiers rebelled, and the people of Hedong killed them like chickens and dogs. Some people thought about it, forget about returning to their hometown, and really never thought about today. The commander is wise and martial, compared to all the commanders in the world. With more benevolence, righteousness and love for the people, I want to go one step further with the commander in chief." Chen Cheng replied.

"Zhu Shuzong, General Zhang recommended you to join Tielin Capital in the past. At that time, there were only a thousand soldiers, and a corner of Yangqu was in poverty. Kang Chuangui, Zhang Kai, and Guo Yu were in power, sharpening their knives. Have you ever thought about today?"

"Commander, the last general will not tell lies. Because he was involved with Kang Chuangui back then, there is really nowhere to go. But since he followed the commander, he attacked Li Guochang and his son in the north, went south to ask for Huangchao, went north to the grassland, and marched to Yuzhou in the west. , This battle is getting more and more exciting. The father and brother of a certain family are planning to move to Xiazhou, and some friends in the army in the past are willing to come to Xiazhou. From now on, the foundation of the Dingnan Army will definitely become more and more stable." Zhu Shuzong replied with a smile.

"Zhe Siyu, at the end of the first year of Guangming, you brought more than 400 Zhejia Erlang to vote for XX, so that the Tielin Army had cavalry soldiers available. Li Yixian, Sanlang (Shao Desheng), you two urinated and followed XX, together I have endured hardships, fought together, and today I want to enjoy wealth and honor together. Yang Liang is also an old man. He will attack Hexi Dangxiang in Xicheng, and kill two thieves in front of someone. Cai Songyang and Xu Hao, begging Li Keyong , I played very well in the fight against Huangchao, I remember..." Shao Shude was a little excited, drinking one after another, and said: "All the generals are here today, and they will all be here next year and today!"

Everyone applauded one after another, the atmosphere was warm, and there was a lot of toasting.

After the banquet was over, it was already midnight, Shao Shude was escorted back home by his own soldiers.

Wuzang Miao'e called a few maidservants from the Zhe family to help Shao Shude scrub, and then helped him to bed to rest.

Shao Shude was a little dazed.Tonight's banquet was really enjoyable, recalling the past years with the generals, and comparing it with the present, the morale has indeed gathered.

This is a military group that is on the rise, and I will lead them to continue to rise in the future until the world is wiped out, foreign enemies are expelled, and the territory of the Han and Tang Dynasties is restored.

Wuzang Miao'e quietly leaned against Shao Shude's arms.The king's hand strength tonight was a bit strong, which caused her a lot of pain.

However, she has a docile temperament and regards men as heaven, so naturally she will not say no.Shao Shude reminisced about the women in private, and always felt that Wuzang Miao'e was the most comfortable serving him. Her warm and watery character, even if she tried to endure herself, she still wanted to let herself enjoy herself. Coupled with her lovely and pitiful demeanor, it was completely physical and psychological. Double satisfaction.

"Miao'e, I will definitely make you a noble concubine in the future. Your father and brother are also relatives of the emperor." Shao Shude fell asleep in a daze, still holding Bai Nen's toy tightly in his hand.

"Speak big words." Meizang Miao'e smiled silently, pulled the quilt, wrapped the two tightly together, and fell into a deep sleep.

On the second day, Wuzang Qingxiang came to the mansion to bid farewell and was going back to the mountain.Seeing her daughter sitting beside Shao Shude without any expression of reluctance on her face, she immediately felt relieved and said, "Marshal, I'm going back to the mountain now. I will send someone to handle all the party matters in Dongshan. Yan After the four Wuyi clans in Zhouzhou were defeated, there were still some scattered small tribes in the area, so they must have come to vote for the commander in chief."

"Don't worry if there is no Tibetan patriarch to handle the matter." Shao Shude laughed.Just about to continue to say something, Li Yixian came in.

Seeing the excited expression on his face, Shao Shude knew it well, he took Wuzang Miao'e's hand, and said: "The head of the Wuzang clan is a certain in-law, not an outsider, so speak up if you have something to say."

"Because there was no reward for New Year's Day, Lingzhou Yamen Han Lang and Kang Yuancheng colluded with the party to cause chaos and killed Li Yuanli. After Han Lang self-appointed and stayed, Kang Yuancheng served as the governor of the Yamen. Lingzhou has changed." Li Yixian said.

Shao Shude pondered for a moment, and said: "I heard that the Hexi Party in Lingzhou entered Kouyou Prefecture, how should I deal with this matter?"

Wuzang Qingxiang was taken aback when he heard the words, and then quickly understood, saying: "Commander, the Hexi party has always been domineering. This time, they colluded with the Lingzhou government to cause chaos, plundered counties, and even broke into Youzhou. Raise your troops to fight for it."

"Li Yixian, what do you think?" Shao Shude asked.

"Commander, Yanzhou's military strength is weak. Once the army arrives, it is very possible that the entire state will surrender. The real bone to chew is Lingzhou. Please send troops to ask for it." Li Yixian replied.

"Report this matter to the imperial court first." Shao Shude stood up and said, "I'll go to the Supervisor Qiu. This matter still needs to be done in the name of the imperial court. Han Lang must not be allowed to take over as Shuofang Jiedu envoy. Otherwise, The Shuofang army fought all the year round, and their combat power was not weak. In the past, Shang Rang and Wang Bo led [-] mobs to attack Fengxiang Mansion. Complete victory. In this expedition, there may be vicious or tough battles to be fought, which should not be ignored."

"Prepare goods, equipment, food and grass first. Sergeants, let them finish the first month and the Spring Festival before we talk about it. By then, the court should have an explanation."

 See if I can catch a chapter tonight.

  It may take a little more time to study the fiscal and taxation system and improve the fiscal revenue and expenditure models of the four difficult states.

(End of this chapter)

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