Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1631 Announcement 6

Chapter 1631 Announcement Six
The Xia Dynasty was a country with a vast territory.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning rose from the east, illuminating the little fishing sails on the sea, the dignitaries and dignitaries of Chang'an had already lined up outside the Taiji Hall, preparing to start today's morning court. At the westernmost end of the country, in the dark night, countless soldiers were desperately fighting.

It has been more than three months since the Persians besieged Nanyuan City.

In a hundred days, he couldn't take down a small city with only [-] guards. On the contrary, he lost his troops and his morale was low.

Outside the dilapidated city walls, there were unburied corpses everywhere.

Most of them are Persians with high noses, deep eyes, and bearded faces.

They spread all over the three directions of the city wall.

Some people were burned all over their bodies, and their skin was torn apart.

Some people were dripping with blood, which was horrible.

What's more, the headless corpse attracted countless flies that came to gluttonously.

In ancient times, siege was the cruelest battle, especially when the defenders were prepared in advance, strong-willed, and with sufficient supplies, you would have to pay a huge price, and you might not be able to win.

It was already August, and in order to conquer Nanyuan City, the Persians had paid as many as 7000 casualties, but they had gained nothing.

The Great Xia Wufu, who always liked field battles, was surprisingly able to calm down this time. The main force led by Yang Liang camped in the east, forming an angle with Nanyuan, supporting each other.

It's not that the Persians have never tried, but they could neither attack the fortified city guarded by [-] warriors, nor break the camp occupied by [-] elite soldiers. On the contrary, they had them contact Nanyuan City many times and sent a lot of materials for repairing the city wall.

It doesn't make any sense to fight this battle.

But they have already paid a huge price to capture Nanyuan City, so how willing they are to retreat!

At the end of August, no matter how reluctant I was, I had to withdraw.

At the order of the Persians, the other ministries took turns to cover and retreat behind the private Gulam army hall organized by the nobles.

Yang Liang ordered a general attack.

All of a sudden, in the entire valley, the life-sacrificing fight reached a new level.

On the 29th, Li Siyuan, Li Congke and his son led 500 people straight to the enemy.

Li Siyuan swung his hammer and struck hard, invincible.

Li Congke was wounded seven times, so brave.

The enemy army was defeated, and the thousands of people behind were almost wiped out.

Master Wang chased after him all the way. In the second battle at the foot of Mount Alai, Li Siyuan charged into the battle alone and captured a hundred captains alive.

On the narrow and rugged mountain road, there are chariots, horses, guards of honor, and property abandoned by the Persians everywhere, almost blocking the mountain road.

The army rushed to catch up and rushed into the Fergana Basin.The hastily built fortress of the enemy failed to hold back even for a moment, and the two thousand defenders dispersed in a rush.

It was not until September [-]th that Wang Shi slowly withdrew after plundering the Fergana Basin.

This battle is a standard defensive counterattack.

First deep trenches and high fortifications were made to dampen the morale of the enemy army. After they were almost exhausted, they launched a full-line attack and defeated the enemy army. They beheaded more than [-] ranks and seized cattle, sheep, grain, grass, and battles. The battle was very beautiful.

Of course, tactics are important, but in the end it depends on strength.

Since ancient times, the nomads in the west are naturally weaker than those in the east.Since the Huns, except for the Turkic family that originated in the Altai Mountains, the Huns, Rouran, Uyghurs, and later Khitan and Mongolia have beaten the Kara Khan and Seljuk Turks, who are so awesome in Central Asia, that their parents don’t even know them.

In the Battle of Katwan, the Xiliao army led by Yelu Dashi, Xiao Orila and others defeated the [-] army of the Seljuk Turkic ZTE King Sanjar.Enemy soldiers lay corpses for dozens of miles on the grassland. Most of Sanjar's close officials were killed and their wives were captured. Khitan's name resounded throughout the Western Regions and became synonymous with China in the eyes of many tribes.

Not to mention Mongolia, the Ottoman Turks once again became the sufferers, the empire collapsed, and the sultan's wife was captured and danced naked in front of the Mongols.

What fighting power is this!

As for the farming peoples in the west, their combat effectiveness is also very average.Not long after the founding of Persia, the national power is strong, and there are still many so-called veterans who can still block it.If it is grinded for a few more years, the end will be worrying.

"Kutkin, Tal Khan!" On the way to retreat, Yang Liang raised his horsewhip and hit the two Turkic chiefs across the face. He said angrily, "Before the Battle of Nanyuan, you were asked to harass the grain roads in the rear, and you were as fearful of the enemy as a result. When the enemy was retreating, you fell out. Do you have any face? Do you have any face?"

Yang Liang's whip was fast and urgent, and the two chiefs soon saw blood, but they didn't dare to dodge in the slightest.

It's really not worth it to vote for the Persians for this humiliation. If you are not careful, you will be eaten by the surrounding tribes.Now I can only endure it hard, I hope Yang Liang can let them go after he gets tired from beating them.

Sure enough, they bet right.

After beating for a while, Yang Liang threw the whip on the ground and said, "Now go and destroy the Persians' farmland, burn their stables, and block their wells. I will send someone to supervise them. If this is not done well, I will send troops to destroy you next year."

"General Yang!" The two knelt on the ground, pleading bitterly.

He has the guts to beat up a dog in the water, but he still lacks the courage to directly provoke Persia.

"Do you really think I dare not kill people?" Yang Liang sneered and asked, "What did you say when Emperor Jianwen was around? Repeat it for me."

"The Supreme Emperor of Jianwen, God and Martial Arts, I swear that I will always follow your call, conquer anyone who goes astray for you, and bring them under your majestic rule." Kutkin wiped the blood from his face and replied honestly.


