Chapter 1513
On the night of the tenth day of June, the banks of the Dadu River were full of crying.

There were nearly 3 people on the north bank, except for a few lucky ones who escaped, most of them were wiped out.

The head of the Nan'an and the monarch and ministers were also weeping and crying.

The desperate screams, curses, and cries of the sons and daughters before they died were deeply reflected in everyone's minds.

Zheng Renmin's face was pale, and with the help of his guards, he stumbled towards the south.

Duan Yizong's beard and hair turned white overnight, as if he had aged ten years.

Even Zhao Shanzheng, who was lying in the car, cried and lamented after hearing about it.

Some people no longer eat fish.

Some people sweat when they see the rushing river.

Some people have been having nightmares, and they will never forget the night when the [-] troops cried in despair on the bank of the river.

Zheng Renmin ordered to go south, but no one stood up to object.Everyone was downcast and panicked.

Four days later, they ran southward for nearly [-] miles and arrived at Dashiyi, which is the boundary between Lizhou and Yizhou.

Here Zheng Renmin met people from the Gao family, Dong family, and Duan family who crossed the river from other places.

Everyone was ashamed, and more than half of them died.

Dong scolded Li and Yaman Liao cave master for changing his face so quickly that he shot and killed the soldiers and horses who went to borrow food with poisoned arrows.If it weren't for the low morale of the troops, they would definitely settle accounts with them.

Gao said that all the supplies were lost on the road, and now there are less than five arrows for each soldier, and there are many incomplete equipment, so they are unable to fight again.

Duan didn't say anything, just sighed.They lost the most soldiers. When they crossed the river, there were four thousand soldiers, and less than four thousand returned. They were frightened, and they would not be able to go to the battlefield without rectification.

What can Jung In Min say?What can I say?I can only take everyone to continue running.

Arrived at Yong'an City on the [-]th.

The reason for Xiayi Prefecture used to be here.When the [-] army marched north, the governor also surrendered to the Dachanghe Kingdom, and then tried his best to provide food and grass for the army. At this time, hearing of the defeat, he took the opportunity to go out of the city to supervise the food and grass, and ran away directly.

Zheng Renmin didn't bother to pay attention to him, and continued to go south, and arrived at Sanfu City five days later. Take people away.

Zheng Renmin was furious.

Zhao Shanzheng, who has better legs and feet, secretly suggested that Yang should be blamed for the big defeat.

The members of the Gao family, Duan family, and Dong family were silent after hearing this.

If you fail so badly, someone has to take responsibility.Piao Xin is unlikely, and they don't want to, so give it to Yang?It seems plausible.

Brothers Yang Qianzhen and Yang Zhao beat up a pile of shit, causing everyone to run away, and the first person responsible didn't run away, so let's carry this cauldron firmly on our backs.

On the 25th, the army withdrew to Shaye City, which was the seat of Yizhou during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty.

Zheng Renmin made a special trip to the nearby Jingjing Temple, where all the monks performed rituals for the dead soldiers of Beilue.

This was Zhao Shanzheng's idea.

Duan Yizong didn't speak much anymore, and had already asked to resign once, which was rejected by Zheng Renmin.

Zhao Shanzheng is still very active, constantly giving advice to Zheng Renmin.Zheng Renmin's heart was in turmoil, it was rare for someone to give him advice, so he naturally followed suit.

On the 27th, after hearing that the Xia people had crossed the river in a big way, the remnant soldiers who had stayed at Wangxingguan and Qingxiguan were defeated one after another. The chief minister, the monarch and his ministers hurried southward, and it took four days to reach Yangpengling.

Zhao Shanzheng came up with another idea to send envoys to Xiajing, saying that Piaoxin would like to remove his honorary title, proclaim himself a minister, and offer some goods and women to repair it.

Zheng Renmin hesitated.

But what Zhao Shanzheng said is also very reasonable: at this time of new defeat, the greatest danger is inside rather than outside.No matter how vicious the Xia people are, will they still chase them to Liangjing?In other words, it is almost the same to restore the border of Yizhou (south foot of Yangpengling) during the Tang Dynasty.The Xia people would not want Piao Xin's life, but the Duan, Yang, Gao, and Dong families might.

Zheng Renmin took it very seriously, and quietly sent envoys northward, against the army, to negotiate.

On the ninth day of July, the remnants of the retreating soldiers arrived at the Governor's Mansion in Huichuan (Huili). Looking at the two brothers Yang Qianzhen and Yang Zhao who came out to greet them, Zheng Renmin's face was very ugly.

"General Yang fled all the way south, and there was no news. Yuanji thought that the general had died." Zheng Renmin looked at the Yang brothers who were kneeling on the ground, and was almost about to announce his guilt on the spot. Finally, he still remembered Zhao Shanzheng's exhortation. Forbearance, only a few words of ridicule.

