Chapter 1522
After breaking through the city of Yangjubaa, Shao Mingyi, in the name of the commander of the Chengdu camp, issued a pacification order: the old officials and generals of the Changhe Kingdom should hold their original posts to protect the environment and the people, so as not to cause chaos.

The original intention of this order is to use the remaining prestige and power within the system of Ochowa to preserve its original territory as much as possible. As for how much effect it has, I don't know.

Anyway, I don't have much energy to care about other things now.

On August 29, the good news was sent to the capital in an expedited five hundred miles.

On August [-]th, Zhang Wu, the envoy of the left wing of the Shengjie Army, led more than [-] people westward to Nongdong City.

On the first day of September, all the barbarians on the Xi'er River were disbanded and returned to their families.

On the second day of September, Shao Zhiwei, the deputy envoy of the Shengjie Army, and Yao Yanzhang, the envoy of the soldiers and horses in the right wing, led an army of ten thousand to Yongchang in the southwest.

That's basically it for military operations.Unless there are more fools who jump out and openly rebel, there will be basically no more crusades, but political solutions.

If political means cannot be resolved, force will be used.

On the third day of September, Yan Wang Shao Mingyi inspected the surrounding area again.

He has a very clear plan for his future.

Most of the kings of the former Tang Dynasty lived in Chang'an, and the dynasty would not change much.

When their father was alive, they might be able to move around the capital, which was not a big problem.But after a hundred years, his father will probably have a hard time, which he cannot accept.

I'm going to go crazy just thinking about being confined in one city for the rest of my life!

Great rivers and mountains, he wanted to take a look.

He wants to experience the customs and customs.

He wants to get in touch with all kinds of characters.

He needs freedom, even if it is freedom in a remote village, and he doesn't want to be raised like a pig.

The imperial court is probably going to set up the Yunnan Road, which he had guessed before the expedition.According to my father's few words, Dali, Shanchan, and Nongdong must be located in Zhengzhou, and Yongchang is between the two, so it's hard to say.

These four places are the best developed places in Nanzhao.

But even in these four places, there are large tribal areas inside, just like many Zhengzhous in the south of the country.

Yesterday Ren Yuan asked him about his future plans, but he hesitated.

In fact, his somewhat vague thoughts arose after he set foot on the land of Yunnan this time, that is, he must stay in a place with a suitable climate.

He is from the north, if he goes to a hot and humid place, he may lose half of his life.

His wife, Qibi, is from the northern grasslands, and it is even less likely to adapt to the humid and hot climate.

He joked to Ren Yuan, saying please Feng Dali, Ren Yuan also laughed.

Although it is a joke, the climate in Dali is really good, and the northerners will not feel particularly uncomfortable when they come.

Ren Yuan made three suggestions.

First of all, don't think about Erjing and Nongdong, the Nanman things, and give up as soon as possible.

Secondly, Yongchang can try his best to fight for it, because according to the barbarians, the place is not bad, and the northerners can barely adapt to the local environment.

Third, if neither of these two places is acceptable, then request that the northern part of Tuodong Town be set aside as his prince's fiefdom.It is roughly the area of ​​Quzhou, Jingzhou, and Nanning Prefecture (later Qujing and Zhaotong) in the Tang Dynasty, which is the former place of Han Qianwei and Zhu Ti, or the Nanzhong area.

This place is dominated by Wuman, and there are other miscellaneous tribes, but they are not subordinate to each other, and none of the tribes is particularly strong. He believes that with the hands of King Yan, he can still rule stably.

In the end, Ren Huan also sighed, saying that as the prince of King Yan, even the Shanchan Mansion and Dali Mansion can be sealed, and again it must be Yongchang, which is "cities facing each other". It's a grievance, let alone other places.

Shao Mingyi just smiled.

Ren Huan didn't know his father's ruthlessness.Which of his younger brothers wants to leave Beijing, but is it useful?If you are tied, you will also be tied to the fiefdom.

