Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1595 The City Is For You

Chapter 1595 The City Is For You

Shao Siwu rushed to the outside of Julan City immediately.

Behind him are a full [-] soldiers of the Tianwu Army with swords and guns.

Their current styling is a bit "unique".

Someone was wearing Tang-style armor and holding Tang Army-style weapons.From this look, it can be seen that most of them are veterans from various troops.

Some people wear Tang armor, but they hold iron bones, iron hammers, duo sheaths, Yu Dao, Lang Jian, and Sheshir machetes. If you look closely at their faces, they are probably Khitan, Xi, Bohai, Jurchen, and Nanzhao soldiers. .

There are also people wearing Persian-style armor and holding Persian-style weapons. Looking at their young faces, most of them are young people who have followed from the Central Plains in search of opportunities to make contributions—it is true that the shotgun has been replaced.

Behind the infantry, there were five hundred armored cavalry.

It was newly formed, and the people who were good at riding and fighting were selected from the Pinglu, Hengye, Fengguo and other armies.The sage Chui Lian Xizi gave all the five hundred Gulam armored cavalry equipment he captured to the Tianwu Army, and even a lot of equipment in the Karasa arsenal was being transported to Beiting, and would be left to his son in the future.

Of course, more are still to be snatched.

Grassland herdsmen, at the beginning, there is nothing to ask for, maybe even the arrows are ground from animal bones.But when they encounter a decaying enemy, they can often defeat the enemy on the battlefield with blood and courage, and then snowball to develop, the more they fight, the richer they become, and the more they fight, the more well-equipped they are.By this time, they couldn't be contained anymore, and they had grown into serious troubles.

"No matter what you do in the world, you can't grab it quickly." Shao Siwu couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he saw that the infantry under his tent was almost every man a horse.

In places like the Western Regions, it is very inconvenient to have no horses.Even infantry, you'd better learn to ride a horse.You don't need to be very advanced in riding skills, just spend a month or two practicing, and you can barely ride on the road.

The distance is so long that it is unimaginable to maneuver without horses.

"Recruits have to be trained. If they haven't seen blood, what kind of fighters are they? General Suo, lead people to attack the city." Shao Siwu ordered directly.

Suoyan led the way and ordered people to cut down trees and make simple siege equipment.

Another group of prairie light cavalry held the enemy's head with their spears, laughing and circled the city for a week.

Some people tied the corpse of the Persian soldier to the tail of a horse and galloped happily, making strange howls like howling wolves.

It is already the painting style of a serious grassland nomadic army...

In the evening, the first batch of simple wooden ladders had been rushed out.

The five infantry commanders of the Tianwu Army gathered in the east city and the south city, the east city was the main attack, and the south city was a feint attack.

There are also a large number of grassland Qingqi far away from the guard.

This is not to stop until the city is taken down.

In fact, it should be taken.In yesterday's battle, they beheaded more than [-] Persian soldiers. How many soldiers can there be in a small place like Julan?Most of the rest in the city are jihadists mobilized by the Creator Shepherds, just for these recruits to practice their skills.

The battle started quickly, and Shao Siwu observed it carefully.

The number of defenders is indeed small, but their morale is high.Judging by their attire, most of them should be young men recruited temporarily, and they are not Persians—Xia people used to call the enemies they killed Persian soldiers, but in terms of blood, most of them were not.

The morale of the recruits is also very good. Perhaps it is a pursuit of fame and fortune that is supporting them, plus they tacitly allow them to indulge in military discipline along the way, everyone still dares to fight.

The disadvantage is that the coordination is not very skilled, and the experience is not very sufficient. He failed to attack twice, and lost many people.

"Dong dong..." The sound of the drums didn't stop for a moment, and the three infantry commanders outside the east city took turns to go into battle, and even some of the Tibetan Qingqi were forced to dismount and attacked twice.

In the middle of the night, the city was finally broken.

"Tell Suo Yan that I won't go to the city tonight." Shao Siwu nodded in satisfaction, and said to the messenger: "Before dawn, clean up and don't make it too ugly. Also, craftsmen, scholars and their families, don't disturb them. Hurry up." Go pass the order."

"Obey." The messenger left quickly.

Zhao Wang's meaning is already very clear.Entering the city tomorrow means that the soldiers can indulge tonight, but they can't go too far, don't make any massacres of the city.Although the nomadic army often did this after breaking through the city.

"General Wang, you immediately bring the horsemen into the city, and bring out all the craftsmen, musicians, scholars, etc. The horses, money and food are also counted, and all that can be brought out are brought out. I don't worry about these guys." The messenger left. Later, Shao Siwu said again.

"Follow orders." Wang Chongwen, who was already the envoy of Tianwu Army Capital You Yi, immediately responded.

Soon, hundreds of cavalry entered the city and disappeared into the night.

"The little prince is not going to take this city?" Dun Yu, who had been watching the battle with Shao Siwu for a long time, suddenly asked.

"Give Julan to your father, do you want it?" Shao Siwu turned around and asked.

"Is this true?" Dun Yu was a little surprised.

This city originally belonged to their family. It was occupied by Persia for more than 20 years, and they have not been able to take it back.If this can be recovered, it will definitely be a great joy.

