Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1650 Unification 1 Thought

Chapter 1650 Unifying the Mind
Yuan Day, also known as New Year's Day, Yuanzheng or Zhengdan, is the most important day of the year, implying the renewal of everything.

On the first day of the first lunar month in the fourth year of Tongguang (919), Crown Prince Shao Chengjie came to the south and northeast corners of Hengjie early in the morning, waiting for Si Bin to lead him.

Today is a sunny day, but still relatively cold.

Inside and outside the horizontal street, there are guards of honor and guards of the palace.They held their heads high, kept their eyes fixed, and acted in a mighty purge.

The crown prince is also an old warrior. From his point of view, the appearance of this group of guards is still very good, especially those who are over forty years old. Most of them are veterans of the imperial army. .

Seeing the big from the small, you can see the whole picture of Master Wang.

At the east end of Hengjie South Road, separated by guards, a group of purple-robed civil servants of the third rank or above gathered, headed by Zhongshu Minister Zhao Guangfeng, Xiao Yun, Li Fan envoy Yang Jue, and deputy envoy Zhong Jinxian.

And because Zhao Guangfeng was granted the title of secretary of the Central Committee, he lived half a step before his former residence, and he was hidden as the head of the prime ministers in the northern and southern yamen.

Complacent?kind of.But more trembling.

Chen Cheng has already retired, Zhao Guangfeng will only be more cautious, try his best to manage the situation, and strike a balance between court officials and saints - without this ability, it is not his turn to be in charge of Zhongshu Province.

On the opposite side of the civilian officials of the third rank and above, at the west end of Hengjie South Road, are the founding honors and military officers of the third rank and above.

Among these people, Zhu Shuzong and Li Tangbin were the leaders.

Zhu Shuzong is the father-in-law of the prince, with a wide network and a high status.

But it was impossible for Li Tangbin to fall behind him, so the two stood side by side, regardless of size.

Of course, Zhu Shuzong didn't mind.

His blemish was that he had no combat achievements. Based on this alone, Li Tangbin was qualified to stand in front of him.Even Lu Huaizhong, the Duke of Wei, could stand in front of him, but he was modest and insisted on standing with Ge Congzhou, Duke of Ji State, and Zang Dubao, Duke of Liang State. .

These few are both nobles and officials, and they live in front of their former residences.

Non-service officials or those with relatively low official positions will stand a little later.

Ba Guogong Gao Lun and Longxi County Gong Chen Cheng stood together, slightly uneasy, even a little respectful.

There is no way, the two of them are two generations behind, and Chen Gong is an old man whom His Majesty met in Weimo, so he dare not do anything wrong.

A little further away, there are also places where people of different identities such as Zhupao, Greenpao, and Qingpao civil and military officials, envoys from various states, imperial clans in Beijing, and envoys of feudal states gather.

Wang Jian looked at Kang Xuanzhen, the envoy of Taifeng Kingdom, across the diagonal, feeling a little embarrassed.

He has been appointed governor of Gumo, and he will go to his post after the first lunar month to assist the town general in guarding the place.That is to say, his current status is a fifth-rank official of Daxia, and everything in Taifeng has long since disappeared, and has nothing to do with him.

In this regard, his mood is very complicated.

What do you think about the career that you have worked hard for half your life?
However, the family is very satisfied with life in Chang'an and Luoyang.Especially the house given by the sage, the location is very good, surrounded by dignitaries and dignitaries, it is very convenient to communicate, and the whole family is very happy.

His wife, Liu Shi, once said to him bluntly: "The life of the King of Korea is not as comfortable as that of the red-robed officials of the big country. This time it is the right time."

Wang Jian could only smile wryly.

Women know what a fart!A little bit of extravagant life is bought, how can you know that these things come and go quickly?

Wealth and glory are all in the mind of a saint.

Kang Xuanzhen, who was diagonally opposite, also saw Wang Jian, and bowed in salute.

Wang Jian gestured with his eyes, then shook his head slightly.

Kang Xuanjie was once his general, and he admired his military ability very much, and privately regarded him as a brother.But—oh, everything is done, so what can I do?The future is the past, let it go with the wind.Wealth and honor in the future will have to be obtained through hard work on the battlefields of the Western Regions.

