Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 179 Entering Chang'an

Chapter 179 Entering Chang'an ([-])
"Master Shao."

"Ximen Palace Supervisor."

Ximen Chongsui's residence, Shao Shude entered the backyard surrounded by a large group of soldiers, and discussed important matters with him.

"Marshal Shao managed his soldiers well. In the battle of Weibei, he defeated eight thousand Fengxiang troops and killed Li Changfu." Ximen Zhongsui was very enthusiastic and made tea for Shao Shude himself.

Someone from Shao watched him put salt and pepper into the tea soup, the corner of his mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything.The soldiers all know their hobbies, and they will definitely not add these weird things to it.Now in Ximen's residence, I have no choice but to endure it.

"If it weren't for Binning Zhu Shuai to wake up and turn his back on the battlefield, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy." Shao Shude said modestly: "Zhu Mei has also made great achievements this time, Ximen Palace Supervisor might as well try to win over her."

Shao Shude is kind and trustworthy.After receiving 30 hu of grain from Wang Chongrong, he helped him solve his troubles.Zhu Mei rebelled against the water and made meritorious service, so naturally she should be rewarded.Otherwise, your own reputation will be bad, and there will be people working for you in the future?
"Zhu Mei is also a veteran in the army. If she can move the town, she will be very willing." Ximen Zhongsui said.

Shao Shude nodded and said, "The Ximen palace supervisor may wish to see if there is any vacancy."

"Fengxiang has one prefecture, two prefectures and twenty counties. There are still many Tibetan tribes. If the town can be moved, Zhu Mei will be satisfied." Ximen Chongsui said.

Shao Shude "suddenly realized" and said: "The three prefectures and [-] counties of Binning and Ningxia cannot compare with the [-] counties of Fengxiang. If Fengxiang can be moved, Zhu Shuai will be very satisfied."

Binning was poor, and although it had [-] counties, it was far behind Fengxiang's [-] counties.Moreover, Fengxiang Town also has a lot of Tubo tribes attached to it, and those tribes also occupy the prefectures and counties, which are also lucrative, but I don't know if Zhu Mei can get rid of those Tubo tribes like she subdued Dangxiang.

"Since Zhu Mei moved to Fengxiang, who can do it?" Ximen Zhongsui asked again.

Shao Shude glanced at him, very satisfied with this person being so upright.Smart collaborators know how much they have, know their strengths and weaknesses, and will make trade-offs.If there is no Dingnan army to defeat Li Changfu and enter Chang'an, Tian Lingzi will not fall.Therefore, at this time, you might as well meet the conditions of the allies first, and then talk about other things.

"Bing Ning Jieshuai..." In fact, Shao Shude was also a little hesitant.

Originally, he was interested in Zhao Jian, but something happened yesterday.Brothers Zhao Guangfeng and Zhao Guangyi from the Guanzhong Zhao family, one of the branches of the Zhao family in Tianshui, came late at night and expressed their willingness to resign from the court and seek employment in the shogunate of the Dingnan Army.Shao Shude was overjoyed, and agreed on the spot, but the specific position to be conferred has to be observed and observed.

With such an accident, he suddenly didn't want Zhao Jian to be the commander-in-chief of Binning Festival anymore.It is best for the Zhao family's influence to be limited to civil servants, and they should not be allowed to join the army.

Early this morning, he asked Chen Cheng for advice.As a result, Chen Cheng hesitated, and after repeated questioning, he gave a candidate: the governor of Biaolin Prefecture and the five towns along the river of Zhenwu Army all knew that Zhe Zong, the envoy of soldiers and horses, was originally the Marshal of Binning.

Shao Shude pondered for a long time, but did not agree on the spot.

The Zhe family is already the largest clan in Dangxiang in Pingxia. After moving to Binning, they should be able to contact the Dongshan part of Dangxiang in Hengshan near Gyeongju.There are no big clans in Dongshan, and they are relatively loose. If they can be slowly digested by them, it always makes me feel uncomfortable.

As a political creature, he was always sensitive to the ebb and flow of power among the various factions in the town.But after thinking about it, it is true that the position of Binning Jieshuai can't be given to outsiders, and he can't be the governor of several towns by himself, so he finally decided to give up the family at a low price.

