Chapter 164 Little Days (Part [-])
"Fragrant rice with green wild rice and green bamboo shoots. Unexpectedly, this country shop also has such delicacies." Feng Wei put down his chopsticks, looked at the quietly flowing river outside the shop, and smiled.

"Xiang Wenfeng Sanlang likes to eat meat, when did he feel that this wild rice is so sweet?" Huang Tao had already finished eating, and now he was staring at a young man who was practicing with a gun outside the shop, and joked casually.

"Huang Er, you are blaming XX wrongly. XX likes delicacies, both meat and vegetables, not only meat." Feng Wei also laughed.

The posture of the young man practicing the gun is rigid and methodical.And there are no fancy moves, just straight stabs, fierce, fast, and precise.

"This young man should be a child of the army, right?" Feng Wei also noticed the man in camel hair and brown cloth.

Among the eight towns in the northwest of Beijing, the military uniforms of the Shuofang, Xiasui, Tiande, and Zhenwu Fourth Armies are all made of brown cloth made of camel hair, which is easy to identify.They came from the river and saw a lot along the way, so they have known each other for a long time.

"The two guests don't know, this is my Dalang. Now he has entered the state martial arts school. After a few years, he will be a team deputy at the last time." The owner walked over and smiled proudly: "Even Wu Jiaoyu said that my son is very majestic, he can wear heavy armor, be the front of the battle, and destroy the enemy."

"The scenery of the northern region is really quite different." Feng and Huang looked at each other, and once again felt the collision of ideas.

Scholars like them, have they ever thought about their children and grandchildren fighting against others?Especially Huang Tao, he is from Fujian, and the children in the village have always pursued studying and doing business, so it is really unsightly to fight and kill.

"He Jia Dalang is in the mountains, and he is also a first-class warrior. He can marry the daughter of the headman." A man with curly hair but wide robes and sleeves came in and said.

Feng Wei and Huang Tao looked at this man whose hair accessories and clothes were extremely inconsistent, and they were both a little surprised.

Kunfa is a party member.But he was wearing a Han robe, and it was a rich and idle man's toga with big sleeves, which showed that he didn't usually work and had money in his family.This kind of people in the Han area is generally a scholar family, a party scholar, this...

"This is Xia Zhouyue joining the army, a regular customer of our shop." Seeing that the two did not know each other, the shop owner enthusiastically introduced them.

"It's just an idle official who receives a salary, otherwise he wouldn't be wandering around in Dangzhi." The man with hairy hair laughed at himself: "Someone is the head of the Yinzhou Party Xiangyueyi Department, and now Sigong Cao is taking an idle position. His real name is Yue Yiyemou is now called Yueyemou."

"I don't want to be an official." Feng and Huang got up and saluted, and said.

"It's just a lowly official." Yue Ye sneered like an old angry youth, "It's better to be a tribal leader. When I went to the state government, even a small official didn't think I was an official, so I only did it when the general gave me the fruit." Remember there is such a number one on the roster."

Feng and Huang both smiled wryly.

"What? Don't believe me? Where did you two come from?" The shopkeeper brought Yue Yemou Physalis, and he asked while eating.

"Hezhong Mansion. My name is Feng Wei. This is Huang Tao, my classmate and friend. My hometown is Fuzhou. We are all Gongsheng students of Guozijian."

"Hezhong Mansion... Feng..." Yue Yemou suddenly felt a little cold. It's summer, why is it so cold?Still in a cold sweat!

"Dare to ask the commander-in-chief's ten generals..." Yue Yemou stammered.

"It's my younger brother." Feng Wei said with a smile.

Yue Yemou was tongue-tied and froze there, as if someone had cast a spell on him.

Let your mouth be cheap, make you not close your mouth, make you feel uncomfortable with this all day long.Now that I have met a handsome wife and family, if this is reported, I will have to peel off my skin if I don't die.

The prestige of Shao Papi has been widely circulated in various ministries and parties.Everywhere, the most important thing is to pay tribute, killing people at every turn to establish power, and all the parties and ethnic groups are afraid.

"You two..." Yue Yemou said suddenly: "I have finished eating, and I have something to do at home, so I left. By the way, I will grow my hair when I get back. In fact, it is very beautiful, very beautiful."

After all, he ran away in a hurry.

"I used to be a party leader. I heard that there are thousands of members. The commander-in-chief organized households in the two prefectures of Suiyin and changed customs. This person has lost power and is unhappy. It has been more than a year." The shopkeeper came over, He explained in a low voice: "Actually, the commander-in-chief treats them well. If you are an idle official in the state and receive a share of money and food, you can also share a sum of money in Suizhou East City. There are always more than a thousand pieces of silk every year. He When I went down the mountain, there were more than ten wives and concubines, and now they are supported by these two sets of money and food."

