Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1579 Human War!

Chapter 1579 Human War!

The Sihun River meanders across the entire battlefield.

It is the summer season, the riverside grass grows and warblers fly, and everything grows, full of vitality.

On the grassland by the river, the wolf needle grass that breaks out of the ground fully enjoys the sunshine and the nourishment of the river water, and grows steadily, swaying the joy of life to its fullest.

Suddenly, dense army boots came rushing over like mountains and seas.

The germinating, blooming, and two-month-old Wolf Needle Grass was mercilessly crushed to the ground.

The wind blew, and the broken wolf needle grass danced with the wind, as if struggling to get up.

The sharp piercing sound continued to sound, and the blood rained down one after another.

"Bang!" The heavy body lay down weakly, completely crushing the broken wolf needle grass, and there was no sign of it.

There was a thunderous sound of horseshoes, the ground was shaking, and the horses were neighing. Countless soldiers shouted loudly, piercing sharp horses and spears into the enemy's chest.

This is the battlefield, the bottomless pit that devours life.

It's not the first time Zheng Siping has been on the battlefield, but every time he risked his life to fight, he would feel a rush of blood, as if wantonly harvesting other people's lives was his innate mission.

In order to accomplish this mission, he was desperate and brave, bathed in blood to his heart's content, and fought fiercely.

He knew he was sick.

Wufu is more or less a little sick, he looks forward to meeting a brave opponent one day, who will harvest his life, maybe then he will be free.

But today he didn't meet.

A whole three commanding infantry, holding the long lance tightly, wielding the epee and long axe, collided with thousands of oncoming enemies.

The enemy shouted unknown slogans, with ferocious faces and fanatical expressions, and some even had tears in their eyes as they marched forward bravely.

A rifleman's neck was severed by the enemy's scimitar, and the blood was soaring, and the smell was soaring.

Zheng Siping was like a dervish who had practiced penance for many years, his mind didn't fluctuate at all, he even subconsciously licked the blood splashed on the corner of his mouth, and walked up quickly, the long Ke ax slashed down, chopping off the enemy's entire arm .

After kicking the screaming enemy away, the Changke ax was sent forward again, the sharp edge of the ax penetrated the fur and pierced the skin.

A large cloud of dark red blood was reflected on the enemy's chest, his legs suddenly lost strength, and he fell limp to the ground.

Military boots stepped forward.

The enemy who fell on the ground stretched out his hands, subconsciously wanting to hug Zheng Siping's legs.But soon there were more cowhide military boots on him.The grass was stained dark with blood, and the young life disappeared in the season when the mountain flowers were blooming.

With the help of his own soldiers, Yuan Xingqin put on his armor and got on his horse.

Looking down from his position, he can see most of the battlefield.

The enemy army has about [-] infantry, with various weapons and uniforms.

Some of them were wearing armor and equipment, and shouting slogans.

Some people wore furs and held simple wooden-handled spears, also chanting slogans.

Their morale is not bad, at least they dare to fight and fight hard, and they don't collapse at the first touch.

The formation is somewhat similar to the front and arrow array in the Central Plains, with those who dare to fight in the front and ordinary soldiers in the back. It is hoped that the elite soldiers can bravely smash through the Xia army, and then take advantage of the situation to chase and kill them to win a complete victory.

Xia Jun discharged the classic Crescent Moon Formation.

The three infantry commanders from the three armies of Tielin, Wuwei, and Tiande are the central army.

An infantry of the Yicong Army is commanded as the left wing, and an infantry of the Tianxiong Army is commanded as the right wing, turning from right to left, counterclockwise, and obliquely attacking the enemy's flank.

The six cavalry commanded by the army were waiting for orders in the rear formation, waiting to attack.

This is the frontal battlefield.

In the farther valleys on both sides, Ba Saigan and Su Nong of the Rehai Turks led three or four thousand light cavalry each, trying to detour to the rear of the enemy army, attacking back and forth.

It's a bit bullying to say that the Xia army used about [-] Fan Han horse infantry sergeants, but the enemy army they faced was only [-] Gulam, [-] infantry, and hundreds of Qingqi.

