Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1489 Don't play dead

Chapter 1489 Don't play dead

When Zhu Shuzong and Li Tangbin arrived at the meditation room in the East Chamber of Yuhua Temple, they probably knew the whole story.

Regarding this matter, Zhu Shuzong felt very complicated, both happy and worried.

In fact, he is not very keen on the Western Expedition.

For his sake as an official, what else is there to pursue?It has reached the top!The son-in-law is the most popular candidate for the crown prince, so what should be concerned about now is how to make a stable transition to the new king's succession, instead of seeking more credit at this stage, that will only make the Zhu family more conspicuous and hated by others .

If that's all there is to it, it can be dealt with.But if Xizheng suffers a big defeat, and there is something unbearable, the middle school will be in chaos. The Zhu family and the Shao family are so deeply bound, it is basically impossible to get out, and it is not surprising that anything will happen at that time .

He hates risk, very much.

Li Tangbin was indifferent to this.He is now a cook, eating, drinking, drinking tea and talking nonsense with the saint every day, and he has long been drowsy, and he can't wake up any energy.He wouldn't mind if he could have more fun, no matter which direction the fun came from.

"Your Majesty, there are so many soldiers and horses in the south, and people eat and chew on horses. It bothers me. Let them go and fight. If they win, they can grab something and come back. If they don't win, they can go home and farm." Li Tangbin said carelessly.

"Your Majesty, Nanzhao has no faith at all." Zhu Shuzong said.

The Dachanghe Kingdom inherited most of Nanzhao's territory and heritage, and many people in Daxia still used to call them Nanzhao.

The word "unfaithful" is well put, and Shao Shude also agrees.

The country of Nanzhao itself was the product of the struggle between Tang and Tubo.But after it was established, it was not grateful, and sometimes became a vassal to Tang and sometimes to Tubo.Xuanzong's conquest of Nanzhao also caused a disastrous defeat, losing troops and generals.

After the Anshi Rebellion, Nanzhao intensified and joined forces with Tubo to harass Jiannan many times.

During the Dali period of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, more than [-] troops from Tubo and Nanzhao attacked Jiannan. Chang'an sent [-] Shence troops and [-] soldiers from Youzhou Fanzhen to the south to rescue them. , Beheading more than a thousand levels.The Tubo people withdrew their troops because they did not adapt to the climate in Jiannan and many died of the epidemic.

After the collapse of Tubo, Fang restrained himself and once again professed his minister to Tang.

At the end of Emperor Xuanzong and the beginning of Emperor Yizong, because Chengdu reduced the enrollment quota for Nanzhao's children and the number of entourages of Nanzhao's tribute missions, Nanzhao was furious, and placed Tang's mourning envoy (Xuanzong had just passed away) in a foreign embassy. The courtesy is very thin.After the envoy returned to Chang'an, Emperor Yizong was also angry, and refused to confer Shilong the "King of Yunnan" on the grounds that the Nanzhao king had passed away and did not send an envoy to Chang'an to mourn, and that the name of the new monarch (Meng Shilong) violated taboos.

Meng Shilong was also unambiguous, he directly proclaimed himself emperor, the country was named "Dali", and the Yuan was changed to "Jianji".As a result, the war between the two sides broke out for more than ten years. It was not until the number of males in Nanzhao Kingdom disappeared, and the famous ministers withered, that it ended and they became ministers again.

But in the reign of Emperor Xizong, the Nanzhao envoys came again, demanding that they no longer be called ministers, but only wished to be a "brother country", and Tang was a "brother country", which was naturally refuted.

When Huang Chao attacked Chang'an and the Tang court lost power, Nanzhao became even more arrogant, repeatedly raiding Jiannan and central Guizhou, and many local tribes turned to Nanzhao.However, a coup d'état soon took place in Nanzhao, and the border calmed down for a while.

Zhu Shuzong talked about this eloquently, and finally summed it up in one sentence: "If you succeed, you will be rampant, and you should discuss it."

