Chapter 1652 Map
After sending away the Tubo envoy Mu Lujue, Shao Shude stood by the wall.

A huge map hangs on the wall.

His eyes examined carefully from top to bottom, and from west to east.

It is a very interesting question what can be left for the people after traveling through time.

Moreover, Shao Shude of different age groups have different views on this matter.

He now believes that the most affordable is the land.

No matter how technology and systems change, no matter which dynasty is ruling, the land will always carry the people living on it.

The fate of the country is ups and downs, rulers come and go, and the only thing that accompanies and nurtures this nation until the end is the land.

Even if the country is torn apart, as long as the people living in each fragment remain the same, it is not the worst outcome.

Liaodong, Western Regions, Yunnan, Annan, grasslands and other places are always the focus of his heart.

He doesn't worry at all that he can't fly away from the mainland and can't move to another place. What needs to be stabilized is the frontier, which is the focus of his work.

In the border area, there are also priorities, and the degree of difficulty is not the same.

Because of the plateau terrain, Tubo was not originally a key point, but because it is a bit close to Shuzhong, one of the core areas of the Central Plains, and it also threatens Yunnan, its importance has increased.

Shao Shude had already made up his mind, but he still wanted to hear the opinions of his courtiers, so he called Zhao Guangfeng, Xiao Yun and others to ask questions.

"Your Majesty's strategy..." Zhao Guangfeng vaguely knew something, but he didn't know how to describe it.

Magpie's nest occupied by doves?A bit like.

The wombs of the two Tubo princes and concubines gave birth to the seeds of saints, which sounds a bit evil.But how can a person who is an official at the level of a prime minister look at things from the perspective of good and evil, and justice?For political creatures, everything is about profit.Even if principles are sometimes spoken, it is for the greater good.

"Your Majesty needs to keep an eye on the Wulu clan. This is a big family in Tubo, rooted in Xiangxiong for generations. If the Wulu clan is stable, even if the Tubo prince has any ideas, it will be difficult to rely on it." Zhao Guangfeng said.

Even, if Brother Tie is disobedient, with or without the assistance of Mrs. Lu, he can be replaced.But there is no need to say this directly, which of the old foxes present don't understand?

"Brother Tie now has two sons, one is a bit older and the other is still young." Xiao Yun said, "I think that the second son can be canonized as Prince Xiangxiong's son in the future."

Shao Shude pretended to be hesitant and said, "Wouldn't it be too good to abolish the elders and establish the younger ones?"

"Your Majesty, it's all right." Seeing that Zhao Guangfeng and Xiao Yun had no intention of speaking, Wang Yong's self-motivation was a little strong, and he said bluntly: "It is precisely because the elders are abolished and the younger ones established that the court can handle it. Besides, There is no tradition in Tubo where the eldest son succeeds to the throne, so it is expected to be fine and not many people will object."

"Han Qing, what do you think?" Shao Shude looked at Han Jian and asked.

Han Jian is actually a little puzzled, is it really good to abolish the elders and establish the younger ones?Why do everyone advocate Li Tie's second son as the eldest son?In the end what happened?
He thought about it quickly, and felt that there must be something hidden about this matter, and it is better to follow the trend, so he replied: "The minister seconded the proposal."

Shao Shude asked several other people, and they all said that Brother Tie's second son could be made the eldest son.

He was a little happy, waved his big hand and said, "That's it."

In fact, he had already discussed this matter with Lianhua, but Lianhua didn't say anything. After all, they are all her own flesh and blood, so what's the difference?But Shao Shude keenly felt that Lianhua still had a strong sense of guilt and guilt in her heart, because when talking about this matter, she was so tight that it couldn't be more tight, her whole body was red, and a whole layer of goose bumps appeared.

"There's something wrong with the west, let's talk about the east." Shao Shude tapped his finger on the map, and said, "Taefeng, Baekje, and Silla have filed complaints over and over again, so you should take a look."

After finishing speaking, he handed over several memorials.

This is not the first time the complaint has been filed, and the problem has never been resolved.What's more, at this point in time, there has been a more and more serious trend. Not only the pirates of Great Xia robbed the three countries, but even some people in their country pretended to be pirates of the Xia country and carried out looting.

To be honest, Shao Shude didn't want to take it seriously before, he just issued an order to reprimand, but he didn't ban the slave trade.And as long as this evil trade does not stop, it will be difficult for you to really put an end to this kind of piracy.

According to incomplete statistics, in the past five years, the Liaodong states have purchased more than [-] slaves from the Three Kingdoms, both male and female.Not only the government soldiers are buying, but even the big families are trying to find a way to purchase-there are ordinary immigrants in Liaodong every year, although their number is far less than that of the trilogy immigrants.

The three kingdoms of Taepong, Silla, and Baekje were overwhelmed by the turmoil. They invested a lot of money to expand their naval forces and defend their sea areas. For this reason, the intensity of wars on land was reduced, which is quite strange to say.

"Your Majesty." After reading it, Zhao Guangfeng bowed and said, "Your Majesty has conferred the three surnames of Gong, Zhen, and Pu as kings, and they are vassals. I have an invitation, and what I said is reasonable. I think I should obey you." Please, prohibit the plundering of the people of the Three Kingdoms as slaves."

"That makes sense." Shao Shude nodded, and said, "Let's deal with it accordingly. It is still necessary to make a gesture, and it is forbidden to plunder and buy slaves from the Three Kingdoms. If you have already bought it, let it go, let the past go, but if you buy and sell again in the future, you will be severely punished." .”

