Chapter 1481
On the eighth day of July, Shao Shude arrived in Xiazhou and lived in the former mansion.

The house was gifted by Zhuge Shuang, it was worth more than a thousand coins at that time, but now it is priceless.

After more than 20 years, I came back to the old place. To be honest, besides the excitement, I was also a little disappointed.

Fan Yanbo, a resident of Shuofang County, has passed away for many years. This is the news that Shao Shude got after entering the village.

There are still five people in Fan Yanbo's family: an old woman, a young couple, and two children.

"Are you the King of Lingwu County?" the old woman asked tremblingly with her cloudy eyes open.

Shao Shude was startled, and after careful recollection, the face of a woman with a graceful figure and a bit of shyness slowly emerged, so he asked, "Are you Fan Yanbo's daughter-in-law?"

"The king of Lingwu County has a good memory." The old woman smiled, revealing her empty gums.

Shao Shude was speechless.

The speed at which working people age is really unimaginable.She is probably only in her fifties, but her last sliver of vitality has long been worn out by hard life, and she is as old as a 70-year-old old woman seen by later generations.

Thinking about the women in his harem again, it is not that they are 50 years old, but under the pampering, they age very slowly, and they still seem to have a little charm.

People are indeed different.

Shao Shude looked around and found that compared with the past, this house has undergone many positive changes.

The house has been renovated and cleaned very well.

The number of agricultural tools placed in a corner of the courtyard has increased significantly, most of which are iron.

The New Year pictures bought from the market are pasted on the doors and windows, and they are a bit faded, but it seems that this was not seen more than 20 years ago.

A horse was tied up next to the vegetable bed surrounded by a wooden fence.

A cellar was dug in the firewood house, and several jars of wine were sealed inside.

There are more than a dozen chickens raised in the chicken coop. It is said that the eggs laid are not sold, and they are all eaten by themselves.

The clothes on the old woman seemed to be made of a blend of silk and linen, not the linen clothes that the lower class people often wear.

After all the hardships and hardships, you can take a rest and enjoy some happiness when you are old. For the people at this time, it seems to be a peaceful and prosperous age.

Wang Pu came over and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Fan Wenda, Hongyi Commander of Manzhou, is the second-grandson of this family. His father once went to war as a Tutuan villager and died in Yunzhou. Fan Wenda has a talent for reading, so the county There is a quota given here, and I have to study in Xiazhou Confucianism."

"So that's how it is." Shao Shude said with emotion, "It turned out to be the Queen of Zhonglie."

Wang Pu looked at the Fan family standing there respectfully, and was very moved in his heart.There are a lot of this kind of families in the world, but Xiazhou is well-off. He hadn't been here more than 20 years ago, but according to the sage, the family situation has improved a lot.

The most important thing is that the name Fan Wenda has already reached Tian Ting.The sage's memory has always been very good, and for the Xiazhou Fan family, it was a joy from heaven.

"Give the Fan family ten strings of money, ten bolts of silk, and ten bolts of woolen cloth." Shao Shude looked at it for the last time, felt that there was nothing to miss, and went out.

The accompanying sergeant took the money and silk from the pack horse and sent it to Fan's family.

This amount of money, not too much, not too little, is a bit more for ordinary people, but it is almost the same for "loyalty queens".

After leaving Fan's house, Shao Shude rode his horse at the entrance of the village, watching the peaceful village silently in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Countless warriors followed him and left this slightly arid land in pursuit of the legendary wealth.

Some people fell on the way, lost in the loess and weeds, without descendants, without sacrifices, and unknown.

Some people have gained a better life, but at the cost of being full of injuries and diseases, and died early at the age of 50 or [-], and the next generation has to continue to work hard.

Some people are wealthy, beautiful wives and beautiful concubines, full of money and food, but they have left their hometown behind and will never come back again in their lifetime, because the only memory left to them here is poverty and pain.

But Shao Shude selfishly wanted to go back to the impoverished era 30 years ago, just to meet his old friends.

The son said on the river: "The dead are like husbands, never giving up day and night."

There is no going back.

The only consolation is that the lives of the common people have indeed undergone earth-shaking changes.

Before Fan Yanbo died, he should be satisfied, right?
Before Fan Yanbo's son died in battle, there shouldn't be so many regrets, right?
The era of Fan Yanbo struggling to survive is over, now is the era of Fan Wenda berating Fang Qiu.

