Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 218 Timing and Spring Society

Chapter 218 Timing and Spring Society

Qin Gui looked up at the blue sky, feeling quite good.

Pedestrian tribes, of course, also farmed, not purely military households.

In fact, it is usually not their turn to fight. The Tubo people—to be precise, the Tubo tribes—add up to tens of thousands. Under the state of extreme recruiting, I am afraid that they can pull out more than 5000 people.Adding up the four tribes of Han people, you can produce more than three thousand people, which is not at the same level.

The Pedestrian Department, in the west of the city near the big river, has more than 4000 plots of land, where rice, wheat, miscellaneous grains, and livestock are raised.

Tubo is the unit of measurement in Tubo, and a tuo is ten mu.When Tubo ruled Helong, it implemented the policy of granting land by oral order, and one person was granted one tutu of land, which was somewhat different from the granting of land by Ding Ji in the state.

The Tubo government came to collect taxes, called "Natu", and collected taxes on a household basis. In addition to collecting food, there were also oil, cloth and other items, which were calculated by packs and buckets, which was equivalent to the household tax of the dynasty.

The Tubo people also collect land tax, which is called "dizi", which is usually paid with grain and beans.

There are also miscellaneous donations other than Natu and Dizi, such as fodder, firewood, leather, etc., which are similar to those of the Guochao.But generally speaking, compared with the taxation of the people of Helong before they fell into Tibet, the tax was much heavier, and life was not easy.

If you can't pay the tax, you usually go to the temple to borrow money. The interest rate is not low. In fact, you are drinking poison to quench your thirst.

There are more than 4000 men, women and children in the pedestrian department, and more than [-]% are Han people.

The reason why it is said to be [-]% is that before the collapse of the Tubo Empire, the ethnic groups under its rule were too large and complex.Moreover, their combat mode is that of the great national migration, that is, enlisting slaves, and then nomadic and farming in a local area.Even if it is not a war, a normal sergeant will take action with the subordinate slave department.

Therefore, the source of population in Lanzhou is actually very complicated. Tubo people do not have an advantage in numbers, and the largest number are actually Tuyuhun and Dangxiang slave tribes.In addition to these three major clans are the Han people, there are about [-], only half of the Tianbao period.

But there are still fewer than the Han people, that is, some small tribes from the Western Regions. Because the number is too small, the Tubo people are too lazy to give them independent tribes, but they are incorporated into other slave tribes, regardless of whether it is appropriate or not.

The Sogdians in Gua and Shazhou were incorporated into the slave tribe of the Han people.One is white, the other is yellow, and they are organized into a tribe. The brain circuit of the Tibetans is also amazing.

Called by Qin Gui, Li Laosheng, Zhang Le, Shang Yannu, and Anagen came to his home.

Li Laosheng is the first general from the left of the Pedestrian Tribe, Zhang Le is the second general from the left, Shang Yannu is the fourth general from the right, and Annagen is the fifth general from the right. They are all the confidantes of Qin Gui, the tribal envoy and head of a thousand households, and he was the one who single-handedly promoted them. of.

There are also some officials appointed by Tubo in the tribe, such as the deputy tribal envoy, the deputy head of a thousand households, the supervisor, the secretary, the water officer, and the camp field officer.Some he could trust, some he didn't.But this will require a big deal, and in line with the principle of confidentiality, the less people who know about it, the better, so he only found warriors.

"Today, the tribal envoys of the Jie'er Mansion came to me to discuss the construction of the city walls, and they also mentioned that Shao Shude, the envoy of the Dingnan Army Jiedu, wanted to attack Min and Wei states." Qin Gui said, paying attention to the expressions of other people. Seeing that they were all paying attention to listening, there was nothing unusual, so he continued: "Someone feels that the Tibetans in Jie'er Mansion are so nervous, there must be something big about to happen. Maybe the front of the Dingnan Army is the From here."

Li, Zhang and others looked calm, but Shang and An were shocked.