But war is like this, who will fight you fairly?
After fighting for so long, the armies of both sides have become entangled.

The Uighurs charged at Xia Zhongjun's three infantry commanders, and the two sides fought fiercely, refusing to give in to each other.Fighting, even with the spiritual blessing of the Creator, the Uighurs' offensive still had no results, and there were even faint signs of being pushed back.

Attack Yanyue Formation, if you can't defeat the Chinese army, then everything will really stop, don't even think about it, because——

The first commander of the Tianxiong Army on the right wing with more than [-] infantry has moved into place and launched a flank attack on the enemy.

The Uighur soldiers who stayed behind were not fanatical jihadists, and except for the outermost layer, most of the inside were wearing leather armor, or even no leather armor, but furs.

They are not elite, and they are in a flanking state, how can they defeat the Tianxiong army?
Satuk is a veteran who has experienced many battles. He quickly discovered the crisis, so he immediately mobilized a thousand Gulam warriors, lined up in a tight formation, and charged the Tianxiong army.

There is no doubt that the situation is unfavorable, and this is a reserve team.

Xia Jun was not to be outdone, and the reserve team stepped forward as well.

"Woo--" The sound of the horn sounded, and the cavalry slowly left the station and began to charge.

Their speed was very fast, and in an instant, they rushed to the vicinity of the advancing Gulam heavy armored infantry.

The enemy army was forced to stop and formed a small circular formation.

The outer ring is tall and large shields and dense spears, while the inner ring is a powerful infantry bow, shooting deadly arrows outward.From time to time, spears could be seen flying out, shooting down the cavalry of the Xia army who were too close.

Yuan Xingqin led two cavalry commanders, a total of more than [-] cavalry, and circled the hedgehog-like circle, feeling helpless.

"Damn it, charge!" On the battlefield, the sound of killing was loud, and countless soldiers were fighting with their lives. Yuan Xingqin felt a little blushing, so he rushed up with a group of people.

From Gulam's point of view, seven or eight riders suddenly rushed over from the opposite side, scattered widely and aggressively.

The archers shot immediately, and the knights fell off their horses one after another.

But followed by a few more cavalry, holding their bows and throwing spears, and swinging away the densely packed spears with their thick and long horse lances.

The Gulam warriors roared in unison, and their spears pierced through the gaps in their shields. The cavalrymen of the Xia army were dripping with blood, screaming and falling off their horses.

The third group of more than ten riders rushed forward.

Yuan Xingqin took advantage of the gap opened by his robes to penetrate the thick, long and heavy horse into the enemy's formation, sweeping away thousands of troops.

The Gulam army knocked down several people in all directions.

With a roar, Yuan Xingqin abandoned his horse, pulled out the iron rod, rode forward, smashed a Gulam warrior in the face, and pulled again.

There was a shrill scream, almost the whole face of this person was pulled off, and the eyeballs hung outside the eye sockets, swaying with the body.

"Jihad!" A Gulam next to him stabbed with a gun.

Yuan Xingqin dodged it sideways, clamped under his armpit, grasped the barrel of the gun with his left hand, and pulled hard.

The enemy staggered a few steps and arrived in front of him.

Yuan Xingqin swung Tie Lao to fend off a scimitar cut from the right side, and with his left hand, he pulled the Gulam onto the horse, turned the horse's head, and rode away.

And after he left, another thousand Gulam heavy armored infantry rushed up, under the volley of infantry bows, the Xia army cavalry screamed again and again, and scattered in all directions.

"It's a loss!" After the horse returned to the distance, Yuan Xingqin threw the prisoner on the ground, and his own soldiers rushed up and tied him up.

"The Gulam army is a bit tough. They can't rush, they don't waver, and they have a tacit understanding when they counterattack." Wang Jian and his horse came over, looking at the two Gulam troops who were changing their formations, and said.

