Chapter 1592 Booty

In the city of Woshi, there are happy scenes of cooking cattle and slaughtering sheep everywhere.

After winning the battle, it is natural to reward him well.The cows and sheep that the man who pulled Khan was reluctant to eat were pulled up one by one, washed and slaughtered, and he was busy.

The most amazing thing is that the people who did this work were the common people who were captured from the city.

They frowned, looked at the livestock that had been raised since they were young, and then made up their minds to give it a good time.

A little girl hugged her sheep and cried loudly, and was quickly pulled aside.The adult covered her eyes, another person stabbed her with a sharp knife, and the sheep swept its hooves frantically, and after a while, it became silent.

The Khotan infantry guarding the gate laughed loudly, maybe they were laughing at the funny appearance of Bahan's people who were not willing to give up the pain, or maybe they were laughing at the pitiful appearance of these prisoners.

On the grassland, the winners have no mercy for the losers, only endless humiliation.

The only chance for the loser to stand up is to participate in the war as a slave and be free after doing meritorious service.He could have houses, goods, women, taken from his enemies, and humiliate the new loser to his heart's content.

This is the survival philosophy of the grassland.

Cruelty and coldness give you a first-line opportunity to rise, but this opportunity is based on the suffering of another group of people.

There were endless cries in the Creator Temple diagonally opposite.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads away, unable to bear to listen or see more.

They just noticed that many family members of soldiers and officials were taken in, and rewards were given to the generals who had recently surrendered to the Xia people.Some soldiers couldn't wait, so they got up right away.Those ladies and wives of rich and noble families have never experienced such a battle, it is good not to be scared crazy.

Some people showed envy on their faces.

The feeling of humiliating a noble person who was still high at the moment before, this feeling will become addictive after doing it once.In normal times, they are only qualified to kneel on the ground and kiss the boots of a nobleman - they are not even qualified for this.

But now?You can decapitate them with one blow, or even torture them before killing them.Then they tore off the clothes of their wives and daughters and abused them wantonly.

That white and tender body is much better than the wrinkled yellow-faced woman at home!

A line of carriages filled with dead bodies passed by the door.Looking at that young face, they should all be students of the School of Economics, right?

The people in charge of pulling the corpses and the people cooking here looked at each other, and they both saw the deep sadness in each other's eyes.

It is true that priests and scripture students have a very good image everywhere.

In the beginning, believers in the Creator only had to pay a very light tax: zakat.

Non-creator believers have to pay a heavy poll tax, and the amount of business tax is twice as much, not to mention the various labor services, which are simply overwhelming.

In such a situation, the priests encouraged people to join the religion, and relaxed the restrictions on joining the religion, so that a large number of people became believers in the Creator.

But the officials and Dihkan were very dissatisfied.They quoted the old proverb "Taxes are sent by the power of the Creator", and stipulated that those who paid taxes before should continue, regardless of whether you join the religion or not.

Or, the threshold for joining the religion is greatly increased, stipulating that only Protestants who receive circumcision, perform all ordinances, and can read a chapter of the scriptures can be exempted from tax.

In response to this, the priests responded: the aborigines have indeed converted and started building temples, and everyone has become a big cannibal, and there is no longer an object for taxation.

Conflict broke out suddenly, and many priests were arrested for encouraging people to resist taxes.

They accused the caliph of treachery, and expressed their understanding and support for many people who resigned because they could not be exempted from taxes, even if their own interests were damaged.

For the serfs who made contributions, the priests also worked actively to let them obtain the status of freedom and the land rewards they deserved.

The rapid rise of the Creator is not without reason.His shepherds have not decayed, and they still maintain a strong belief and enthusiasm, which has enabled many tribes at the bottom of the slave society to gain a way to rise.

Religious schools weren't just for nobles, either.They used good educational resources to accumulate a large group of young priests from poor families, allowing them to get a class jump.

For ordinary Bahana people, they do not reject the Creator. On the contrary, the shepherds of the Creator can restrain Dihkan, who is becoming more and more unscrupulous.

Most of the people felt sorry for the massacre of young classics students by foreign conquerors.

Good people are not rewarded!
The carriage pulling the corpse passed through the entire market and headed out of the city.

The merchants in Bazar wanted to cry but had no tears.

The area outside the river (the place east of the Amu Darya is called "outside the river" by the big cannibals) was originally an area with extremely developed handicraft industry. Baghdad to the west.

The conquerors were greedy for money and took almost everything they saw.

Carpets, copper lamps, pewter (là) products, felt cloaks, furs, amber, honey, scissors, needles, tables, sofas (the word sofa comes from Arabic), chandeliers, vases, ceramics, kitchen utensils, Sheshir scimitars, swords, bows, etc. - and a small number of Turkic and Slavic slaves.

Of course, what is most loved by the Supreme Khan is not swords, nor slaves, but soap...

"Search all craftsmen who can make soap, pardon their crimes, send them to Luoyang, and hand them over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs." Inside the castle, Shao Shude held a piece of soap in his hand, and couldn't put it down.

Last night, he held the bar of soap in his hands, hugged Satuk's wife and two daughters, and washed them all over.

This should be traditional Aleppo soap.

Heat olive oil, lye, and water together until boiling to form a viscous liquid soap.Then add laurel oil and mix, pour out, let it cool, harden, and finally cut into pieces.

