Chapter 1639
During the Spring Festival on February [-], Shao Shude personally came to the countryside of Lantian County to work on the farming!
At the same time, the queen also condescended to milk the cows herself, as a demonstration!
The two emperors and queens performed so hard, naturally expressing the importance of agricultural production to the people of the world.At the same time, it also endorses a new agricultural production model——

In at least two-thirds of the north, animal husbandry has become an important part of farmers' lives.Even in rural areas that have not fully implemented the three-crop crop rotation system, the proportion of livestock has increased significantly.

This is the change brought about by the steppe-agrarian dual system empire.

There is no clear distinction between the Han land and the grassland. There are more or less farming and animal husbandry.

The increase in agricultural output has given the whole society more room to support those who are not directly engaged in agricultural production.

This is a very positive development, because more resources can be devoted to the arts, sciences, education, etc.The progress of society needs these, and the people's life also needs them.

At the same time, this is also an annoyance.In the long run, it will cause a population explosion.

Of course, from a dialectical point of view, most things in the world have advantages and disadvantages.

While the population explosion has its downsides, it also has its upsides.

In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were many countries.

If a person commits a crime in his own country, he can flee to another country.

A talented person is not valued in this country. He can change to another country, and maybe he will be prosperous.

In the classical era, Great Xia had its own limit of rule.If you exceed this limit, you will not be able to manage it. If you are lucky, you can rule under the rule. If you are unlucky, they will directly separate themselves and become emperors and kings. What can you do to me?
Of course, this is not a good thing for a family, because someone is challenging your authority.

But for ordinary people, if there is a second country with the same culture and customs, you have the right to choose.

There is no place to stay here, but a place to stay.When I went to that country, the language and characters were similar, the customs were similar, and the race was similar, so I could integrate into it without any effort and start a new life.

This theory was developed in later generations as "expanding the land under the sun of the XX nation"-it may not be the same country, but it must be the same nation.

Shao Shude did not write about the above benefits in "On Population", but those who read this book are all good people, how can they not see it?

As an emperor, he even betrayed his own ass, thinking about you, what else would he want?

And as the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Shaofu continued to print day and night, the book "On Population" began to spread to various provinces and states after it was circulated among senior court officials.More and more people read it, and naturally there are many opinions.

This is what Shao Shude wanted.

Debate, argue for me.After a lot of debate, a considerable consensus will naturally be formed. The content of the book "On Population" can be changed. He doesn't mind, as long as the words are reasonable and in line with the facts, even the name can be changed.

He wants immigrants to become a string in the mind of the ruling class, always tense.Once a certain place is densely populated, the official or private organization will emigrate. After a long time, there may be some results.

If there are more than ten million Chinese people living in Central Asia, in the later generations of this time and space, it is possible to be unified by the Central Plains dynasty, and it is also very likely to evolve into another country.For the common people and scholars, this is not a bad thing, and the only thing that may be damaged is the royal family.Because they have a competitor. Although the opponent is weaker, it still makes them have some scruples and cannot act recklessly, because the people of their country may vote with their feet.

February flies by quickly.

On the first day of March, after the Great Court Meeting ended, Shao Shude called officials from the Political Affairs Hall, the Lifan Court, and the Northern and Southern Government Offices to hold a question and answer session in the Hall of Yanying.

"The ministries of Shiwei can't take it anymore." He put a military report on the imperial case and said, "We all discuss how to deal with it."

The former Liaodong Dao Xuezheng, now the deputy envoy of the Lifan Academy, who is nearly seventy years old, Zhong Jinxian hesitates to speak. He actually doesn't want to discuss Shi Wei, he wants to argue with the sage about the contradiction between man and earth.

The book of the sage does not suit his taste.Because he was worried that those who emigrated could not be disciplined and lawless, and the imperial court could not collect taxes or conscripts, which belonged to the lost population in vain.

"Your Majesty, perhaps we can imitate Jurchen's old practice and divide Shi Wei's pastoral land, and assign governors and governors to each," Yang Jue said.

"The reason?" Shao Shude asked.

"Shiwei was not subdued, but he came to surrender after he couldn't stand the harassment, and his own strength still exists. This is one of them." Yang Jue said: "There are twenty Shiwei, and many have come to surrender. Each has a reward, the old rules are here, it is not easy to change, this is the second."

