Chapter 1555
From November to late December, the soldiers and horses stationed in Yizhou, Gaochang, Beiting, Yanqi, and Qiuci will start a large-scale training mode.

According to the system, when the camp is not training, eat four mustaches a day, when the camp is training, eat six a day, and when going out, whether you are fighting or not, it is six.

Since you have to eat six mustaches a day no matter what, then drill these grandchildren to death.

This is the most solid idea in Shao Shude's heart, who is distracted by the food problem.

And not only the Forbidden Army, but also the Fan soldiers had to be trained.Anyway, it's winter, and the herdsmen don't have much work to do, so they should train nearby.

There were as many as 2 Fan soldiers gathered in Gaochang for training, half of them were bodyguards and half of them were from the north of Luo Manshan. They were led by Yi Li Jin from various ministries, and practiced relatively large-scale tactics. The authority of the Supreme Khan.

This is a very necessary thing, because in the previous Beiting rebellion, there were actually two Yi Lijin who led the rebellion, echoing the Ge Luolu people and the Zahu tribe who didn't know where they came from.

Shao Shude felt his self-esteem was hurt a little.

Just when you were appointed as an official, you didn't feel that this official was easy to come by. You didn't take it seriously, and turned around and rebelled. It's unreasonable!
He directly ordered that all of these two tribes be demoted to slavery, together with the Geluolu people, Uighurs, and Turkic people captured after the three-way pursuit by Zhu Jin, Wang Jianji, and Shao Siwu, a total of more than [-] people, moved together. To Qingzhen.

In the whole army, 2000 government soldiers were recruited and sent to Qingzhen. Each soldier was granted [-] mu of land to be cultivated by trilogy.The undeveloped grassland next to it is public land, which is owned by the government, but it can be lent to the government soldiers to graze as part of their income.

In addition, a small number of people in Hedong rebelled. After being suppressed by the state soldiers, a total of more than [-] households were sent to Qingzhen and demoted to the Fubing Department.

In this way, the number of people is almost the same.

Qingzhen (northwest of Shihezi, northeast of Shawan), as a military town, is temporarily attached to Tingzhou. After the establishment, it will become a stronghold for the Daxia court to control the northwest, which is of great significance.

The military stronghold of the former Tang Dynasty is being restored step by step...

On November [-]th, Shao Shude personally set an example, leading officials, generals, and tribal chiefs, wielding shovels, to dig Karez in the northeast of Gaochang City.

In fact, in September and October, the guards and pro-army were digging. This time, the scale was even bigger. The people of Gaochang were also mobilized. The foreign soldiers of various ministries would also join in when they were not training. It is expected to last until the end of January——As for why If we don't dig directly until February and March, we are really short-sighted and there is not enough food.

"In war, what we fight is actually food." Shao Shude, 57, has been working for more than two hours, and he doesn't feel too tired. It is obvious that decades of martial arts practice habits have brought him a strong body.

"If we slow down later, the food will be a little more abundant, and the northern and southern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains will also be extensively built."

"This is a good thing. The more water is scarce, the more it is needed, and the effect is too great."

Shao Shude heard reports from his subordinates that the reclamation bases in the Tianshan area in the Tang Dynasty mainly used melted water from high mountains or ready-made rivers, and traces of Karez wells are hard to find.But he remembered that even Urumqi had Karez in later generations, and it was not the exclusive property of Turpan and Hami.

From this point of view, the level of development is still too low.Whether there is a perfect well and canal system, food production and population carrying capacity are completely two levels.

Compared with the Western Regions, there are many qanats in Central Asia, and Persia also has a large area of ​​qanats to irrigate agricultural areas.The unique environment has created unique cultural customs and production models, so we have to adapt measures to local conditions.

But then again, everything still has to be down-to-earth.The construction of large-scale water conservancy projects requires a base of population and materials. In the current situation, the priority is to expand Turpan and Hami with the lowest cost and the most realistic - it does not require the level of later generations, but it must be close to the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty.

