Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1604 Remaining Issues Part 3

Chapter 1604 Remaining Issue [-]
On November 25th, Shengjia arrived in Kucha and had to stop here because of bad weather.

On the way, he issued an edict to the world: change Yuan Tongguang, and next year (916) will be the first year of Tongguang.The reason is that he has regained the largest territory of the ancient Central Plains dynasty, even more so.

Especially in the Liaodong area, the actual control area has greatly increased, which has never been seen since ancient times.

Originally there was no road, but with more people walking, it became a road.

At first, Liaodong was full of Hu people. During the Warring States period, Yan State carried out development, and then passed on from generation to generation. During this period, there was a setback, but the overall stability has stabilized.

This time, Shao Shude also opened up the northeastern half of Liaoning.

He is a well-deserved pioneer.

After the Great Xia, if the imperial court still thought that the northern half of Liaodong Jimi would be enough to rule, it would be too wrong.

It’s fine if there’s no road, and now someone has paved the way for you, and future generations have no excuses.

Kucha Town was laid down last year.Because of the looting by the Khotanese and the subsequent large-scale vendetta by the Long family, the population of Kucha still fell below [-], even taking into account the fact that the local household registrations that had been concealed were cleared out.

One year later, there were only 9600 households of immigrants organized by the imperial court, half of them came from exiled Huainan rebels and their families, and half came from the plundered craftsmen of Bakhanna.As of this year, Qiuci Town has only 39000 households and 20 residents, which is not comparable to the population of more than [-] in the heyday of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

It is a pity that the central capital city of the four Anxi towns in the Tang Dynasty fell to this point after 160 years of ups and downs.

Compared with Qiuci, Yanqi Mansion in the north is much more prosperous.

After a year of rectification, the registered population of Yanqi has reached more than 10500 households with a population of more than 51500, and there are another 4 Fubing households, together with the population of its vassals, about [-].

Basically, Yanqi already has the largest number of household registrations among the prefectures and military towns in Anxi Province.

Shao Shude summoned Ogurchak and his son here.

"Dunyu is such a talented person, why don't you go back to Luoyang with me." Shao Shude said sitting on the tower, looking at the land, forests, and rivers covered in silver.

Ogurchak opened his mouth, but ultimately said nothing.

Dun Yu was also a little downcast.

The father and son have been really unlucky in the past year.First, he was conspired against by Satuk, who killed a thousand swords, and lost Kalasa, and then he never got it back, and it is impossible to get it back.

Then he robbed Persia, because he was too greedy, when he was happy to grab it, he was bitten severely by others, and some people were lost.

In the end, a Persian division headed north, intending to regain lost ground.

The little prince Shao Siwu sent someone to inform them that they were going to retreat, but the father and son wanted to get back some benefits because they had lost face before, but they were hit again in the end.

Turks, Ge Luolu and other ministries are not very obedient.To a king bull camel, this is very deadly.

Grasslands are different from the Central Plains.

Even if the emperor of the Central Plains does not have much prestige, even if he is dissolute and perverse, he may still rely on the system to continue to secure the throne.

But Prairie Khan has only a face, or prestige.Without this thing, the command will not be smooth.

Ogurchak's prestige has hit rock bottom.Facing the Supreme Khan's question at this time, he didn't have the guts to refuse.

"After returning to Luoyang, take a good walk, have a look, and learn. Dunyu will pass the New Year, right? I will guarantee him a good marriage. After two years, he can return to Bala Sagon." Shao Shude Casting his eyes on Dun Yu, he asked, "What do you think?"

"I would like to go back to Luoyang with His Majesty." Dun Yu lowered his head and said.

He used to have a wife, but—well, nothing more.

"Ogulchak, I now officially canonize you as the Loyal and Obedient King of Suiye, and command the Uighur, Turkic, Geluolu, Shatuo, and Yangmo tribes in the Suiye River Basin." Shao Shude said: "Defend the Western Fan for me. .”

"Minister -- obey the order." After sighing silently in his heart, Ogurchak bent his knees, knelt down on the ground with difficulty, and said.

Shao Shude laughed loudly, helped him up, and said: "Since there are distinctions between monarchs and ministers, it is not good for me not to have a meeting ceremony. In the new year, I will send a group of officials to the west to help you straighten out the interior. Bala Sagon looks like , presumably you also feel that something is wrong? If Persia poured all over the country, it would definitely not work based on the current state."