"Let's talk about your thoughts." Qin Gui said, his son Qin Han, nephews Qin Qing, and Qin Le stood behind, keeping calm.

"Shao Shude must have come to Lanzhou." Li Laosheng said directly.

"How many soldiers can come? If there are less than [-] soldiers, I'm afraid it's not enough." Zhang Le said.

There was a little smile on Qin Gui's face. Li and Zhang's inclinations were already obvious when they said this, and it was worth the value he had valued over the years.

"Let's do what Qianhu says." Shang Yannu sighed, and said, "Although life can still be lived on, but being able to kill all these Tubo people makes me feel happier."

Anagan was a little surprised.In fact, when Qin Gui first started talking, he had some guesses in his heart. The more people said, the more outrageous and scary they became, and he couldn't sit still.

"An Baihu, it is reasonable to say that you saved my life on the battlefield, and I saved your life. We are friends of life and death. There will be no riddles in this meeting. Everyone understands it, and I think you understand it too. How about it, how about expressing your opinion?" Qin Gui said lightly.

"How about Qianhu?" Anagan asked.

"Wait for the right time, and if you change your mind, you will welcome Master Wang." Qin Gui originally wanted to say that he would take the initiative to contact the Dingnan Army. If we are defeated, we will take advantage of the situation and raise troops, contact several other tribes, and beat the dog in the water."

Anagan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, which was still within his acceptable range.If he jumps out to make trouble now, to be honest, he doesn't have the guts.

"Since that's the case, only the orders of thousands of households are obeyed." Anagan said.

"Okay, it's confidential, so don't let it out." Qin Gui said, "When the army overwhelms the country and people's minds change, our chance will come. Just let it go, don't mention it again, and treat today's meeting as nothing. Everyone has wives and children, and I can't trap you in injustice."

"Thousand households are mature and prudent, this is the way to handle this matter." Several people said one after another.

The weather in February has been much warmer.

Society sacrifices developed from the Zhou Society of Yintu.In the Zhou Dynasty, it was elevated to a national festival, which was very important.

The ancestors are sacrificed inside, and the earth is sacrificed outside.Earth is Houtu, which is an abstract god. Later, the upper elites interpreted it themselves, using the theory of round sky and earth, and developed the sacrifices into round hills to worship the sky and square hills to worship the earth, and they were fixed as national rituals.

But as far as the common people are concerned, they don't sacrifice such profound things, they sacrifice to the "God of the Land" because He has the "great divine power" to ward off disasters and bless the harvest.

In this dynasty, the state worshiped the state society, the prefectures and counties worshiped the state and county societies, and the folks worshiped the folk societies.Well, national sacrificial societies are very solemn, state and county sacrificial societies are relatively solemn, and folk sacrificial societies are very—entertainment.

On this day, women go back to their natal homes to visit their relatives, men fight wine, beat drums, and even sing and dance, all in all very happy.

The social day of the Tang and Song Dynasties basically came down in one continuous line, with similarities and minor differences.In the Song Dynasty, there were poems "Children in Sheri are ecstatic with joy", "Singing frivolously, dancing in the crazy society", "Drinking wine together in spring, and boasting to each other in the wild and old", all of which are about the grand scene of this day.

In the Ming Dynasty, due to the Mongolian rule for a century, the village community disintegrated, and the Sheri Festival was no longer important, and the only things left were Shehuo and Shexi.

Today is the Spring Society Festival. Before dawn, the whole Xiazhou was in a state of restlessness.

Huang Tao, as an official of the shogunate, has a high status. Because he built a house outside the city, he was invited by the nearby villagers to be the head of the society and preside over the sacrificial ceremony.

Under the community tree at the east end of the village, the community gods and sacrifices have long been placed: blood, half-body animals, rice beams, dates and chestnuts, and wine.

The children ran around and gathered around Fan Yanbo who was making sacrifices from time to time, sniffing the aroma deeply.

