Chapter 1560 The Gang
On the fourth day of February in the 15th year of Jianji, it was sunny in Wudi County.

Just after the first month, groups of sailors gathered at the pier, waiting for the river to thaw, and then went out to sea with the boat.

And as soon as they came, all the shops also heard the news and opened their doors one after another.

Everyone knows that those who are begging for a living at sea are the most generous, and they have to cheat them out of their hard-earned money.

As a result, the wine shop changed its ways to attract customers, the girls from the prostitutes went out to empty the toilet, the gambling stalls were full of smog, and the lights were kept on all night.

Who would have thought that this place was still a battlefield more than ten years ago, and Wang Shi and Lu Yanwei fought again and again?
It's all over, the world has changed.

"Let's go to sea this time, let's go further north." In the teahouse, the boat boss Wang Heizi said.

"Listen to Heizi!"

"Saburo, you have the final say."

"You are the leader of the ship, and everyone listens to you."

The people summoned by Wang Heizi said one after another.

Wang Heizi laughed loudly, and said, "Shopkeeper, hurry up and serve some dim sum."

The crowd applauded.

Wang Heizi glanced over everyone one by one, very satisfied.

Back then, he was also hanging around with others, doing some chores on the boat.

Going to sea is profitable, and he is a delicate person. After saving some money, he got sponsorship from the elders of the clan. He bought a boat in Qingzhou and became the captain himself-this title is said to have been passed down from the saints.

Speaking of the two years of overseas career, there are joys and sorrows.

The happy thing is that he is the master of his own family, and the income from going to sea is shared with the elder of the clan who sponsored him, and the rest is at his own disposal, which is very comfortable.

Sadly, more and more people go to sea.

Just say that this tea shop where sailors often gather, a few years ago at most one or two tables of people can gather, now it can gather six or seven tables.The store's business is booming, even the store has expanded, and he married two concubines at once, and helped out in the back kitchen with the eldest wife - two more cooks who don't pay, and can sleep with him at night, so beautiful!

Another annoying thing is that the price of marine fish is getting lower and lower.

The worst thing is the squid head!That thing can be caught without going to sea, and the quantity is still huge. The price of sea fish has gone down, and most of it is hit by the head of the sea fish.

Of course, the increasing number of fishing boats going out to sea is also a factor that cannot be ignored.

There are some changes that outsiders don't know much about, but insiders like them know it all too well.The unintentional trend driven by the sage has gradually penetrated into the daily life of the common people after ten years of subtle influence.

In Wudi County and even Dezhou, if someone invites a mason to build a house and a carpenter to make furniture, they will not work hard if they don’t have scallops to eat.
The shopkeeper quickly brought out the snacks, pointed to two plates of raisins, and said, "Wang Heizi, I haven't seen you for a long time, so I specially prepared Gaochang raisins, isn't it interesting?"

"Full of nonsense." Wang Heizi laughed loudly, and said, "It's just you who are stingy, and you still buy Gaochang raisins? Most of them were collected from the countryside."

The store owner was exposed for his lies, and his face was a little bit uncomfortable, leaving a sentence "You haven't settled the account of touching my concubine's butt", and walked away in despair.

Everyone laughed again.

Wang Heizi put away the smile on his face and pressed his hands falsely, the laughter of the crowd stopped for a while.

"The ones who came this time are all good players." Wang Heizi looked at the crowd and said, "So I plan to go a little farther to the north."

"Sanlang, where do you want to go?" someone asked.

"North, go to the coast of Jizhou. Find a way—" At this point, Wang Heizi paused, lowered his voice, and said, "Catch a big fish!"

In the mouth of sailors, "big fish" means whale, and it is also the most valuable catch-or prey.

"Saburo wants to be an official."

"This... is dangerous, right?"

"Mother-in-law, the bow of the boat says to catch big fish, so let's catch big fish. That fish is docile and doesn't eat people. What are you afraid of?"

"I heard from others that the big fish is as high as a mountain, which is scary."


The sailors talked a lot, with different expressions.

"Useless trash!" Wang Heizi scolded with a smile, "I already know the tricks of catching big fish, listen to me. As long as we do one vote, it will be enough for us to live comfortably for a long time."