The soap is pale gold on the outside, green on the inside, and has a light fragrance.

In fact, the Arabs obtained different types of soap by adding different things, such as laurel oil, taro, musk, etc., and the sales were very good.

The olive tree is native to the Mediterranean Sea. It was introduced to China by Persian merchants in the Tang Dynasty. At present, it is only planted sporadically. It is mainly called "Qidun tree" in the Helong area. The people of the Tang Dynasty used it to extract oil and make medicine to treat scabies.

The laurel tree is about to be in modern times. It was introduced to China by foreign missionaries and began to be planted in the south. This laurel is not the laurel in the ancient books, but when the tree was introduced, the literati in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China searched for the name of laurel from ancient books. Just crown it.

The ancient Romans brought the laurel tree native to the Mediterranean to Central Asia, and it seems to have spread to Xinjiang sporadically.

But Shao Shude didn't bother to go to Xinjiang to look for it. Fergana had ready-made ones and brought them back to China directly to find land in the south to introduce them.

Of course, soap doesn’t necessarily need olive oil, and it doesn’t necessarily need bay oil, but it’s rare to come here, and it’s not worth the fare if you don’t get something more to go back.

It is too slow to rely on monks and merchants to actively or passively spread animal and plant resources!
Zhang Qian made a mission to the Western Regions and brought back alfalfa, garlic, cucumber, broad bean, lettuce and other varieties to China.

During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, walnuts, sesame, cotton, eggplant, etc. were introduced to China from Central Asia.

In the Tang Dynasty, there were spinach and watermelon.

Our old Shao came to the west once, so we have to get some things back, right?

In his life, he has produced varieties such as carrots, chickpeas, beets, and rye, but they are not enough. The more valuable species, the better.

After giving the order, Shao Shude sat down and looked at the plate in front of him.

There are some fruits in the dish.Shao Shude could tell that these were pistachios and dates, which he had eaten in later generations.

In the Tang Dynasty, pistachios were sent to Chang'an as a tribute and enjoyed by the princes and nobles, but there is no record of planting them. The environment may not be suitable, but they can be planted in the Western Regions.

The date palm was probably obtained from Persia, but China is really not suitable for the growth of this kind of plant.In later generations, only a few areas such as Yunnan, Guangxi, and Hainan were introduced and planted, but there is a high probability that they cannot match the genuine version in terms of sweetness and yield.

However, this thing is very drought-tolerant, and can live in places with tens of millimeters of rainfall a year. It is also resistant to salt and alkali, and is resistant to barrenness. Its sugar content is 70%, and each tree can produce more than 100 kilograms per year. It is its place of origin, and it is used as a spare food by the local people. There are really many advantages.

As a climate museum, Yunnan should be able to find some suitable dry and hot valleys for planting.

Of course, this doesn't make much sense for the country as a whole.But for Shao Shude, shouldn't he give his son some good things?

In fact, he has already planned to assign a group of soap-making craftsmen to Liulang, and let him plant olives and laurel trees in Tonghai Dudufu to enhance its economic strength.

In addition to these two things, Shao Shude also wanted to get some coffee seeds, but unfortunately he didn't see them in Fergana.

This kind of crop can be refreshing like tea, and it can be planted on a large scale in Yunnan and Annan, which greatly deepens the economic and trade ties between these two places and the Central Plains.

It's a pity that this has to be done by the big cannibal.He had asked the sea merchants to buy it before, but so far there has been no result.This time I searched from land to see if I could get in touch.

"Your Majesty, the horse has been brought over, please move to the backyard." Han Quanhui came over and reported in a low voice.

Shao Shude looked at his white hair and said with emotion: "You are not too young, so don't work too hard. If the younger nephew of the Han family has talent, please report it to me and I will be hired according to his ability."

After speaking, he walked back.

Han Quanhui hurriedly followed, smiling like a chrysanthemum, all the old folds opened.

When Shao Shude came to the backyard, he saw seven or eight magnificent horses.

He walked forward and pulled a horse.

The horse raised its head, a little irritable.

Shao Shude glared at the beast, and gently comforted him.After a while, the horse calmed down again.

"Your Majesty is so mighty that even Pegasus is afraid." Han Quanhui immediately farted on the rainbow.

Shao Shude laughed loudly, got on his horse, and walked two steps in the wide courtyard.

"In the past, when Li Guangli brought back ten bloody BMWs, Han Wu was overjoyed." Shao Shude laughed and said, "Now that Master Wang has invaded Dawan, don't the BMWs get what they want?"

"Your Majesty's Tianwei is unmatched by anyone." The palace guards also cheered and said loudly.

"This is just the beginning." After riding for two more laps, Shao Shude got off his horse and said, "We'll collect some more horses and send them to Sinong Temple to help them breed new horses."

After finishing speaking, he tossed the reins of the horse and said, "Riding on Satuke's steed during the day and her wife at night, how fast! Call all the generals over to discuss matters."

"Your Majesty, what should we do with Satuk?" asked Zhong Yanyou, commander of Yin An Zhi.

"For his sake of 'sacrificing horses', give him a good meal tonight and behead him tomorrow." Shao Shude said.

"According to the order."

(End of this chapter)

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