"You urchins, don't knock things over." Fan Yanbo got up and tried to chase away, but the children screamed and fled in all directions.

"There are so many party members in the village?" Huang Tao wondered as he looked at some hairy men, women and children who were taking the seats.

"The commander-in-chief's accountant Qi Min, these should have come down from the mountains to open up wasteland and cultivate land in this village." Fan Yanbo replied: "Actually, some people have taken the initiative to grow hair, but it hasn't grown out yet. It's all from the village commune." Members, this village festival is also accepted."

Huang Tao nodded.

The word "assimilation" that the commander-in-chief often uses, almost made his ears callous.In fact, this matter is easy to say, but difficult to say.The essence of assimilation is to let them integrate into the new group and participate in various activities as part of it.Village communal sacrifices are one of them.

Of course, if you don't integrate into the big group, organize another activity in a group, and play in isolation by yourself, it will be very difficult to assimilate.

This kind of situation basically does not exist in Xiazhou. Assimilation is almost semi-mandatory, but the method is relatively soft.Unlike Tibetans who force you to braid your hair and wear clothes easily, paint your face, and speak Tibetan language, it is just relying on cultural diversity, inclusiveness, and fun, pervasive, sneaking into the night with the wind, unconsciously taking you Assimilated.

Maybe you have grown your hair, put on Tang suits, and started speaking Mandarin without your noticing.

Perhaps one day suddenly, Dangxiang’s parents realized that their children were no different from those of the Han people. They played together, farmed the land together, served corvee together, participated in sacrificial activities together, and went to battle together, all of which came naturally.

After two or three generations, can Aneng distinguish who is Han and who is a member of the party?
Of course, the influence is mutual.It's just that the civilized level of the party members is really low, and they can't leave their mark on Datang like the Anxi Hu people who came from afar.Dairy products are probably the only thing that they can influence the Han people in turn. However, if the time dimension is enlarged to hundreds or thousands of years, later generations will only think that it is because of different regional differences that caused the cultural differences of Han people in different regions. Instead of thinking that this is the credit of the party members, it is quite sad to say it.

After the whole set of procedures such as entering the table, offering sacrifices to the shrine, offering sacrifices to the grain, and dividing the meat (she meat), the atmosphere of the sacrificial offerings on the shrine day suddenly changed and began to become carnival.

The wine, vegetables and fruits were brought up one by one, and people ate and drank.On this day, there is no superiority or inferiority, and there is no need to observe etiquette. You can make loud noises, dance, beat drums, and sing when you are excited. In short, it is full of entertainment.

Huang Tao drank a lot of wine, his face turned red, and he suddenly wanted to write a poem, but for some reason, he suddenly remembered the survivors of Tianbao in the Helong Land, they probably wouldn't be able to enjoy the festival.

But the hard times shouldn't last too long.The commander-in-chief is about to march west, and the mighty [-] army is enough to crush any resistance of the Tubo people.

Scholars in the Guochao always have some frontier feelings. It is estimated that thousands of poems about the land of Hehuang have been written, and no fewer than six hundred poems can be sung by others.Huang Tao suddenly wanted to follow the army to march west to Lanzhou, to visit the homeland of the Tibetans, but it was a pity that the commander didn't mention his name.

However, as an official of the shogunate and in charge of law and order, theoretically speaking, he can also join the army.Why don't you vote for the Marshal?
"Under the slanting sun in the lonely city, Changyin sent out some soldiers..." Huang Tao frowned and thought for a few words, and decided to go home and think about it. He must write a satisfactory poem, and the commander-in-chief should be able to appreciate it—— .

On the eighth day of February in the third year of Guangqi, the south gate of Xiazhou was opened.

In the early morning mist, a large group of soldiers filed out.First the cavalry, then the infantry, and then the luggage, one team after another, battalion after battalion, as if it would never end.

The army is dispatched!

(End of this chapter)

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