"Inappropriate." Before Shao Shude could speak, Zhong Jinxian spoke immediately, and only heard him say: "I have been in Liaodong for many years, and I know its rich nature. A handful of black soil can produce oil. Even if it is extremely cold In places like Manzhou and other places where one season of wheat is planted a year, the harvest per mu can reach two dendrobiums, which is much higher than that in the Central Plains. However, Shiwei is close at hand, if left to its own devices, it will become a disaster again in decades, and by then It is not beautiful to have to mobilize troops. It is better to do it in one step, to the end, to the end, imitating the old practices of Qinan and Qibei, each tribe only sets up barbarians and divides the grassland, and does not cross the border. But the city of Dun is very close , you can send second-rate officials to assist Yili Jin in further governance and strengthen control."

Hearing this, Yang Jue cupped his hands and said nothing.

In fact, he was also a little hesitant, wanting to do it in one step.But in this way, a large-scale war is bound to break out, giving A Baoji a chance.

He is very clear about how the imperial court forced the ministries to surrender this year——

Wang Shifan had more than [-] Han soldiers and horses, and he took [-] horses to the expedition. After arriving in Liaodong, he requisitioned another [-] to [-] horses, divided them into several stocks, and chose places with rich water and grass to graze the horses.

After the horses became fat and strong, they attacked aggressively and continued to harass them.

Especially in spring, grassland herdsmen are extremely busy and have endless work to do.But at this time, the horse was skinny, and it was the time of the year when the horsepower was at its lowest, so he suffered repeated defeats and had to run away with his family.

But once he ran away, the loss would be great. After being engaged in this way for a whole year, some people tentatively surrendered.

"Your Majesty, it's rare for Mr. Zhong not to be confused. What he said this time makes sense." Li Tangbin said carelessly: "Whatever he thinks? Start with a beating, and then he will be honest. He is willing to say anything you say. The prince will use soldiers." It’s not bad, and it’s also good at boosting the morale of the army. In my opinion, when the grasslands are cold and the cattle, sheep and horses are losing weight, if you give them a hard blow, they won’t dare to show their teeth.”

Shao Shude laughed out loud.

Wu Fu's speech is direct and very confident.

Of the more than 3 soldiers and horses brought by the prince, 2 are forbidden troops. At present, it seems that the combat effectiveness has not deteriorated, and they are still very brave.At least, in small and medium-sized battles (hundreds of riders, thousands of riders), Shi Wei ran away with his head in his arms - large-scale battles are not because they don't want to fight, but because they don't give you a chance.

"For training, let the sons practice, so as not to forget how to fight." Ren Yuji also agreed with Li Tangbin's opinion.

As far as warriors are concerned, they still pay great attention to the combat effectiveness of the army.The Forbidden Army is the peak collection of the country's armed forces, and fighting from time to time can indeed effectively prevent their degeneration.

If the Forbidden Army's combat effectiveness is not good enough, their voice in the court will be weakened, which is not in their interest.

"Your Majesty, I also feel that we can go deeper into the control room and the various ministries of Wei." Zhu Shuzong, the privy envoy of the upper court of Nanya, said, "Liaodong is not what it used to be. There are 66 counties in twelve prefectures, with nearly one million households, and more than 14 households. Qu is rich in rice, wheat, millet, soybeans, and squid. If you include the Anton Mansion, you can almost use [-] mansion soldiers. Our capital is very strong, so there is no need to be polite to the Shiwei people."

"Chen Qing, Zhao Qing, Du Qing, what do you think?" Shao Shude asked, turning to the silent prime ministers of the Political Affairs Hall.

"The minister seconded the proposal." Chen Cheng, the oldest person, said.

As soon as he spoke, the others naturally did not refute.

"Then it's settled." Shao Shude made a decision, then looked at everyone, and asked: "Liaodong has been developed for 20 years, do you know the benefits of immigration now? Without these 20 years of operation, now I can only Hold your nose, and approve of the fake surrender of the Shiwei people. Give them official titles and make a wish so that they will stop rebelling."

"On the other hand, think about it. If the nearly 200 million people in Liaodong were sent to Henan and Hebei, how much trouble would it cause?" In the end, they will fight each other to reduce their number. But in this process, how much will the well-dressed generation lose?"

