Chapter 193 Huizhou ([-])

The night in Wuzhou was almost dead quiet.

Occasionally, a lonely wolf howled, casting a layer of eerie color on the empty mountain and cold moon.

Ye Lihua was panting and leaning against a willow tree. Behind the tree was a stream that meandered towards the Hulu River.Ye Lihua has been here before, and it is a very shallow river, which can be waded through in this season.

The subordinates fetched some water for him, Ye Lihua took the water bag, took a sip and spit it out.

"What's the smell?" Ye Lihua kicked his subordinates and said angrily.

The subordinates were baffled and a little trembling.

"It smells like blood." Ye Lihua dropped the water bag, his voice trembling.

"Wan Hu, there is a corpse floating down." The river had already thawed, and the water was gurgling, and the sharp-eyed subordinates saw the corpse floating down the river.One after another, as if there is no end.

"Oh." Ye Lihua sighed heavily, and sat down on the wet grass again.

Shui Lingbu died, being chased by Tang cavalry.He also died with hundreds of warriors from two tribes. They were cut down one by one like trees. The screams before the temporary period are still remembered.

There are even those who can't bear the fear and jump into the river.It had rained a while ago, and the water level had risen sharply, freezing cold to the bone.Jumping into the river in this weather, the possibility of surviving is very low.

"It should be someone from the Water Regime Department."

"There are also those from our tribe."

"I didn't die under the swords and guns of the Tang people, I jumped into the river and died."

"It's such a cold day, such cold water, how dare you jump into the river? There are Tang cavalry on both sides, so what if you escape to the other side?"

"If I was chased by Tang cavalry, I might jump into the river too. If I hide in the river for a while, I might escape."

"Stupid. When I got into the water, I was shivering with cold for a moment, and I was dead."

The people below chatted in a hurry.After such a big defeat, everyone felt a little resentful against their leaders. The usually strict military discipline could no longer restrain them. Some people even talked to Ye Lihua, and they didn't know what they were up to.

Ye Lihua turned a deaf ear to this.

He wanted to take care of it, but vaguely felt that it might not have any effect.He has now realized that he made a big mistake before, that is, he did not imprison the defeated soldiers who escaped from the Kangnu family in the first place, or simply killed them, so that the news leaked, shook the morale of the army, and let some tribes slip away early .

But it's too late to say anything now!

Ye Lihua didn't know how many people were left, anyway, there were only a few dozen people following him.Too many people ended up missing, maybe died, maybe escaped, and of course they might be captured by the Tang people.

What happens if you are captured?He didn't know, either he would be beheaded, or his life would be worse than death, there was no third possibility.

"Is there anything else to eat?" Ye Lihua felt a pang of hunger in his belly.

The subordinate handed over a suspicious noodle cake.Half of it was soaked in rainwater, half was stained with blood, and it was pulled from which corpse.

Ye Lihua took it and started to gobble it up.His subordinate swallowed, he was also hungry, but he lost so badly and was kicked around for a whole day, where could he find something to eat?

"It's not far from Wuzhou. When we arrive in Wuzhou, the Yangzhu family will definitely kill cattle and sheep to entertain us, so bear with it." Ye Lihua noticed the expressions of his subordinates and comforted him, but he didn't give up the bread at all. means to go out.

Yang Yan was all armed and could ride four thousand steps.Such people may not be able to defend Wuzhou City, whose city walls were also severely damaged, but it is still possible to resist a little and let them breathe.What everyone needs most now is to eat something and get a good night's sleep before they have the strength to escape to Huizhou.

Yes, if half a month ago, Ye Lihua still had the confidence to fight the Tang people. After all, he had summoned more than 4000 strong men, and the Kangnu family in Baiquan also had [-] soldiers. With [-] people and a lot of horses, Cheng Zongchu, who has no cavalry, is still easy to catch?
But Connors is done. 6000 people were defeated in the First World War. After the defeated soldiers escaped, they clamored loudly that the Tang people had 3 to 3000 soldiers, and they were very capable of fighting, and they spoke vividly.Then the Jingyuan army and the Binning army appeared in the south. It is said that there were [-] people. They defeated [-] people from the Bagou tribe in the first battle, and looted all the cattle, sheep and goods.

Everyone said that the emperor of the Tang Dynasty must have sent a large army to conquer. This time at least [-] elite soldiers were dispatched, and they were not capable of resisting the enemy.Ye Lihua was so angry that he directly killed the defeated soldiers and tribesmen who spread the news, but to no avail, the Bai family and other tribes ran away that night, and fled westward with the old and weak, cattle and sheep, towards Huizhou.

In this case, how to fight?Even the most hard-core Shui Lingbu was defeated, and the corpses floated down the river.

"There's a fire over there!" After eating the bread, he was about to greet people and continue on his way when someone suddenly exclaimed.

