Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1583 Education and Attitude

Chapter 1583 Education and Attitude
On the last day of May, Shao Shude left Zheng Yong to stay in Gumo, and led an army of more than [-] people to go south to Shule.

He didn't walk fast, and he would stop to have a look at the Tunbao Beacon Tower along the way.

Most of these are relics.

Some scholars in later generations studied the history of the Western Regions and came to a conclusion: "The popularity of Chinese characters in Gaochang, Qiuci, Khotan and other places mainly depends on political power." Once the political power declines, Chinese and Chinese characters will disappear.

After the Anshi Rebellion, Tubo occupied the Western Regions, and, like Helong, vigorously promoted Tuboization.But they did not rule for long, and were soon expelled, and the Uighurs began to control the Western Regions.

Before the fall of the Uyghur Khanate, because the political center was in Mobei, they mainly practiced the rule of Jiji in the Western Regions and appointed local officials.Judging from the materials unearthed in later generations, there were official documents in Chinese characters and Uighur characters at that time, and most of them were Chinese characters.

After the fall of the Uyghur Khanate, Pang Teqin moved westward, with a population of 20. Together with the Gaochang Uyghurs, there were a total of 40 million Uyghurs, which greatly changed the ethnic composition of the Western Regions.And because their center of rule moved to Gaochang and Qiuci, they no longer ruled in prison, but managed directly, which caused the general Turkification of the Western Regions.

During this period of time, there were very few Chinese characters in the materials unearthed during this period, and Uyghur official documents gradually became the mainstream. exactly the same.

However, the number of Han Chinese in Helong is relatively large, far exceeding that of the Western Regions. Most of them have been assimilated by the Tubo people, forming a huge group of Yanmo. One can imagine the situation in Anxi.

Among the ruins, nothing of value was found.

The most numerous are decayed arrow clusters, spear shafts, broken earthen pots, porcelain, and one or two household utensils. Judging from the fragments, the writing is not in Uighur, but in Turkic.

This area has been far away from the civilization of the Central Plains for too long...

"Everything needs to be rebuilt, not just the military system." Shao Shude looked at a broken plate full of Turkic style, and said: "Indoctrination is a terrible thing. It can make people remember their origin, and it can also make people forget their own. The origin. The Confucian classics in Yi, Xi, and Ting states cannot be discarded. How many Confucian classics students have come this year?"

"Your Majesty, in April, more than 70 people have already arrived. In July and August, more than [-] people will arrive." Yu Yuexie Yuanzhu said.

"You have visited Tingzhou, how is the school running there?" Shao Shude asked.

"The sound of Langlang's book has a bit of Chinese charm." Xie Yuanzhu replied.

"What did I say? Seek truth from facts!" Shao Shude was a little dissatisfied, and said, "Listen to what you said, and give me nonsense. How many schools? How many students? How many instructions? Did you say it? Not a single one."

"Jinman and Luntai counties each have a Confucian classics school, with a total of sixteen students." Xie Yuanzhu replied with a pale face.

"It's kind of like talking." Shao Shude nodded, and said: "Time is short, there are few schools and students, I can understand that, and I won't blame you and others. But it shouldn't be wrong to say nonsense to fool me. .In future memorials and questions, you are not allowed to write such grandiose content, but you should have something to say, and list the numbers so that I can see clearly and know it well. From now on, you will only be in charge of academic research and enlightenment, and don’t worry about other things. .”

"Observe the order." Xie Yuanzhu bowed his head in response.

Lianyou watched from the side.

It's really hard to serve you today.He doesn't listen to what you say about those beautiful pictures. He only wants numbers, and this thing is more difficult to fool, and it is easy to be caught. It is really troublesome.

"What do you think Lian Qing should do with these deserted villages?" Shao Shude looked at Lian You again and asked.

"The local people can be ordered to tidy up the land, and when the Zhenbing family arrives, they will be given the land to cultivate." Lianyou replied.

Shao Shude said: "I ordered you to be the field envoy of the four towns of Qiuci, Gumo, Shule, and Khotan to handle this matter well. The civil affairs of the other tribes still cannot be left behind."

"I obey the order." Lian You replied.

There are currently five meilu in the Lifan Academy, namely He, Xie Yuanzhu, A Chuo, Zhuang Yue and Long Sitong.

When he was in Gumo Prefecture, the sage had already clarified the power and responsibility boundaries of the Lifan Academy and the Zhengshitang.

In short, the households in Zhengzhou belonged to the Zhengshitang, and the tribal people belonged to the Lifanyuan; the people in Junzhen and Jiyizhou, regardless of whether they were Fan Han, were under the management of the Lifanyuan.

And the division of business between the five of them seems to be gradually becoming clearer now.

Last year, civil affairs such as grassland disputes, criminal and prison justice, household registration, relief for victims, examination and study, farming and grazing were jointly managed by him and Xie Yuanzhu.

Now it is very clear that civil affairs are under his jurisdiction, which is equivalent to the Minister of the Ministry of Households in the Han Dynasty.As for Xie Yuanzhu, he can only be divided into management, education, and examination, which is a bit similar to the Ministry of Rites.However, the Minister of Rites in the Han Dynasty has great power, and it is hard to say the fake Minister of Rites of the Lifan Academy. After all, the system is not so perfect now, so it is not clear.

Long Sitong is in charge of the prison ruling.

Zhuang Yue and Achu are in charge of finance and taxation. The former is mainly in charge of using money, while the latter is in charge of collecting money. The division of labor is different.

As for the Fan soldiers, they are under the joint management of Xiao Aguzhi and Pugu Dabeinu.

