Chapter 1510
After the mobilization is over, there is not much to say.

Right now, there are already masters and some sergeants active in the enemy camp, and if it drags on, there will be no surprise effect.And this meeting is actually a good opportunity, the enemy will not rise, the overall is relatively weak, and the vigilance is also the most relaxed time.And they ran wildly all night without stopping, and their speed exceeded the enemy's rout, and they did their best to ensure the suddenness.

The outcome is here!
But still a little bit regretful.This is obviously an outlying camp, and there is no way to directly kill the false emperor Zheng Renmin, which makes Li Lin very unhappy.

The opportunity to be famous in history is indeed not something that everyone can encounter.

"Do it." After resting for a while, seeing the growing commotion in the enemy camp, Li Lin knew that he could not wait any longer, and ordered an attack.In order to boost morale, he took the lead and led the cavalry to clear the way.

The pawns also jumped up, taking small steps forward.

The master of Nanzhao had just opened the gate of the camp and went out to collect woodcutters. When he suddenly saw a horse standing on the hillside in front of him roaring towards him, he was frightened and froze there.

There is someone behind the Roaring Knight!
One horse after another followed closely behind, and one long spear shining with silver light stabbed at them one after another.

The leading master wanted to shout "enemy attack", but his legs were shaking constantly, and it was difficult to swallow his saliva, so he couldn't shout anything.

"Enemy attack!" The masters beside him shouted out.

After shouting, he left him on the spot and ran back to the camp.

The cavalry is close at hand.

The stiff wife fell limply to the ground, her eyes full of despair.

His parents had worked hard for him all his life, dedicating the only cow in the family to the cave master, and only then did he get the position of the captain of the civilian husband, specializing in woodcutters and collecting without fighting.

He also has a wife and children. The oldest child is only five years old, and the youngest child was born just before the expedition. Life at home is difficult, and his wife is too busy to do it alone. He must go back alive.

Because of his diligence and diligence, he was praised by a big man from the south, who rewarded him with a few bolts of silk that he had snatched from the Han people. He could buy a new cow when he returned home, and his life would be greatly improved.

He can't die, his life is not all his own, he can't afford to die!
"Pfft!" Ma Qian stabbed towards him emotionlessly, penetrated his body in an instant, then raised it high, and threw it out heavily.

A large stream of blood gushed out of the Master's mouth and nose, and the severe pain made him unable to think.His last memory is of being flung onto a group of soldiers rushing out of the tent.

Death is so cheap sometimes.

"Drive back the thieves who rushed out!" Li Lin's voice was particularly loud amidst the chaotic sound of horseshoes.

Under his call, dozens of cavalry rushed over, and scattered a group of bandit soldiers who had assembled in disorder.

Li Lin stared at a bandit leader who looked like a general. He had no weapons in his hands, was wearing single clothes, and was barefoot—well, many Nanzhao soldiers were barefoot.

"Death!" Li Lin galloped over and stabbed him with a spear.

The thief general was yelling and gathering soldiers, but Li Lin rushed over and was stabbed in the abdomen by a spear.

This man was also fierce and tight, he knelt down on the ground obviously in pain, but he held onto the pole firmly and refused to let go no matter what.Seeing this, the soldiers beside him were filled with grief and indignation, and rushed forward one by one desperately, slashing and killing them with their knives.

Li Lin's horse's speed dropped severely, and he was stopped for a while and fell off the horse.

Fortunately, Pao Ze rushed over and went down several times, stabbing all the culprits to the ground.

"If you survive a catastrophe, you will win this battle." Li Lin got up from the ground, laughed loudly, changed another horse, and brandished his mace and rushed towards the crowd of enemy soldiers.

"Kill the thief!" The infantry also shouted and rushed into the camp, killing indiscriminately.The bandit army failed to form a system, the main general died again, and the army was defeated.

Yang Shigui is a smart person, he knows that his side has few people and lacks physical strength, so he can't force it, he has to outsmart him.

Ever since, under his command, the various ministries formed a loose formation, stabbed with spears when they encountered the enemy's tent, and then set fire to it, causing chaos.

The night before dawn was reddened by fire, and the whole camp was in chaos.

Shouts, cursing, fighting, and screams mixed together, making people stunned, but at the same time, there was a tremor from the soul: Okay, why did the fight suddenly start?

After finishing a round of killing, Li Lin was very satisfied to see his own infantry, under the command of Yang Shigui, driving the routs into the valley in an orderly manner.

He has already seen that this camp is not big, and more than 2000 soldiers and more than a thousand masters have survived. It is an outer security camp for the main force of the Nanman.Only by breaking through them can he create greater chaos and achieve greater results.

What Yang Shigui did was right, this general from Yandi is really capable!