Yang Jue was also digging a hole, and he was already too tired to straighten up.

Shao Shude laughed loudly, asked him to rest aside, and said: "Qilang has brought a lot of wealth from the capital, you go and write a report, and give some rewards to the sons and daughters. Those who are the best in drills will be rewarded. Those who are the best in ditches will be rewarded. There are also rewards."

"I obey the order." Yang Jue handed the pickaxe to a guard, beat his waist, and looked at the soldiers and civilians in full swing, feeling happy in his heart.

He likes to make suggestions, strategize, manipulate the joys and sorrows of millions of people, and even life and death.Today, doing physical labor with the saint, I have a new understanding.

What is national strength?

These wells and ditches extending far away are national power.

The farmland leveled out by one ridge and ridge is also a national strength.

In the future, when the Anxi Town Army is formed and their families move here one by one, these farmlands will grow millet, sesame, beans, grapes, and melons, which is national power.

Although the national power of Daxia is strong, most of the money and food cannot be used in the Western Regions.Ten stones of wheat in Henan are not as good as one stone of millet grown in Gaochang. If you want to stabilize the Western Regions, Yizhou and Xizhou, which are close at hand and have a certain agricultural foundation, are the key.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Thousands of Tibetan soldiers were practicing on the Gobi Desert not far away.

The sage had an order to select officers from the Forbidden Army and focus on training these foreigners to improve their combat effectiveness.

Yang Jue looked over.

In fact, this is also a kind of national strength.

He participated in many decisions, and he knew very well that the sage's rule over the Tibetans in the old land of Gaochang Uighurs was different.

In short, the status of Yi Li Jin, the traditional leader of various tribes, has been weakened intentionally or unintentionally, and replaced by the power of the system.

For example, these Fan soldiers came from various tribes and did not know each other. Some of them even had different looks and languages. Logically speaking, they should not get together.

But they are now recruited by the power of the system and concentrated in Gaochang to receive training other than tribal leaders.In the process, they felt the majesty of the system and successfully planted another authority in their minds that can be compared with the leader.

During the training, the system will reward the Fan soldiers who perform well.In many cases, even the sage personally issued gifts and gave encouragement.

At this time, the influence of the leader is further weakened, especially when the Fan soldiers see the majestic leader of the past bowing down in front of saints and even senior officials of the system, they will eventually understand that the leader is actually nothing. That is, an official of the court.

They behave well, they can get rewards, and they can also be officials. This is what the Supreme Khan said himself.

The traditional tribal form is gradually disintegrating.

Of course, Yang Juan also knew that a sage could do this in Beiting, and perhaps he could also try it in the Yinshan tribes, but it was not possible in other places.

Beiting was conquered and beaten badly. The scale of the tribe was generally small, and the leaders had no courage to resist, so they could use drastic reforms as a pilot.

This is probably a pioneering work.

Yang Jue looked through the history books, but he couldn't find anyone who did this to the grassland.

But he knew it was worth a try.It's okay to fail, the big deal is to return to the previous state of ruling the tribal leader Ji Mi, and if it succeeds, the benefits will be extremely huge, and the benefits are unimaginable.

After the labor was over, Shao Shude changed into a military uniform, and rode his horse to the training grounds of the young men of the tribes to watch carefully.

"How does Qilang feel?" Shao Shude asked.

The Seventh Prince Shao Shenli took a closer look, and said: "It is infinitely stronger than the Tutuan in Kanxi, similar to the Tutuan in Henan, not as brave as the Xiangyong in Hebei."

"Your vision is too high." Shao Shude smiled, looking at his son's spirited face and strong figure, he was very satisfied.

Jiang Shi is actually a very petite person.

When Shao Shude was young and strong, he often held Jiang Shi in his arms.On the deep trails of Jinxian Temple, Shangyang Palace, and Taoguang Garden, the sound of Jiang's weeping with joy was left everywhere.

