Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1574 Unstoppable

Chapter 1574 Unstoppable
When Shao Shude received the news, he had just arrived in Kucha.

He left Yanqi on April [-], and arrived at Tiemenguan on the night of the [-]th, where he sent envoys to Khotan on horseback, ordering him to lead [-] soldiers on horseback and rush to Shule with more food and grass.

When I issued this order, I hesitated a little bit, because Khotan and the Uighur Kingdom actually didn't deal with it very much.

When the latter was at its strongest, the territory in the southeast reached Ruoqiang, almost half-surrounding Khotan, and it was not without friction.As long as Khotan soldiers appear in Shule territory, it will inevitably lead to war.

It would be a waste to let Khotan go up the Yuhe River, cross the desert, and rush to Kucha to meet up like last time. Tubo came down from the mountain to attack the four towns of Tang'anxi, basically crossing the desert.

After thinking about it carefully, Shao Shude simply ordered the Khotan army to go straight to Shule and attack it with Wang Shihui.

This order shows that Shao Shude has made up his mind.It doesn't matter if there is civil strife in Uighur or not, I'm going to fight, what can you do?

When staying in Guanxi Guanyi, Shao Shude also saw a stone carving, which was "Su Tie Guanxi Pavilion" by Cen Shen.

Cen Shen, who followed Gao Xianzhi westward, left many poems along the way.For example, "Yinshan Qixi Pavilion" in the west of Gaochang, to this song "Sutie Guanxi Pavilion" and "Tiiemenguanlou", all reflect his "husband is not rich at thirty, and he can keep his pen and inkstone all day long". Strong motivation to make progress.

Of course, Cen Shen did not get rich in the Western Regions in the end, just like when he was 19 years old when he was defeated in Chang'an, when he went to Tongguan to return to his hometown, he "returned a commoner when he came, and a commoner when he went; he was ashamed to see the officials in Guancheng, and he returned from the old way" Feeling.

This time, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses flocked southward in Daxia, and more than 20 masters in Hexi transferred supplies day and night, and tried their best to provide supplies.

Continue on the 21st, passing Yushushouzhuo City (now Korchu Township, Korla City), Yulin Shouzhuo City (now Luntai County Yeyungou Township), Longquan Shouzhuo City (now Luntai County Yangxia Town) , Dongyi Secluded Shouzhuo City (west of today's Luntai County), Xiyi Secluded Shouzhuo City (east of today's Yakela Town, Kuqa City), Chi'an Shouzhuo City (east of today's Yaha Town, Kuqa City), in early May Wu arrived in Kucha Town.

The road is hundreds of miles long and passes through many cities, but most of them are in a state of semi-declinement.Just like this, it has been roughly repaired, and the original appearance is even worse.

The Western Regions have been trapped in Tibet for more than a hundred years, and there is no news. The Central Plains has no idea what happened here, and it is completely blank.Now it seems that the local situation is quite chaotic, with Tubo and Uyghur going back and forth, no one is serious about managing it, and the rest is nothing but destruction.

When resting halfway, Shao Shude saw the farmlands and ridges reclaimed by the Tang people around the city, but now most of them are covered with weeds and no one cares about them.When he entered the city, he even picked up the Kaiyuan Tongbao and the copper coins made by the Kucha Kingdom themselves, which were hidden in the corner and were full of rust.

No one even found the copper coins, so it can be seen that this place is really lonely, and there are not many people.

These six Shouzhu cities are all attached to the town of Tang Qiuci, like a string of pearls, scattered between Qiuci and Yanqi, serving as a supplement between the two major military towns.

Shao Shude left [-] soldiers in each of the six major cities to guard, cutting down trees and firewood, and harvesting weeds for storage.When masters transfer grain, each Shouzhuo city can keep a part as a temporary transit warehouse.

On the night of the sixth day, as the envoy reported the news of the mutiny in Shule, Shao Shude knew that the opportunity to fight was ripe.

"The more you go forward, the more powerless you feel." Shao Shude put down the military report and said, "In the past, Gao Xianzhi led an army of [-] troops, divided into two groups, and went westward from then on. At that time, the three towns of Qiuci, Yanqi, and Shule still had There are many people, but this society has lost a lot."

