It was cold and rainy outside, but the house was warm as spring.

Only fools are willing to go out for a walk in this damn weather, which is just right for writing.

"...Eighteen years ago, Xud Shoy Khan conquered the vast land of Qin. All the princes and nobles there rushed to kiss his boots and swear allegiance to him. Those who Khan believed to be trustworthy were honored and favored... Duke Yong, Khan's dear brother, knew Khan's extraordinary talent and qualities of intelligence, stability, perseverance and bravery.

"... Khan thought there was no justice or benevolence in the evil rule of Khitan, Balhae, so he prepared an army. This happened ten or 12 years ago, and the conquest began."

"...There are reasons to believe that the rule of An Bajian (A Baoji) deviated from the axiom and justice, because he used improper means to obtain the Khan throne of the Khitan Kingdom. The whole country is declining day by day, and the people have reached the point where they cannot live, and they continue to launch uprisings. They are very angry and greet the army of the Xia Empire."

"Khan mercifully pardoned many Khitan nobles, and ordered the prohibition of looting the property of the Khitan people, and only took away the beautiful Ketun of Ambakian. His incorruptibility and wisdom are amazing, comparable to the greatest saints of the creator."

"...During the last period of Bohai Kingdom's rule, there was no authoritative monarch. The people were oppressed, and their anger was accumulating. Da Chuan was jealous of his prime minister and imprisoned him. This kind of treachery made people feel chilled. The nobles were alienated from their virtues, and they did not want to desperately resist the army of the Xia Empire."

"Shoi Khan sat on the throne of the monarch of the Bohai Kingdom. The nobles knelt down and professed their vassals, and began to say congratulatory words. The Ketun written by Dachen performed a dance, which was favored by Khan. Khan was fascinated by this woman and gave up the idea of ​​punishing the nobles of Bohai. What a happy nobleman, what a happy woman!"

"... Khan has great ambitions, and he is determined to conquer the south. The astrologer told Khan that this year is the tenth conjunction of three stars in the constellation of Serpent, and he will surely win. The army prepared by Khan is in full swing, and he won a big victory as scheduled-to explain, I do not intend to say that these conquest events are produced by astrology, because only the Creator can create everything."

"... Khan is determined to conquer the Changhe Kingdom beyond a thousand farsah."

"... Khan has had enough of the insults of the Uyghurs."

"...Khan has a tendency to rob, and he came to Pull Khan's place!"

After Tam finished writing a few pages, he quietly put them away, because the leader of the mission, Mahamu, had already arrived in the courtyard outside.

"Another day without harvest." Sure enough, a moment later, Mahamu pushed the door open and yelled directly.

Tam put away the "forbidden book" calmly and asked, "Are you ready to return?"

"Are you ready?" Mahamu asked back.

"Honestly, we should have a better understanding of the reality of the enemy," Tamm said.

"It's been more than three months, don't you know enough? A war is over." Mahamu said.

"For such a big country, three months is far from enough, at least three years."

"That's impossible." Mahamu smiled and said, "Have you thought about what to say when you go back?"

"You are Shahib Shabad, you have more pressure."

Mahamu sighed upon hearing this.

First of all, before the mission, many people in China were very opposed to it, thinking that there would be no results.

Secondly, after entering the territory of Xia Kingdom, they were stopped by local officials and delayed for a long time.

Again, finally arrived in Chang'an, but only saw their emperor.After a few quick words, the emperor sent his officials to talk to them.But those officials are not enthusiastic, there are always such and such things, and the conditions proposed are also unacceptable.

To this day, Mahamu thinks that the only thing he can accept is probably to execute Samani, because he participated in the coup d'état in Karasa, which is the root of all struggles—according to the Xia people, this is the case.

All these things made Mahamu feel that there was no point in staying any longer, and there would be no results.The land beyond the river can only be settled by war until one side backs down.

But what Tam said made him think about the positive meaning of staying.Perhaps, taking this opportunity to learn more about Xia Guo's intelligence will have a very positive significance for the Grand Vigilante to make decisions?
"How much do you know?" Mahamu sat down and asked.

During this period of time, Tam often took the Sogdian translator with him and went out for a walk, even going as far as a city near Chang'an.

He talked to a lot of people and knew a lot of things that were not known.

He observed the climate, agriculture and transportation of Xia, and wrote a report.

He went deep into the bazaar to learn about Xia Guo's craftsmanship.

He tried every means to record the location of each province in Xia Kingdom, the name of the governor, how many nobles there were, and how many people the nobles controlled.

He even entered the Nestorian church in Chang'an, pretending to be a Nestorian, and asked the clergy in the church how much they knew.

In short, his work was fruitful, and Mahamu was very interested.

"I'll try my best to say it, and you try to understand it," Tam said directly, not politely.

Mahamu nodded.

"First, the peace of Xia Kingdom is not long, even shorter than ours. Therefore, they have a large number of nobles and soldiers with rich experience in war. They are really good at fighting, not only in terms of courage, but also in professional knowledge and skills."