"I swear to defend the vast territory of the Supreme Emperor Jianwen." Tarhan also replied honestly.

"You dare not pursue Persia, but dare to disobey the Supreme Emperor's will?" Yang Liang asked forcefully, "You can only choose one between the Emir of Persia and the Supreme Emperor. If you don't make a decision today, I will deal with you immediately."

Kutkin and Tarhan froze for a moment, then paused, and said, "I obey."

Yang Liang didn't bother to look at them, so he climbed up a high slope in two or three steps.

Towns loomed in the distance, with the remains of the raging fires they had lit.

On the nearby grasslands, countless slaves streamed continuously, transporting food, cattle, sheep, and goods back to the Alai Valley.

On the far side of the sky, Yang Liang seemed to see the panicked faces of the Persians.

The Battle of South Plains should wake up the Persians.

Pull Khanna, you can't hold it.

The glory of Jianwen, the supreme emperor of martial arts, will surely shroud this place.

It was already the third year of Daxia's rule, and before one knew it, Shule City had slightly changed its appearance.

A large mess of dilapidated adobe houses in the east city was pushed clean and replaced by newly built houses.

The house is a mixed structure of earth and stone, in the traditional Central Plains architectural style, and it is mostly allocated to the families of sergeants and officials.

On the northwest side of the residence is a tall government office.

The government office building is quite impressive——

The tall bucket arches support the extension of the eaves, the perfect combination of strength and aesthetics, and the majestic spirit is ready to come out.

The roof curve is obvious and dynamic, and it is completely different from the common domes in the Western Regions.

At both ends of the main ridge of the roof, there are huge owls shaped like crescent moons, showing a majestic and solemn atmosphere.

The Chi Kiss is exquisitely carved, lifelike, rich in expression, and majestic in appearance, just like the stern and brave style of the Anxi Town Army.

The character tiles on the eaves have just been installed, and the inscription "Jianwen Shenwu" is written in a smooth and flowing style. It is handwritten by the sage himself and carved after rubbing.

A group of people wearing furs and burqas entered the gate of the government office with obsequious smiles under the watchful eyes of the sergeant Dangzhi.

The trees in the courtyard are green and there are many warriors.

Everyone continued to walk forward, and after passing a gate tower full of rare birds and animals, they came to the middle hall.

There is a picture of a tiger descending the mountain hanging in the hall.

There is a person sitting under the painting, who is reviewing official documents. After seeing the group of heroes who came to pay homage, he immediately stood up to greet him.

"You have come all the way from Tocharo, and the sage will reward you when you hear about it." Lu Zhi, the new doctor of the Lifan Academy, lightly twitched his beard and said with a smile.

A Sogdian who was proficient in Chinese stood up and said: "The mighty soldiers of the Emperor Xia shook the north and the south, and Persia was defeated. We are all convinced."

Lu Zhi laughed loudly, and said: "If you are able to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and return to the great country, you will be blessed, and you will be rewarded today."

After the Sogdians translated, everyone laughed and laughed, not hiding their emotions at all.

Lu Zhi watched with a smile.

He knew that these people could not represent the entire Tocharian, but it was a good start after all.

What he just said about "returning to the big country" is not aimless.In fact, in the pre-Tang Dynasty, many city-states and tribal leaders in Tocharo received canonization, which was regarded as part of the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

Some city-states were very obedient and sent troops and food to help the Tang Dynasty fight.

Thinking back three years ago, when Wang Shi conquered Shule, a large number of Tocharian tribal soldiers went northward and surrounded Congling to defend the city.

Times have changed, and three years later, the situation has changed.

Among these chieftains, how do you know that none of them besieged Congling City back then?But it doesn't matter, and there is no need to delve into it.It's a fool's errand, that's how it is.

After receiving the rewards, the chieftains walked around the city happily, taking a good look at the city that was changing its appearance little by little.

Lu Zhi climbed up to the second floor of the government office and looked into the distance.

"Boom!" In the mountains south of the city, a melodious bell sounded in the pagoda built with Yutian's funds.

Lu Zhi closed his eyes.

He seemed to see the Forbidden Army soldiers returning from a great victory in the Alai Valley.

Their armor was torn, but their morale was high, and they talked and laughed happily.

On top of the carriage were Persian armors one after another, bags after bags of Persian grain, and bundles of Persian gold and silver wares.

He seemed to see the soldiers of the Tianwu Army returning home with a full load by the Yili River.

Driven by knives and guns, Persian slaves stumbled forward one after another.

Cows and sheep slowly walked into the golden wheat-colored valley under the grinning auxiliary soldiers.

In the depths of the river valley, you can vaguely see the blue and black city walls, and the banner with the word "wine" flying high among the countryside outside the city.

He also seemed to see the rows of earth nests at the foot of Tianshan Mountain.

After waking up from their sleep, the unkempt and disheveled merchants loaded bags of millet and wheat into the carriage and sent them to the nearest official warehouse at the urging of the foreman.

After the small official in the official warehouse checked it was correct, he issued a stack of military tickets.

The young adults put away carefully, looking forward to a happy life after returning home.Farming in the Western Regions, the income is too high!
He finally saw the new school in Gaochang City.

From it, the former Doctor of Confucianism, holding a teaching whip, carefully told those high-nosed and deep-eyed young students who they are, what kind of country they are in, what great achievements the emperor has made, and how he deserves his title.

"The achievements have gone far beyond the Han and Tang Dynasties, magnificent, Jianwen and martial arts!" Lu Zhi opened his eyes, went down the tall building, returned to the government office, and wrote a memorial to the news of the surrender of more than ten tribesmen in Tocharo, and sent it to Chang'an urgently.

The messenger is as fast as lightning.

Everyone living in this country rising like the sun is full of hope and enthusiasm.

(End of this chapter)

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