There are nearly 200 million people in Liaodong Dao, and they only occupy three quotas for Jinshi and one quota for agriculture, but they raise [-] government soldiers and produce tens of millions of grains a year, as well as inexhaustible fish and hay. , herbs, prey.In recent years, even mines, iron smelting, and copper smelting have been opened, and the Ministry of Household Affairs has also set up a money supervisor, and Bohai Trading Co., Ltd. is also continuing to distribute dividends to everyone.

Most importantly, it gave an example of emigration—or colonization—in other words.Anyone who is not blind can see the benefits of these piles.

"I've made it very clear about some things." Shao Shude continued: "It's not that I'm threatening you. In less than a hundred years, when your grandchildren are still alive, you will be able to see people from Henan, Hebei, Hedong, and Guanzhong. It looks denser, more than in the Tianbao period of the previous Tang Dynasty, even much more. Some knowledge is related to your wealth and life, and family continuity. Shouldn’t it be a prominent school? Shouldn’t it be known to all the well-dressed people in the world , Are you all studying?"

"Your Majesty." Immortal Chong Jin wanted to refute, but felt that the saint's words made some sense, so he could only say for a while: "The book written by Your Majesty is indeed enlightening, but the content is too simple and thin. If you want to make it rise For Confucianism, I am afraid there is still something lacking."

"Isn't it for you to debate it?" Shao Shude said with a smile: "This book still needs scholars from all over the world to complete it for me, and it may be one of the canons."

Daxia’s imperial examination system was inherited from the Tang Dynasty. Jinshi and Mingjing students theoretically have to test two major classics ("Book of Rites", "Zuo Shi Chunqiu") and three middle classics ("Mao Shi", "Zhou Li", " Rites"), four small classics ("Zhouyi", "Shangshu", "Gongyang Chunqiu", "Guliang Chunqiu"), a total of nine "serious scriptures"-ordered in descending order of importance.

"The Analects", "Laozi", "Book of Filial Piety" and so on are classified as "Miscellaneous Classics". It can only be said that there are basically no exams, and occasionally some topics come from these books.

Among the Confucian classics "Four Books and Five Classics" of Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Four Books are not within the scope of the examination. Among the Five Classics, "Book of Rites" and "Spring and Autumn" were considered "Great Classics" in the Tang Dynasty, "Book of Songs" was "Zhongjing", "Shangshu" , "Book of Changes" is a "small classic".

If you look closely, there is still a big difference.Because during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, there was no such thing as the "Four Books", and this had to wait until Zhu Xi, the master of Neo-Confucianism, became famous.

Judging from the key points of the examination, the three views of the scholars in the Tang Dynasty and the Ming and Qing Dynasties must be different, because the emphasis of their studies is different.Perhaps it was Li Shimin who advocated "taking history as a mirror", and it is amazing that there were actually three versions of "Spring and Autumn" among the nine "serious classics" of the Tang Dynasty.

The book "Spring and Autumn", how should I put it, is roughly about the history of the State of Lu.Other countries at the same time also had history books, such as "Cheng" in Jin Dynasty and "梼杌" in Chu Dynasty.

"Cheng" was burned by Qin Shihuang, "梼杌" has been lost, and only "Spring and Autumn" has been passed down in its entirety.

In addition, among the schools of thought, Confucianism finally won, so "Spring and Autumn" will naturally be included in the scope of teaching materials as a classic.

Just, is it necessary to have three versions?
Shao Shude doesn't want to overly stimulate the Confucian literati for the time being, because it is of great use to them, but it is not too much to remove two of the three "Spring and Autumn" and stuff them with his own private goods?

After all, the imperially appointed textbooks are not exactly the same in every dynasty and every generation. As the founding king, he is qualified to designate textbooks—didn’t Zhu Yuanzhang just imperially designate the Four Books and Five Classics as the scope of the exam?The Northern Song Dynasty was not tested in this way. "The Analects" and "Mencius" were still "concurrent classics" at that time, not "big classics".

If the goal can be achieved in the end, Shao Shude thinks it can be counted as a "win".

Immortal Zhong had obviously thought of this as well.

In his opinion, among the nine classics, it is acceptable to remove "Gongyang Chunqiu" and "Guliang Chunqiu" from "Spring and Autumn".Even if it is replaced by the "New Classic" recommended by the sage, it is still a "small scripture" and does not hurt the fundamentals-in today's world, it can be regarded as a "win".

Everyone wins, win-win, which is great.

(End of this chapter)

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