Chapter 1581
May 23 was a gloomy day for the Great Uighur Kingdom.

In the first battle of Sihun River, he was beheaded by [-] levels, leaving almost no prisoners.

In the second battle, as soon as the two sides came into contact, they fought for a while, and the young men of the various ministries that the enemy army hastily gathered were defeated, and more than [-] ranks were beheaded on the spot.

Xia Jun pursued all the way, killing and injuring a lot of people.

On the 25th, he chased him to Jizhuo Pavilion and beheaded more than [-] people along the way.

Here, Yang Liang, who was chasing, let some Turkic cavalry walk and gave up all their horses, and then continued to pursue with [-] cavalry, [-] cavalry infantry, and [-] Turkic cavalry archers.

On the 26th, he finally caught up with Satuke, who was exhausted.

A battle of encirclement and annihilation began.

Turkic cavalry archers took advantage of their mobility and flexibility to gallop recklessly in the open field, playing with the Gulam heavy cavalry who lacked the protection of light cavalry.

Almost a one-sided massacre.

At night, under the escort of a few hundred horsemen, Satuk took off his armor, rushed out of the encirclement with more than 200 horses, and disappeared into the vast grassland.

The more than 300 Gulam who remained were finally annihilated by the Daxia Fanhan cavalry and mounted infantry.

At this time, everyone can see that it is not absolute whether cavalry is better than infantry or heavy cavalry defeats light cavalry.The most important thing is a reasonable mix of arms and appropriate tactics.

The Gulam heavy cavalry began to practice martial arts when they were around twelve or thirteen years old, and formally formed an army seven years later, and they have fought for at least five years now.In terms of elite level, they are catching up with Tianxiong Army and Yinanzhi, the most powerful fighters in Daxia, but have they played anything?Nothing at all.

It can be said that their performance on the battlefield is not worthy of their worth in the slightest.But this is the real battlefield. When you are defeated, all the armies are defeated, and it is impossible for you to turn the tide.When retreating, because the light cavalry was wiped out in sevens and eights, and separated from the main force, they were played and bullied by the Turkic herdsmen, and they slowly died.

reasonable?Not reasonable at all for the price.

But in terms of war, this is their inevitable end.

After killing the Gulam heavy cavalry, Yang Liang and others rested for a day, and then collected food from nearby villages and tribes.

This kind of dirty work was naturally done by the Atami Turkic Qingqi who accompanied the army.

Along the way, Yang Liang also changed his treatment of Turkic people, and no longer discriminated against them as before.

In the Battle of Sihun River, Turkic Qingqi charged from behind, which became the last straw that broke the camel's back.After defeating the 2 people brought by Samani, it was also the Turkic arrows that fell on the enemy's heads first, causing their collapse.

After chasing death and chasing north, this group of light cavalry is really easy to use, much more maneuverable than Daxia's military cavalry.

Turkic people have the usefulness of Turkic people, without them, it is really inconvenient to fight.So all the food collection along the way was handed over to them, so that they could have a good time.

"Yang Dutou, I heard from the messenger that Ogurchak has recruited [-] to [-] horses? Turkic and Ge Luolu are doing this to them?" By the campfire at night, Li Siyuan chewed the freshly cooked horse meat slowly, side asked.

"There are still some Oguz and Khazar Uyghurs. But these two have not given face to the Camel King before, and most of them still don't give face this time. Only a few thousand people have taken a fancy to the fortune promised by Ogurchak. Goods, willing to conscript." Yang Liang said.

"Isn't that fighting for money?" Li Siyuan wondered.

"It's not surprising. This big Uighur country is already loose and loose. During the Pangteqin period, the Geluolu people could only reluctantly bow their heads. When it comes to the Camel King, it is already good not to openly rebel. Their map is just a map. Just have fun, are the many tribal jurisdictions painted on it really so obedient?" Yang Liang said: "The grassland is like this. Once the Khan's prestige is low, all the places will be separated from each other. If you change to a strong and mighty Khan, those tribes who are at a loss , they were really obedient. Wasn’t the Uighur back then? The royal court was raided by tens of thousands of people from Miaogas, and they perished immediately. But [-]% of the Uighur’s territory, population, and military strength are still there. What happened? No one can It's coming together."

"Your Majesty originally expected that Ogurchak would not dare to go south, but he actually came for real. This is really..." The expression on Li Siyuan's face was both strange and excited.

"Your Majesty has made many mistakes." Yang Liang said nonchalantly: "The older you get, the more confused you become. It's not as good as being brave and diligent 30 years ago, full of enthusiasm."

Li Siyuan smiled awkwardly, not daring to answer.

There are some things that people like Yang Liang can say without any consequences, but he can't.

"But Ogurchak is so courageous, how can we fall behind?" Yang Liang grinned, and said: "First take down Shule, and then join forces with Ogurchak to attack Bahana. .”

"I'm afraid the saint will not agree." Li Siyuan shook his head and said.

Yang Liang frowned, this is indeed very possible.

If there is a conflict with Persia, when will it last?The sage has been away from Beijing for more than a year, is he still willing to continue to toss here?

According to Yang Liang's observation, the sage is now more interested in relocating people, opening up wasteland and farming, and everything is making a fuss about these things.

Before leaving Yanqi and going south, he also asked Zang Dubao, who stayed behind, to arrange for the family members of the soldiers who came to settle down.Don't send the grain harvested this year to the front in a hurry, and keep it for land reclamation.

Looking at the previous work in Gaochang, as well as the small-scale digging of wells and ditches in Yizhou, and pioneering and farming, Yang Liang was even more uncertain.