But their son was so big and majestic.

Shao Shude knew that in the past one or two years, Qilang had been stimulated, and suddenly he was about to become angry.I gave up all kinds of bad habits, let alone practicing martial arts and learning military strategies, and even tried to find a way to go to the lecture hall to listen in, learning all kinds of military knowledge eagerly.

Of course, Shao Shude was very happy that he could have this kind of transformation.Sometimes the transformation of a person is just a moment, for example, you are underestimated by tens of thousands of warriors...

This time he came to the Western Regions, which was also the result of repeated begging.

It just so happened that Luoyang sent a batch of goods in short supply to the Western Regions, and he escorted them all the way—most of them were supplies for the daily consumption of the palace, and it was difficult to purchase them in the border areas.

"Uighur Khan Ogurchak wants to marry a princess for his son Dunyu, what do you think?" Shao Shude asked.

"Let that son of his get out." Shao Shenli said bluntly.

"How do you talk to your father?" Shao Shude slapped the back of his son's head, and said with a smile: "Actually, many people persuaded my grandfather to agree to this marriage. In fact, my grandfather has nothing to do, but they are too stupid to see The rift within the Uighurs also underestimated Satuk’s ambitions. Ogurchak’s Khan position was originally inherited from his elder brother more than ten years ago, and he has been trying to digest his elder brother’s old ministry for the past ten years. The result is There are some, but not enough. Otherwise, Satuk can still live alive and kicking?"

Shao Shenli was silent.

He can figure out these things, but to be honest, he looks down on this so-called "Great Uyghur Kingdom", why should he be so hypocritical with them?Why play any conspiracy?One hundred thousand troops pressed past, nothing could be solved - this is the normal brain circuit of a noble child who has never suffered any setbacks since he was a child, living under the halo of his father's victories in all battles.

Of course he also knew that his father was always right.He may have a longer-term plan, a deeper plan, anyway, just listen to his father.

If there is a chance to fight in battle, that would be great.He needs to prove himself, prove it to everyone, and I am fucking worthy of your cheers!

"Ogulchak's envoys are coming soon." Shao Shude said, "When I summon them, it will be beneficial for you to come along and listen to them."

"Yes." Shao Shenli replied, but he was obviously absent-minded.

"You, you have some political wisdom!" Seeing his appearance, Shao Shude couldn't help hitting him again, and said, "The Athai Turkic envoy will probably arrive in a few days, don't run around, just follow Grandpa."

"Yes." Shao Shenli replied again, and then couldn't help but said: "My lord, I understand what you said. Divorce uncle and nephew Ogulchak, let them fight each other, and we will pick peaches again. Atami Turkic Helping the wall grass, worshiping Yao Luoge for a while, worshiping Pugu for a while, I suspect that they have even worshiped the Persians and Ge Luolu people, and it is okay to worship Daxia. If they plan to plot the city west of Congling in the future, Rehai The Turks are a very good local servant army, much more convenient than us conscripting the Tibetans from Qibei. I understand all of this."

"If you understand, you have to follow Grandpa." Shao Shude said: "Understanding the truth is only the first step. Seizing the timing is also very important."

"The timing..." Shao Shenli seemed to realize something.

"Going back to the topic just now, Dun Yu wants to marry the princess, what do you think should be done?" Shao Shude asked.

Shao Shenli thought about it silently, and said: "Perhaps we can be vague first, neither agree nor refuse, and use an excuse to go to Shule to have a look. How old Dun Yu is, what he looks like, and whether he has talent are all people's opinions. We haven't even seen anyone, so how can we easily accept it? No way, we have to send an envoy to investigate. The envoy doesn't have to rush to return and delay it for a few months, it doesn't matter."

"Very good." Shao Shude looked at his son approvingly, and said, "Finally my brain can turn around."

 I was dizzy, I clicked to save after writing, and finally clicked to publish.

(End of this chapter)

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