Chapter 191 Huizhou ([-])

The sun was high and the mist was gradually dissipating.

On the gray field, one brown square after another is moving forward.On both sides of the phalanx, people shouted and horses neighed, and teams of cavalry collided with each other, facing each other with swords, fighting fiercely.

Li Shaorong's horse was gone, and it stabbed a Tubo cavalryman in the chest, so he had to throw it there.But he still has an iron mace, coupled with his thick arms and almost endless strength, after rushing into the enemy's line, he is really invincible.

With a muffled sound, the iron mace hit the head of the Tubo cavalry who passed by him.He didn't even have to look back to know that the enemy's head must have been dented by a large piece, and he couldn't survive!
Another enemy cavalry rushed forward, still holding a cavalry spear in his hand.Li Shaorong narrowly avoided the sharp spear point, and then subconsciously jumped forward to avoid the ensuing slap of the enemy.

Having experienced so much in the field of life and death, he can already sense danger very keenly.

With his legs clamped between the horse's belly, Li Shaorong stepped forward at a faster speed, circled behind a Tubo cavalry who was fighting with his comrades, hit the iron mace, and another head collapsed.

"It's such a pleasure! Knocking on the head is more comfortable than beheading it!" Li Shaorong urged the horse, and squeezed towards the crowded place.The cavalry on both sides collided, lost speed, and were shaking each other.On the periphery, the garrison cavalry of both sides also began to accelerate, and another round of collision began.

"Crack!" The iron mace knocked on the breastplate of an enemy chieftain, and a large piece was directly dented. The man couldn't bear it anymore and fell off his horse.Li Shaorong ignored him and continued to look for a new head.Those who fall from the horse can only ask for more blessings.

"Who is this? He is so brave, but with only a few dozen riders, he dares to charge straight into the enemy formation." Shao Shude stood on a small hillside, overlooking the battlefield.

The Tubo people or the Tubo Huadangxiang people are a type of opponent he doesn't like very much, for no other reason, there are many cavalry!When fighting with the Difficult Army, they like to send out a large group of cavalry first to kill the enemy's cavalry, and then calmly deal with the main force of the enemy's infantry.

This Tibetan tribe called Kangnu has no more than [-] infantry and more than [-] cavalry. This configuration is very abnormal!

But fortunately, he also has a lot of cavalry.The Iron Forest Army has [-] cavalry, the Jinglue Army has [-] cavalry, the Iron Cavalry has [-] cavalry, and Zhongyongdu has another [-] cavalry. They are all full-time professional warriors, and their equipment is better than that of the Tubo people. After two times, the enemy's cavalry couldn't hold back.

"Commander, he should be from the cavalry army. There is a flag of recognition on his back, which is not real. After the battle, find someone to ask. If he survives, let him come to see the commander." Chen Cheng replied from the side.

Zhao Guangfeng glanced at him.Judge Chen has been in the army for many years and is familiar with all ministries. He can basically answer the general's questions.If one wants to be a good counselor, it is not enough to contribute strategies to the commander-in-chief, but also to be familiar with military affairs, so as to be able to shine.

"The captive cavalry should be defeated." Shao Shude looked at the Tubo cavalry who were waving their whips and turning in, and said: "The captive army has no cavalry, how can the infantry do anything?"

"Marshal, since ancient times the Hulu have been able to succeed by relying on their cavalry, and no one has ever achieved success by relying on infantry." Chen Cheng replied: "Our army has a strong army and high morale. It should be able to defeat the enemy in one battle."

There are more than 1 infantry in the Iron Forest Army and the Jinglue Army. They train and fight all the year round. The sergeants are familiar with military orders and have excellent martial arts training.With the [-] Tubo infantry wearing leather jackets, how can they resist?

Drums and horns blared on the battlefield.

Guan Kairun, who was fully in armor, commanded the infantry of the fourth battalion in the front to press down hard.

Dense arrows flew by, and people kept getting hit by arrows, and people kept filling them up.

"Woo!" The sound of the horn sounded, and the soldiers stopped consciously, put the long spears on the ground, took off the strung bows, picked up the bows and set arrows, and launched a round of volleys.

This was a volley fired at a distance of thirty paces. A large area fell from the Tubo formation on the opposite side, there was a lot of noise, and the formation was a bit scattered.

"Woo!" Another sound, the second round of bow and arrow salvo, more enemies fell down.

At the same time, dense arrows also shot back, and sergeants kept falling down with a muffled grunt.

"Boom boom boom!" The drum sounded.

Guan Kairun was a little surprised, and looked back down the hillside, it was indeed the banner of the army.Looking at the front again, it turned out that the Tubo people had been killed so badly that they couldn't stand. Some wanted to escape, and some rushed forward to kill them. They were out of touch for a while.