Saint, although the words "Jin Ou Wu Que" often hang on his lips, but how big is the old Xinjiang in his mind?This is a question worthy of consideration.

What if only the four towns of Yanqi, Qiuci, Shule, and Khotan are recovered, and other places are not included?
Don't tell me, the possibility of this is quite small.At least Tianshan Mountain and Congling Mountain are separated, so it is more convenient to defend. If the saint thinks it is troublesome and doesn't want to stay in the west for too long, he will probably stop here.

This thing is messed up!
"Don't worry about that much, go to Shule first, pull down the capital of the Uyghurs, and then worry about it." Yang Liang said: "I don't believe it, the Persians are so honest, they will not move at all. As long as they stay It's not that simple if you get involved. Besides, isn't Ogulchak 'helping'?"

"Ogulchak should be helping himself." Li Siyuan said: "He probably doesn't want to lose Shule. The Persians' rule in Bahana is not strict. Tens of thousands of riders move in and out quickly. They may not be able to do it. What's the reaction?"

"No hurry." Yang Liang took a knife and cut off a piece of mutton fiercely, saying: "Go to Shule first and then talk about it."

On May 15, 28, it was sunny.

The main force of Khotan had just crossed the Yudo River (Yarqiang River), and it took about two days to walk, and there was still a considerable distance from Shule.But Li Shengtian himself took five thousand light cavalry and more than a thousand monk soldiers, and prepared extra horses, and marched quickly all the way.

They're a brutal bunch.

As soon as they entered the territory of the Uyghur Kingdom, they began to burn, kill and loot, for the same reason as the Great Xia king, raising food on the spot.

Do not overestimate the morals of people who live in desert oases.Because of the environment, the supplies are not abundant, they are very fierce in their bones, they are cruel to the enemy, and they are also cruel to themselves, otherwise it will be difficult to survive.

Land resources are very rich, but there is only so much water, and there are only so many people who can support them. If you consume a batch from time to time, you can mess up yourself.

Li Shengtian and others were very careful in their looting at the beginning.

Release a large number of light cavalry first, and guard from a distance, so as not to be attacked by the enemy.After such preparations, they began to boldly plunder goods, cattle, sheep, food, and even women and children.

In the process, they keenly discovered that the number of young adults in villages and tribes is very small, and their ability to resist is very weak.After a short interrogation, it was learned that most of the people followed the headman to the north to Balujia, and have not returned yet.

This news made Khotan very excited.

Li Shengtian knew that the more noise he made here, the greater his support for Ba Lujia's main battlefield.This is a great opportunity to make meritorious service, so he boldly started burning, killing and looting.

Just walking all the way, rushing all the way, when we arrived near Kashgar, it was already the first day of June.

Their arrival, like bad news, plunged the people of Karasa into endless fear.

"Your Majesty." Master Huizhao looked at the bustling city and said, "Kalasha is so empty that it will surely be blown down."

This master Huizhao is the real but unnamed envoy who once went to the Central Plains, and he started the "ice-breaking journey" for the diplomacy between Khotan and Daxia, and he made a lot of contributions.

"I'm out on an expedition, don't call me Your Majesty." Li Shengtian coughed. Although he was surrounded by his own people, he had better be careful. How to play with the door behind closed doors is one thing, but you still have to be careful outside.

"Your Highness, please see that the gates of Kalashar City are wide open, and the rich and powerful families are fleeing one after another. Obviously, they have no intention of resisting. This is a blessing bestowed by the heavens, why not take it?" Master Huizhao said.

"The mage is right." Li Shengtian laughed loudly, summoned two generals on the spot, and ordered them to lead a thousand cavalry each to snatch the city gate.

Master Huizhao immediately clasped his hands together and said goodness.

"Warrior monks are all brave and good at fighting, so they want to enter the city?" Li Shengtian asked again.

Although the monks and soldiers are under his command in name, they are different from the general army and have a certain degree of autonomy.If the military situation was not urgent, Li Shengtian would consult the mages for their opinions and would not give orders directly.

"Your Majesty, please borrow a thousand horses. The monks are all going to Artush." ​​Master Huizhao said.

"Why are you going to Artush?" Li Shengtian asked casually without thinking about it.

"Demolish the temple." Master Huizhao replied.

Li Shengtian suddenly realized, and said: "I will lend you a thousand or five hundred horses, be careful not to be taken advantage of by thieves."

"It's okay." Master Huizhao said, "The thieves are already defeated, so there is no serious problem."

Li Shengtian looked at the well-armored monks and soldiers holding spears, axes, and iron bars, and nodded.

It is said that the big cannibals bought teenagers about ten years old from human traffickers in the river, Tuhana, and even on the grasslands to the north. After taking them back, they were trained strictly. .

But is the training time for monk soldiers very short?Many of them are novice monks who were admitted to the hospital at an early age. After strict selection, they teach martial arts, and they have a long history.

Every year during the winter slack season, the monks and soldiers of each academy will gather in the capital of Khotan to practice the army formation with the gathered rural folk.

The mages are not only kind-eyed, but also angry-eyed King Kong.Do not believe?The monks in Tubo even dared to assassinate Zanpu, but they were not the peaceful people that most people imagined.

More than a thousand monks and soldiers killed them, and ten temples were demolished by you.

After Master Huizhao left with the monks and soldiers, Li Shengtian looked at the Khotan cavalry who had broken into the city gate, and suddenly felt emotional: within two years, the two Uighur kingdoms of Gaochang and Karasa were destroyed one after another, and the Western Regions really changed.

(End of this chapter)

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