"Seriously, I'm not joking. I will take a rest here tomorrow and leave the day after tomorrow." Shao Siwu said.

"Give it to us completely?" Dun Yu asked subconsciously.

"What good things are you thinking about?" Shao Siwu smiled and said, "I will take craftsmen, musicians, and scholars, and the rest will belong to you."

Dun Yu was a little disappointed, but after thinking about it, this is not a bad thing.At least there are tens of thousands of slaves, and they are making money no matter what.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Dun Yu bowed and saluted.

"You deserve it." Shao Siwu waved his hand and said.

Since the dispatch of troops, they have captured many Dingkou.I haven't counted them carefully, but there are still tens of thousands of people. He doesn't have much interest in these. It is enough to keep some of them as slaves for the soldiers who follow him.There is no need to waste food if there is too much. Although so much has been robbed, there is no shortage of food.

Those who are really valuable are actually those who are educated and skilled.Talent needs a threshold, it takes years of training and learning, and it cannot be developed in a short period of time, so it must be firmly in your hands.

Early tomorrow morning, he will send troops to escort these people back to the Erie Valley.

He has a little money now.

There are more than [-] soldiers of the Tianwu Army, which are directly under his armed forces, and they are all willing to stay in the Western Regions.

Now they have grabbed a lot of slaves, cattle and sheep, and after bringing them back to the Yili River Valley, they are stepping up preparations for winter forage.After this winter, after the beginning of spring, the number of cattle and sheep will increase, and their strength will further increase.

Of course, the key to everything is to walk around with my father and find a way to get more immigrants from the Central Plains.

He is not picky at all, and ordinary people in Hebei can do it.

In fact, these people are very good. As long as you form a community of interests with them, your combat effectiveness will double when you guard your home. They are very brave and very suitable for the current situation in the Western Regions.

However, recently Liu Mian mentioned that it might be possible to consider pulling Khanna.

That place is larger than the Yili River Valley, with a better climate and more fertile soil. If it is well managed, it will definitely be a powerful domain.But the shortcomings are also obvious. It is too close to the Sogdian area. The Persians may not tolerate this place being taken away by the Central Plains.

As for the country of Persia, to be honest, it has a bit of fighting power.

He had already received news from the Northern Route Army that they had detoured to the vicinity of Talas and fought several times with the Persians, both sides had suffered certain casualties.

Don't belittle yourself, but don't underestimate the enemy too much.

Persia is so passive, first because the three-way army, with a total of 8 to [-] people, is the largest nomadic invasion in Persian history-yes, it is a nomadic invasion, and the war with the Central Plains focuses on logistics. no the same.

Another reason is probably that the Persian king is only nine years old, the master is suspicious of the country, and rebellions keep coming one after another. I heard that there is a deadly enemy in the west who took the opportunity to send troops to compete with them for the old traditional Persian land.

But this country does not look like it can be kicked down in one fell swoop.In particular, envoys from the South Road came to inquire about the situation, and the possibility of withdrawing troops in September is quite high.

Once the sage retreated, with the virtues of these tribes, they probably wouldn't persevere, and this offensive would be over.

That being the case, it will be difficult to take the sweat, at least not this time.

Shao Siwu thought about it, and couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to confirm his identity and territory early, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

Besides, it's not that there is no chance for pulling sweat. Who knows what will happen in the future?The capital in his hands now, besides Wufu, is the slaves, cattle, sheep, horses and camels he robbed, just like a nomadic tribe, okay?Where will you go in the future? Isn't it just a matter of one sentence?The tent was dismantled, the livestock was driven, and the house was moved in a hurry.

In the middle of the night, Shao Siwu went to the tent to undress for a while.

When the first ray of sunlight fell from the sky, he got up directly, got on his horse, and circled the city.

The Tianwu Army assigned an infantry to command 2000 people, escorted a large number of slaves, and drove countless livestock, along the Khorasan Avenue, heading east.

There are many new recruits in this command, and the equipment is not enough when they enter the city, but when they leave the city, many people put on leather armor or even Persian chain mail shirts, and wear that funny pointed helmet on their heads, triumphantly.

For some reason, Shao Siwu was suddenly moved.

It turns out that it feels so good to create your own power bit by bit.It gave me an unparalleled sense of satisfaction, and deeply made me feel the control of authority and power.

Look, the soldiers are cheering to themselves!
They got women, slaves, cattle, sheep, and money, and they were grateful to themselves.

Shao Siwu subconsciously waved in response.

"Wan Sheng!" The voices of the warriors resounded through the earth.

"Tomorrow, I will take you westward to rob Talas, to rob Whitewater City, to rob Shashi (Tashkent)!" Shao Siwu laughed loudly, and galloped out.

Looking down from the sky, the field near Julan City was full of turbulent crowds.

In a day or two, they would head west and south again, and more than a hundred thousand riders would sweep across the undefended countryside in Persia, taking everything of value they saw.

After this battle, the area beyond the Persian river will be severely damaged, and it will become more and more difficult to find the place in the future.

When a nomadic natural disaster, no logistics, no construction, only destruction, only killing.Sometimes it seems to be quite cool, evil to the extreme cool.

(End of this chapter)

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