Chapter 221
On the road leading to Xishi City, a large group of herdsmen are heading south.

Wang Yu had a serious face, as if everyone owed him a few pennies.All the generals knew that Wang Junshi was not going well, because the commander gave Xinquan Junjun Yang Yue a new appointment: the commander of all the troops on the southeast road.

According to the detailed explanation, Yang Yue can command all the troops including the Xinquan Army, Dingyuan Army, Huizhou State Army, Tuoba Division, Huizhou Fan Division, and Yinshan Fan Division, and even the local masters and Tutuan villagers in Huizhou. All under him.

The Dingyuan army has [-] soldiers, and the Xinquan army has only [-] soldiers. What kind of background did Yang Yue go to be given such an important task?

But after the military order was issued, Wang Yu didn't have much to say, he was just upset.Under the command of Commander Yang Du, the main force of the Dingyuan Army began to move southward, and the Tuoba and Yinshan Fan tribes acted as temporary auxiliary troops to follow behind, escorting a large amount of grain, grass, and equipment, and went to the Xishi City to build the city.

It has been laid down there, beheaded 700 Tubo bandits, and his own casualties are only more than 100, which can be described as a big victory.But Wang Yu didn't think so. First, he took advantage of the sneak attack, and second, his own cavalry died!Letting the cavalry run in the dark and then dismount to fight on foot, Wang Yu was very heartbroken.

Short of mounted infantry!
The army was walking on the valley between the mountains, on the gentle slopes of the hills on both sides, on the left were the herdsmen of the Lang clan of Liyuquanzhuang and the Hun clan of Keduncheng, and on the right were the herdsmen of the Qibi clan of Baidaochuan and the Geshu clan of Shannan, the king of Zangcai. His cavalry led the way.More than [-] people from the Tuoba tribe were behind, with large carts and small carts, full of grain, grass and city building materials.

From Huizhou to the south, the terrain becomes more and more complicated.In addition to a large open river valley, there are rolling hills everywhere.There are thousands of ravines among the hills, forests, mountain springs, water streams, and grasslands dotted all over, theoretically speaking, many people can be hidden.

This is the case on the Hengshan side. Apart from farming, the party members also graze cattle and sheep on gentle slopes and hills.There are rivers, streams, pastures and lush forests in the mountains. For nomads, survival is not a problem.

Wang Yu didn't dare to be negligent, and asked the herdsmen of the four tribes to drive the cattle and sheep, and graze slowly in the mountains on both sides.You don't have to keep up with the speed of the army, just walk slowly. You can camp and stay according to your own rules at night, and continue walking during the day.

"This broken place should have Hengshan Dangxiang come here!" Wang Yu flicked his horsewhip bitterly, and said angrily, "Does Hengshan Dangxiang only give women to the commander?"

The generals turned their heads away when they heard the words, pretending they didn't hear it.

But what the military envoy said was right, the terrain was comparable to that in Yanzhou, probably because of more rain, denser forests, and more fertile pastures.

At this time, there is a need for a large number of mountain people from the Hengshan party.They walked like flying in the mountains, and some of their movements were breathtaking, and they naturally adapted to the environment here.Moreover, the horses they graze in the mountains are quite suitable for climbing, and they are completely different from the horses bred in a place where the mountains are flat.

At this moment, if there are [-] mountain infantry, basically they can sit back and relax, and the main force of the brigade can safely march along the valley plain without worrying about the rear, and even threaten the Tibetans' rear in turn.

Cai Songyang, Marquis of Yu, the capital of the Dingyuan Army, automatically filtered out Wang Yu's previous complaints.

Fortunately, Li Yixian, the deputy envoy, was urging the supply team of the Tuoba Department behind him, so he didn't hear what he said just now.He and Shao Desheng have a very close relationship with the commander in chief. It is said that they stole chickens and dogs together when they were young, and they both became his personal followers after joining the army, almost wearing a pair of trousers.If the defendant files a lawsuit, and the Wuzang and Yeli families know about it, the envoy Wang Jun will be hated.

"Military envoy, just now when the scouts came to report, General Wei repelled another Tubo attack and beheaded more than [-] people. They captured a few prisoners and asked if they belonged to the Qu Ministry. They must have felt the pressure. .” Cai Songyang rode his horse over and reported.

Du Yuhou is in charge of military law, military orders, rangers, scouts, etc., and will also suggest marching routes to an army commander. It is equivalent to the combination of liaison staff, intelligence staff, and marching staff when the staff system prevailed in later generations. number three.

"We have been working hard on the Zuli River in the east before, causing the Lv Ma Department to suffer a lot. This time, we suddenly turned to attack the Guanchuan River without any warning, and the Qu Department should be caught off guard." Wang Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry about it." They, let's move on. How far is it from Xishicheng?"

"There are still more than fifty miles."