But he doesn't want to stay in the capital as a caged bird, it's boring.The younger brothers have grown up, so they naturally know the benefits of being able to leave Beijing.

Regarding Ren Huan's three suggestions, he only expressed his affirmation out of politeness, but in fact he was not optimistic at all.

In the seven holy prefectures of Liaodong, there are only about 5 people in a single prefecture, and about [-] households. It sounds good, but it is actually very poor and not materially affluent at all.

This is the kind of place my father gave me!A big businessman in the capital might spend more on his daily expenses than the feudal lords of the Seven Sacred States, that's why the younger brothers didn't want to go.

Nanzhong, enough!
Moreover, there is an important post road here.

From Jiannan to Yunnan, there are two large post roads, one of which is the route for this dispatch of troops. Chengdu goes south and crosses the Dadu River, passes through Sizhou (Xichang) and crosses the Lushui River, and enters the Nongdong (Chuxiong) area. Line - Chengdu Qingxi Road.

The east route starts from Rongzhou (now Yibin), and is called Shimen Road in Rongzhou. It was called Yelang Road and Dianchi Road in the Qin and Han Dynasties. It leads directly to Dianchi Lake and passes through the Nanzhong area. Will the imperial court let it go?
It is possible, because there are many hereditary native officials in the local area, is it possible that they would rather give it to outsiders than give them sons?It doesn't make sense.

But there is also a high possibility that he will not give it, because Shao Mingyi suspects that the imperial court wants to manage this area, whether it is a hereditary native official or a vassal king's clan, they have to give way.

So, you still have to have a spare place.

"Mr. Duan, what's the point of regretting the matter now? Humans always have to look forward, why bother?" Shao Mingyi said while leading a horse on the Erhai dam, turning his head to look at an old man behind him.

The old man is Duan Yizong.After the overall situation was settled, he was released by his family, and he sighed and was in a trance all day long.

Shao Mingyi cherished his talent and had some small thoughts of his own, so he took him out for a walk to have a look, it was a relaxation.

Duan Yizong shook his head, apparently not wanting to say more.

Shao Mingyi was not surprised. Looking at the surrounding farmland, he suddenly said: "Stop the flow, the plateau is a field of rice and millet; dredge the ponds, and build a garden with scorpions. It is easy to become rich from poverty, and what you have is what you have. Five acres of mulberry are stored in the state for nine years."

Duan Yizong's expression changed. This is the content of the "Dehua Monument" in Taihe City. It talks about how Nanzhao's monarchs and ministers overcome obstacles, transform the environment, build water conservancy projects in places where floods and droughts frequently occur, open up farmland, and then harvest rice and millet. Sangma is everywhere, and the treasury is full.

"Junior High School is revising the history of the Tang Dynasty, and this section has been included in the "Biography of the Southern Man." Shao Mingyi said.

Duan Yizong suddenly raised his head and looked at Shao Mingyi.

Shao Mingyi nodded at him, and said: "A big country in the Central Plains, what a magnanimity. We will admire what Nanzhao has done well, and we will praise it for a good job. Even if it is an enemy country, we will learn from their strengths. , They have done a good job, we will not speak nonsense against our conscience."

Duan Yizong let out a long sigh.

"Mr. Duan contributed a lot to the construction of the Shanchan Mansion, right? Even the renovation of Dali Hengqu and Gaohe Pond was presided over by him?" Shao Mingyi said: "Qu, the south of Jingzhou, the west of Dianchi Lake, educate the tribes and barbarians. Liao, cultivating paddy fields has enriched his family’s possessions and his household registration has gradually increased. He also popularized the techniques of Changyuan Zhiyuan plow, two oxen and three husbands coupling plowing, and rice and wheat re-plowing near Dianchi Lake, all thanks to Mr.

"Oh?" Ren Huan pretended to be surprised, and said, "Such credit should be recorded in the biography of "Book of Tang·Nanman" and "Southwest Yi" so that anyone who reads history can see it."

"Of course." Shao Mingyi said.