The bandit army fled into the valley crying and crying.

They had no armor, no weapons, and lost all fighting spirit. They kept retreating, just to avoid the vicious Xia people.

Gao Xianwen, the general of the army, was beheaded outside the tent. He was dead, so how could other people raise their fighting spirit? , can be promoted to Qingping official (prime minister), that is, generals and prime ministers.

Xia Jun lined up, running in small steps, driving them unhurriedly.

They stabbed the bandit soldiers who were running slowly with long spears, and shot the military academy trying to accommodate the rout soldiers with infantry bows. Therefore, more than 1000 bandits could not be organized and could only spread their legs and run towards the valley.

While running, but also yelling.The Nanman in the valley just wanted to go forward to contain and intercept them, but they were immediately dispersed, creating even greater chaos.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The sound of rhythmic drums sounded just right on the mountain beams on both sides, and at the same time there was the faint sound of killing.

The chaos got worse!
Originally, there were people who planned to counterattack, but when they heard the sound of the drum, they subconsciously hesitated.The result was this hesitation, and was soon knocked back and forth by the oncoming rout soldiers.

"Hula la!" The flames blazed up, and the smoke lingered straight into the clouds.

Visibility also suddenly became very low!

"Let the arrows! Let the arrows!" The thieves are not without rules. Although the camps in the valley did not build strong stockades, they are still strictly divided into camps, and there are even fire ditches-not as strict as the Central Plains army, but by no means. The mob is comparable.

The rout soldiers were hit head-on and shot to death in a large area by the rain of arrows, and the corpses spread all over the ground.

With a roar, Li Lin led more than [-] cavalry and rushed over against the arrows of the bandits.

The sound of piercing through the air continued, and people fell off their horses during the charge. However, under their sacrifice and cover, the cavalry behind took advantage of the incomplete formation of the bandit army and cut into the bandit formation without caring about the speed of the horse. What's the consequence, anyway, it's just to hack and kill desperately, and then break this relatively complete army little by little.

Now there is no resistance at all.

The broken soldiers scattered all over the ground, and under the yelling, the valley was already in chaos.There are panicked crowds everywhere, who died from arrows, horses, swords, stampedes, and even choked to death by smoke—the fire that was originally only burning locally, with the repeated charge of the cavalry of the Xia army, also disappeared. Soon it spread to other regions.

No one commanded, no one put out the fire, everyone fell into hysteria, only thinking about running backwards, without a shred of courage to turn back and fight.

Li Lin has changed to the third horse today.

The mace was left on the belly of the thief general Gao Xianwen, and the iron mace was also lost in the battle. Then he changed to a saber and cut it sharply again.

His breath was heavy, and during the charge, he was panting heavily, and his whole body was extremely tired.But after seeing the culprit's defeated appearance, for some reason, his whole body regained a lot of strength. His face was flushed, and he took the rolled-edged saber to cut back and forth on the culprit.Wherever he passed, no one dared to fight back.

When the saber was really unusable, he pulled out the last secondary weapon, Tie Lao, from the sheath, and charged at the dozens of bandit soldiers who were trying to form a stubborn formation.

The others looked exactly like Li Lin. More than 3000 people, no matter on foot or on foot, if they still had some concerns before the battle, all of them looked excited and courageous at this time, and even their physical fatigue disappeared miraculously.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind: to create chaos, to drive away the rout, to charge as far as possible and as far as possible, and today is the day to seal the wife and Yinzi!

When Zheng Renmin heard the news, he had just finished his breakfast.

He actually got up quite early today because he was going to call the generals to discuss matters later.

The discussion may last a whole day, because many people's camps are far away, and the soldiers and horses are not here, and it will take time to rush over.

He didn't sleep well last night.

Chou Shi was awakened suddenly, and after learning that Zheng Qi had led more than [-] people northward to cut wood and set up fences, he felt a little relieved, and lay down to sleep again.

At the first moment, I don't know why, but my heart is terrified.He knew there was no reason for this, and he planned to continue squinting for a while, but he couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning.

After struggling for a while, he simply got up.

After washing up and eating breakfast, I asked about Zheng Qi's situation, but when I learned that no news had been sent back, I became more and more irritable.

He even wondered if Zheng Qi had encountered an enemy?

Unexpectedly, at this time, Zhao Shanzheng and Duan Yizong arrived in a hurry and brought him explosive news: the former army station was raided by the Xia people, and the army was defeated.

Zheng Renmin's silly expression lasted for a long time, and finally he said: "Where are the 5000 people in Zheng Qi?"

Duan Yizong took a deep breath, and said: "Piao Xin, the Xia army is complete and full of vigor, obviously it didn't come from over the mountains, General Zheng's troops - most of them are gone."

