Chapter 1611
Since the end of September, the leaders of the far and near Tibetan tribes have come one after another.

Shao Shude looked at the list of leaders presented by the ministers, and suddenly felt that it was terrible, so he asked them to add the original Tibetan language.

What are "burning Azhuduo", "Hunjia Shabo", "Tuihun Yingtian", "Qingzi Shami" and so on, see if you can, and pursue letter and elegance when translating!
After reading the original text in Tubo, Shao Shude probably understood.

Hunjia Shabo and Tuihun Yingtian are obviously the leaders of the Tuyuhun tribe, but they have lived in the Helong area for a long time, and their customs and appearance are increasingly similar to those of Tubo, so the officials are too lazy to distinguish them.

"This muddy sand bowl..." Shao Shude opened his mouth to translate the names of the ministers, and he only heard him say: "From Haixi? The Tuyuhun pastureland in the former Tang Dynasty?"

The secretary Lang Cui Miao was familiar with the past and the present, and immediately said after hearing the words: "In Tang Zhenguan, this place is the border of Tuyuhun, and it is subject to the Tang court. Like Khotan, it gradually got rid of the control of Tubo. Since the imperial dynasty, because His Majesty moved the Guanbei Dangxiang to Qinghai, various tribes have been plundering and plundering.

"So that's the case." Shao Shude nodded and said, "How likely is it that this person claims to command one hundred thousand tents?"

"Your Majesty, [-] accounts is definitely a boast, and [-] accounts is still somewhat possible." Yang Jue said.

"The [-] mouths are mostly titles, up to [-] to [-] mouths. I estimate that they are called [-] mouths. Before they leave, they change the [-] mouths into [-] accounts. Haha, it's a trick." Shao Shude Said.

In this regard, he already has experience.

Atami Turks originally claimed "20 tents" to the outside world, but after a rough check, the maximum was 20 tents and 50 mouths.Therefore, it is useless to play word games in front of him. How can He De in Haixi support [-] tents and [-] million people?

"There is also Shao Azhuduo from the Tongjia tribe. Seeing what they mean, they want to return to the north as a whole?" Shao Shude asked again.

The Tongche people are strictly a mixed tribe.

In the Tubo era, Tongjia was a kind of service, mainly serving as scouts in the army.It was first established in the Qingtang area, and then moved continuously as the Tubo front advanced and retreated.Before Xuanzong regained Hehuang, they appeared in Hexi—even now, there are still Tongjia tribes in Liangzhou and Shazhou.

But there is more than one ethnic group within this tribe.In the Tang Dynasty, there was a record of Sogdian Tongjia in the Tubo army, but it was only because Tubo organized all the scouts into one tribe and centralized management that they showed themselves as the Tongjia tribe.

After Daxia took over the Qinghai area, the nearby Tongjia tribe continued to retreat southward. Recently, they have been active in the Guoluo area of ​​the later generation. It seems that life is not very good, so they have the intention of surrendering.

In the final analysis, Tubo is still in decline, and it is no longer a climate.

During Tang Xuanzong's meeting, Datang himself was confused. In the end, a large number of Tubo tribes surrendered.Later, Khotan and other vassal states got rid of control, but Tubo was unable to conquest. It can be seen that they were more willing to fight internally and were unable to devote their energy to the outside.

On this occasion, it is normal for a tribe with some ideas to find another new owner.Otherwise, are you waiting to be plundered by Daxia's party running dog tribe?
"Your Majesty, some Tongjia people in Hexi have been scattered. It seems unnecessary to burn Azhuduo and ask to return to the north." Yang Jue said.

"Did Hunjia Shabo and Tuiqing Yingtian establish a country and call it a system?" Shao Shude asked.


"The country has not yet been established—" Shao Shude glanced at Brother Tie and his younger brother Yansun standing in a corner of the hall, and said: "Set up the Haixi Governor's Mansion and Haixi Prefecture (the state is roughly the Haixi Prefecture of Qinghai in later generations). Hunjia Shabo gave the name 'Shao Zhongchen', and he was the governor of Haixi; the retreating Yingtian gave the name 'Shao Guozhen', and he was the governor of Haixi Prefecture, so that he guarded the borders and became a vassal of Daxia in the world."

"Observe the order." This is another area under the management of Beiya Jifu, and Yang Juan immediately responded.

"As for the matter of burning A Zhuduo, we will discuss it tomorrow." When he said this, Shao Shude looked at Brother Tie and Yansun again.

They are the direct descendants of Zanpu, the last Tubo.

These days, Shao Shude understood their tortuous life experiences.

After Lang Dama was assassinated by a monk, the nobles were divided into two factions, and they respectively supported the prince Yundan (not Lang Dama's own birth, but the nephew of Zhengfei's family) and Osong (Lang Dama's posthumous son) to fight for the throne. .

This dozen is 23 years.

They haven't figured it out yet, the common people can't take it anymore, and large-scale serf uprisings broke out one after another.

The rebel army once had a huge momentum, captured Qiongjie in the south of Shannan, excavated the tombs of Zanpu in the past, and took out the funerary objects to divide up...

About 20 years ago, due to its relatively weak strength, Osong lost ground repeatedly and was forced to flee and hide.

In the fifth year of Jianji (905), Esong died, and his son Bekzan succeeded to the throne, with Zhongbalaz as his capital.

He has two sons, the eldest son Tashi Zibabai, and the second son Jidni Magun.

For unknown reasons, Tashi Zibabai's two sons, Wade and Jide, fled suddenly, first to Zhongyun Kingdom in the north.Then I couldn't stay, and ran to Gaochang again, and then I settled down.