It is said that since someone successfully caught a live whale, various know-how about whaling began to spread among the captains—of course it cost a price.

The captain who bought the news and came back studied it day and night, putting himself in the shoes of himself and thinking about the most reasonable way to hunt and kill a huge whale.

Experience is enriched little by little.

The details are also perfected little by little.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you get on the right track and form positive feedback, you can't underestimate people's wisdom.They will go far on this road and do better than you imagined, without your guidance at all.

Shao Shude did not rely on administrative orders to promote the development of the marine industry.But over the past ten years, the number of sailors gathered in various ports has increased year by year, and the navigation technology has also improved to a considerable extent, and even the ships have been iterated several times.Now the privately built ships are not much worse than those made by the government. If you give enough money, they can even build a ship that surpasses the "Haiyu".

Someone once joked that if the sage recruited sailors, there would be too many to say, and 1 people would be at his fingertips.After careful training, they are all qualified sea warriors.

The reason is also very simple. With a good mass base and deep soil, it is natural to choose the best from the best.

Conversely, if you don't have a huge population base at sea, then not only are there insufficient sailors, but there may also be insufficient shipbuilders.

Take a look at the shipbuilding workshops that have sprung up in Daxia these years. They represent two things: production capacity and cost.

The more craftsmen, the greater the production capacity, the lower the cost, and the cheaper the ship price.And these, in turn, can stimulate the development of the marine industry and promote the advancement of navigation technology, all of which are complementary.

"At the bow, whales are hard to come by, this matter..." someone said.

"Boom!" Wang Heizi slapped the table, gritted his teeth, and said, "Don't be discouraged. I have prepared a few crossbows, you tell me this?"

Everyone was shocked, Wang Heizi and Lu Ziye, he could get even a crossbow, not just one.

"If you can't catch whales, catch people." Wang Heizi said viciously: "Go to Sakhalin Island, catch the savages, send them to Muzhou and sell them to the government soldiers. Some government soldiers can't wait for the court to arrange a part. , they are willing to pay for it.”

Sakhalin Island was called "Sakhalin" or "Cave Shuo" in the Tang Dynasty.

Everyone swallowed subconsciously, Wang Heizi was really ruthless.

The place of Sakhalin Island is isolated overseas, but it is not far away.In terms of administrative division, this place does not belong to Liaodong Road, that is to say, it is not a king's land at all.Then the savages on the island are naturally not kings.

"Damn it, Wang Heizi deserves you to get rich, do it!"

"If the government soldiers dare to buy, we will dare to sell."

"In the past, some people robbed Goryeo's slaves and sold them for sale. The Goryeo king went to Chang'an to sue them. Tang Yizong just issued an edict to stop them. No one who did this was held accountable."

"Who will sue for the Savage? Haha!"

Wang Heizi smiled with satisfaction, and greeted everyone to drink tea.

He had a premonition that as more and more people went to sea, sooner or later someone would do such a crime.

In fact, someone has already done this, he is not the first, nor will he be the last.

The main buyers are Fubing from Liaodong, who usually buy them back as slaves, and even become concubines when they meet beautiful women.

The government soldiers would not pay directly to buy them, and they didn't have much money. They usually exchanged leather, medicinal materials, and wild products. If they were brought back to the Central Plains, they could make a fortune.

Whaling depends on luck. When catching people, haha, the chances of success are relatively high.

Zhe Congyi, the Minister of Internal Affairs, came to Wudi.

This river-sea joint transport city is actually an important base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There are Huangzhuang, warehouses, docks, workshops, and barracks—for the young soldiers who grew up in Huangzhuang to live. They are the Ministry of Internal Affairs. An important guard force under its banner.

Zhe Congyi came from Luoyang, mainly to urge a batch of supplies - jerky.

The saint's expedition to the west cost a lot of money, and the government and businessmen worked hard to transfer supplies day and night.As an institution created by the sage, if the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not say something, it would be too lacking in political sensitivity.

Normal food and meat can be purchased and transported in Liangzhou, but that is only for military supplies, what about the saint?

Needless to say, among the few ships that arrived at Wudi Port in late October last year, they were loaded with venison and sea fish that the saint loved to eat.

