Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1504 Duo Sheath

Chapter 1504 Duo Sheath
Zheng Renmin is an ambitious person, but at the same time, he is also a person who has no clues.

Perhaps it was the smoothness at the beginning that made him dizzy, but when the news came from the front that Yang Zhao's troops were under the city of Yazhou, he was very dissatisfied.

On May 24, he held a court meeting in Lizhou to discuss the next step.

Attendees were all important ministers and generals, as well as the Jiedu envoys of foreign vassals and the chiefs of the barbarian tribes.

At Chenshi, after the sound of drums and music, a team of palace guards holding tuo sheaths entered the arena and lined up. Zheng Renmin, dressed in a dragon robe, sat on the dragon chair surrounded by the palace people.

"Greetings, Piao Xin." All the ministers fell to the ground one after another.

"Get up and sit down." Zheng Renmin also held a sheath in his hand, which made people look a little uneasy.

Duo sheath is a treasure of Nanzhao period.

Ge Luofeng attacked Yue and analyzed the edict, and got this magic weapon.Since then, the duo sheath has been regarded as Nanzhao's "Heavenly Soldier", a symbol of destiny, and "the king must hold it both when he goes out to the army" - the duo sheath is a weapon with a long handle, which looks like a knife, halberd, and crescent moon. , like Yudao and Langjian, is a standard long weapon commonly used by the Nanzhao army.

Countries with different cultures, different environments, and different aesthetics naturally have different weapons from the Central Plains.

Since Ge Luofeng seized the Duo sheath on the battlefield, this weapon has been a treasure of the Nanzhao royal family and has been passed down from generation to generation.

In the Yimouxun era, because of the repair of the alliance with the Tang Dynasty, its prime minister, Yin Fuji, went to the Central Plains to express his gratitude and presented the duo sheath as a national gift to the Tang Dynasty—this is the genuine duo sheath obtained by Ge Luofeng, not craftsman , according to rumors, it is "from the sky", born with the appearance of a magic weapon...

It is a pity that the genuine Duo scabbard is so miraculous, "everything hits is full of holes, and the barbarians are especially precious, and the moon sacrifices it with blood", but Chang'an can't find it. It may have been lost in the war, just like the national fortune of Nanzhao.

Although the duo scabbard in Zheng Renmin's hand looks gorgeous, it is a monkey version made by a famous master in Dali, Xijing, and it does not have that strong symbolic meaning of destiny.

"Yang Chang, Lizhou was breached within ten days, why is Yazhou so difficult to get down?" Zheng Renmin asked softly, sitting on the upper seat.

This is a young man of no more than 25 years old, with a pale face, sparse eyebrows, and high cheekbones. From the appearance, he has a mean look-for ordinary people, 25 years old is not young, but for the emperor , is really very young.

Zheng Renmin's eyes were not very sharp, and seemed to be a bit timid.But if you observe carefully, you can see a bit of cruelty and even madness. This is a person who has been forced into a corner and has a strong desire to destroy, destroying others and destroying himself.

Yang Qianzhen didn't think highly of him, and even wanted to kill this fellow, and sit on the dragon chair by herself.But he is also a very cautious person, if he is not fully sure, he will never move lightly.

"Piao Xin, King Yan, a member of the Xia Kingdom's Shao Clan, sits in the city, boosts morale, and brings reinforcements. It's not uncommon for them to be difficult to conquer in a hurry." Yang Qianzhen said.

Zheng Renmin subconsciously shook the duo sheath in his hand, and there was no sound for a long time.

Qingping official (Bu Xie, Prime Minister) Duan Yizong looked up at Zheng Renmin, and suddenly said: "Xin, this time we sent troops, we have already expanded a lot of land, if we can't take Yazhou, there is no need to force it, maybe..."

"Duan Chang!" Zheng Renmin seemed to be awakened suddenly, and immediately refuted, his tone was urgent and quick, "If we retreat right now, might Lizhou hold?"

"Difficult." Duan Yizong didn't like to tell lies, so he replied truthfully.

"If we retreat to the south of the Dadu River, will we be able to hold Yizhou?" Zheng Renmin asked.

"Maybe you can try it. The Dadu River is fast-moving and can only be crossed by small boats and rafts. It is relatively easy to defend. The terrain of Yizhou is difficult and dangerous, maybe..."

"Are you sure you can keep it?" Zheng Renmin asked.

