Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1477 Persuasion

Chapter 1477 Persuasion
After the Great Court Meeting, Shao Shude did not go north in time, because news came from Luoyang: Song Lexuan, the Minister of Zhongshu.

Taichang Qing Dinghui immediately went to Luoyang with murder weapons, chariots, swords and other affairs to preside over the funeral.However, I heard that Ding Hui's current physical condition has also declined greatly, and I don't know how long he can last.Don't send it back and forth, and end up sending yourself away.

But—maybe this is life.

After enshrining Song Le's descendants, Shao Shude rested until April [-]th, but it was not known whether it was because of the acclimatization or some other reason. Concubine Shu Fengxuan suddenly fell ill and was dying in a short period of time. .

Once the age is over sixty, it is really precarious.

Shao Shude sat in front of the couch silently, Zhaoyi and Xiaofeng almost burst into tears.

Da Feng was crying and couldn't speak anymore. He raised his left hand with difficulty and was gently held by Shao Shude.

Her lips moved slightly.Shao Shude leaned over, his voice was very weak and he couldn't hear it clearly.

But he understood the meaning and said: "Yuenu and Que'er are also my children, they will be rich and honored forever, and their descendants will also be rich and honored."

Da Feng shook his head slightly.

Shao Shude moved his head closer again, this time he finally understood.What Dafeng meant was that she couldn't accompany him anymore, but their son and daughter would continue to accompany him.

These words hit his heart directly.

I haven't experienced the feeling of crying for many years, maybe it's the first time in this life.

In front of the righteous brother's spirit, he was half-truthful, but at the moment he was really sad.From the heart to the throat, it seems to be blocked by layers of things, which makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, life and death—maybe this is life.

He hugged Xiao Feng into his arms, and held Da Feng's hand tightly with his left hand until his warm body gradually cooled down.

The Feng sisters were brought back by him, but they also brought him a lot of care and happiness.At that time, there were few women, and everyone remembered clearly, now...

When people meet in this life is actually very important.

On April 21, Shao Shude decreed that after Concubine Shu's funeral was completed, she would be buried in Lu Hunshan's back room, and given a posthumous title by Dr. Taichang, and submitted to the Ministry of Rites.

This is probably the first concubine to be buried after the imperial mausoleum was built.

After experiencing this incident, Shao Shude's spirit was not very good.I sat aimlessly in the palace for a long time, and didn't bother to deal with government affairs. It wasn't until the beginning of May that I went to Xiyuan for a few laps on horseback, and my mood gradually recovered.

"In the past, riding a horse was not so tiring. Time is not forgiving." After dismounting from his horse, Shao Shude tried his bow again.

Eight buckets of bows with one stone can no longer be drawn to the fullest.Armored infantry, this was his stunt when he was young.

"Your Majesty..." Zhao Guangfeng, the new Minister of Zhongshu, and Xiao Yun, the servant under the door, looked at each other. Zhao Guangfeng stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, I invite you to sit in Chang'an and select generals to go west."

Shao Shude glanced at him and said: "My body is well known to me. Compared with when I was in my prime, it is only a little worse now. The silver saddle is always a good man. If compared with the skill of galloping and shooting, at my age, Confidence can also be more than half."

He knew why Zhao Guangfeng brought up the West Expedition.

Because just now, Huainan came to report that Shengzhou was surrounded and attacked day and night, causing heavy casualties on both sides.Xu knew that they were the last place in the country that was still fighting, and it was impossible for anyone to respond to the rescue. The remaining Huai army went out to fight in the field, killing all the ministries in the besieged city and defeating them one after another, making them untenable.But after all, their strength was limited, and the aura of mourning soldiers that they reluctantly mentioned was quickly exhausted. In the end, the entire army was wiped out, and Shengzhou was restored to the king's division.

In the previous two days, after being besieged for several months, Xuyi's city walls were damaged and arrows were exhausted, and it was killed by various armies, killing more than [-] people.

The sixth day of May, the 12th year of Jianji, is a memorable day.

After officially proclaiming the emperor and founding the country, Shao Shude spent ten years and ten months completely sweeping away the various separatist forces and unifying Kyushu.

This speed is actually not slow.If you stop here, Great Xia can definitely be called a unified dynasty, even if there is no Western Region, after all, there is no Qin Dynasty and Ming Dynasty.Not to mention that there were dynasties in these places at the beginning of the founding of the country, even less.

In addition, he also captured Liaodong.

His Liaodong is only literally the same as Liaodong of other dynasties, but the connotation is quite different.

The traditional Liaodong is actually the eastern half of Liaoning.Known as "South Manchuria" in the late Qing Dynasty, Daxia now not only includes "South Manchuria", but also controls "North Manchuria", and even includes most of Russia's Primorsky Krai.

In this area, only the Liao, Jin, and Qing dynasties, and even the Yuan Dynasty, had some or all actual control in history. Officials, garrisons, and tax collection are signs of actual control.

Generally speaking, Liaodong in the Xia Dynasty has a fairly large geographical scope, and there is no similar existence in the Central Plains dynasties in the past.This is a historical opportunity. Who made this era have a country called Bohai, and it happened to be at the end of a decadent dynasty?
The only place that is not as good as it was in the Han Dynasty is probably the Korean peninsula.Lezhou, Liaodong Province, only includes the area north of the Weishui River. Lezhou is located on the opposite bank of Pyongyang County, which is the Mozhen Kingdom established by the Gong family.

After flattening Huainan, the civil officials represented by Zhao Guangfeng and Xiao Yun were basically satisfied.

