Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1540 Don't Lose Eight Miles

Chapter 1540 Don't Lose Eight Miles
After Achulingya surrendered, Pulei County (now Qitai) and Pulei Town surrendered one after another, and there was no major resistance force on this line.

Zhe Siyu divided half of the soldiers and horses, led by himself, along the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains, swept all the tribes, recruited and accepted rebels-grassland warfare, not to attack the city, the most important thing is to seize the enemy. Tribes, wipe out the living forces, and even turn the enemy into me.

The other half of the soldiers and horses were led by Liu Zijing, who cooperated with Yang Liang and Li Sizhao to march westward and besiege Tingzhou.

On July 29, after cutting down part of the Populus euphratica forest and making simple siege equipment, Yang Liang drove Hexi Dangxiang and Tatar tribal soldiers to attack the city.

Liu Zijing led the iron cavalry to raid the surrounding countryside to collect supplies.

Previously, the soldiers under Wang Yanzhang demonstrated to the Uyghurs the stunts they learned after going to Liaodong for further study: hunting wild animals, driving the panicked Uyghurs into groups, and then shooting in circles, focusing on young and strong men.

The soldiers of the government usually have nothing to do. After eating and drinking enough, they have nowhere to use their strength. They just think about their martial arts. Therefore, the arrows are extremely tricky and vicious, and the arrows bite the flesh.

The iron cavalry played another set of traditional Han opera.

After the army rushed into the countryside, they first killed a wave, beheading those who dared to resist, and then loaded women, children, cattle, sheep and food into the carts, and drove them into the barracks.

Well, also found some "fun" things.

Gaochang Uyghurs are not simple nomads, in fact they are half nomadic and half farming.The nomadic elements in the north of the Tianshan Mountains are larger, and the agricultural elements in the south of the Tianshan Mountains are larger. Therefore, they have relatively developed agriculture and handicrafts, weaving cloth, smelting iron, and even issuing gold, silver and copper coins.

There are many exciting things on the copper coins seized by the cavalry army. The translation from the Uyghur language is "Uyghur Tian Khan", "Issued by the order of the king", "permitted by the order of the governor", and there are even some with strong Manichean style sun, star, moon coin.

Yiduhu is the king title of Gaochang Uighur Khan.After all, they are not of the Yaoluo Ge clan, so they are not qualified to be called Khans, so they call themselves "Yiduhu", although everyone knows that they are the Khans of the Gaochang Uighurs.


"capital offense!"

"Kill them all!"

After hearing this, the members of the Feilong Army Academy were filled with righteous indignation.

Ah Chuo Lin Ya who came to persuade him to surrender felt a little heartbroken, and hurriedly said: "Generals, calm down, the coins printed with 'Uyghur Khan' were minted during the Uyghur Khanate a hundred years ago."

Someone translated the words.

The military academies pushed him back and cursed: "You thief officer is so ignorant, shut up!"

"What's going on in this city? Why don't you come and talk about it, the thief officer."

"During the Tang Dynasty, Tingzhou City shouldn't be this big, right?"

The military academies were clamoring, Achuolin Ya was dizzy, and could only say: "This city was newly built 22 years ago, and it took more than ten years to complete..."

After his explanation, everyone knows that the founding monarch of Gaochang Uighur, Pu Gujun, competed with Tubo for Beiting, and the city was severely damaged.During this period, the Tatars of the nine surnames betrayed the Uighurs, the Miaogas people went south to sneak attack, and the Geluolu people invaded the east. Tingzhou changed hands repeatedly, and the city was almost completely destroyed.

In the first year of Tang Dashun (890), the second Khan of Gaochang Uyghurs launched a western expedition, defeated the Anxi Uyghurs led by the descendants of Pang Teqin in one fell swoop, captured Yanqi, Kucha and other places, and chased westward to Gumo Prefecture. ——After this battle, the Anxi Uyghurs' land east of Congling was completely lost and became the Congxi Uyghurs.

After the victory, Gaochang Khan sent [-] workers and [-] carpenters to instigate Limi (Yanqi) to take the red soil and rebuild Tingzhou, and named it "Biesha Bali" (Five Cities), as the "Xiamen" of the Uighurs in Gaochang. All".

That is to say, Gaochang Uyghur Khan will live in Tingzhou to escape the summer heat in summer, and live in Xizhou (Turpan) at other times-this year's war is fierce, which is obviously impossible.

And since it is the capital of Xia, Tingzhou is naturally no longer an idler.

The city is divided into inner and outer cities. The outer city wall is built using the Tang method and rammed earth, which is thinner; the inner city wall is thicker, but not rammed, similar to many local city walls in the Western Regions.

There is a sub-city in the north of Waiguo City, Xiyan City outside the west city wall, and a small city (Miyagi) in the inner city, so there are Outer City, Zicheng, Xiyan City, Inner City, and Miyagi, named Wucheng.

There are tall buildings and palaces in the city, "Duohuimu".Apart from the palace, the most obvious building is the Manichaeism temple, which was originally the residence of the Muja (shé), but later moved to Gaochang, and the North Court was managed by a Fu Duodan.

Since the Mobei Uyghur Khanate period, Manichaeism has always occupied a very important position in Uyghur society.

The Uyghur Manichaeism belongs to its eastern diocese, under the unified leadership of a Mujah, who is equivalent to the bishop sent by the headquarters to each diocese, and Fududan is his subordinate.

However, in the last decade or so, Buddhism, which has been struggling with Manichaeism for more than a hundred years, has gradually come from behind and gained an advantage in Uighur society.

Taking Xiadu as an example, there is a large temple in the city, which was funded and built by the Uyghur royal family, and the bones of the royal family are enshrined.