"Let the Yinshan and Fan tribes on both sides keep an eye on it, so that nothing goes wrong."

"As ordered!"

The army continued to move forward, and arrived at Xishi City two days later.Fortunately, nothing went wrong along the way.

There seems to be a war breaking out between the mountains on both sides, but how many soldiers are there in Qubu?Wang Yu didn't think that the Yinshan tribe could not cope with Qu's stragglers, not to mention that the commander also supported them with a lot of sophisticated knives, spears, leather armor, and arrows.

"Build the city!" Wang Yu waved his hand, and the more than 1 men, women, children and children of the Tuoba tribe had no time to unload food, and were immediately driven to repair the severely damaged Xishi City.

Of course, it is impossible for the auxiliary soldiers to be idle. While sending people to cut firewood and mow grass, they unloaded food and military supplies from the carts and put them away in different categories.

In the spring of Weizhou, there is a lot of rain, so it is necessary to do a good job of moisture protection.

Panting heavily, the tiger ran across the mountains. It had twenty arrows in its quiver, and all of them have been shot since yesterday.The only thing he can rely on now is a knife in his hand.

There was another shout from behind the woods.

Soon, more than ten riders turned out.They wore fur hats and furs, and spoke a language he didn't understand. They were good at riding and archery, which gave him a headache in dealing with scoring.

As a scout (scout), Da Chong has always been very proud of his abilities, and the tribal elders also value him very much.Living in a spacious tent, having wine and meat to eat, and the women in the tribe often flattering themselves, this is the treatment of a warrior!
But he has met his match.

What the opponent said sounded like Dang Xiang's language, but I always felt that it was not exactly. Could it be the descendants of Dang Xiang who fled to the Tangjing grassland to graze more than a hundred years ago?

Da Chong felt that his guess was reliable, but also a little sad.They are all descendants of King Mi Yao, why did he help Shao Shude and kill each other with his own clan?

A fierce shout of killing suddenly erupted in the distance, attracting the attention of more than ten cavalry who were chasing after them.After hesitating for a while, they decisively headed west.

The tiger took a short breath, then used both hands and feet, climbed over a chaotic rock, walked around a clump of trees, took a shortcut and hid behind a boulder, looking down secretly.

Below is a gentle slope.On the half-green and half-yellow grass, hundreds of people are fighting desperately.

The tiger could see very clearly that there were about two hundred people on the side with fewer people, with braided hair and brown cloth, belonging to his own tribe.On the side with more people, there should be 60 to [-] people. They should come from the grassland in the north.

The two sides met unexpectedly in this place with mountain streams and grasslands. As soon as they met, they didn't say a word, and they started working directly.

Party people kill party people!Da Chong's heart is bleeding, so Shao Shude played with the most noble woman in your tribe, asking you to do your best to sacrifice cattle and sheep, and ended up fighting for him?What's the point?
There are many warriors on the grassland, and there are many horses. They seem to have good weapons, and they charge very hard, and they disperse the herdsmen in Qubu in just one blow.They automatically divided into several groups, and massacred around the Tubo-ized party members and clansmen, with arrows, sabers, and spears, whatever they wanted.

Then Shao Shude is willing to spend money!They were given so many swords and spears of good quality, and some even had leather armor and iron armor!The tiger wanted to help, but he had no arrows at hand, so he could only call for help.

The strategy proposed by the tribal elders to use the complex terrain in the mountains to go behind the Dingnan army, attack their food roads, and force them to retreat seems to be very difficult to work.

There are so many grassland herdsmen scattered in the mountains, with mountain springs, pastures, cattle and sheep, and they can live there for almost 100 years.This is a natural guard, how can it be detoured to the side of the Dingnan army?
The Tang people don't play like this!The tiger was so angry that he punched the boulder.

The following battle soon came to an end.

One by one, the haired party members caught up with the braided party members, chopped them down to the ground, and carefully put away their heads, so that they could be exchanged for money in the future.

The armor of the braided party member was also stripped off, and the drinking water and equipment he carried with him naturally became trophies.Everyone is too poor, even if they snatch a snakeskin bag from the enemy, they are all smiling.

After cleaning the battlefield, the bodies of Qubu herdsmen were thrown into the woods below the slope one by one, where they were allowed to rot and be eaten by tigers and leopards in the mountains.

The tiger walked away from the boulder in a nonchalant manner, found the direction, and headed southwest.

When walking to a mountain stream, I saw a large group of grassland herdsmen driving cattle and sheep.Their rangers were spread out, tents had been set up, horses were drinking by the stream, and cattle and sheep were looking for food on the grass.

Some herdsmen were burying pots for cooking, some were milking cows, and some were trying on armor, talking and laughing.

Is this fucking Tang Dynasty's style of play?

 My prostate is fine and I have another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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