Mahamu listened carefully.Everyone knows how precious the military talents who came from the war years are. He was proud of having such a large number of outstanding talents in Persia, but who would have thought that there would be such a large number of professional military talents in the far east, and the number was hundreds of thousands.

"Second, the Xia Kingdom has a vast land and a large population. I can't know the exact number, but there is no doubt that it is several times that of ours. This means that they can recruit a large number of freemen and serfs to the front line, and they have often done so before."

This is indeed a headache, and Mahamu is also very worried.

Population means war potential.If Xia Guo went crazy, it could mobilize its military personnel and supplies from the eastern region to fight on the western border.As long as you are not afraid of causing domestic turmoil and relying on the monarch's personal will to implement it, it is theoretically possible to do it.

"The third and most important one. There is no turmoil in Xia Kingdom, and there are no enemies worthy of praise outside. They can concentrate and do what they want to do."

Hearing this, Mahamu got up and walked around twice, then sat back again, frowning.

Worthy of being the advisor to the governor of Rahana, Tamm really has a way, with a very poisonous and precise vision.

In fact, the rebellion and foreign enemies took Bukhara's energies seriously.

When the most elite province of Khorasan was in constant flames of war, no one had the mind to fight in the east.The grand vizier decided to take the initiative to attack this year to remove the threat from one direction. This strategic decision has been criticized by many people, including the growing emir.

Internal rebellion, a haunting nightmare since the Umayyads.After all, Saman Persia actually started his business by suppressing rebellion or "rebellion", which is an absolute deathbed.

"There is a fourth one." Tam continued: "Emperor Xia's prestige is very high, and no one questioned every decision he made. Can you imagine, when Ismail (the second monarch of Saman Persia) was still alive, what was the situation in the country? Would anyone dare to rebel?"

"No." Mahamu subconsciously shook his head, then sighed, he understood what Tam meant.

Xude Shoyhan is the founder of Xia Kingdom.

The army was built by him, and the officials were single-handedly selected by him. He was invincible, made few mistakes in his decisions, and eliminated one opponent after another for 30 years.Such a person's dominance is top-notch and crushing, he will have no opponents, his words will be honored by everyone, and the decisions he makes are comparable to the will of the creator.

How to deal with such a person?Mahamu couldn't think of a way.

"Let's stay for another two months and leave during the New Year of Xia Guo." Tam suggested: "This is a very rare opportunity. We can use this to learn a lot about Xia Guo."

"Our money can only last until then." Mahamu said: "Then stay for another two months. During this period, you should collect information carefully, and I will try to meet the Emperor Xia again."

"That's it." Tam nodded.

Mahamu came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Tam sat for a while, and after making sure that no one would bother him, he took out a pen and paper, and began to write the manuscript of "Warrior Beyond the River".

"...Shud Shoi Khan was born at the time of the auspicious astrological meeting, which is consistent with the records of the country. In history, such auspicious astrological meeting has only occurred three times. The first time, Alexander the Great was born. The second time, the Prophet Maimaiti came to the world. The third time, it was Shoi Khan who came to the world."

"...I tried divination once to predict good and bad, and the result was: 'The seven planets augur the happiness that will manifest, and give the keys of the universe to their masters.'"

"...The universe and the sun have become his slaves, and the era and the country are in his hands. Xia Guo ushered in such a powerful era, which is the misfortune of the surrounding countries and nations. Because the wolf will never change its nature until it pulls out its sharp teeth. The snake will never change its bite until it smashes its head."

"When the camels climbed the minaret and made noise, people had better hide and not expose themselves. It is a pity that our country is in a state of chaos and does not hide itself well."

"...The conditions for the birth of the Lord of the Constellations are extremely strict. He is the darling sent by the Creator to the world to rule mankind on his behalf. Some people may not believe it, but the mercy of the Creator sometimes benefits pagans, and then uses it to spur his own lambs, making them return from their mistakes."

"...The first time I saw Shoi Khan, I was sure of the result of my divination. The majesty like a whip made us kneel down on our knees, fold our hands on our chests, and bow our heads in worship. After standing up, we took a step forward and knelt down, and then bowed."

"...I dare to swear by my family's reputation and the glory of my life's knowledge that the Lord of the Lucky Meeting in the Constellation does not belong to this world. Once you encounter it, you can only hide and wait silently for him to return to the embrace of the Creator. This is the only way."

After writing these pages, Tam was stunned for a long time.

It wasn't until the rain outside stopped that he woke up like a dream.After hastily closing the manuscript, he thought about it, crossed out the title of the main book "Warrior Beyond the River", and added the sub-title "Hu Da Zhi Whip" to become the title of the main book.

There are times when he feels like he has become a fanatical supporter of the Lord of Fortune, even though he is hurting his own country.

This book—maybe it's really banned.

Write a few more books, one in Persian, Sogdian, Dashi and even Turkic.

Starting tomorrow, resume learning the language and characters of Xia Guo.

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