"You really have a lot of strength, no wonder you can defeat the Jingyuan army who stayed behind." Guan Kairun smiled secretly: "But you can't even get the leather armor, so what's the point of fighting? Is bravery enough to fight?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The sergeants picked up their rifles, hit the ground with their spears, roared three times, and then marched out in a neat formation.

Whoever is braver, less afraid of death, and faster can win.Reasonably distribute physical strength, maintain a good formation, and obey the drum horn signal, so as to win the battle.

The Tubo people quickly reached the front of the battle.They do have a brute force, but it is not easy to cross the dense long-spawn jungle.Someone held a large shield and just blocked the spear stabbing from the front, but was stabbed to death by the long spear stabbing from the side.Someone rushed in with a low waist, but was knocked down by a large shield, and then nailed to the ground by a spear stretched from the back row.

But more people were stabbed to death directly in front of the battle.

The brown long-spawn forest is still advancing slowly, like a precision-operated machine, someone does this, someone does that, and the coordination is perfect.The Tubo infantry who were constantly being stabbed to death became the nourishment for this machine.

From the perspective of the desperate Tubo soldiers, it was indeed a huge devil.The bright long lance is the tentacles of the devil, and everyone who rushes over is killed by the tentacles and then swallowed.

There were corpses everywhere on the ground. The devil stepped on the corpses, and his figure shook slightly, but it was more like his teeth were chewing.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The sound of the drum suddenly became more intense.

"Kill!" The infantrymen of the Dingnan Army shouted in unison, accelerated suddenly, and charged forward bravely with a long spear in hand.

The formation of the Tubo people is like a broken door, which can be kicked down immediately.

Shao Dashuai watched another big victory with fascination, and beheaded thousands of people, so he didn't escape.But he remembered another thing. This elite infantry army he brought up with his own hands has such high morale, such a high proportion of veterans, and such a tacit cooperation. If one day suddenly suffers a heavy loss, where will he go to make up for it? ?
It is not easy to train an army, and it is even more difficult to train a good army.He has put too much effort into Ding Nanjun, if it is gone, rebuilding it will not be as easy as the upper lip touching the lower lip.

Elite teachers are hard to come by, and if they are gone, they will be gone.

At the end of the battle, Shao Shude got on his horse and galloped across the messy battlefield.The brigade's personal soldiers followed behind, holding high the banner, and the golden sunlight shone on it. Looking from a distance, it actually had a sacred feeling.

Zhao Guangfeng stared at the big flag obsessively. Wherever he went, the soldiers cheered loudly.

"It's better to be a centurion than a scholar!" Zhao Guangfeng also got on his horse and walked slowly in the field.

As far as the eye can see, there are corpses of captive soldiers everywhere.

It turns out that these are the Tubo people who have ravaged Yuanzhou for several years!Zhao Guangfeng was very emotional, if he was still an official in the court and saw that Tubo had conquered several states from the official documents and newspapers, he would definitely advise the saint not to use weapons rashly.

But now, how could he win so easily?He recalled the old events during the Dazhong period. One hundred thousand troops marched westward to recover six prefectures and seven passes. ?

It's a pity that there are no ifs in the world, and some opportunities, if you miss it, you will miss it.

While he was in reverie, the sergeants suddenly burst into warm cheers.Zhao Guangfeng stepped forward immediately, grabbed a sergeant and asked why.

"The commander-in-chief ordered the iron cavalry army and Zhongyong to go to Caogu. The captive army was defeated, and there were no strong men in the tribe. Most of the tribes were old, weak, women and children. All the cattle, sheep, and goods that were robbed were rewarded to everyone." A pawn of the Iron Forest Army, his teeth are yellow, but he smiles very happily.

Zhao Guangfeng also laughed out loud when he heard the words, and said: "Hu Yan is whining and flying every night, and Hu'er's tears are falling, I see you now."

The sergeant looked at him with some puzzlement. It is the old profession of our Dingnan army to hunt grass valleys, which is rare and strange.

On the fourth day of February in the second year of Guangqi, the Dingnan Army defeated Tubo in the southeast of Baiquan County, beheaded more than 2000 people and captured [-] people.On that day, they entered and occupied Baiquan County.

At the same time, the Binning Army and the Jingyuan Army with a total of [-] cavalry also marched to Weizhou, preparing to march north and encircle Yuanzhou City.

The three towns fought together, and in the past it had to be organized by the imperial court.And this time without the court, it turned out to be a success.If you come a few more times in the future, it doesn't seem to matter whether there is a court or not?
(End of this chapter)

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