"At the end of the day, if you don't want to guard against Xia's bandit suddenly coming to help the army, if you are so careless, please punish him." Yang Ganzhen said.

Zheng Renmin's expression changed several times, and finally he snorted coldly and entered the city.

The slightly gathered [-] soldiers and horses were stationed inside and outside the city, gaining a chance to breathe.

"How many soldiers are there in Huichuan Governor's Mansion?" After entering the city and settling down, Zheng Renmin summoned the Yang brothers directly and asked.

Mentioning this matter, Yang Qianzhen also had a sad face.

Of all the big families in the country, the Yang family suffered the most. The [-] army was wiped out, some of them were soldiers he brought over from the Xi'er River, and some were old soldiers who had been trained in the Huichuan Dudu Mansion for many years. Yes, can you not feel sad?Can you not hesitate?

In fact, before Zheng Renmin arrived, he had already planned to send his younger brother back to Xijing, and recruit a group of young men from the headquarters from his hometown to serve as the backbone. , to train the new army—of course, I want the middle school to provide money, food, and equipment support.

"There are less than 5000 people." Yang Qianzhen answered truthfully.

Zheng Renmin also felt bad when he heard that.

Although Yang's deflated made him a little happy, it was not a good thing to be weakened like this bird.

Along the way, Yang Qianzhen has almost abandoned Sanfu City, Jiuyi Prefecture (Yueyi), Shaye City, Kequan County, Kunming County and other cities, even Yangpengling, and retreated to the south of Huichuan Dudufu , intending to rely on the advantages of many years of operation to stick to it.

But Zheng Renmin is not very optimistic.

The tribes in Huichuan Dudufu's Mansion are also major troops!There are 4 soldiers and tens of thousands of tribesmen, at least 20 are drawn from here.And they suffered the heaviest losses, few of them ran back, not to mention that every household brought filial piety, it was also the first battle that wiped out all the elites, and there was no relief for [-] years-relying on the old man and the young man, they can defend Live in the Governor's Mansion of Huichuan?
And once this place cannot be held, Xia Bing will go straight to Lushui Pass, cross Lushui (Jinsha River) by force, and rush to the Nongdong area.

Nongdong is an area under the jurisdiction of the Jiedushi of Nanzhao, and Dachanghe Guoyin.

During the Nanzhao era, six military envoys were set up in key positions.

One is the Yongchang Jiedushi, who governs Yongchang City (now Baoshan), with a standing army of [-] people. There are also Wuman and other Ailao people in the local area to help, monitor Xicuan, and manage the jurisdiction (now Dehong Autonomous Prefecture and the area west of Gaoligong Mountain) Various messy tribes inside.

The second is Yinsheng Jiedushi, who governs Yinsheng City (now Jingdong), manages Ailao Mountain and the tribes in the middle and lower reaches of the Lancang River to Xishuangbanna, also known as Kainan Jiedushi.

After Nanzhao conquered Yaozhou, all the local Han people and tribes from the Tang Dynasty migrated, mainly to the two towns of Yongchang and Yinsheng.

The third is Jianchuan Jiedushi, who governs Tieqiao City (now Jianchuan) and manages many tribes in the northwest of it-this is a border town for defense against Tubo.

The fourth is Tuodong Jiedushi, who governs Shanchanfu (now Kunming) and manages dozens of tribes such as Dongcuan Wuman.

The fifth is Lishui Jiedushi, who governs Lishui City (in Kachin State, Myanmar), and manages a large area of ​​tribes west of today's Tengchong and northern Myanmar.Nanzhao invaded the Pyu kingdoms, and the plundered population was sent to Lishui City to pan for gold.

Lishui Town is also an important military town to defend against Tubo. Because Tubo has a vast territory, there is still a large area of ​​land and population at the southern foot of the Himalayas. Nanzhao was often attacked from this direction. The two sides fought in the later Burma, so they deployed heavy troops.

The sixth is Nongdong Jiedushi, who governs Nongdong City (now Yao'an), and manages most of Chuxiong Prefecture in later generations, that is, the old land of Tang Yaozhou.Because it is located between the two capitals, the current Nongdong has long been directly managed.

This is the division of the Nanzhao era.But after more than 100 years of development, the situation has changed dramatically.

First of all, because Nanzhao started from Dali, Kunming was a newly conquered area for them, so Jiedushi was set up early.But when Shanchan Mansion became the accompanying capital, the current Tuodong Jiedushi has long been a titled and beautiful official, and no longer actually manages military and civilian affairs, and exists in name only.

Nongdong Jiedushi is similar.Located between the two capitals, after all the local Han people were relocated to the southern frontier, a large number of Xicuan tribes moved in, so they gradually disappeared in name only.Those who take up this position are either clan members or powerful ministers.