Yang Juan thought for a while, and he understood the holy meaning.

Conquering the Western Regions is somewhat similar to conquering Yunnan to some extent.

The road in Yunnan is not that far, but the mountains are so steep that it is difficult to walk, and the consumption of transshipment materials is huge, so we can only raise food on the spot.

The road in the Western Regions is relatively flat, marching along the oasis of the river, there is no shortage of water, and a lot of pasture can be replenished, but it is really too far, farther than Yunnan.

Anyone who has fought old battles knows the hard work of transporting grain and grass over long distances.The saint is going to repeat the old trick again, raising food on the spot.

But he had no objection.

Martial arts, how many merciless ones are there?It is not uncommon in ancient times to raise food on the spot when marching and fighting. Compared with it, the Great Xia Wangshi is already well-mannered.

There is only so much food, and only a certain number of people can be fed, so naturally the army should be given priority, which is nothing to say.

As for whether the looting of food and grass will arouse the hatred of the local people, that is of course.

But the same is true of their fighting with each other, they have long been used to it-it sounds terrible, and there is no idea how much blood and tears are hidden behind the word "habit", but it is the truth.

"Send an order to Basaigan and Sunong that the Rehai Turks enter and occupy Gumo Prefecture, there must be no mistakes." Shao Shude issued the order.

Atami Turks have a wide distribution, from Issyk Lake, Ili River Valley to Suiye, and they are intertwined with the pastoral areas of the Geluolu people and squeezed together.

Not all the Turkic people surrendered, and only [-] to [-] tents were surrendered, and the others were still watching.

But it doesn't matter, they will be subdued one by one in the future, without leaving any hidden dangers.

"Send an order to Yang Liang and Ma Sixun to lead [-] soldiers each, prepare more horses, and march overnight to Gumo Prefecture. If the bandits surrender, they can just requisition their own food. If they don't surrender, they can do it cheaply."

"Also use Yang Liang as the strike envoy of Gumo Prefecture to control the soldiers and horses of the Han and Fan tribes."

Yang Liang stayed in Kucha for several months, with more than [-] soldiers under his command, all of them were mounted infantry.

Shao Shude was not very worried about the Turkic people, fearing that they would be cunning and inattentive-almost inevitable-so he sent Yang Liang to lead [-] forbidden troops to the south to supervise the war.

Cui Miao quickly finished writing the book and sent out copies.

"Where did Ogulchak escape to? Could he control Gumo Prefecture?" Shao Shude asked.

"I haven't got the news yet." Yang Jue replied: "I estimate that he should try to take down Gumo Prefecture, and use this as a basis to fight against Satuk. But at this moment, the ministries of Gumo Prefecture may not listen. His, if he can't do this, he can only rush back to Balasagon and persuade the old ministry to support him."

"The more you run, the lower your prestige is, and the more you can't control the situation." Shao Shude said: "If it wasn't for his value, I wouldn't bother to care about his whereabouts. Let him go back to Bala Sagon, to save those Turks People, Geluolu people, and Uyghurs were all pulled away by Boss. Will there be anyone from the side of Bahan?"

"It's hard to say." Yang Jue said: "Satuk should have a connection with that side. The Persians have a strong desire to promote the Creator, but they are unable to wipe out so many tribes, so they adopt a gentle strategy. I think that even if There won’t be too many soldiers and horses crossing the Congling South Plains to support Satuke. They are not ready yet, and they were also caught off guard by the Shule incident, and they will not be able to gather so many hard-headed believers in the Creator in a short time.”

Shao Shude nodded and said: "It doesn't matter. Come here, why are you afraid of him? Come one to kill one, come two to kill one pair, I want to see if the Creator can help when the knife cuts down the neck. Up to half a point."

Suddenly a strong wind blew up in the four fields.

The sand particles rushed towards him, splashing on his face and straight into his mouth and nose.

The horse barked uneasily, restlessly.Someone even stood up, almost throwing off the knight on horseback.

On the Gobi Desert, small sandstones roll on the ground.

In the Populus euphratica forest, the howling wind is like howling ghosts.

Just as Yang Liang opened his mouth, he directly poured sand into his mouth, so he could only keep silent and spit non-stop.