Ye Lihua raised his eyes and saw the flames in the north, reflecting half of the sky.

"Wuzhou!" He bit his lips tightly, his heart was as cold as ice.

He didn't need to send anyone to check, he already knew in his heart that it was Yang Qiang who gave up the city and fled.Setting fire before leaving can force the Tang people in the city to fight the fire and have no time to track their escape direction, and it can also make it easier for the next attack.

"Yang Yan has run away!"

"Isn't it too late to set the fire now? It's also dragging us down the wrong path."

"It must have run away a long time ago. The last group of people who will stay and set the fire will run away after setting the fire."

"Should have fled to Huizhou."

"Hateful, I don't even have the courage to defend the city!"

Military discipline really broke down completely, and the soldiers talked about it again.

"Go!" Ye Lihua got up and shouted loudly.

"Headman, where are you going?"

"Xiangxi, go to Huizhou, and seek the protection of the Qu family." Ye Lihua said firmly.

Asylum, it is more likely to be annexation.Ye Lihua is very aware of the consequences of fleeing to Huizhou, but he has no choice but to go there to try his luck.I hope that the Qu family can sincerely unite and show mercy to them because of the Tang army's pursuit.The descendants of King Mi Yao can't kill each other!
The horse had fallen to its death on the way.Ye Lihua led what seemed to be a dozen less men, roughly discerned the direction, and disappeared into the vast night.

Twenty miles to the south of Wuzhou City, Zhe Siyu looked at the soaring fire, flicked his horsewhip bitterly, and said: "Let the Jingyuan Army go to Wuzhou, and we will chase west. One hundred riders, pull the horse." Keep a distance and intercept and kill every Tubo person you see."

"Obey!" The ten generals and lieutenants of each battalion who had gathered took orders one after another.

After Tubo in Yuanzhou was defeated, the Yangyan family in Wuzhou was nothing to worry about.Their rout was expected.Considering the current situation, this group of people should not have the guts to run to Gyeongju, so fleeing west to Huizhou became the most likely thing.

If you don't chase now, when will you wait?
On February 26, Li Shaorong, who was promoted to lieutenant general, led Baiqi to catch up with a group of Tibetans fleeing west.

Those people had large carts and small carts, carrying tents, household items, and driving cattle and sheep.As soon as they saw this heavily armed Tang cavalry, the men guarding around rushed out, and dozens of people jumped on their horses, screaming, looking like they were fighting to the death.

Li Shaorong took the lead, swinging the horse in his hand again and again, chopping, thrusting and pushing, knocking down several people in a row.

The sergeants who followed him laughed, obviously not paying attention to these Tibetan herdsmen.Holding bright spears in their hands, they lined up in a tight formation and broke through the oncoming Tubo herdsmen in one stroke.

After turning back around, they rushed and killed again, like adults playing with children, beheading these people one after another.

The elite cavalry who have been trained all the year round, and the ordinary herdsmen who are full of farm work, which one is better, I believe we already have the answer.

The sound of horseshoes sounded from the southwest again.

Li Shaorong's complexion changed slightly, and when he took a closer look, he turned out to be one of his own.

"Vice General Xu, you came just in time, and you've caught the fat sheep!" Li Shaorong said with a loud laugh as he picked up a Tubo pawn and flew away.

"Vice General Li said he was lucky. He caught a big fish just over ten miles after entering Huizhou." Vice General Xu galloped over on his horse and said with a smile.

"What? You have already rushed to Huizhou?" Li Shaorong's horse lance seemed to be stuck in the human skeleton. He easily let go of the lance handle, pulled out the iron mace, and smashed the head of a Tubo soldier with his mouth still Asking and answering with Vice General Xu, he looked at ease.

"Yes, I also learned about it from the captives." Deputy General Xu tied a rope to the back of his horse, stabbed it into the enemy's body, and let go immediately.Ma Qian dragged the corpse on the ground for a few steps, and then shook off directly.At this time, Deputy General Xu had already drawn out a saber, and lightly slashed across the body of a Tubo soldier.The knife wasn't very sharp, but it still drew terrifying wounds on the enemy's body, and blood spurted out.

"Huizhou, we have finally reached Huizhou! After this battle, go home!" Panting, Li Shaorong knocked three times before knocking off a difficult opponent. Chief Hao?
"If Dingyuan's army went down the Yellow River and directly stabbed Ulan, the battle would be fought faster. There are more than 7000 people, but I don't know if the commander has made arrangements."

"The commander-in-chief uses his troops like a god, and he must have made arrangements early." Li Shaorong replied.

In the place where two hundred cavalrymen criss-crossed, corpses were strewn all over the field, and blood flowed all over the ground.Hundreds of Tubo old and weak women and children trembled, waiting for the trial of fate.

(End of this chapter)

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