Duan Yizong murmured for a long time, and finally gave up the credit, only to hear him say: "Your Highness is too praised, I just did something that should be done, and I dare not take credit for it."

Shao Mingyi and Ren Huan looked at each other, and they both smiled secretly.

Wealth, sex, fame and power, as long as you don't really want nothing, there is always one that suits you.

"East and West capitals are exhausted and good, but I don't know how the jurisdiction of Zhufan towns is, I'm afraid it's not very decent." Shao Mingyi seemed to have thought of something, and said suddenly.

"Your Highness doesn't know something." Duan Yizong snorted coldly, and said: "Although our country is small, there is not a single inch of land that is superfluous. Even in the wilderness, we have made great efforts to straighten it out."

"Dianchi Lake and Erhai Lake are mainly planted with rice, wheat and beans, and they are known as granaries. But other places are not bad."

"When Nanzhao was founded, only Yongchang Town, where Ailao people lived, had sericulture, but more than a hundred years later, there were large tracts of Zhe forests everywhere. There were many Zhe forests in villages and towns, and they towered several feet. In Jiannan, all the craftsmen and women were kidnapped and sent back to various places, so we can also weave more delicate silk."

"Wait!" Shao Mingyi interrupted Duan Yizong and asked, "Is there any Zhelin in Tonghai, Yinsheng, Lishui, Yongchang and other places in the south?"

"Of course." Duan Yizong said: "Actually, that side is more suitable for the growth of Zhe trees. There are so many Zhe trees in Yinsheng City (Jingdong), which is rare in the country. It's a pity that the local people are uneducated and there are few silkworms. The old man has always wanted to solve it. Yes, unfortunately no chance."

"So that's it, I've been taught." Shao Mingyi saluted.

as big as World, nothing is nonexistent.

He didn't expect that Yinsheng Town, which is full of mountains and forests in the eyes of many people, would actually have many Zhe trees. This was beyond his expectation.

"Is there Zhelin in the south of Yinsheng Town?" Shao Mingyi asked again.

Duan Yizong shook his head and said: "I have been there a few times when I was young. There are many mountains and mountains, but there is very little land for farming. Many places have not been cultivated, and miasma attacks people. People don't care about farming mulberry, or harvesting barley Replenish food..."

"What is Job's tears?" Shao Mingyi humbly asked for advice.

Duan Yizong frowned, as if he didn't know how to describe it, and said after a while: "A kind of wild grain, harvested and dried, finely pounded its kernels, and cooked into rice porridge. There is no food utensil, and it is served with banana leaves."

"The local people are also good at using bamboo bows to shoot flying squirrels into the deep forest, and they hit every shot."

"There is no cloth or silk produced in this land. There are many women and young men, all of whom are barefoot and have no clothes. They only take wood veneer to cover their bodies."

"Sometimes I go to the mountains and forests to gather insects, fish, vegetables, snails, clams, etc., and return them to eat."

Shao Mingyi was dumbfounded when he heard that, isn't this a fucking savage?
Duan Yizong looked at him very understandingly, and said: "160 years ago, when Nanzhao first came to power, many places in Tokyo looked like this. Even further away, when Shi Wansui of the Sui Dynasty attacked Cuanshi in the south, many places in Xijing were not much better. Where to go. The common people need to be educated, even in China, in the early years of the Zhou Dynasty, there were not many wild men in naked clothes?"

Shao Mingyi was silent.

The truth is this, but when it takes you or even generations of your descendants to continuously educate the people before it is possible to produce results, the frustration cannot be concealed.

Suddenly, he felt that living in the capital was not bad.

This place in Yunnan, beyond the two capitals, is indeed a bad place. He was too optimistic before.If the environment is tolerable and can be improved with effort, but those so-called common people are really hopeless...

But—he took a deep breath, I still want to be free, and I don't want to be restrained for a lifetime.

He has already decided that he will write a letter to his father when he returns home, complaining about his grievances and trying to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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