Taking advantage of the cold weather in winter, the Ministry of Internal Affairs transferred a batch to the west at any cost.Now Zhe Congyi came to supervise the second batch.

"Zhefu Cheng."

"Fu Cheng."

After entering the gate of the workshop, people saluted one after another.

With a smile on his face, Zhe Congyi returned the greetings one by one.

He enjoys every day in the Ministry of Internal Affairs very much, because he can see so many novel things.Moreover, the oil and water here are really rich, and it is a great benefit to touch your hands.

In the 14th year since its establishment, the Bohai Trading Company, which is led by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, has made [-] yuan in profits, which is very dazzling.According to the rules, they took out [-] mins in dividends, and got another [-] mins per share, and everyone praised it.

Thinking back a few years ago, when Bohai Trading Co., Ltd. paid dividends for the first time, some people didn't think so.But when the shareholders can receive dividends every year, the reputation of Bohai Trading Company has been established at once - paying dividends once in a while and paying dividends every year are definitely two concepts.

Now the dignitaries in Luoyang say that Liaodong is a treasure house, and they all ask if there are similar opportunities to make a fortune.Regarding this, Zhe Congyi just wanted to say: "Why did you go so early?"

But they still have a chance.

Zhe Congyi looked at the crowds of people in the workshop, and knew in his heart that this was an over-allocation of manpower, and he was training relevant talents for Annan Trading Company.

To this day, the establishment of Annan Trading Company has basically come to fruition.

There is no resistance, on the contrary, everyone is looking forward to the completion of the construction as soon as possible, so that they can subscribe for the shares and keep them at home as family heirlooms. Dividends may not be a lot of money, but the win is long-term and legal, which naturally makes people flock to it.

Annan Trading Co. still has [-] shares. As for how to distribute it, it is up to the sage to decide.Zhe Congyi has received the news that by the middle of this year at the latest, the Annan Trading Company will be established and settled in Annan, making preparations for it to officially open at the beginning of next year.

Saints really have the power to turn decay into magic.

More than ten years ago, some people said that Liaodong rebelled twice in three days, and the army was stationed every year, which cost a lot of money. They suggested "retaining it".But no one talks that shit anymore.

The cost of the garrison is the court's money, so it's none of your business?The Ministry of Household Affairs and the nobles just sit on the ground and share the money. Whoever dares to give up Liaodong, everyone will get rid of him together.

And in order to completely prevent anyone from speaking ill, the sage planned to distribute the dividends of the [-] shares held by the household department as the benefits of the fifth-rank and above serving officials in Beijing.

Anyway, [-] shares are only [-] yuan in dividends, which is nothing to the Ministry of Household Affairs. It is better to take it out and distribute it to officials as benefits, so that they are embarrassed to open their mouths when they want to spray.

Every time he thinks of this, Zhe Congyi wants to laugh.

You are lofty, you are amazing, do you want to take this money?

Okay, Bohai Trading Company doesn't want it, so do you want Annan Trading Company's?In the future, it is possible to form a Yunnan Trading Company and a Western Region Trading Company, but you don’t want to?Then you have to be prepared to be slandered by your wife and children, life is hard.

The workshop is still busy.

Pieces of venison and fish were sorted by size and put into jars. After a while, when the Yellow River was open to navigation, they were sent to the front line.The amount is not large, but it is all the filial piety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Do it well." Zhe Congyi turned around, looked at the big and small officials who followed him, and said, "There are a lot of vacancies in the Annan Trading Company waiting for you. Whoever does a good job can go. This is what the sage personally promised to serve in the society. Don’t hang around here, go to work quickly.”

 Recently, I managed to save a chapter or two to save the manuscript, but I clicked twice to publish it by mistake.

  Damn, it can be seen from this unfamiliar operation that I am a person who has not saved manuscripts all year round, alas.

  What I really want to say is that I will adjust it these two days and try to get the update time during the day as much as possible.

  The reason is simple: there are many reviewers during the day, and it will be released within 10 minutes.At night, at least an hour or two.

  I have been audited and blocked three times recently, pit.

(End of this chapter)

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