Chapter 1549
After the arrival of September, the weather gradually turns cold.

But in Gaochang, except for morning and evening, the temperature at noon is still around 26 degrees.

In the palace, dozens of Tibetans rushed in, making endless noise.

They are all chiefs who accompanied the Supreme Khan to the west this time. They may not be tribesmen. After all, there are only a few hundred elites out of one of them, and it is enough to send a small hero to lead them.

The palace people brought up trays of food.

Boiled meat, hubing, dumplings, soup cakes, sesame oil with corn and rice, wine, melon, jujube, plums, etc. are not very rich, but they can fill their stomachs, which is better than anything for these rough guys.

Shao Shude sat at the head, toasting frequently, and next to him sat two subjugated noblewomen, the Lian family and the Xie family.

After drinking for three rounds, Han Quanhui entered the hall and read aloud a list of gifts, while someone beside him translated in Hu.

All the chieftains who followed the conscripts received rewards, mainly: one ball of jade, four iron swords, five horses, ten camels, one bag of frankincense, and one hundred pieces of pistil cloth (cotton cloth).

These are the trophies seized after the invasion of Gaochang City.

Especially the uranium iron sword is something that the grassland people can't put it down. They have captured a lot on the battlefield before, and everyone thinks it is a wonder.

In the Song Dynasty, when the Gaochang Uyghur envoys entered Beijing, the people of the Song Dynasty were amazed by the iron knives presented, saying that "the iron has fine patterns".

In the Yuan Dynasty, the Gaochang iron sword was "rare in the world", and the craftsmen of the Central Plains could not make it. It has always been an important gift from the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty to his ministers.

Shao Shude also doesn't know how the Gaochang Uyghurs made this kind of thing. It may be the original technology of the local aborigines. The "Book of Wei" says it came from Persia, and it also said it came from Jì (jì) Bin. Anyway, it's either Persia or India. Then Gaochang people mastered the technology and produced this thing continuously.

In addition to swords, cloth is also very practical, and can be used as a valuable item on the grassland.After all, everyone else wears sheepskin furs, but you can wear cotton clothes, which makes things more expensive than rare.

The above are the rewards for the chieftains. As far as the market on the grassland is concerned, it is actually very good.Therefore, as soon as Han Quanhui finished speaking, everyone praised him.

"It's not a loss to fight with me, right?" Shao Shude looked like a barbarian sweating profusely, with his right foot tilted up, his arm on his knee, holding the wine bowl, and drank it down in one gulp.

"It's a joy to fight with Da Khan. The girl who played in Tingzhou, I heard that she is some kind of prairie pearl, haha, so comfortable."

"What is the pearl of the prairie? Before she got married, she had an affair with another man and gave birth to three children."

"I got a few slaves this time. After I brought them home and disciplined them, there will be no shortage of manpower for shepherding, milking, cutting grass and other miscellaneous tasks."

"Snatching women and stealing goods, how can killing people feel comfortable? Cut off the enemy's head and let the blood splash all over his head and face, that is the ultimate enjoyment."

"You are seriously ill..."

The chiefs were noisy and laughing.

Suddenly, Shao Shude discovered that they had a lot in common with the warriors of the Forbidden Army: bloodthirsty, cruelty, and greed.

Perhaps, only such a warrior from the Central Plains can convince the grassland people.

"It's not a loss to me." He laughed loudly and said, "I've snatched two beautiful women, and I'll be happy day and night, even if it's a fairy."

The laughter in the hall grew louder.

Xie turned his face slightly, feeling ashamed and angry.

Lian raised her hips lightly, stepped forward to take the wine bowl from Shao Shude's hand, filled it up, knelt on the ground, and offered it with both hands.

Shao Shude was startled.

When the chieftains saw him, they cheered loudly and praised the great sweat for his bravery. He not only conquered the men in Gaochang, but also conquered the women.

Xie looked at the queen mother in shock, as if she couldn't believe it.

Shao Shude's vanity was greatly satisfied, he took the wine bowl in Lian's hand, drank it down again, and said: "This year you wait and take people back, and next year, change a group of people and come along the Hexi Corridor. Come earlier. At the latest in May, I want to see the warriors of all ministries."

Everyone bowed down one after another, sincerely convinced.

Shao Shude looked at the kneeling chiefs and felt satisfied.

In fact, not only the leader, but also the soldiers who came to fight the war also received rewards, such as a scythe for mowing grass, a guillotine for cutting grass, knives, scissors, and awls for repairing carriages and tents. An iron pot is an extremely practical thing.