"It's time to fight." Li Tangbin didn't know much about these things, so he added after listening.

Shao Shude was noncommittal, and asked, "Nanzhao is far away from Bozhou, why can the army go straight to the city?"

Judging from the map, Bozhou is actually in the middle of Qianzhong Road, and there are many tribes in the south and west. Nanzhao was able to pass through this complex area, which is a big problem.

"Your Majesty, the Kunming tribe sometimes descends to Tang and sometimes descends to Nanzhao. It is not reliable." Zhu Shuzong said: "I think about it carefully, they may be more inclined to Nanzhao, after all, they are all Wuman tribes."

"Did the Kunming tribe send envoys to the court?" Shao Shude couldn't remember clearly, because there were dozens of Jimi prefectures and hundreds of tribes, large and small, in the central and southern parts of Guizhou. He really couldn't remember whether people from the Kunming tribe had come.

"Come, but not all come." Zhu Shuzong replied: "Your Majesty, if Nanzhao invades the north, all the tribes in Kunming will help the tyrant."

Shao Shude nodded, then looked at a map on the table.

Wei Wang Shao Mianren served as governor of Cangzhou for several years, suppressed many local tribes, and moved a large number of Hebei soldiers and civilians to settle in various counties.In fact, Zangzhou is actually more like Zhengzhou than Bozhou in the northwest, because there are more immigrants from the Central Plains, and Manliao is more obedient.

The Kunming tribe is located in the southwest of Zangzhou and Bozhou, and it is actually a huge wall grass.Once a war breaks out, they are likely to defect immediately.

"Order Zhu Yanshou to lead the dragon and tiger army to advance to the two prefectures of Zang and Bo."

"Order Ningyuan's army to go south to Yongzhou."

"Order the Qing Navy to go south to Jiaozhou."

"The Guangjie Army moved westward to Qianzhou."

"The left and right sides of the Shengjie Army stayed in Shuzhong, and the Golden Spear Army stayed in Changsha as backup."

Shao Shude looked at the map and finished giving the order.

Zhu Shuzong and Li Tangbin agreed repeatedly.

Shao Shude's face was full of displeasure, and he said, "It's fine if Zheng Renmin doesn't come, if he dares to come, I'll take his skin off."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the letter of credence presented by the Nanzhao envoy from the ground, and said with a sneer: "Tang Xuanzong is willing to canonize the king of Yunnan, but I don't want to."

"Your Majesty is wise." Zhu and Li said in unison.

Shao Shude glared at the two of them, and asked again: "When Emperor Xizong of Tang Dynasty was fortunate in Shu, Nanzhao asked to marry the princess, what happened after that?"

Li Tangbin pretended to frown and think hard, but actually he didn't know anything.

Zhu Shuzong said calmly: "Your Majesty, at that time Meng Shilong had passed away, and the new king Meng Longshun succeeded. Please make peace with Nanzhao to eliminate war. The imperial court does not allow it. Nanzhao’s repatriation envoy asked for marriage, and the court’s discussion was endlessly disputed, so it was shelved.”

Shao Shude nodded, indicating that he was listening.

At that time, he had just returned to Suizhou from Hedong, and he was racking his brains to make troubles and expand the territory, but he didn't notice so many things happened in the court.

"The Lingnan Xidao Jiedu envoy Xin Yu sent Xu Yunqian to Nanzhao, Nanzhao Piaoxin (National Lord) Longshun met him kindly, and asked him about the righteousness of "Spring and Autumn". After Xu Yunqian came back, he said that Longshun was greedy for enjoyment and extravagant , with female music company, all night long, not for good masters."

Shao Shude nodded again. This was actually a secret blind date, which showed that Tang Ting was a little inclined to agree to the marriage, but Meng Longshun didn't look very decent.