Wan Yanxiu was wearing a brand-new official robe, standing among the governors, governors or adjutants of Jizhou, smiling all over his face.

In the past six or seven years, he has participated in the Zhengdan Grand Court Meeting three times.

Every time he participated, he felt a great impact.

It turns out that the world ruled by the Great Xia is so vast and rich.

It turns out that the places conquered by the Kingdom of the Kingdom reach the ends of the earth, which makes people fascinated.

It turned out that the prestige of the saint had spread all over the world, and all nations and tribes bowed down and served him one after another.

This is the real supreme emperor.

Compared with it, the little Jurchen is like a firefly to the sun and the moon, it is too far behind.

Opposite Wanyanxiu was the envoy from the Mulu clan.

He opened his eyes wide, looking at the immeasurably grand scene in front of him, the shock in his heart was indescribable.

He subconsciously compared it with the past of Tubo recorded in the collections in the Luoxi Palace.

When Tubo was at its peak, the territory was vast, and the people under its rule were close to tens of millions.

But there is a difference between ten million and ten million.

The ability of the 1000 million people they rule to create wealth cannot be compared with that of the Central Plains.

The 1000 million people they ruled were not very strict and loose. Many places did not implement the "Ru-Dongdai" system, and it was still the traditional mode of tribal chieftain rule, with limited control.

What they rule now has no more than 1000 million people, and it is fragmented. Whether it is population, knowledge or wealth, it is slowly declining.

Compared with the fertile Central Plains, the land of Zhang Zhung, where the Lu family started, is more like a barren land where birds don't shit.

Thinking of this, he lowered his head helplessly.

The Golden Crow rose gradually, bringing a bit of warmth to the earth.

On the entire side street, the most powerful group of people in the world waited in silence.

There are not many people who can make them wait so respectfully, except for the Supreme Emperor Jianwen.

The rites and music were played, and outside the Xuanzheng Hall, the palace officials had been waiting for a long time.

After parting from the queen, Shao Shude dressed up and sat on Chengyu, led by the guards and palace servants, to ascend the imperial seat in Hanyuan Hall.

Since a few years ago, the queen no longer accepts congratulations from the officials.On the day of Zhengdan, she alone received the congratulations from the prince, princess, and wives.

After arriving at Hanyuan Hall, the sky was already bright, and the prince and concubine entered the hall hand in hand.

"Excuse me, get up." Shao Shude raised his hands in vain, looked at the prince, and said, "After the new year, I am one year older. The prince also knows my ambition, and has been practicing it. It is so good, this world , we Shao family father and son relay, we must let it have a different scene."

"After February, you will inspect Nanjing on my behalf, and let the world see my successor."

"Okay, both of you, husband and wife, go to meet the queen."

After finishing speaking, Shao Shude asked the prince and concubine to go to the Xuanzheng Hall to pay homage to the queen, while he sat quietly on the dragon chair, waiting for the officials to dial in to congratulate him.

Before I knew it, it had been more than two years since I returned to Beijing.

In two years, he launched a series of internal reforms.During the process, it can only be said that there were some disturbances, and the whole thing was under his control.

What he can accomplish, of course he will do his best.If it cannot be completed, a framework will be set for the successor to continue to complete along his path.

This is his final mission.

As the rites and music were played again, the envoys of the Li Dynasty led the Tongzan officials and Tongshi Sheren from all ministries to take their positions inside, and then batches of courtiers entered the court to congratulate.

The congratulatory speeches were all prepared in advance, and they were nothing more than wishing the sage a healthy dragon body and the prosperity of the imperial summer. Some exaggerated ones even mentioned auspicious events in the prefecture of the state to add color to the congratulatory speeches.

Shao Shude occasionally replied a few words, most of the time he just nodded his head, unless he met a courtier he valued, such as——

"Feng Qing has been in Lingzhou for several years, and I have seen all the achievements. After the first month, you will go to Huainan to take up your post. Do your best and don't disappoint me." It was the turn of Feng Dao, the governor of Lingzhou. When he was approved for admission, Shao Shude said a few more words.