Zhu Jin brandished his horse spear, and rode the horse straight ahead. Wherever it passed, the deer swayed here and there.

Even the savages from Baishan Heishui had to be convinced when they saw it.

They are not only full of strength, but also extremely skilled.When all kinds of weapons are used, they often knock down a person in two or three hits.And looking at his actions, it seems that you sent him to the knife, which makes people extremely angry. How could this be?
The sage said two words: "rhythm".

Zhu Jin killed people in a rhythmic way.The reason why outsiders felt that the opponent was deliberately hitting him with his ultimate move was because Zhu Jin predicted the opponent's movements, used the rhythm to control the enemy's opportunity, and then used tyrannical strength and superb skills to instantly eliminate the enemy.

This is fighting with brains!

Fortunately, Zhu Jin's brain can only be used in fighting, lacking in political and military strategies, otherwise it would be Zhu Quanzhong who lost, not the Zhu brothers.

"Deer seeds are not as strong as a real person." After Zhu Jin stopped the horse, he threw the horse lance, landed lightly, and took the fruit handed by the soldier, roughly wiped it and put it in his mouth to chew.

The fruit is taken from the orchard in Xiazhou City.

The orchard can be traced back to the Helian period, and then gradually fell into disuse.After Jinshang took over Xiazhou, he dredged the black canal again and brought hot spring water from the Wuding River tributary into the city, bringing the orchard back to life.

Just yesterday, the sage picked several large baskets of fruit by himself, and sent them to Chang'an on a fast horse, so that all the concubines could taste them.Especially the empress, concubine Meizangde, Feng Zhaoyi, Yeli Zhaorong, Weicai Zhaoyuan and others all lived in Xiazhou with Jinshang for a period of time, and they were especially touched when they tasted this thing.

Li Cunxu stood aside with his arms folded, looking coldly at Zhu Jin who was showing off.

This guy is too arrogant!
If there was anyone in the court that he didn't like, Li Tangbin was number one, and Zhu Jin had just arrived, and he was actually ranked second.

"Deputy envoy, Zhu Jin will be winning the holy family right now, so it's better not to conflict with him." A relative came over and said in a low voice.

"Holy family of fart." Li Cunxu cursed in a low voice, and said: "Huainan surrendered more than [-] troops and reorganized into the Dragon Tiger, Golden Spear, and Shenwu Armies. Zhu Yanshou, Wang Wan, and Chai Zaiyong each led an army. What's the matter with him, what kind of holy family is this?"

The general will smile embarrassingly.

Huainan's [-]-strong army, except for those who were wiped out, the rest eliminated the old and the weak, and got more than [-]. After being disbanded, they were reorganized into the Dragon Tiger, Golden Spear, and Shenwu Armies.

After the training of these three troops is completed, one will go to Hunan to replace the Crane Control Army, one will stay in Jiangnan, and the other will go north with the Tianwei Army in August to Liaodong Road to replace the Forbidden Army and return.

Huainan's army, you say he is a Southern soldier, indeed.But it’s not all, Beibing’s temperament is also very strong, equipment, tactics, training, etc., are more similar to Beibing—maybe it has something to do with the environment and folk customs of Huainan.

A sage will certainly not support idlers.So many surrendered troops will definitely be used on various battlefields.

It is relatively easy to accept that the first step is to let you garrison far away.And once this is accepted, the next step is to fight the war.If even expeditions to war are acceptable, then the next step is long-term expeditions, to see if you can accept it.

The bottom line is lowered step by step, and the saints call it "cutting sausages".

"Have you checked the rations and equipment?" Li Cunxu asked, no longer watching the savages worshiping Zhu Jin.

"Ready, there is still a batch of arrows left, and I have to go to Fengzhou to get them." The general replied.

"That's good." Li Cunxu nodded, with a flame in his heart, and he had the urge to do something big.

They had just received an order to go northward to Yinshan Mountain three days later, joining the Fan soldiers from Jiyuquan and Kedun City and some soldiers from Fengzhou and Shengzhou prefectures. A total of 4 people, one man and two horses, went northward to harass the Tatar tribes.