"Your Majesty is wise." Zhao Guangfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

He was most afraid that His Majesty would not take it seriously.Since Taebong, Baekje, and Silla have accepted canonization, when you are not doing anything domineering, you still have to look like a high-ranking person, otherwise why bother to canonize?Wouldn't it be enough to treat it as an enemy country?
"The forces at sea need to be properly guided." Shao Shude said again: "I heard that there are more than a thousand sailors scattered on Sakhalin Island, and there are even women and children. Well, you have all read the copy Right? Tell me."

This news is actually "second-hand news" from the listening department, because none of them went to sea, so they could only inquire at the sailors' gathering place.

According to a combination of several sources, because the colder the place, the greater the number of whales and sea beasts, many sailors use Kishu as a base to go out to sea to hunt.But the place in Jizhou, to be honest, is not much better than the wilderness and mountains, and there is nothing you want, and sometimes it faces blackmail from the local government and the Mohe clan.

Under such circumstances, a large number of sailors diverted to the opposite Sakhalin Island.

No one extorts, no one collects taxes, you manage yourself.In addition, there are warm currents near the sea, the climate is relatively warmer, and the fishery resources are still very rich. Over time, some people have settled down.

Some people are engaged in handicrafts, making all kinds of daily necessities needed on board.

Some people hunted and farmed, and provided fresh vegetables, fruits, and grains to sailors who were tired of eating seafood.

Some people will make and repair boats. They cut down and dry trees on the island. If a boat is damaged in the wind and waves, they will come to repair it—if it can still sail normally...

The most outrageous thing is that there are still people mining on the island, mainly refining gold, and the output is not high, but they are all for nothing, and they also earn a lot of income.

In the past one or two years, there have even been ships transporting women to the island.

Sailors whose physical conditions no longer permit, or who are tired of living at sea, marry a woman of unknown origin on the island, settle down, and make a living by growing rye and vegetables. You will definitely be able to marry a daughter-in-law, and your life may not be very good.

After the savages on the island saw their "happy life"—relatively speaking—many people joined spontaneously, making this spontaneously formed village larger and more prosperous.

These savages, the people in the hearing department could not figure out their family affiliation, so they were collectively called "Kuyi", and even the name of the island was also called "Kuyi Island".They believe that the level of civilization of the Kuyi savages is extremely low, and most of them exist in the form of blood clans, not even tribes, so they are quickly driven and assimilated by sailors.

Since last year, among the various ships floating in the sea, "Kuyi" have appeared one after another, serving as the lowest-level handy sailors.When they went ashore to rob, they also charged into battle with incomparable bravery, beating the people of Taebong, Baekje, and Silla to the point of crying.

Shao Shude copied a copy of the hearing department's information and sent it to the Political Affairs Hall and the Privy Council, hoping to hear their opinions.

"Your Majesty." Zhao Guangfeng was the first to speak without hesitation, and he only heard him say: "Perhaps we can send officials to the island to govern them."

Shao Shude was noncommittal, and looked at Xiao Yun again.

"Your Majesty, Sakhalin Island can produce a hundred taels of gold every year, and it also has the benefits of sea beasts. It is estimated that there are no less than tens of thousands of gold. I think it is better to manage it." Xiao Yun said.

Shao Shude continued to look at Lu Siye.

Lu Siye pondered for a while, and said, "Your Majesty, I think there is no need to govern."

"Oh?" Shao Shude smiled and asked, "Why?"

"The people who settled on the island didn't spend a grain of millet or a penny on the court. After a few years, the number has become quite considerable." Lu Siye said: "I think that we can leave it alone for now and let them go. When there are more people, Do the math again."

Shao Shude nodded slightly.

What is the easiest way to immigrate?Spontaneous, self-funded immigration.

The people on Sakhalin actually rely on the entire whaling industry chain to exist.

The sailors who go to sea are wealthy and prosperous after all, and the vast majority of them are doomed to be poor throughout their lives, but they don't know it, and they are still taking chances.

But some sailors get discouraged when they get old.With no money in his pocket, no strength and no face to go back to his hometown, and unable to fight anymore, he found a place to live nearby.Because of the strong concept of passing on the family line, they will find a way to marry a woman and give birth to offspring, forming the initial local settled population.

There are also some people who are simply tired of the turmoil at sea, or hear the news that fellow villagers and friends are buried in fish belly, and don't want to do it anymore, so they also live and become part of the spontaneously gathered village.

In the end, there are still a small number of people who didn’t intend to take risks at sea from the very beginning, they just rushed to serve the desperate sailors—why take the risk by themselves?Wouldn't it be nice to take money out of a sailor's pocket?
The confluence of various factors has resulted in the emergence of several villages in the area, with a long-term permanent population of more than [-].If you count the savages attached to them, there will be even more people.

Shao Shude was very curious about how these people would manage themselves.

Among them, there is not a single good citizen, all lawless people.

"Listen to Wangsi and Liaodong Road, and select some capable people to sneak into the village and live there." Shao Shude said: "They don't need to do anything, they should farm the land, hunt and hunt, log and log, and live in peace. Business. Bohai Trading Co., don’t make any decisions about them, just do what you want to do business as usual. Here, I have my own strategy.”

"Your Majesty is wise." Everyone responded in unison.

"Announce to the world that the sea of ​​whales is vast and there are many islands. Those who can draw detailed charts will be rewarded with thousands of dollars and awarded five-rank officials." Shao Shude said, looking at a blank part of the map.

(End of this chapter)

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