From now on, it's time to get closer to the Wuzang clan.The Wuzang clan is just to the east of Dongshan, so let them contain the spread of Zheju clan's power.There can only be one co-owner of each party, and that is Guanbei Khan—a typo—someone Shao, the envoy of the Dingnan Army Jiedu.

In addition, after going back this time, you can also get close to the Yang family in Linzhou.The generals of the Zhe family and the generals of the Yang family are like thunder in later generations.

"Ximen Palace Supervisor, Linzhou Inspector Zhezong has been guarding the border for many years. He is good at winning over the party and tribes. He can be shown as the Marshal of Binning. The Linzhou regiment trainer Zhe Silun is outstanding in martial arts and understands the general situation. He can succeed Linzhou Inspector .” Shao Shude said.

Ximen Zhongsui was not surprised at all.

After passing this village, there will be no such shop. If you don't make any profit at this time, when will you wait?Before Wang Chongrong and Li Keyong came to Beijing, the appointment was issued first.

The Zhe family is also a big family in Linzhou, and has been in charge of the army for many years.Zhe Zongben was appointed by the imperial court, and he brought three thousand soldiers to the post, and was also close to Shao Shude's territory, so it should be no problem to secure the position of Binning Jieshuai.As for Zhu Mei going to Fengxiang to take up her post, she probably wouldn't be able to do so without bringing capable soldiers and horses with her, so Zheshi's position would be more stable.

Shao Shude's trip to the south this time has gained a lot!It is heard that he is still looking for craftsmen in Chang'an, and he does not hesitate to force them to relocate, making the city run wild, almost thinking that the rebels have looted them.The purpose is so clear, and the actions are not sloppy at all, and the future prospects are limitless.

"Shao Shuai was dismissed from various positions a few days ago, and his life was messed up. Now he should be back to normal. I don't know if there is anything else I can ask for?" Ximen Zhongsui asked again.

"I don't know if the palace supervisor has any suggestions?"

"It's better to lead Shuofang's Jiedu envoy to govern the ten prefectures of Ling, Yan, Hui, Xia, Sui, Yin, You, Feng, Sheng, and Lin, Feng'an, Dingyuan, Zhenwu, and Sanshou Jiangcheng, plus six water transport envoys, Appease the envoys of Pingxia, Hexi, and Hengshan Dangxiang, the two supervisors of Yinchuan and Yongqing, and the two guards of Anbei and Shanyu?" Ximen Chong then asked Shao Shude, looking at him.

"Impossible! Why did the palace inspector play tricks on me?" Shao Shude smiled wryly: "This will definitely make someone the target of all the towns. I only want to ask the Guanbei Four Ways System to set up an envoy, and it is enough to get the envoy of the difficult army."

"The Four Ways of Guanbei's system of setting up envoys is a false name, and it is useless." Ximen Zhongsui actually breathed a sigh of relief secretly, and said with a smile at this time: "Although Chen Jingxuan led the three rivers and the states in the gorge to command, set up and set up envoys, but in reality The order does not come out of Xichuan."

"A person only needs a name. In the states of Guanbei, the household registration is not abundant, and Qianghu is everywhere. It seems worthless to others, but it is suitable for a certain person." Shao Shude said: "It only needs to be commanded and controlled by the four departments of Guanbei. Waiting for an envoy, I am willing to guard the northern border for the country, clean up the barbarians, and keep the gate of the country forever."

"Since that's the case, it's not difficult to leave this matter to someone," Ximen Zhong said.

Shao Shude didn't open his mouth like a lion, which relieved Ximen Zhongsui, and at the same time he took a higher look at him.If it is really greedy, then the end may not be better than Huang Chao.

It's not so easy to be the target of public criticism.

After discussing these matters with Ximen Zhongsui, Shao Shude left.As for how the Ximen family will recover, in fact, he doesn't care at all, the imperial court has its own discretion, and Ximen Sigong and Ximen Zhongsui's uncle and nephew also have their own discretion.