Wade is brother Tie, 23 years old this year; the third son, whose Tibetan name is Jide, is Yansun in Gaochang, who is 17 years old this year.

These two people are valuable, Shao Shude is very clear.

The Tubo tribes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau may not be willing to listen to Daxia, but the descendants of Zanpu are still very appealing. They can do things that the imperial court cannot, especially with the support of others.

And when Shao Shude focused on them, the two of them raised their heads almost at the same time, their eyes were burning, and they hesitated to speak.

Shao Shude hadn't made up his mind yet, and he wasn't inclined to interfere in plateau affairs, so he left the hall without giving them any response.

The two looked back in disappointment, and then looked at each other warily.

On September [-]th, more and more leaders arrived in Qingtang, among which there were two groups of people who attracted the most attention.

The first batch is naturally those who have been canonized and named.

Dafu Zhongyun Wang Shaoxianzhong (to the chicken) holds his head high and his chest high, very proud.

Followed by four of the nine prime ministers, as well as officials such as Taishi, Taifu, and General.It is hard to imagine that a city-state with a population of 3 has so many officials.

Today the sage gives a feast on the grassland outside the city.

After Shao Xianzhong took his seat, he quickly found Tiege (Wade) and Yansun (Jide) sitting next to him, and he was shocked.

"You two princes..." Shao Xianzhong's face was a bit embarrassed, and he only heard him say: "I really don't blame me for what happened last time. If someone wants to take you, I can't stand it."

Brother Tie and Yansun's face darkened.

Although their father Tashi Zibabai was the eldest son, he was born to the second concubine.Uncle Jidnimagun is the son of the concubine, the heir of Zheng'er Bajing. The relationship with his father is very tense, and even unspeakable things happen frequently.

It was precisely because of this situation that they fled in a hurry, leaving only their elder brother Bai De to help his father.

Originally, I thought that I would go back after the limelight had passed, but I was arrested by the Xia people who occupied Gaochang. I really wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Forget it, it's not a big deal." Brother Tie was old and relatively mature, and quickly calculated the gains and losses, and said, "Over Zhongba Lazi, alas! There may be places to rely on King Zhongyun in the future."

Shao Xianzhong said a few words modestly, but he knew it in his heart.

Beckzan's life is difficult, he knows it.

The serf uprising that swept across Tubo was not completely over.

Although some uprising leaders transformed into new aristocrats and ruled one side separately, there are still many troops wandering around.

For example, because they were driven to dig a canal on the top of the mountain, they shouted "It's hard to cut off the mountain, but easy to cut off the head". The slave soldiers who rebelled angrily have already moved towards the direction of Zhongbalazi. Can Bakzan stand up? , it's hard to say.

He would not be surprised if Bakzan was finally defeated by the rebel serf army and the more logical Yundan descendant Chi Degunnian.

Brother Tie and Yansun brothers fleeing outside is not necessarily a bad thing.

However, the best way is to go back to the east of Tubo.

Yundan's descendants did not control it, and the rebel army left far away. Now most of the people who control that area are local officials and nobles from the original Tubo.

To be honest, among the two sons of Dharma Zanpu, it is obvious who the local officials and nobles are more inclined to.

Before Zanpu was assassinated, the second concubine was pregnant, and the first concubine was furious. She directly brought a child from her elder brother and said that she had given birth too. Isn't this a joke?

What's more, many nobles rumored that the concubine's son was actually a beggar's son, which was even more outrageous.

Everyone has their own judgment.Although the concubine's family is powerful and her elder brother is the prime minister, many people support Yundan out of conscience, but Yundan is really not Dharma Tsampo's blood, this fact must be admitted.

"I said—" Shao Xianzhong took a bite of the food, glanced at the saint who was joking with the chiefs who came to worship, and said in a low voice: "If you two want to succeed, you have to fall on the saint of Daxia."

"Is there any way?" Brother Tie's eyes lit up, and he lowered his voice.

Yansun also looked over, breathing slightly short of breath.

"Convince the saints and send troops to escort you back." Shao Xianzhong said: "After you go back, it depends on your ability. Whether you can persuade those officials and nobles to support you is the key to your success."

Brother Tie thought silently, his expression fluctuating.

Yansun swallowed subconsciously.

"Will the Great Xia Sage agree?" Brother Tie asked.

"That depends on whether you are worth it." Shao Xianzhong smiled and said: "The sage conquered the Western Regions, and Gaochang and Karasa fell successively. I am not afraid of you laughing. After I heard about it, I was terrified. Fortunately, I am going ashore now. Yes, haha."

Brother Tie and Yansun looked at each other, then quickly looked away.

Brother Tie knew that his younger brother also had ambitions in this regard, which made him uncomfortable.But he didn't worry too much, because his younger brother was only 17 years old, which was his biggest disadvantage.

If the Daxia sage only supported one person to go back, he would most likely choose him instead of his younger brother.

Thinking of this, my heart becomes more stable.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the banquet finally dispersed.Brother Tie returned to his tent in a daze, still thinking about what Shao Xianzhong said just now.

After a while, they heard movement from the tent next door: the deep reprimand of younger brother Yansun, and the faint cry of younger brother-in-law Cai Bangshi.

He's a little weird.

Soon, the scolding and crying stopped.

Not long after, the sound of Xixi rustling came out, as well as the sound of deliberately quiet footsteps.

Ignoring his wife's and children's astonished gazes, Brother Tie quietly moved to the entrance of the tent and opened a gap, only to see his younger brother grabbing his sister-in-law's hand and disappearing into the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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