It is a spectacle that the religious struggles of a small Uyghur in Gaochang are so fierce.

After listening to A Chu Lingya's explanation, the military academies also felt a little bit emotional. Before, they underestimated the Gaochang Uyghurs. It turned out that they were not such miscellaneous tribes, but a serious country.

"Everyone!" Yang Liang came over and said, "Have you heard everything clearly?"

"Listen clearly!"

"Xiadu, there must be women and wealth."

"Dutou, don't talk about it, I'll send a picker to the city right now, and I'll take it down if I die."

"If you don't beat out the shit of the Uighurs, count them as clean!"

"Ha ha!"

The rude military academies were talking all over the place, making A Chu Lingya feel that he was a cultured and well-bred person.

What a ghost, when did this gang of killers appear in the Central Plains state of etiquette?
After lunch, Yang Liang dragged the drummer off the high platform, and with his upper body naked, he beat the drum to cheer.

The Tatar soldiers rushed up and collapsed.

Hexi Dang Xiang Fan's soldiers went up again and collapsed again.

Nuo Zhenshui's members of the Shu department cheered up and rushed forward...

The fighting continued late into the night, and the onslaught was fruitless.

After sleeping, Yang Liang swung his epee and beheaded several tribal chiefs, and everyone was in awe.

Then those who dug holes dug holes, those who persuaded them to surrender persuaded them to surrender, and those who attacked the city continued to attack the city.

The Hun, Zhuanglang, Weicai, Qibi, and Tatars took turns attacking until dawn, and finally broke through the outer city.

"The sage has arrived at Haozhe Town, not very far from here." Yang Liang looked at the tired-faced soldiers of the military academies, and said, "If Tingzhou is still unbroken when the old man arrives at the city, I will feel ashamed." , but before that, I will kill you, now, give it to me!"

All the generals responded with a bang.

Li Sizhao also didn't care about killing or wounding the sergeants of his headquarters. He led a black army of 2000 elite soldiers. Taking advantage of the moment when the bandits' minds were shaking when they broke through the outer city, they rushed to the top of the inner city several times without regard for themselves.

By evening, more than [-] people had been killed or injured.

Yang Liang was so angry that he kicked him to the ground, and then, regardless of the dissuasion of the generals, he personally led more than a thousand soldiers to attack the city, fighting until midnight, and finally conquered the inner city.

In Yinshi, when Yang Liang, who was blood-stained in armor and hit by three arrows, was helped out of the city, he was still in the mood to grin.

Whether it is the imperial army or the foreign soldiers, seeing his brave appearance, everyone is in admiration.Some people who were originally disobedient to him also restrained a lot.

Li Sizhao's face was red, and he led the army into the inner city, hacking and killing wantonly.

At dawn, Miyagi, the last stronghold of the thieves, was also captured.

According to historical records, the Uighurs used "iron gates" when they built the palace city, but they were actually wooden gates covered with iron.By this time, they were actually losing their spirits, and reluctantly resisted. After finding that they were powerless to reverse the defeat, they dispersed one after another.

"Seal up the treasury and don't disturb the palace people. Everything is waiting for the holy order." After giving the order, Li Sizhao looked at the blood-flowing palace steps, feeling excited.

Shao Shude received the news of the breach of Tingzhou on the way to Tingzhou, and it was already the afternoon of the first day of August.

A few days before this, Wang Yanzhang raided Pu Leihai (Balikun Lake), beheaded more than [-] people, and took back more than [-] Uighur and Tatar tribes.

At the same time, he also seized Fama Ridge (now Uktak), broke up a Uighur rout, opened up the connection with Xizhou, and got a lot of news from the south, and reported it to Shao Shude.

It turned out that Zang Dubao led his main force across the desert in early July and arrived in Yizhou. After resting for a few days, he raised his troops and marched westward.

While sending cavalry deep into the rear, the Uyghurs tried to plunder the Xia army's food roads, while cruising around, using methods of exhausting, luring, and blocking the enemy to buy time for their own side.

Zang Dubao is considered by many people to be average, and he is not very good at fighting.But Shao Shude knew that he was a person whose strength was greater than his fame, so he entrusted him with a heavy responsibility.

And he really didn't live up to expectations.

On the eighth day of the seventh month, he led the main force to go to the northern line, defeated the Uyghurs in Nazhi County (now Hami West), and beheaded more than [-] ranks.

On July 22, they stormed Luo Hucheng (now Yanchi, northeast of Shanshan County), and defeated the Uighur army who came to reinforce them. When he got older, Shao Shude could tell the tricks at a glance.

Three days ago, they defeated the Uighurs again in Chiting Township (now Qiketai Township, Shanshan County), killing more than [-] thieves.

After these three battles, Zang Dubao judged that the Uighurs had become discouraged and suffered serious losses, so the cavalry pursued them and headed straight for Gaochang.

The news came to an abrupt end.

After Shao Shude read it, he had a deeper understanding of the overall situation.

Traveling westward from Shazhou is actually not easy.There are many deserts along the way, and there is no grass in many places, so it is very difficult to transfer materials.Zang Dubao marched steadily throughout June and July, tightly covering the grain roads, and did not pursue boldly until the Uyghurs were severely weakened through three battles.

No wonder he was "quiet and quiet" in Beiting. It turned out that someone was "carrying forward with a heavy burden".

At this point, the battle situation is actually very clear.

The two armies, one east and one north, were like iron tongs, firmly strangling the throats of the Uighurs.

As for the Khotan army on the southern front, Shao Shude has not received any news from them, nor does he know where they are.

But it doesn't matter, the next step is to attack Gaochang from two sides, trying to end the battle before it snows.

(End of this chapter)

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