After these people returned to the tribe, they would definitely cause a great commotion.

After eight or nine months of expedition with Da Khan, I brought back such a lot of things.Those who fought bravely were rewarded by the army and even brought back slaves.

There is no doubt that this is to promote the prestige of the Supreme Khan on the grassland.

No one can stop them, even the Yili Jin from various tribes can only watch the returnees walking around, bragging and chatting, letting the Supreme Khan's reputation surpass him, even if it is passed down by their clan. Many generations of tribes.

Next year, there will be another batch of newcomers, who will continue to accept the leadership of Supreme Khan "Happiness".Where the whip points, all enemies will be wiped out.

Zhang Suqing, the calligrapher and painter, silently recorded this scene, and immediately began to paint after returning to the mansion after the banquet.

In the painting, Shao Shude sits behind the imperial case, and the Empress Dowager Lian of Gaochang kneels at her feet, holds a wine bowl in her hand, and looks up at him.Queen Xie turned her face sideways and also looked at him, with a lovely and pitiful appearance.

In the main hall, all the chiefs prostrated themselves on the ground respectfully.

It should be said that after the long talk about "seeking truth from facts" a few years ago, Da Xia's portrait painting level has improved by leaps and bounds, and all kinds of details are in place. It is no longer so abstract, so Q version.

For example, in this painting, Shao Shude's self-satisfaction, Lian's flattery, and Xie's sorrow are vividly drawn.

These two women and a large group of grassland chiefs together constitute the theme of "surrender".

After the painting was finished, the inscription said: "In September of the 14th year of Jianji, the emperor feasted on the group of heroes. Guests from Beidi, Xirong took office. Cut off the braids, tree jaws begged for surrender. Between caress, like a child. Under command, especially see Loyalty and obedience. Since Ziyong Dai Enxin, long quilt Huafeng, light house all over the world, and rule the world."

After writing, wait for it to air dry and put it away carefully.

The sage laughed and said that these are all famous paintings handed down from generation to generation. Zhang Suqing was overjoyed and felt that they must be preserved properly so that people who will be thousands of years from now will still remember the Holy Emperor and——him.

On September [-]th, news came from the front that Yan Qike.

Zang Dubao traveled westward along the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountains, leaving Gaochang (now north of Lukeqin Town, Shanshan County, Turpan City, south of Astana Ancient Tombs), passing through Tianshan County (now Toksun County), Shimoraine, Yinshan moraine (now Kumushi Mountain, producing silver), Panshi (Egerqi Mountain), Zhangsancheng Shouzhuo (near Wushitala Township, Heshuo County today), to Yanqi Town (now southwest of Yanqi) .

This section of the road is about 650 miles in total, which is not very far, but it is not that simple after passing through deserts and mountains.

Zang Dubao's tens of thousands of horses arrived near the town of Yanqi in mid-September with only one and a half months of food and grass.

According to legend, there were only a few hundred Khotan soldiers who wanted to attack Yanqi with them, and they did not do their business. They only looted the people, which aroused many people's resistance.As soon as Zang Dubao's army arrived, there were big clans coming to solicit connections and ask for asylum.

And this big family is also very interesting, the surname is Long, and its tribe is called the Longjia tribe.

In the Northern Wei Dynasty, the surname of the king of Yanqi was Long, and he was pacified later.At that time, the king of Yanqi was named Longjiusibina, and he gathered 5 or [-] troops and was defeated.

To be able to gather so many soldiers and horses, it was probably a battle for the whole country, and all the men who could be conscripted went into battle. Based on this calculation, the Yanqi Kingdom in the Northern Dynasties had a population of about 20.

In the former Tang Dynasty, the life of Yanqi Kingdom was not very easy.

As one of the four towns in Anxi, they have to send food and labor frequently to assist the Tang army in fighting, and there will certainly be many casualties.The most pitiful thing is that Tubo attacked the four towns of Anxi, and especially liked to use Yanqi as a breakthrough.

For example, during the Yifeng period of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, "Tubo attacked the west of Yanqi, and all four towns were destroyed."

During the years of Chuigong, "Tubo Guojiao invaded the Western Regions, and all the castles to the west of Yanqi were lowered, so they drove eastward, surpassing the Gaochang Wall..."

After the Anshi Rebellion, Tubo took over Yanqi again.