Last year at the Hongwen Museum meeting, Feng Dao was among the first to discuss the three articles of "Zhizhi", and he stood firmly on his side, expressing his loyalty very quickly.

Shao Shude was very happy, so he promoted Feng Dao as the transfer envoy of Huainan Road, and he took up the post in February this year.

Of course, he doesn't just reuse someone because of his loyalty. In fact, he values ​​ability more.

Feng Dao served as the governor of Lingzhou for several years, and made a lot of contributions in organizing and transferring logistics materials during the Western Expedition.During his administration, he also adjusted measures to local conditions in the eight counties of Lingzhou, and used various methods to make the local economy flourish.

Although this person is a Confucian scholar, he has a deep understanding of the elegant politics of the new dynasty, and his ability is not weak.

The most important thing is that he is not the smelly and tough Confucian scholar. On the contrary, he has a soft body, and he will do whatever the superior tells him to do, which is a bit like a technocrat.

Such a person, even a Confucian scholar, can be reused.Therefore, after Feng Dao became familiar with the economic ecology of Guanbei, Shao Shude promoted him to be a transshipment envoy of Huainan Road, and asked him to go around the area with developed maritime trade to get acquainted with another component of the elegant government of the new dynasty.

If the performance is still good, you can take charge of the government later, and even enter the political affairs hall.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En." Feng Dao prostrated himself on the ground and said loudly.

At the age of 38, only in the chaotic era at the end of the Tang Dynasty was it possible to become a high-ranking official.After the establishment of the new dynasty, seniority will gradually be discussed, and the longer it goes, the longer it will take to become a high-ranking official.

He has caught up with the saint's favor and saved a lot of hard time.

After Feng Dao withdrew, another group of people entered.

It wasn't until another person came in to pay homage that Shao Shude gave another word of encouragement.

"Heqing, you are my son-in-law. I have specially summoned you to Beijing, and I have high hopes for you." He looked at Dengfeng Ling, consort He Ning of the Henan Mansion under his rank, and said with a pleasant face, "I heard that you are in Yushe, Dengfeng At that time, you cleaned up the wronged prison, and the people praised it. From now on, you have to make persistent efforts, don't let me down."

"I obey the order." He Ning kowtowed and thanked.

He was successful at a young age, won the Jinshi very early, and served as the county captain of Yushe County in Hedong. Later, he was recruited as a son-in-law and promoted to the magistrate of Ji County.

Of course, he knew very well that after becoming a son-in-law, it would be impossible for him to enter the political affairs hall in this life, and to be a chief official in the six departments and nine temples would depend on luck, and there would be great resistance.

The sage said that he was good at "clearing up wronged prisons".

Moreover, the sage doesn't talk nonsense. Judging from his old man's intentions, it is obvious that he should be allowed to develop in the direction of Dali Temple.Thinking about the fact that the Mingfa Branch will be divided according to the Dao three years later, it is almost a certainty.

Obviously, the sage wanted him, a member of the royal family, to come to the family's minions to support Mingfa officials.

Actually—isn't that a good idea?Now that the choice has been made and the upper limit of this life is doomed, then be honest and follow the path set by the sage, and move forward step by step.

At least, this is a smooth road with a clear view of the road ahead, and it is safe and secure.

Of course, the saint will not promote him now.It has only been more than a year since he became the county magistrate of Dengfeng, so the timing is wrong.Besides, the sage probably wants to continue to investigate him. If something goes wrong, this road will be given to others, even if he doesn't give up.

He Ning is very aware of this.

After thanking him again, he and the officials who met with him withdrew.

The whole process lasted until the afternoon. After all the officials entering Beijing had finished their pilgrimage, the banquet under the corridor began.

The officials, big and small, were relieved and relaxed, and started talking with each other.

In today's court meeting, the sage didn't talk much, but the direction was very clear, that is, everyone should unify their thoughts, stop thinking about this and that, and twist into one rope to implement the new dynasty's elegant government in depth.

Those who change quickly and do well will rise to prominence and stand out from their peers.

Those who change slowly and cannot keep up will be gradually eliminated and eventually marginalized.

(End of this chapter)

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