Now, they can also see that the saint is trying to reform and improve the Lifan Academy, starting from the Western Regions.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Once the yamen is reformed, and it is a thorough and subversive reform, many original positions will be uncountable.

There were not many people in the Lifan Court, just two or three big cats and kittens, like a Qingshui yamen.Now that such a change has been made, the real power has greatly increased, and his position is already very enjoyable.

At this time, whoever often wanders around the saint and wins his favor first can occupy a good position.After all, he is the founding emperor and the Supreme Khan, and he has enough prestige to promote and demote anyone.

The officials of the Lifanyuan who stayed behind in Luoyang should have their intestines ruined by this meeting, and many benefits were lost to them.

After talking about these two things, Shao Shude called Zhuang Yue and Ah Chuo again, and said: "In the middle of July, Qibei and Qinan tribes will send a large number of livestock to Beiting. You can't go to Tingzhou in person, but you have to send someone to deliver it. After fattening, drive south."

"Of order." The two agreed in unison.

Shao Shude and Yang Jue looked at each other, and the little "Khan Court" they figured out together became more and more beautiful.After the pilot is completed, we will sum up the experience and lessons in the future, and do a good job of connecting and integrating with other departments of the Lifanyuan and the Privy Council of the Beiya.

The Lifan Court, the North Yamen Privy Council, the Zhengshitang, and the Nanya Privy Council, two sets of teams, two sets of people, go hand in hand, and together constitute the foundation of the Great Xia Empire.

In late June, Shao Shude arrived in Shule.

Before entering the city, he carefully admired the city.

The city is about ten miles around, but it is actually not big, and it is considered small among the cities of the Central Plains.Even compared to the two cities of Yanqi and Qiuci, Shule is far inferior.It can be seen that in the former Tang Dynasty, Shule Town was probably the least existing one among the four towns in Anxi.

Yang Liang, Li Siyuan, Li Shengtian, Master Huizhao, Ba Saigan, Su Nong and other Han officials went out of the city for three miles, and greeted them from the left.

"I heard that Master went to Artush, did he gain something?" Shao Shude walked up to Master Huizhao and asked with a smile.

The sorcerer took a look at this powerful emperor in the Western Regions, and heard that he was already 58 years old, but he was full of energy, high-spirited, and majestic, which made people dare not look at him more.

"Returning to Your Majesty, it is a pity that we failed to capture Satuke and Samani." Master Huizhao said with his palms folded.

Shao Shude already knew about this.

Satuk and Samani fled back, but when they heard that Khotan's army was close at hand, even Shule didn't dare to go back, and went straight to Artush.

When I got there, I just wanted to take a rest when the Turkic Qingqi arrived again, so I ran west again, heading for the old place of Pullhan.

Su Nong led hundreds of riders to follow, and encountered some jihadists on the way. He was caught off guard, lost more than a hundred riders, and retreated in embarrassment.

The situation in the west has temporarily stabilized.When the jihads learned that Karasa had been lost, they felt resentful and threatened to call more people to the east to spread the glory of the Creator, and then ran away in a hurry.

The Khotan monks occupied the Great Temple of Artush, slaughtered all the people in the temple, and then demolished all kinds of things full of the elements of the Creator, and moved away the property. They acted very cruelly.

"Did you find anything in the temple?" Shao Shude asked.

"There are many books and treasures." Master Huizhao said: "The scriptures have been burned, and the remaining books about the scenery and geography of the Western Regions have been properly kept by Pindao. , livestock, and present it to His Majesty."

"Very good." Shao Shude praised: "I will bestow that temple and the attached fields to the mage. It is also a good thing that the mage can send people here to spread the branches and leaves."

"Thank you for the long encounter, Your Majesty." Master Huizhao suppressed the joy in his heart, and said again: "Please also give the name of the temple, Your Majesty."

"Let's call it Tongguang Temple." Shao Shude said.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Shengtian again, and said, "Li Qing dispatched troops twice, one for Kucha and two for Shule. It's a great achievement."

Li Shengtian was slightly embarrassed.

It's just two rounds of Taipingquan, not much beheading, but a lot of money and slaves.He was very young, and his skin was not thick enough, so he was extremely embarrassed to hear the praise of the saint at this time.

"It's all trivial merits, and should not be praised by His Majesty." Li Shengtian said honestly.

"Why should you be humble? With Li Qing in the southern border, everything is safe." Shao Shude laughed loudly, took Li Shengtian's hand, and asked again: "What's the matter with Congling Shouzhuo City?"

"A small group of thieves attacked and harassed, and I have sent troops to repel them." Li Shengtian replied.

He sent 2000 people to occupy Congling Shouzhuo City. When he first arrived, he encountered thousands of Tibetan cavalry coming and besieged it.Fortunately, when the news came back, Li Shengtian dispatched [-] cavalry from Shule to rescue the siege, and the thieves retreated after seeing the soldiers.

"Who are they?" Shao Shude asked.

"In Persia, there are many Jumi tribes north of Xuandu Mountain. These horsemen must have been deceived by others, thinking that Karasa was in chaos, and wanted to come here to reap benefits. After seeing our army waiting in full force, they knew what to do, so they retreated. "Li Shengtian said.

"Who do you think they were bewitched by?"

"Eighty percent of them are Persians."

"Is there any movement on the side of Pulling Khan?"

"I haven't seen it yet."

Shao Shude nodded, knowing it well.

Karasa was too close to Bahana, and it had been more than two months, and no matter how slow they were, they still got the news.What's more, after the incident, Satuk probably had connections with the Persians, which can be seen from his hasty running around.

What kind of attitude will the Persians treat Daxia, a dynasty that expanded its power to the Western Regions?

(End of this chapter)

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