"Xi Zong originally wanted to marry the imperial sister, Princess Anhua, to marry her. After hearing about it from Yunqian, she replaced her with a daughter from the clan. In the first year of Zhonghe, Xi Zong was lucky to Shu, and Nanzhao sent a large number of dowry gifts, but the court refused. It has been like this for several years , until Xizong returned to Chang'an, the matter has not been implemented."

"In the first year of Guangqi (885), Nanzhao sent important officials to Chang'an to urge them. Gao Pian played, saying that the Nanzhao envoy was a well-known and virtuous official in the country, and he could be killed. The court agreed to kill the Nanzhao envoy to welcome his relatives. Minister. As a result, Nanzhao's national power weakened, and the monarch's power fell, and gradually became a puppet. 19 years ago, Zheng Maisi, the powerful minister, killed Longshun and established a new puppet king. Five years later, Zheng Maisi usurped the throne, and Nanzhao perished."

Shao Shude couldn't stop laughing when he heard this, and said, "Gao Pian is really interesting."

He took the lead in recovering Annan, defeated Nanzhao, and annihilated 10,000+ Nanzhao troops, gaining a great reputation.But when Li Guochang and his son rebelled and Huang Chao fled to the south, he urged him to make peace with Nanzhao to eliminate the threat of war.

When Huang Chao was destroyed, Nanzhao sent heavyweight envoys to Chang'an to greet the relatives, and ordered the court to kill Nanzhao envoys, because these people were too important to Nanzhao, they were called the pillars of the country, and they happened to be killed.

To be honest, it's a bit unethical, but it's really effective.The balance of the Nanzhao court was broken, giving the eunuchs and powerful officials a chance to overshadow the emperor.

It can also be seen from this that Tang Ting really knows the internal situation of Nanzhao very well, and knows how to do it with the highest cost-effectiveness ratio.

"It's impossible for me to marry my daughter. Let's not talk about Zheng Renmin, just in terms of the situation in the country, it is impossible for me to push my daughter into the pit of fire." Shao Shude said without doubt: "If Zheng Renmin refuses to accept , I will fight him, so what?"

Speaking of this, I couldn't help but swear a curse, saying: "The earliest food hoarded in Helong Zhucang was more than two years ago. I have already prepared for the Western Expedition. It is unreasonable to come out like this. !"

Zhu Shuzong and Li Tangbin didn't know what to say.This guy Zheng Renmin really doesn't wink.If the sage really made up his mind to suspend the western expedition and start a war in the south, judging from the situation in Nanzhao Kingdom, no matter the victory or defeat, as long as the war continued, Zheng Renmin would not be able to bear it.

Sometimes fighting is actually consuming.

The war in the Yizong Dynasty of the former Tang Dynasty lasted for more than ten years. Nanzhao even had a shortage of men who farmed the fields. It has only been more than [-] years now. Has it really fully recovered?

"That's it. I won't kill the envoy of Nanzhao, let him go back, the matter has been clarified, don't say it was unpredictable." Shao Shude clapped the table and said.

His eyes were still fixed on the Western Regions, obviously this was the top priority.

Li Tangbin and Zhu Shuzong quickly resigned, Shao Shude sat down and looked through the case files.

Mrs. Liu brought a bowl of ginseng tea.

Shao Shude glanced at her helplessly, his living habits had been quietly changed, but this little girl still acted righteously.

I don't care about her anymore.Shao Shude checked the archives page by page.

The grain has been almost fully stocked, and more than 20% of all kinds of military supplies are full. War horses and draft animals are available, and more than [-] cattle and sheep have even been prepared in multiple locations as military supplies for walking.Everything is ready, how can it be easily changed?

In early October, he led his troops back to Chang'an, ending the four-month northern tour.

At this time, scholars from all over the world also gathered in Xijing to prepare for the scientific examination next spring.

There is only one imperial examination every three years. Its importance is self-evident, and no one dares to ignore it.

(End of this chapter)

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