"It's gone? How could it be gone?" Zheng Renmin asked with a raised voice.

Zhao Shanzheng and Duan Yizong looked at each other and said in unison: "It's probably because I was unprepared in the night and fell into the enemy's way."

When people face unacceptable bad news, they generally go through several steps, namely denial, anger, negotiation, depression, and acceptance.

Zheng Renmin rushed to the Northern Expedition with great enthusiasm, and it went very smoothly at the beginning, which has completely whetted his appetite.But when the main force of the Xia army went south for reinforcements, it suffered a big loss all at once.It took him one night to reluctantly accept the bad news, but he still maintained a sliver of extravagant hope, hoping to gradually turn the situation around after a few victories.

But now you tell me that the enemy has reached the door?How did they get here?Zheng Renmin subconsciously couldn't accept it, and didn't believe this fact.

"Piao Xin." Duan Yizong also raised his voice, saying: "The Xia people rushed all the way from the post road. Even if General Zheng didn't die for his country, the army must have collapsed, there is no doubt about it."

"Nonsense!" Zheng Renmin got up abruptly, took a hard look at the table, and said, "Zheng Qi has been familiar with military books since he was a child. Even the late emperor praised him as a master. With five thousand soldiers and horses, how could it be gone? How could it be gone?" ?”

Duan Yizong shook his head and sighed, and said: "The facts are all there, the front battalion was defeated, and the routs spread all over the mountains and plains, Hussin knows it at a glance."

Zheng Renmin's body swayed, and he fell onto the bed.

The two prime ministers would not lie to him, and there is no need to lie to him in such a matter.Besides, he has already heard the sound of hurried footsteps and passwords outside. Could it be that everyone is lying to him?
"Biao Xin..." Duan Yizong was about to persuade him again, but Zheng Renmin stopped him.

"How many bandit soldiers have come?" Zheng Renmin asked.

"No one is sure." Duan Yizong said: "The bandit army is beating drums everywhere, and the sound of killing is loud. There are many banners on the mountain ridges, valleys, and woods. It looks like a lot. But it may be a suspicious strategy, it is hard to say. "

"What kind of suspicious strategy?" Zhao Shanzheng said suddenly: "If there are few people, how can Zheng Qi be defeated in one battle? How can Gao Xianwen be cut off?"

"General Gao's life and death are unknown, Prime Minister Zhao, please speak carefully." Duan Yizong said.

"Even if he is not dead, what's the use?" Zhao Shanzheng sneered and said, "Xin, General Gao is not ignorant of soldiers. Few, or tens of thousands of people."

"Tens of thousands of people..." Zheng Renmin was startled. There are less than 3 people on his side. If there are really tens of thousands of Xia thieves, can they be stopped?

"Zhao Shanzheng!" Duan Yizong was angry, and said, "Why talk nonsense?"

"Duan Yizong, why do you care about Piao Xin's safety?" Zhao Shanzheng asked.

"What do you want?" Duan Yizong stared at Zhao Shanzheng and asked.

Zhao Shanzheng ignored him, turned his head to look at Zheng Renmin, and said: "Puu Xin's safety is more important than Taishan, how can you lightly commit a dangerous place? No matter how many thieves come, the front army is defeated, the middle army is discouraged, and the thieves are full of morale. After much deliberation, please—”

"Shut up!" Duan Yizong also looked at Zheng Renmin, pleading: "Xin, the thieves came late at night, even if there are strong soldiers, there are not many people. And the long-distance attack will weaken the strength and cannot last long. Old man, please get up and drive. In the north, set up a yellow umbrella to cover the mountain ridge, so that all the soldiers can see Piaoxin there. In this way, the soldiers who are in a state of confusion will definitely be encouraged and their courage will be doubled, and the soldiers who are fleeing will also be inspired to turn back and fight again. Perhaps this fierce enemy can be restrained."

"You just have to shut up!" Zhao Shanzheng went all out, and said, "Where are the troops of the Duan family? On the left wing, in the rear battalion, neither in the front army, nor in the escort of Rong Jing. Duan Yizong, you want to harm Huo Xin Huh? Is Duan just so impatient?"

Zheng Renmin's heart skipped a beat.

Duan Yizong was so angry that he almost vomited blood, rushed to Zhao Shanzheng, and slapped him across the face.

Zhao Shanzheng did not show weakness, turned around and began to fight with Duan Yizong.

Zheng Renmin was silent, as if he had settled down.

The footsteps outside became more and more hurried, and the noise gradually became louder.

After a while, several generals opened the tent and walked in.

Zheng Renmin woke up suddenly, and after struggling for a long time, he said: "Here's an order, the guards of all the troops will retreat to Qionglai Pass first, rectify the troops and horses, and then make any calculations."

(End of this chapter)

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