In short, during the Nanzhao era, the two towns of Jianchuan and Lishui defended against Tubo, and the two towns of Tuodong and Nongdong defended against the Tang Dynasty.

Now the main force to defend against the Northern Dynasty is the newly established Dongchuan Town, and Jianchuan Jiedu envoy assists in the defense.

Because Tubo had collapsed, Lishui Town had no combat missions, and turned to the south to invade and plunder the Pyu kingdoms, penetrating deep into the central region of Burma—as evidenced by the title of "Pyu Xin" of the Nanzhao monarch.

Nanzhao is in the same line as the Dachanghe Kingdom, and implemented the government military system, granting land to sergeants.Every winter, Cao Xingwen, a soldier, goes to various places. The government soldiers prepare their own equipment, grain, rice, and dried fish.Military discipline was stricter in the early stage. If there was an injury on the back during the battle, the head would be beheaded immediately regardless of the reason, so the combat effectiveness was stronger.

Of course, like the Tang Dynasty, Nanzhao's military system gradually collapsed in the frequent wars.

Recruited soldiers began to appear, but they did not turn into mercenaries as in the Tang Dynasty. It may be that the economic conditions did not allow it. The era of Luo Feng and Yi Mouxun has declined.

As the king of the country, Zheng Renmin is of course very aware of the current situation in Nongdong Town.

Those government soldiers can farm, but can they fight?I don't have the ability to know.What's more, most of those who can fight have been transferred away and lost in the Dadu River. If Huichuan Dudu's Mansion does not defend, Nongdong Town will not be able to defend either.

Once the lanes are lost, the East and West Beijing will be cut off, which is very troublesome.

"Can Dongchuan Town be guarded?" Zheng Renmin asked.

"It must be guarded." Yang Qianzhen said.

Zheng Renmin didn't believe it.You run so fucking fast, and now you tell me to stick to Dongchuan Town, the devil will believe you!

"It's better—" Zheng Renmin said: "Withdraw all the wealth and elite soldiers to Nongdong Town, reorganize, and form the Lushui defense line..."

"Piao Xin!" Yang Qianzhen was a little panicked: "If you abandon the land and don't defend it, you may lose the morale of the army and the people."

Zheng Renmin was silent.

In fact, he didn't have much confidence.Even if the Dadu River can't be defended, will the Lushui River be able to hold it?Just kidding yourself.

The most important thing these days is time!

Defeated soldiers need to be rectified, new recruits need to be trained, localities need to be appeased, people's hearts need to be cleaned up, and wealth needs to be accumulated...

Give him a few months, and the morale that has fallen to the bottom can gradually recover.

Give him a year, and the recruits can be roughly trained to look good.

Give him two years, and the weapons and equipment can be replenished slowly.

Give him three years...

"Biaoxin..." Just as Zheng Renmin and Yang Qianzhen were looking at each other for a while, someone hurried in to report: "News came from Yangpeng Ridge, and the bandits took Wangjiao to Keyue, Taideng, Shaye and other cities. Dong Futu was killed in battle, Xilu County surrendered without a fight, and its vanguard was less than a hundred miles away from Yangpeng Ridge."

Zheng Renmin didn't say anything, he just waved his hand to make people retreat, and then glanced at Yang Qianzhen.

The meaning is very clear: These places are all under the jurisdiction of the Jianchuan Dudufu, and they have been in business for a long time, but they are still being rushed by the Xia people. Do you still have the confidence to defend Dongchuan Town?

Yang Qianzhen was extremely entangled.

Zheng Renmin was too lazy to talk, and just said: "Yuan will leave tomorrow, Yang Chang thinks about it carefully. The country's vitality is at this point, so why not withdraw the elite soldiers to the south of Lushui, rectify and fight again."

It was concluded that the Governor's Mansion of Huichuan could not be defended, so he stepped back, let it out, and retreated to the south bank of the Jinsha River to form a new defense line. .

Of course, he still has an unspoken idea in his heart: to give up the Chuan Dudu Mansion to the Xia people, and let them restore the Yizhou in the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty. From now on, the two countries will be bounded by Lushui. ?After all, we have expanded our territory.

Coupled with the fact that he sent envoys with humble words and generous gifts, and said all good things, there is still a chance of success.As for who's interests were sacrificed in the process, he didn't care.

The Yang brothers must be blamed.When they lose their territory and return to Xijing, they will make a good deal of it.

Ming Zheng's punishment is necessary, so that all parties after the defeat can have an object to vent their anger.

On the tenth day of the seventh month, more than [-] people from the chief minister, the monarch and his ministers left Huichuan, and spent several days crossing Lushui in batches and entering the boundary of Nongdong town.At this time, Xia Jun's forward had already entered Jingkou Station, which was only ninety miles away from the Huichuan Dudu's Mansion.

At the same time, the envoy sent by Zheng Renmin was also led to Yazhou.

(End of this chapter)

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