In their view, why bother to conquer the Western Regions again?So what if it's shot down?How much tax can be provided to the court?

The biggest possibility is that not only can't provide taxes, but also have to post money into it.For example, Liaodong Road now sends a group of forbidden troops there every two years for garrison in rotation, just like in the previous Tang Dynasty, soldiers and horses from various feudal towns were recruited every year and sent to the northwest and southeast to guard against autumn and winter.

What is the use of such a place?

But this cannot be said directly.After all, warriors have been in the country for more than 150 years, and literati are still a little afraid-in fact, before the Anshi Rebellion, weren't warriors arrogant and domineering?It’s only to a lesser extent. During the Kaiyuan period, the judge of the Shuofang Jiedushi was beaten by the sergeants who clamored and assembled, because “the food supply was inappropriate”. That may be the first large-scale military chaos in the former Tang Dynasty.

Zhao Guangfeng knew that the saint's wish was to go to the west to have a look.Because he had already said to his close ministers that from a military point of view, there was no need to conscript himself, but from a personal interest point of view, he wanted to see it.

Zhao Guangfeng could only persuade him to give up the war by dispelling the idea of ​​the sage's personal conquest.

As long as it is a war, there is a possibility of failure.The Battle of Conquering the West is meaningless, failure is a pure loss, and it will even encourage the thieves in turn to make them plunder Daxia more vigorously.

"What? Are you afraid that I will lose the battle?" Shao Shude asked.

"No one dares to say that the teacher will win the expedition." Zhao Guangfeng said.

"The Uighurs are not as powerful as you think." Shao Shude said: "Besides, living in the palace, seeing things and thinking about others, and feeling gloomy, it is better to take a walk outside. This world has not stopped me attacking army."

People's cognition may change with experience, age, and situation.

Thirty years ago, Shao Shude was still imagining how powerful the Mongols were in history.

However, the grassland tribal soldiers he encountered in his career gave him the impression that he fought well, and he didn't know what the problem was. Maybe the Mongols were more organized.

Thirty years later, he is the founding emperor who has commanded hundreds of thousands of troops, killing all directions and rarely encountering opponents.

Whether it was the scattered tribal soldiers with a low degree of organization or the Shatuo cavalry with a relatively high degree of organization, he didn't pay attention to them.Because his imperial army can crush them when they fight head-on. He has warriors who dare to take off their armor and rush to the enemy's blade. He has grassroots officers who can accurately read the battlefield situation and have strong subjective initiative. , a general who can deal with all kinds of unexpected situations...

In his opinion, it was incredible that the Mongolian cavalry could defeat the Jin army when they dismounted and fought on foot.

There is only one conclusion, the Jin army is too bad, it is not as good as the Han army Shihou Tuanlian who went north to the grassland and plundered the land of Longxing in Mongolia, and it is not as good as the Tubo army that was well organized, well equipped, and dared to risk their lives during the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty.

Gaochang Uighur, in his opinion, is a chicken and a dog.If he didn't want to go to the Western Regions to see it with his own eyes, he really wasn't interested in conquering it himself.

"Even if the Western Expedition is victorious, the safety of the world depends on His Majesty. Please make a living for the common people. It is possible to go to the West. Don't take risks lightly." Zhao Guangfeng insisted.

"It's something that hasn't been written yet, what's the rush?" Shao Shude said noncommittally, "I just want to take a look."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the thoughts of the two, got on his horse, took a riding bow, galloped out, and went hunting.

Zhao Guangfeng knew he hadn't given up on the idea of ​​being a saint, so he looked at Xiao Yun and sighed.

"Zhao Shilang..." After being silent for a while, Xiao Yun suddenly mentioned something: "Concubine Shu passed away, and the sage was depressed. From now on, the palace people are getting old and decrepit, and they have not entered for many years. Many of the two major officials in Luoyang Palace people even existed in the Tang Dynasty. How about asking the saints to issue an edict to select and send more beauties into the palace?"

Zhao Guangfeng pondered for a while, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Shilang's words are very kind."

Zhao Guangfeng was not willing to do this kind of behavior that only lucky ministers had before, for fear of ruining his reputation.But it would be good if he could catch the saint's lustful weakness and restrain him in the palace.

But this alone is not safe.

Zhao Guangfeng stroked his beard lightly, and had to find something more interesting to the saint.

"How much did Bohai Trading Company earn last year?" he asked.

"It's less than the year before last." Xiao Yun said with a wry smile, "I built a lot of ships, but the sailors are scarce, and I'm still recruiting. I only have more than [-] yuan in money."

Zhao Guangfeng frowned, and said: "Xiao Xiang, maybe those who impeach the whaling should be put down, they are noisy all day long, and I think they are annoying. The sage wants to open a direct route to Annan, will it work? If it works, it’s time to spend money and recruit people. If there are results, we can ask the sage to go on a tour to the east.”

Xiao Yun nodded, and then mentioned something: "The Chief and Guo Zheng Renmin have been sending people to contact Jiannan and Qianzhong Manliao, and they seem to have plans. Zhao Xiang, look..."

Zhao Guangfeng was overjoyed when he heard this.

The Dachanghe Kingdom mentioned by Xiao Yun is indeed a way of thinking.

"Let's wait and see what happens, it's best not to take the initiative." Zhao Guangfeng said.

Civilians cannot command armies, but that does not mean they cannot exert influence.The situation in central Guizhou and southern Jiannan is complicated, and many tribes are useless. If you punish a tribe leader, it may detonate the situation.

After decades of being officials, if they don't even have this kind of ability, Zhao Guangfeng, Xiao Yun and others will be nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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