There was the sound of swords being unsheathed in front of them. Dozens of sergeants in the lead were leading the horses, squinting their eyes, watching the enemy cavalry appearing on the hillside vigilantly.

"Leave them alone and move on." Yang Liang covered his face with his hands and said loudly.

"Leave them alone and move on." The sergeants passed the password back one by one.

Horseshoes bursting, camel bells lingering, thousands of soldiers walked firmly on the valley floor, marching forward bravely.

Jiuwufu from the Central Plains has been to the icy snowfield, stayed in the gentle water town, climbed the dangerous peaks of the majestic mountains, stepped on the green grassland, and now he is walking in the western region where the sand and rocks are flying. Indifference, as if life and death are not on his mind, whether it is his own or the enemy's.

The thief cavalry kept appearing at the front, back, left, and right. Looking at this highly morale and well-armored troop, they hesitated and dared not approach.

And behind them, the silent snow-capped mountains towered high, which was the pure holy place in the hearts of the foreigners.

Perhaps it was because the warriors of the Central Plains were not allowed to be arrogant near their holy land. After a long confrontation, a group of enemy cavalry rushed over with the wind.

They shot arrows on the horse, but the wind and sand were too strong, and they didn't know where they went.

"Haha! You bastard!" The warriors of the Central Plains stopped and laughed loudly.

After laughing, there was a series of bah bah sounds.The sandstorm is getting bigger and bigger, and the mouth is full of yellow sand.

After the thief rode shot the arrow, he rode back on his horse and watched from afar.

"Leave them alone and move on." The password sounded.

"Boom boom!" Above the carriage, the sound of drums rumbled, echoing in the mountains.

The warriors lead the horses, holding long lances and broadswords, and march forward.

The strange howling in the wind gradually became smaller.

The sound of horseshoes sounded again, and dozens of thieves picked up their horse speed for the second time, and rushed over obliquely.

Just when they drew their horn bows and wanted to repeat the old trick, a group of cavalry suddenly rushed out of the marching group.

The Qinghai Cong Shenjun under Ma Sixun's crotch was incomparable, as fast as lightning, he rushed to a few steps away in an instant.

"Pfft!" Ma Qian directly picked up one person and threw them into the yellow sand all over the sky.

"If you dare to approach, you will die!" Ma Sixun yelled, Ma Qian blocked a shot from the side, and when he saw a bandit riding towards him, he drew back and swept the bandit off his horse.

Hundreds of riders followed closely behind him, shouting loudly.

"You have to die!" After stabbing the thief's chest with a spear, he directly discarded the spear, pulled out the iron mace from the sheath, and smashed it head-on.

The head shattered like a watermelon.

"You have to die too!" He clamped his horse's belly, identified one person, and chased after him.

The black Qinghai Cong was panting heavily, but his speed was astonishingly fast. Under the terrified eyes of the thief, the iron mace hit the unshielded head again.

The thief fell powerlessly off his horse, and his heavy body fell into the dust and smoke, making a muffled sound.

"Whoosh!" In the wind and sand, an arrow hit Ma Sixun's shoulder by accident.

With a roar, he turned his horse's head and chased after him.

The enemy rider also turned his horse's head and fled backwards.While fleeing, he turned his head and shot.

The first arrow failed.

The black lightning keeps getting closer.

The second arrow was blown by the wind and sand, and flew away far away.

Black Lightning has rushed behind several positions.

The thief was sweating profusely, and hurriedly took out the third arrow.

"You have to die!" Ma Sixun raised his mace high.

Black Lightning's panting became more and more rapid, and his hair was sweating profusely, but the carefully selected excellent genes made his speed unbelievable.

In just a few short positions, they arrived in an instant.

"Pfft!" Another watermelon was smashed.

White and red splashed, and Ma Sixun was covered in blood, laughing loudly.

"Good brother!" He patted the horse that had slowed down, still wanting more.

This kind of war horse has poor stamina, but it is tall. The moment it explodes, the speed of the charge is astounding.

The thieves drove away, not daring to come closer to harass.

"Leave them alone and move on." The password sounded for the fourth time.

The black crowd moved forward again, as if unstoppable.

(End of this chapter)

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