I heard that this is a long-term military operation.This year is the second or third time to go north. The overall strategy is to rely on the two major logistics bases of Guanbei Road and Guannei Road to launch continuous attacks on the Tatars.

Find the ranch and hit it!

If you can't find the ranch, keep looking for the fuck, and call again if you find it!
Through this kind of attrition war, the Tatars were overwhelmed, and then they went south to surrender and broke the Uyghurs' arm.

This method of warfare is actually very much in line with Li Cunxu's appetite.

He likes to bring light and sturdy troops, don't need logistics, support war with war, and kill the culprits.

"Dinner is ready!" The husband of Shuofang County walked over carrying the boiled broth and steamed Hubing.

There are a lot of people, and a lot of meals are prepared.

At the back of the team there are carriages pulling plums, jujubes, apricots and other fruits.This is a specialty of the Northwest. Xiazhou is especially rich in all kinds of fruits, and everyone who has eaten it says it is good.

"The imperial court really has nothing to say to the warriors." Li Cunxu laughed and said, "Eat! Practice well after eating!"

My father-in-law expects so much from me, so I can't be careless.Zhu Jin is raised by this maidservant, show it to me!
Shao Shude reviewed the memorials sent by Zhongshu in the "green house" of his wedding 30 years ago.

The situation in the south of the Yangtze River has been decided, the surrendered troops are undergoing training and drills, officials are being selected and appointed, and some generals from Kansai and Henan have also been sent to the south to receive them. Everything is on the right track.

Miyagi, Jiangning Prefecture has also entered the stage of site selection and design.Shao Mianren, king of Wei, had the title of "Envoy of Repairing the Palace System" on his head.But this is a long-term plan, and there is no rush.

All of the above are good news.

There is, of course, bad news.According to reports from Jiannan and Qianzhong, envoys from Dachanghe Kingdom became more and more active among various tribes.

Some tribal leaders wanted to inform the court, and the local officials sent people to arrest them, but they were always in vain.It can be seen that there are so many grass on the wall.

Jiannan and the border states in central Guizhou have warned that the Dachanghe Kingdom may launch an offensive, perhaps in winter.

After much deliberation, Shao Shude decided to send his sixth son, Shao Mingyi, to Chengdu again to take command.

The news from Liaodong is mixed.

The joy is that the turmoil in the remotest and most savage Kishu has come to an end.

The fighting quality of the Great Xia Forbidden Army is quite excellent.

He has undergone rigorous training in the recruit academy, and has mastered the basic skills very well.

After the recruits join the army, they are accompanied by old people, and they go to the battlefield from time to time to feel the atmosphere, accumulate experience, and their quality has been further improved.Coupled with the crushing of equipment and organization, the previous Bohai people's rebellion was easily wiped out.

The only people who are troublesome are the Mohe people and the Jurchens.Their living environment is relatively complicated, it is really difficult to cross mountains and mountains, and they are relatively brave individuals, so they spend a lot of energy.

However, as far as the performance on the battlefield is concerned, the current imperial army is really suitable for suppressing the rebellious savages, because in small and medium-scale operations in mountainous areas, the requirements for personal skills are very high.

This allowed Shao Shude to further veto some voices in the court, that is, to lower the enlistment standards of the Forbidden Army, and all the recruits from the Five Great Courts would be incorporated into the Forbidden Army.

The essence of this call is to stop strict skill training and mainly turn to "crash" training in discipline and military formation.To be more essential, it is required to save money, and strict military discipline is enough. Strict enough to be called harsh martial arts training is superfluous in many people's eyes.

But the war against the Jurchen tribe in the valley shows that martial arts are important at any time.

In the south of Liaodong Road, Gong Yi sent General Wang Jian to the north to conquer Fuyan City.

Strictly speaking, this place is someone else's territory, but when the guard took refuge in Daxia, things became very complicated.

Shao Shude looked at it, feeling annoyed in his heart: I'm planning a western expedition, and you are looking for trouble for me everywhere.

After thinking about it, he decided to send an envoy to Mozhen Kingdom first, to reprimand him, and to show courtesy first and then soldiers.

On July [-]th, he summoned the leaders of various tribes and local tyrants in Xiazhou, encouraged them, distributed some rewards, and then accepted three hundred children who were skilled in bows and horses into the silver saddle.

The next day, he led his troops northward, heading towards Fengzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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