"Thank you, Your Majesty Long." Ogurchak was about to kneel down again.

"There is no need to be too polite." Shao Shude clapped his hands, and the palace people quickly brought tables and served good food and wine.

Shao Shu pulled the father and son to sit down, enjoying the snow scene while drinking.

"Julan City was taken away by Persia, it doesn't matter. It's just a dilapidated place, and sooner or later it will become your pasture." Shao Shude said: "Don't fight too much with Persia now, you should focus on straightening out the internal. Farming and animal husbandry in the Yili River Valley, you two can help each other. Don’t worry about Atami Turks. Ba Saigan is the governor of Athai, and Su Nong is the governor of Athai Prefecture. Inspector, they will no longer listen to you, but will obey the imperial order and work with you to fight against Persia."

It is said that after more than a year of rectification, this area has roughly formed three forces.

One is the remnants of the Great Uighur Kingdom of the Camel King.

Shao Shude estimates that the population he can firmly control now may be less than 10.Even counting the many slaves plundered this year, there are probably more than [-] people, mainly nomadic, supplemented by farming, with the core in Balasagun.

The second is the Atami Turks.

This force is even stronger than Ogurchak, and there are about [-] people, both farming and animal husbandry.

The third is Shao Shude's eldest son Zhao Wang Shao Siwu.

This year he robbed a lot of spoils. There are about 4 Persian, Turkic, and Sogdian slaves, including many craftsmen.

His core force is more than 1 soldiers of the Tianwu Army.

This force seems to be the weakest, but with Shao Shude's support, it will develop very fast.

Shao Shude had heard the eldest son's report that he planned to implement the government military system, grazing and farming in the Yili River Valley.

According to the plan reported in the latest newspaper, eight counties are to be set up.

After Shao Shude read it, he personally bestowed the county names: Yili, Gongyue, Huiyuan, Suiding, Chenghua, Zhaosu, Gongchen, and Chunji.

Yili County is now Yining City.

Gongyue County is in the north of Yining County today.

Huiyuan County is in the later Huocheng County.

Suiding County is near Zarkent, Kazakhstan today.

Chenghua County is located in the Baltao Sea area, near Chilik, Kazakhstan today. In ancient times, it was a pasture of the Yuezhi people, with rich water and grass. Later generations built canals here to transport water to Almaty.

Zhaosu County is now Zhaosu County.

Gongchen County is located in the area of ​​Tangen Town, Kazakhstan later.The Kegen River passes through this place and flows into the Charun River, a tributary of the Ili River. The riverbed is very wide and flat, the river course is winding, the water is sparkling, the vegetation on both sides is lush, the cattle and sheep are fat, and a large number of Xiongnu tombs have been unearthed in later generations.

Chunji County, later known as Chunjia in Kazakhstan, is located in the Chalin River Basin. In the Qing Dynasty, a checkpoint was set up to station Sauron soldiers.

These eight counties are also divided into functions.

Among them, the five counties of Yili, Gongyue, Huiyuan, Zhaosu, and Suiding will resettle all the soldiers and their parts, 3000 people in one county, and both agriculture and animal husbandry will be given priority to with farming.

The three counties of Chenghua, Gongchen, and Chunji are located near the gate of the western half of the valley, and will exist as pastures, serving as a buffer zone for the rear agricultural area.

If the entire eight counties of the Yili River Valley are managed well, they can support tens of thousands of people, and they are backed by a big country, so they have a solid foundation.

The confluence of these three forces, with Daxia's central support and even direct military assistance, can be used as a buffer zone on the northwest side of Anxi Road.

The Turkic and Yangmo tribes that Shao Shude recruited in the Fergana Basin will serve as a buffer zone on the southwest side—they were hit hard by Persia recently and fled to the mountains in the north.

"I don't know if Daxia will send troops directly?" After straightening his mind, Ogurchak asked directly.

When he was in Shule, he couldn't make up his mind to do something to his nephew, he hesitated, looking forward and backward.But after his nephew took the lead, he was very decisive, and finally escaped from birth, ran back to Balasakon, and reconvened the old department.

But at this moment, he was a little unwilling to completely take refuge in Daxia at the beginning, and still retained a trace of ridiculous self-esteem.But after making up his mind, he was extremely decisive, and immediately thought about the future.

"Naturally." Shao Shude said.

Adie's two daughters came over with wine and snacks.

Shao Shude hugged them into his arms and said, "Why don't you say hello to your uncle and uncle?"