In the Zhenyuan period, seeing that the Tang court had no hope of recovering the Western Regions, some Long family members moved eastward, and entered Hexi through the Daqi Road, which had been in disrepair for a long time and had been buried in the sand sea.

During the Huichang period of Emperor Wuzong of the Tang Dynasty, because the Uyghurs moved westward, Pang Teqin occupied Yanqi and Kucha, and proclaimed himself Khan here. They were called Anxi Uighurs or Kucha Uighurs. In Suzhou, some are scattered in Ganzhou, Liangzhou, and Shazhou.

Of course, there are also those who have not left, that is, the part that has come to build relationships now.

Zang Dubao knew how to fight the United Front, so he immediately wooed Yanqi's Long family, asked them to provide food and supplies, and contacted other small tribes to jointly attack the Uighurs and their vassals.

After resolving his worries, Zang Dubao assembled a large army to attack Yanqi and pulled him out in three days.

The Long family had grudges, grudges and complaints, massacres and special killings. The blood of the tribes attached to Gaochang Uighurs flowed like rivers. If Zang Dubao hadn't stopped them in time, they might have been killed.

The vendettas and jihads in the Western Regions were too tragic!

On September [-]th, Zang Dubao captured the last fort near Yanqi.He fought hard for ten days, beheaded more than [-] people, and captured more than [-] people, men, women, and children.Yanqi Town, once one of the four towns in Anxi, was restored.

On the [-]th, Zang Dubao sent an envoy westward to Kucha to invite the king of Yutian to Gaochang to face the saint.

Seeing this, Shao Shude stood up and walked around in the hall.

Knowing his temper, the palace people relaxed their hands and feet so as not to disturb the saint's thoughts.

Shao Shude stopped in front of the map after turning around several times.After a long while, he said: "Draft the decree and set up the Yanqi Mansion."

"Arrested in Zhangsancheng and placed in Weixu County (near Wushitala Township, Heshuo County today)."

"Set up Yanqi County (now southwest of Yanqi) in Yanqi Township."

"Tiemen County (now north of Korla) was established at Tiemenguan."

"Yili County (now Yuli County) was established in Quli Dudu Mansion."

"Yanqi Mansion governs these four counties and governs Yanqi."

"Immediately check the household registration and compile the household registration book. If someone refuses to follow, they will be slaughtered immediately, and there is no need to report."

"Give Long Sitong Meilu, the chief of the Longjia tribe, the post and order him to come to Gaochang for an audience."

"Among the more than 2000 troops in the Eighth Armies of Hengye, Pinglu, Luoyan, Guangjie, Ningyuan, Tianwei, Jinqiang, and Shenwu, recruit [-] soldiers who volunteer to settle in Yanqi, and grant one hundred acres of land each to allow the whole family to move here. , along the prefectures and counties along the way. More than [-] miscellaneous Hus were obtained and distributed as a part."

The order was issued like water price, showing Shao Shude's firm determination.

Yanqi is a prefecture, not a state, and its administrative status lies there.

This place is actually a crucial place, otherwise Tubo wouldn't make decisions from here every time he went north.

The town of Yanqi in the Tang Dynasty was "the capital of Yanqi is thirty miles away, surrounded by mountains and surrounded by sea water."

The city with a circumference of thirty miles is bigger than Bianzhou.

The sea water is Bosten Lake, which is rich in various fish and is a freshwater lake.

The iron gate controls a post road along the Kongque River, which is winding and deep. It is one of the thirteen central passes of Kaiyuan and has always been a traffic hub between the north and the south of Xinjiang.

With Gaochang as the back-up, it is Shao Shude's plan to set up a mansion in Yanqi, spend a certain period of time, use the local water resources to irrigate the farmland, immigrate and cultivate, and take it as an important starting point to intervene in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains.

The two thousand government soldiers placed locally, and the state soldiers that may be gradually established in the future, will be the pinnacle of Dinghai in Yanqi Prefecture.

Sites are developed from generation to generation.

In the Tang Dynasty, a military town was set up in Yanqi, but the Yanqi Kingdom still exists.However, after many years of rule, they have become very submissive, which can be seen from the fact that they did not surrender when Tubo invaded, but moved eastward in a large scale.

Now the Yanqi Kingdom has long been lost in the long river of history, and it happened to abolish the feudal clan and set up the county, and the land was reformed and returned to the people.

The red-haired Long family is also a citizen of the Great Xia. From now on, they will be treated equally, so let's be obedient citizens of the new dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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