Duan Yizong was indeed an honest man, he shook his head and said, "Not necessarily."

Zheng Renmin looked at Lishui, Yinsheng and other envoys, and asked, "Since the dispatch of troops, have the people and goods you looted been enough to make up for your expenses? Are you satisfied?"

Several foreign feudal commanders looked at each other in blank dismay, but they couldn't agree.

"Yuan knows that many people in the country are waiting to see the joke." Zheng Renmin sneered, and said: "Even in this city, there are people with ulterior motives. But everyone, don't forget that during the reign of the first emperor, How do you deal with people who are treasonous? Yuan has been in the Great Treasure for several years, and he has not yet done such a drastic thing. Don't you think that Yuan is easy to talk about?"

"Piao's message is outraged." All the ministers tried to persuade them one after another.

Don't tell me, Zheng Renmin's words really have some effect.

Things are not going well today, the late Emperor Zheng Maisi was a ruthless man.Hundreds of members of the Zheng family are officials in various places, especially in Dali and Shanchan, where there are many children of the Zheng family. This was all set up by Zheng Maisi.

Dachangheguo is the same as Nanzhao, as long as the capital Dali and the accompanying capital Shanchanfu are not in chaos, it is difficult for the foreign governors and barbarian leaders to have a chance unless they unite.

But how easy is it to unite such scattered tribes?The only chance, only when the people are really struggling, will things like the Huangchao uprising in the former Tang Dynasty appear, and there will be a stage for careerists.

For the time being, Yang Qianzhen doesn't dare to be this early bird.It's not that he's really afraid of the Zheng family, but he's worried about being a king's pioneer. When he and the Zheng family lose both sides, he will be taken advantage of by others.

"The Northern Expedition of a [-]-strong army cost so much!" Zheng Renmin was a little satisfied when he saw that everyone was silent, and continued: "Yizhou is broken, and three counties have been captured, and the gains are very little. Neither are Lizhou and Yazhou. We are very rich. Think about it, the tribes that came with us, Li and Yajian responded to our cave masters and leaders. Are they willing to retreat now? If they leave without getting anything, the next time they send troops, Can you still use them so easily?"

This is also reasonable, Duan Yizong sighed again after hearing this.

The leaders of the cave masters are fighting with you with their heads up, they are here to grab money, food, and people.How much food and population do we get now?If you don't have enough points for yourself, how can you give it to the cave masters?Now that you have retired, don't try to order them around next time. We are not children, we have to settle accounts!

"Yang Chang!" Zheng Renmin looked at Yang Qianzhen and said, "Take Yuan's scabbard, take your soldiers and horses, and take Yazhou City. If the Xia people attack, you will fight with them. Cut them down with Yu Dao Pierce their hearts with wave swords, trample their bodies with horseshoes, and sacrifice the scabbard with blood. Do not pity them. Since they dare to resist, they must be prepared to die. Go, fight all the way to Chengdu, Yuan is right behind you, and an army of [-] is right behind you. Jiannan is the blessed land of the Dachanghe Kingdom, and after it is captured, you can be the real Dongchuan Jiedushi."

"The final general obeys orders." Yang Qianzhen hesitated a little, and replied.

It was nearly three hundred miles from Lizhou to Yazhou. Yang Qianzhen handed over the troops to his nephew and nephew, and he arrived in a few days.

"Is Yazhou an impregnable wall? It's been ten days of beating, but I can't take it down." As soon as he saw his younger brother Yang Zhao, Yang Qianzhen took a whip and beat him to the head and face, without any hesitation about the presence of outsiders.

Yang Zhao stood firm and did not speak, and after his elder brother finished beating, he said: "The terrain is like this, what can I do?"

Yang Qianzhen snorted coldly and looked to the west.

There is heavy fog today, which is good for the offense.In fact, it has been foggy for the past few days, otherwise, they would not have been able to break through the Xia army camp on the mountainside and reach the city two days ago.

At this time, drums were beating in the thick fog, and the sound of fighting was endless. Obviously, the tragic siege battle was still going on.

"How many people died?" Yang Qianzhen asked.

"More than six thousand and seven hundred." Yang Zhao said, "Our own people are only two thousand."

It doesn't sound like much, but it's just the dead, what about the injured?

Yang Qianzhen glanced across the thick fog ahead, and there was already a long line of masters carrying wounded soldiers down.