The faces of the two girls were a little red, and their eyes were a little dodgy, but they still saluted together and called for someone.

Embarrassed, Ogurchak, Dunyu and his son touched their pockets subconsciously, took out some small gifts, and gave them to their grandnieces and nieces.

After the second daughter thanked her, she poured wine on the sidelines.

Shao Shude's eyes turned to the outside.

In the snow outside the city of Kucha, a temporary market has already opened.

Before the snow fell, the Atami Turks brought a large number of slaves here to do business with merchants from the Central Plains.

Stimulated by the money, everyone was not afraid of the cold, frothing and bargaining.

Merchants in the Central Plains commented on each slave, dislike this and that.

The Turks were picky about the goods they brought, and they loved and hated them—goods from the Central Plains were good, but they were too expensive.

When Ogurchak and his sons arrived in Kucha, they also brought a considerable number of slaves, which would join the market, greatly impacting the price, and causing the Turks to glare at them.

In the early Tang Dynasty, the rich and noble families in the Central Plains liked to buy slaves, and their sources were mainly captured from wars.For example, when the government soldiers attacked Goguryeo, the captured slaves might not be kept for their own use, but more likely to be sold.

There are also slaves from the Western Regions, even Kunlun slaves.

What a sinful and prosperous market.

This time, the number of slaves flowing into the market was huge, and the supply of goods had never been so abundant.

Now the amount of coal used in the interior is increasing year by year, and coal mines are being opened one after another. Strong and strong slaves are very sought-after, and there is no need to worry about not being able to sell them.

As for those female slaves, they are even more marketable.

A lot of men struggle and struggle, isn't it just to live and die for X?A Caucasian female slave full of exotic style can be sold for a sky-high price of hundreds of dollars in Luoyang if she is outstanding in appearance, and many people are willing to spend a lot of money for it.

Looking at the hot scene outside, Shao Shude was slightly embarrassed.

A dignified traveler who also trades slaves, is this going backwards in history?
"Starting next year, King Suiye will visit Shule every year to report important military and state affairs." Shao Shude looked away, looked at Ogurchak, and said, "Every year, high-level envoys are sent to the court, at least at the special service level. Yes, to participate in the Zhengdan Grand Court Meeting."

"Children of the chieftains, you choose a group, let's make 40 people, and assign them to the Guozijian in the four capitals of Chang'an, Luoyang, Beiping, and Jiangning."

"Bala Sagon built a Tongguang Temple and allocated land and slaves. Don't worry, this temple has at most a thousand monks and soldiers, and there may only be a few hundred at the beginning."

"In Luoyang, it was built into the Playhouse."

"I will send someone to help you take care of all kinds of affairs in agriculture, industry, commerce and finance. From now on, the imperial court will send people to take up the positions of secondary officials in these positions. You are not good at this."

"The civil and military generals of Bala Sagon are more outstanding, and a few of them are regularly recommended to serve in the imperial court."

"Allocate wasteland on the outskirts of the city and set up a military city in case of emergencies."

Ogurchak's face turned pale when he heard it, and this kind of control is a bit like what the Tang Dynasty did to Tian, ​​Kucha and other countries.

But he has no choice. The Persians will not let him go now. Atami Turkic and the little prince are also behind him. It is difficult to do anything.

This is the price of accepting canonization.

The canonization of the Central Plains court has always been divided into three, six, and nine grades.

Some just give a piece of paper and don't care about anything. The chief never even sends anyone to the capital.

Some don't care much, and envoys go to the capital regularly or irregularly.

Some are more strictly controlled, and may be garrisoned.

This garrison has too much influence.The power of the monarch comes from the crowd. He needs the support of civil and military officials, local tyrants, and chiefs. Will these people not be affected?For sure.

Furthermore, if they have the opportunity to work in Luoyang, do you think they will have two thoughts?
Ogulchak is not an ignorant person. He knows that in the former Tang Dynasty, officials from the shogunate often recruited Jiedushi to enter the court. Who knows what position these officials have for themselves.

The Supreme Khan, an old man, basically used the methods used by the former Tang court to deal with the governors of feudal towns on him, and even went a step further, simply!

However, think on the bright side of everything.

Ogurchak sighed.So far, what can I do?At least, the position of their drug Rogers seems to be stable.

Daxia is indeed controlling them, but he is also protecting them.

I can only think so.

(End of this chapter)

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