Chapter 176 The master has set the ambition of Yunxiao ([-])
As soon as Zhu Mei's envoy left, there was no response.

Shao Shude had a discussion with Chen Cheng and others, and felt that things had changed, and these two greedy warriors were still unwilling and ambitious.So he decided not to wait any longer and began to dispatch troops.

On the second day of November, more than 1 Yi Congjun troops came from the west and set up camp by the Wei River.The left side and the auxiliary soldiers did not move, and the right side Hengshan and Zhongyong went to the central army, ready to attack the bandits together.

On the second day, the Jinglue army arrived again and set up camp from east to west.So far, more than [-] people from the Dingnan Army have arrived, while Cheng Zongchu, who is stationed in Xianyang, stands still and does not know what plans he is planning.

In the middle of the night, Zhu Mei's envoy came to the camp again, and the two sides talked secretly for a long time.

In the early morning of the fourth day of the lunar new year, the sky was high and the clouds were clear, and geese were flying in bursts. It seemed to be a good day for fighting.

The gates of Zhu and Li's camp were opened wide, and all the troops came out in single file, and lined up in the open space.

Seeing this, Shao Shude stopped talking nonsense, and directly ordered the main force of the Iron Forest Army to come out and line up to fight!

Since Li Changfu was so forthright, there was no point in coddling on his own, so let's just fight, subdue and maim him, and we can talk about things later.

Zhu and Li combined 3000 soldiers and formed a Yanyue formation outside the camp.

The 5000 soldiers of the Tielin Army and the more than 5000 troops of the Hengshan Capital formed a wild goose formation, while [-] soldiers from the Iron Cavalry Army and Zhongyongdu were waiting in the back formation, ready to go out at any time. The total number of the entire army was [-].

At the first quarter of the morning, Shao Shude climbed onto the high platform and looked down at the entire battlefield.

Goose formation, I am old.

When I was in Tongzhou, I saw Zhu Wen play it once, and later I played it a few times, and the offensive effect was amazing.And the Yanyue Formation put up by the opponent is obviously not a purely defensive posture, but a combination of offense and defense, and the defense is combined with offense. The two sides are going to fight to the death.

The passionate drums sounded quickly, and the eight scattered teams acting as the front of the battle stepped forward slowly, followed by thousands of people from Hengshan in heavy armor, with an interval of [-] steps.

Further on, there are soldiers from the fourth battalion of the Iron Forest Army, plus [-] cavalry pawns on the left and right.

Shao Shude took the personal battalion, the middle battalion of soldiers, the cavalry army, and the auxiliary soldiers as the main force, and followed at the end.

The drums of the Chinese army rang frequently, and the drums of each formation responded.The red sun was rising gradually, and the Dingnan Army slowly approaching was like a dark forest. The first two formations were like giant pythons crawling out of the forest, vicious and venomous.

The four hundred battle fronts are all carefully selected warriors, and the formation is scattered.They were dressed in brown clothes and iron armor, holding swords, guns and bows, swaggering and full of air.He yelled and cursed non-stop along the way, as if he learned from that fellow Guo Qi, and seemed more heroic.

"Those who rush into the bandits will count their merits according to the leader of the team that killed the bandits!" The leading lieutenant encouraged his subordinates: "I have a low life. In the past, I spent my life in the Zhelu army and didn't want to fight to the death. Now the commander rewards and punishes fairly. Beauties, wealth, and official positions are all rewarded for meritorious service. Even after death, there will be incense and offerings. Don’t be afraid of a ball! Kill them!”

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" A group of desperadoes shouted one after another.

The enemy army on the opposite side fired a dense rain of arrows.Even with the protection of the large shields in the front row, many people still fell down, but this aroused their ferocity and accelerated forward.As they approached, the archer rushed forward and released a wave of arrows, the rhythm was just right, just when the enemy team had finished firing a round of arrows.Afterwards, everyone shouted and rushed up like a tide.

At the front of the battle, there is no dense formation, and the number of people is not large. The purpose is to disrupt the enemy's rhythm, make its formation scattered, and create opportunities for the heavy armored spearmen who then rush in.

They are the first-class warriors in the army, and they are also the wave with the highest casualty rate, and they are promoted very quickly.Nowadays, many officers at the rank of team leader and lieutenant general are from Zhanfeng.

"Kill!" The battle fronts stepped over the corpses of both the enemy and us, forcibly pushed away the dense spears with their large shields, then pulled out various instruments from their waists, and rushed forward with all their strength.At this time, they didn't even care about the enemy's weapons that were summoned to them, and only focused on fighting forward, completely in the posture of dying with the enemy.

Li Changfu also changed color when he looked on the high platform.He knew that the battle front was elite, but such fierceness was rare.Hearing that the barbarians are not afraid of death, how many desperadoes did Shao Shude recruit in the grasslands and Hengshan?

"The warriors of the Han people have rushed into the enemy's line. The descendants of King Miyao must not be ashamed!" Heng Shandu Ten General Mei Zang Dubao held a long-handled Mo Dao and pushed away the shield hand in front of him. Shouted: "Kill me!"

More than a thousand warriors in heavy armor held their arrows against their arrows, followed closely behind the battle front, and rushed towards the chaotic enemy front line.

"Kill!" A spear pierced the enemy's chest and abdomen, and blood flowed everywhere.

"Kill!" A spear stabbed, and the body that was halfway forward fell to the ground with a bang.

This is the most primitive and fierce fighting without any tricks.People on both sides face each other, guns to guns, and the competition is about bravery and will.

The first team was scattered, and the second team was also disrupted!On the high platform, Li Changfu's heart was bleeding.