It might be a bit difficult to hold power like Tian Lingzi, unless the Dingnan Army helped them repel Wang Chongrong and Li Keyong, but why did Shao Shude do this?Not to mention that they have so many soldiers and horses, which are more than twice as many as their own. Even if they win, they will lose a lot of soldiers and money. What are they trying to do?

At the beginning Li Keyong was hired because Yang Fuguang and Wang Chucun talked about it.Now that Yang Fuguang is dead, his brother Yang Fugong is pretending to be sick in Lantian, and he is probably still in touch with Li Keyong, so he might be on stage this time.

The Ximen family should have a sense of proportion, and it's okay to share power with Yang Fugong.Anyway, my first goal is people, and my second goal is to have a political ally in the DPRK. Ximen only needs to keep Yang Fugong in check, and don't let people make trouble for him.If they are smart enough, they can use the time window when Li Keyong has not entered Beijing to step up the win over the generals of the Shence Army, so as to take the lead in the future power struggle with Yang Fugong.

Uncle and nephew Ximen Sigong is from a family of old eunuchs, so he will not understand this truth.

But speaking of the generals of the Shence Army, most of them are members of Tian Lingzi's henchmen, especially the "five capitals accompanying him" he brought back from Sichuan.Most of the people from these five capitals are sergeants from Chen, Xu, and Cai states in Henan Province. They were recruited by Yang Fuguang.After Yang Fuguang's death, Lu Yanhong led people to go west to Sichuan in the name of escort, but was defeated by Zhuge Shuang and dispersed.

Five people, Wang Jian, Jin Hui, Han Jian, Zhang Zao, and Li Shitai, led their troops to defect to Tian Lingzi, and were adopted as adopted sons, who were deeply relied on.Before the emperor left, Wang Jian and Jin Hui were in charge of the guards in the emperor's forbidden palace. Han Jian was appointed as the governor of Huazhou, but he had not yet taken up his post. Zhang Zao and Li Shitai were still serving as generals in the Shence Army.

Shao Shude and Zhu Mei entered the city yesterday, and today they searched the whole city to search for Tian Lingzi's henchmen. Under the coercion of more than 2 victorious soldiers, the Shence Army did not dare to resist, and many generals were found and imprisoned.Zhang Zao and Li Shitai first hid in the barracks, trying to resist, but were abandoned by the sergeants and sent out after being tied up.

Zhang and Li yelled at each other, and the sergeants had no shame on their faces, and said: "The sage rewards, but the general often intercepts them. We entered Shu from Henan, and then returned to Guanzhong. We will work hard for our lives. We are asking for money and goods! It's hard to hear. Commander Shao is fair in rewards and punishments, and has never been greedy for Mo's wealth, so we will dedicate your merits and go to Commander Shao."

Zhang and Li were arrested, and Wang Jian, Jin Hui, and Han Jian were arrested by Zhe Siyu in advance, and the five accompanying them were considered complete.The subordinates of the five were divided between Shao and Zhu, the subordinates of Wang Jian and Jinhui were given to Zhu Mei, and the remaining three belonged to Shao Shude.As for the other soldiers and horses of the Shence Army, neither of them looked down on them.

Among the five, Shao Shude intends to pardon Han Jian and bring him back to Xiazhou.The other four will be executed together with Tian Lingzi's henchmen—if Ximen doesn't want to come forward to rescue him.

All the belongings of the party members' homes were also looted, and they were used as rewards from the Dingnan Army and the Binning Army.

Accompanying the five capitals, a total of 5000 people.Someone Shao had previously fought against the Fengxiang Army and captured more than [-] of them. Now he has captured another [-] Henan elite soldiers and [-] old soldiers.After bringing them back to Xiazhou, they should rectify and rebuild the Feng'an army in Lingzhou.

Zhu Mei also gained a lot.He also captured more than 2000 Fengxiang troops before, and now he has captured another [-], with more than [-] soldiers and horses under his command.The gap in Fengxiang Town's troops squandered by Li Changfu in Weibei should be able to make up more than half of it.

It's good to enter Chang'an first!

 The chapter in the afternoon is estimated to be updated in the evening.

  If there is no update at 04:30 in the afternoon, in principle, it will be at night. I am too busy recently, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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