"Jianghu Qimin." Feng Wei muttered, "Huang Er, what do you think?"

"How can the party barbarian be willing to register as a householder?" Huang Tao was also a little unconvinced.

"The party is ignorant, but it's not that they don't know what is good or bad." The shopkeeper said: "Under the rule of the headman, you can't have enough to eat all year round, and you are often hung up and whipped by the headman. When the headman takes a fancy to your wife and daughter, he immediately snatches them away. It’s unknown if the head was chopped off and made into a wine vessel. After the commander-in-chief has established households for the people, he only needs to pay taxes and serve corvee, and there will be no such embarrassing things.”

"Huang Er, I feel that if the leader is left behind, and then educated and changed, over time, the party members and households will also find the benefits." Feng Wei said.

"The key is how to get rid of the leader. The barbarian chieftain has a lot of prestige. If he confuses the people with false rumors, if they don't keep it together, some party members and households will obey and rebel." Huang Tao said.

"Threat him with force, lure him with profit." The two said almost in unison.

Seeing a thought, both of them laughed.

"Shopkeeper, there are many herdsmen in Dangxiang in Pingxia, how to register them?" Feng Wei asked again.

"Herders? Shepherds!" The shopkeeper smiled and said: "The life of the shepherds is more difficult than that of the party in the mountains. Once there is any disaster, life will not go on, either to rob others or wait for death. The commander did not treat the herdsmen Registered households, but this year Xiazhou has a lot of shepherd slaves, all of whom are fugitive and lowly households, working as housekeepers, bartenders, shopkeepers, laborers, porters, door sweepers, shopkeepers, floor sweepers and so on in the city. Life is better than on the grassland. If you can ride a horse, you can also recruit an official foot (delivery of documents and letters) and walk vigorously. If you know how to raise a horse, you can be a stable man. If you are wild, you can be a stickman (beater) The young ones can be sold as bookboys, which is better than living on the grasslands. These people, because they are fugitives from lowly households, are afraid of being chased by the leader, so they all grow their hair, pretending to be Han, and claiming to be Han. At least one or two thousand inside and outside the city."

This was an eye-opener.

"Shopkeeper, I see that the shopkeeper in your house doesn't speak Chinese very fluently, is he a member of the party?" Feng Wei asked again.

"I can't hide it from this guest." The shopkeeper said with a smile: "After my son entered the state martial arts school, there was a shortage of people in the shop, so he recruited escaped shepherds, and both husband and wife came. The man is the shopkeeper, and the woman is the cook. Mother, they are all living their own lives, the two guests should not sue the officials, the commander-in-chief can't take in the fugitives openly."

"The owner is worrying too much. We are scholars, how can we behave like such a villain." Feng and Huang laughed.

Seeing that they had almost eaten, the two got up and left.

The young man named He Qu has already started to practice swords.According to Wenzhou Martial Arts School's decree to take a day off every ten days, this young man practiced hard even after being released at home, and he should be a skilled person when he joins the army in the future.

Not far from Yedian is a market where a large number of Tibetans come and go.Unlike Suizhou East City, which focuses on livestock trade, the goods sold in this place called Xiazhou South City are mostly grassland things such as leather, medicinal materials, honey, camel hair, and felt blankets.

There are many buyers and many sellers.Feng Wei observed carefully from the side, and found that a party member came with a few wild horse skins, which were sold out in a while, and then he left in a hurry, as if to buy something.

"If you can do business like this, why do you need to fight and kill? Someone once heard that party members sometimes go down the mountain to rob, just want to rob some farm tools and utensils. At first I thought it was ridiculous, but now I think it's sad." Huang Tao sighed: "It's still by the spirit The army of the king of Wujun is powerful. The party barbarians can only restrain their arrogance and go down the mountain to buy and sell. After a long time, if you get used to this, you should not be so unruly."

"Shao Shuai still has a lot of means to deal with these barbarians." Feng Wei praised: "The party members are afraid of power and greedy for money. People, if it continues like this, over time, the situation will change."

It's not good to marry those women from the big clans!This was the only dissatisfaction with Feng Wei.

"Huang Er, are you still going to Chang'an to take the Jinshi exam?" Feng Wei asked suddenly.

"Wait first." Huang Tao replied.

 I have something to do today, the chapter in the afternoon may be updated in the evening, depending on the time.

(End of this chapter)

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