Less than three years ago, the Fengxiang army dared to charge directly into the nest thief formation, with incomparable bravery.After reducing some of the rewards, morale has dropped to the point where it is now.The battle front of the Dingnan Army had just retreated, and the second team of elite heavy armored infantry had just entered, and they were not hurt. As a result, the first team of 500 people collapsed, and the second team seemed to be crumbling. How could they be defeated? so?
On the other side of the high platform, Zhu Mei also stared intently at the confrontation between the two sides.

He could tell that the skills of the two armies were not much different, perhaps the Dingnan army was a little better. I heard that they practiced once every three days, this factor should be included, but this is not the main reason.

What really kept them going forward was their high morale and their courage to die.

Husband war, courage too!Why is the Dingnan Army not afraid of death?As a martial artist, he knows it well.

There are a lot of brave people in the world who are not afraid of death, but they all want to sell them for a good price.

Shao Shude should have made them feel that they got a good price, so they were willing to fight and kill.He had a premonition that if Li Changfu was defeated today and the Fengxiang army was captured by Shao Shude, those surrendered soldiers only needed time to rectify, and if you look at it a year later, they would still be brave and not afraid of death.

Everyone is not afraid of death, but is afraid that death is not worth it!
"Pfft! Pfft!" The sound of the spear piercing the stomach continued to sound, and people on both sides kept falling.The grass was already muddy, corpses were strewn about, and pools of blood could be seen everywhere.

A huge dent was made in the middle of Fengxiang Army's second formation.Seeing that there were more people lined up in the back of the opponent, some people fought and retreated. In the end, the front rows were completely crowded together.

This second round is only a thin line away from collapse.

Shao Shude could see clearly from behind.The enemy's confrontation was unfavorable, and they retreated step by step, and the platoon and platoon were compressed to the extreme.If you go any further, it will collapse for a while.However, the damage to morale cannot be underestimated after losing two formations in a row. Li Changfu must adjust his formation.

Sure enough, just when he had this thought, Fengxiang Town's Chinese army waved their flags again and again, and the two formations diagonally behind each with thousands of people stepped forward slowly.After walking 500 steps, after sorting out the formation, they began to draw a team. A group of [-] people continued to move forward, preparing to meet the soldiers of the fourth battalion of the Iron Forest Army who rushed forward. All.

It's quite well practiced to arrange troops on the spot, but you have no chance.

Shao Shude looked at Zhu Mei's central army in the distance. His thousands of troops were mainly deployed on the right wing and rear.The part of the right wing had just marched more than a hundred steps away from the main force of the central army, and it had completely stopped at this time.He personally led the second film, after watching the show for so long, it's time to make a choice, right?

Last night, Zhu Mei's envoy came late at night and told himself that he would defect and attack Fengxiang's army.But now it seems that Zhu Mei still played a cunning game, actually watched the fight between Fengxiang Army and Dingnan Army for a long time, and after confirming that Fengxiang Army could not stand it, she made up her mind to turn against the water.

This guy!If the Dingnan army is not good enough to attack the formation and cannot attack the Fengxiang army's large formation, will you not turn against the water?
As expected of Marshal Zhuge's old friend!
Li Changfu also noticed that the right wing had stopped at this time, and he was furious.

My own central army is in a hurry, isn't it just to create opportunities for you to flank?The result actually stopped?

If we don't step forward and flank the left wing of the Dingnan army, the Chinese army will be unable to withstand it!
There are still several battalions of soldiers from the Dingnan Army behind them, and they are advancing aggressively.He was forced to dispatch troops and generals again and again, and he was already at a disadvantage. What was the Binning army doing?
Just as they were about to send someone to question Zhu Mei, they heard the commotion from behind, and it seemed that the situation was in chaos.Looking back, they saw the soldiers of the Binning Army shooting arrows at the auxiliary soldiers and cavalry of the Fengxiang Army in the rear formation.At the same time, there were constant shouts, which made his heart go straight to the bottom of the valley.

"Brothers of the Fengxiang Army, there are old and young among you, why do you have to sacrifice your life for Li Changfu?"

"Everyone is Guan Nei Dao's brother, your own family will not beat your own family!"

"Don't fight! Let's go back to Chang'an together and share Tian Lingzi's property! Commander Shao of the Dingnan Army is benevolent and righteous, and will definitely not embarrass you."

"The former army was defeated, and they still haven't surrendered?"

Li Changfu was so angry that he felt dizzy and wanted to fall down.The generals and assistants beside him supported one after another, and someone said urgently: "The Binning army has defected, the matter is urgent, protect the commander-in-chief and leave!"

Everyone rushed to help Li Changfu off the high platform.At this time, the rear formation had completely collapsed, and the auxiliary soldiers ran around to avoid the attack of the Binning army.The [-] Tubo cavalry brought over from Qinzhou saw that something was wrong, so they pulled out their horses and left first. The hundreds of Fengxiang cavalry were planning to charge the Binning army to save the situation, but when they saw that their comrades had left, they simply ran away as well. .

"Xilulu..." The cavalrymen of the Dingnan Army led their horses out, turned over and jumped up, and rushed towards the retreating Fengxiang Town Central Army.

The infantry of the Dingnan Army had already been rushed to the ground, and they were in a panic.At this time, there was chaos in the rear, and the news of Binning's defection came, and the morale of the Fengxiang Town Central Army suddenly fell to the bottom. They knew that this battle would be defeated, and they had no intention of resisting.

Some people fought desperately under the leadership of middle and lower-level officers, some went back to look for Jieshuai Li Changfu, and some just left.The formation will no longer be the formation, the army will no longer be the army, and the situation of great defeat is certain.

(End of this chapter)

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