The wounded were wailing, cursing, or crying, making Yang Qianzhen frown, which affected morale too much.

On the edge of the wounded soldiers' camp, many people were still moaning.

They wear felt skins, their hair is tied together, always in a bun, and they are wrapped together with head capsules.

This hair accessory is actually similar to that of Nanzhao.

Many people in the Tang Dynasty went to Nanzhao and introduced the local customs after returning.

As far as clothes are concerned, "the husband wears felt all the time, and the rest of the clothes are slightly the same as those of the Han Dynasty."Because Nanzhao has a large proportion of animal husbandry and more livestock, it is rich in fur, so it is natural to make the best use of it. Felt is an important raw material for clothing.

As far as the hair bun is concerned, it is the same as the Tang people wearing Futou. They also wrap their hair, but there are differences. The difference is mainly in the style of the hair bun.

They probably inherited the ancient Dian people's chido style, with their hair tied together as a whole.If it is a person with status, horns will be pinched out from the edge of the bun and wrapped with a head bag made of red satin.If it is a lower-level official or ordinary people, it is not allowed to pinch the horns and the head bag is also white silk.

Women's hairstyles are different.Their hair is not directly coiled together, but braided and then coiled.

There are many ornaments on the topknot.If it is a noble lady, pearls, amber, and gold shells are used as hair bun ornaments, gold earrings, ivory arms, and skirts.

There are no mulberries in the barbaric land, but just as there are tussah silkworms in Liaodong, there are silkworms in Nanzhao, which can also weave brocade, and the textile technology is quite good.Now that a large amount of cotton has been grown, the nobles have long stopped wearing felt leather and have changed to cotton clothes.

The people Yang Qianzhen saw had sac horns on their heads, so they were obviously not ordinary people, but they were also wearing felt skins, so they were not nobles of the Dachanghe Kingdom, at least not the nobles of the two capitals.

In fact, they were tribal leaders recruited along the way, and Yang Qianzhen had already seen it.

"Piaoxin is angry, we can't delay any longer." Yang Ganzhen straightened his mind and said, "The reinforcements will arrive in a few days, and Piaoxin will go north in person to urge all the ministries to fight. Yazhou must be taken, no matter what you pay. The price. Otherwise, there is only one way to retreat."

"Retiring troops, I'm afraid I will not be reconciled." Yang Zhao sighed.

"It's good that you know." Yang Qianzhen glanced at him and asked, "How many Xia soldiers are there in Yazhou City? Have you figured it out?"

"There may be as many as 1 people." Speaking of this matter, Yang Zhao, who hadn't shown the slightest emotion when he was beaten just now, was full of resentment and even fear in his eyes.

Yang Qianzhen frowned.

With 1 people defending the city, it would be fine if it collapsed at the first touch, but it seems that the will is firm and there is no shortage of supplies, so it will be difficult to fight.

Yang Zhao also paid attention to his expression.

It is obviously inappropriate to attack the city like this and continue to spend one's own capital.Really beat people up, isn't it Ren Zheng's kneading in the future?Brother shouldn't be so stupid.

"Let those cave masters attack first, and if they don't want to, kill a few people to stand up." Yang Qianzhen said: "When Piao Xin comes to the north, I will find a way to get other people to attack the city. This kind of hard work can't be done. Keep us coming."

"Okay." Yang Zhao put down his heart and said, "I'll let people step up the offensive. We are tired, and the Xia people are also tired. Now is the time to fight for breath."

"Don't blindly attack, sometimes you can bluff and lure the Xia people out of the city, that will be much easier." Yang Qianzhen listened to the movement that gradually died down in the thick fog, and said: "You can also send someone to detour, take advantage of this It's foggy, find a way to surprise it."

"I tried it. The Xia people had an ambush in the back mountain, but they didn't succeed." Yang Zhao sighed, "That King Yan of the Xia Kingdom is very careful, and he guards it tightly."

"It's fine if you don't succeed, but don't give up. It's okay to try a few more times." Yang Qianzhen said again: "Pay attention to the north bank of the river. It's impossible for the Xia people to come without reinforcements. Don't let people touch it without knowing it."

"I know, people have been arranged earlier." Yang Zhao said: "As soon as the Xia people's army arrives, we will immediately retreat and form a formation, and wait for the main force of Huoxin to arrive before making any calculations."

After the discussion between the two, they naturally began to dispatch troops.The brutal siege battle did not stop for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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