"If you can't rush, you have to rush. They obviously have to move on. We can't let them interfere with the cubs of the Tianxiong Army." Yuan Xingqin stretched out his hand, took the new horse from the soldiers, and said.

Many people dislike this heavy cavalry weapon held in both hands.Because it is too long and too heavy, even when riding on horseback, it must be placed on the carriage, otherwise it will be too much for a long time.

But when you encounter heavy armored infantry like Gulam, you will know the benefits of heavy cavalry weapons.

Relying on a lance that is soft and breaks at the touch, tickle the heavy armored infantry?

"Your horse power consumption is too high." Wang Jianji stopped Yuan Xingqin and said, "I'll come this time!"

After all, without waiting for Yuan Xingqin's reply, he waved the banner and rushed out with more than a thousand riders.

In the sky full of smoke and dust, Satuk invested in the second reserve team: five hundred Gulam armored cavalry.

The Haidong Jianfalcon streaked across the sky, and the golden sun shone down on its wings, flashing a holy light.

On the vast land, more than 2 people from both sides fought together.

The battlefield can be divided into three places: left, middle and right.

On the left side of the battlefield, a silver phalanx was slowly moving forward.In front of the phalanx, there are dozens of small black spots wriggling and jumping, fighting against the occasional enemy rangers passing by.

In this direction, everything is calm.

In the center of the battlefield, there were originally five or six square formations formed by the two sides, but now they have been squeezed together, crowded with people and surging waves.

Looking down from the air, Xia Jun's formation was obviously more organized, divided into two places.

One is on the front, firmly squeezing the enemy, pushing forward.

One circled around to the right and launched an attack to the left. The enemy column that was fighting with them was in disarray. Many people turned around and fled, looking chaotic and about to collapse.

This direction is the core of the entire battlefield.It can be clearly seen that the main force of the enemy's infantry is on the verge of collapse, if the reserves cannot come forward to rescue them.

On the right side of the battlefield, the two Gulam armies, one in front and one in the back, had joined together. Every time the two thousand heavy armored infantry wanted to march forward, they were held back by the Xia army cavalry's charge.

Everyone can see that the cavalry of the Xia Army has high tactical literacy and full of courage, and the cavalry of the army has existed from the beginning to deal with infantry. Ram's footsteps.

And behind where they were entangled, Gulam's armored cavalry had mounted their horses and was about to launch an attack, but they stopped suddenly.

In this direction, the battle is also very fierce.Although it is not the main battlefield, it is a matter of victory or defeat.

When the south wind blows, the Haidong Jianfalcon rides the wind and flies higher.

In its eyes, farther to the west, the sky is filled with dust and the sound of hooves.

Thousands of Turkic Qingqi have already detoured back to their positions, and after a short pause, they launched a swift charge.

Their appearance was sudden and the straw that broke the camel's back.

Hundreds of Uighur Qingqi immediately left the starting point after a short period of confusion, and charged forward. This is the last reserve team in the hands of Satuk.

But their number was too small, and they were quickly submerged in the total number of nearly [-] Turkic troops.

Gulam's armored cavalry hesitated a little, not knowing which direction to rescue.

After all, they were battle-tested veterans. Their hesitation only existed for a moment, and they quickly changed direction and charged at Atami Turks in a dense formation.

How dare Turkic Qingqi confront them head-on?The people in front were caught off guard and turned on their backs, while the people behind dispersed one after another.

Some went around behind the armored cavalry and dealt with them with bows and arrows.

Most of them carried out the original order and launched an attack from behind the main force of the Uyghur infantry.

The moment the arrow fell, the Uighur formation, which had already begun to collapse on a small scale, collapsed completely.

Haidong Jianfalcon let out a pleasant whistling sound, enjoying the thrill of flying.

It flew over the area where the two sides were fighting, and a large cloud of smoke appeared in front of it.

Twenty thousand steps, riding a sword and holding a bow, marching forward like a long dragon.

Judging by their attire, they should be Uighur soldiers, mainly infantry, and there are four or five thousand light cavalry infantry, mighty and mighty, non-stop.

Ho, human war!

(End of this chapter)

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