Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 225 Weishui Road

Chapter 225 Weishui Road

Building a city can be fast or slow.

During the Dezong Dynasty, more than 3 sergeants and 20 civilians were mobilized to build Yanzhou City on the grassland in [-] days.

The construction of Dingxi Village is different from that of Yanzhou.That is the rammed earth city wall, but here is the wooden wall, so it was completed earlier.

Chen Cheng hoped that the city could store [-] hu of military rations, but in fact it couldn't.

So far, three shipments of materials have been made, and there are only more than [-] dendrobium grains, tens of thousands of bales of fodder, and various equipment in the city.

However, there are few soldiers on the Southeast Road, and there are only more than 2 Dingyuan Army and Xinquan Army among the serious troops.They drove a large number of cattle and sheep, so there was no major problem in terms of supplies, and there was even room to distribute some to the main force.

Yang Yue arrived at Dingxi Village from Zuli River in mid-April, and brought the Xinquan Army with him.

The armies of the Southeast Road are partial divisions. In fact, their partial divisions are divided into main forces and partial divisions.In the Zuli River Basin to the east, the Huizhou Fan tribe headed by the Bai family, plus Tutuan peasants, a total of more than [-] people, have been continuously harassing the Luma tribe to contain their troops.

Partial divisions are holding back, so of course the main force will enter the army!
"Everyone." Yang Yue summoned all the generals and said: "Helong has been trapped for two years. I heard that during the Tianbao period, the Hewei states had rich household registrations, and the people were diligent in farming. Wild. Guanzhong business travels out of Qinzhou and enters Hewei. Along the way, the guest houses are clean, the wine flags are displayed, the dishes are full of delicacies, and the people are laughing and singing. , Tubo organizes people into tribes and asks for them wantonly. One meal is hungry and one meal is full, people are neither human nor ghost, what is it like? Or guard Dingxi Village, then go west, and go north to Lanzhou. However, the valley to the west, the jungle There are many mountains, the road has been uneven for many years, and the mountains along the way are dangerous, easy to be taken advantage of by the enemy, and it is not easy to do it. I have made up my mind, and now I will go south in a big way, first break through Weizhou, and then go west, can you have something to say?"

Wang Yu glanced at him and said, "How about the art of war?"

"Along the valley road, a tributary of the Weishui River, go all the way to Xiangwu County, and then wipe out the remaining enemies in the Weishui River Valley. After this is completed, divide the troops to guard Weizhou and Weiyuan, and then march northwest, enter the Taoshui River Valley, and go north to Lanzhou. It is also the Weishui Road in the dynasty.”

"How to solve the food problem?"

"The infantry of the Dingyuan Army and the Xinquan Army stayed behind in Weizhou, and I led the cavalry and the Fan troops westward and northward."

"A little risky."

"If you don't take risks now, just fight slowly. When the general breaks Lanzhou, we are still in Weizhou. Wouldn't it be ashamed? You must know that soldiers are precious and fast. What are you talking about?"

Wang Yu blushed, he was talking about himself in a subtle way.To build a city in Dingxizhai, only a part of the Tibetan soldiers were sent south to search and suppress Tubo, which wasted time.

"After the capture of Weizhou, the envoy Wang Jun will stay there. A certain person will lead the tribe to meet the general. This matter is settled like this." Yang Yue said without doubt: "The people of the four counties are looking forward to our arrival. Go to the rescue, how can you wait?"

Wang Yu was a little annoyed when he heard that, it was your order to let him build a city in Dingxi village and wait for the main force, and now he thinks I'm wasting time?After conquering Weizhou, you still want me to stay there, all the credit is yours, and all the bad things are mine?
But Yang Yue was the commander of the capital, no matter how upset Wang Yu was, he could only accept it at this time.

The military law is strict, and no one dares to violate it.

After making a plan, Yang Yue left the two thousand soldiers from Huizhou in Dingxi Village.The Tuoba tribe acted as the master of the army, transporting supplies back and forth.

On April [-], the main force of Xinquan Army and Dingyuan Army went south.

From Dingxi Village to the south, among the long river valleys, there are soldiers of the Tang Dynasty with bright armor and excellent equipment everywhere.There are more than [-] people in the Tibetan tribe, and they went south long before them. They did not take the initiative to fight Tubo, but drove the cattle and sheep forward slowly.

The scouts were spread out among the mountains, every valley, every forest, and every small creek were sent to check, and they had advanced tens of miles to the south so far.

"Speed ​​up the marching speed, you can throw away unnecessary things!" Yang Yue ordered while riding the horse back and forth.

The soldiers remained silent, and subconsciously quickened their pace.

An hour ago, Commander Yang had just beheaded two soldiers who were procrastinating, and the bloody heads were placed on the side of the road.

Wang Yu hesitated to speak, and finally heaved a long sigh.

Yang Yue, you are lucky, that is, you met this army built by the general.If you are leading Wei Bojun, how dare you "treat" soldiers so harshly?
Lu Maqi hurried back to Weizhou, and met Du Quyan, the head of the Duqu clan.

He was fooled by the Zuli River.Playing hide-and-seek with people all day in the ravines, intending to make a big move northward, but the Baijia tribe in Huizhou is also quite powerful, and there are various vassal small tribes, which can't be eaten for a while.

While I was worrying, I suddenly heard the news that the Tang army in Xishicheng was going south, and ran back in a hurry.Moreover, they ran back with only a few cronies, and the tribe was still slowly retreating southward in the mountains to the north.

It's really outrageous that there are three tribes crowded in a small Weizhou.However, Qu Qu and Du Qu's two departments obviously formed a group, and they couldn't drive away for a while, and this meeting also required their efforts, otherwise Weizhou might not be able to hold on.

But if you can't keep Weizhou, what's the difference between the Ma family and the Qu family?They are all bereaved dogs, so they must not be annexed by others?

"We must unite to fight a war." Lu Maqi looked at the gloomy sky outside, feeling a little unhappy.

"Why didn't you surrender?" Du Quyan brushed his greasy braids back, and started cooking the meat nonchalantly.

He had just returned from the north, and Erlang from the tribe fought several battles with Dangxiang herdsmen in Hexi, winning and losing each other.

But to be honest, as long as this kind of battle is not a decisive victory, it is meaningless.Over [-] people from the Duqu tribe had already died, and many others were injured. There was a lack of medical care and medicine. Whether they died or lived depended on luck.

The Hexi Dangxiang herdsmen who followed the Tang army to the south should have fewer casualties, because they have good weapons and are quite fierce, which makes Du Quyan very worried.The military law of the King of Lingwu County should be very strict, and the rewards probably did not deceive everyone, and they were given every time, so the Hexi Dangxiang herdsmen had to go south, which made Du Quyan extremely annoyed.

I have killed so many people, I don't want to fight anymore, why do you still go south?It's all gone, isn't it for the Han people to take advantage of it?

"Surrender?" Lu Ma sneered and said, "How to surrender? After surrendering, go to the mountains to graze?"

Du Quyan frowned, he admitted that what Lu Maqi said made sense, but he couldn't understand his attitude.

"There are only 40 to [-] Tang people in the four counties of Xiangwu, Weiyuan, Longxi, and Zhang. How much land can they cultivate? Weizhou is a large place with criss-cross rivers and fertile soil. There are so many flat river valleys that the Tang people can fully cultivate. Do you?" Du Quyan said: "I don't want to fight anymore. As long as the king of Lingwu County doesn't drive me up the mountain and promises that he can still graze at the foot of the mountain, I will surrender. Fu Fuling's family, but it's just for [-] years People from the former clan once served in Hezhou Delun, thought they were the co-lords, and shouted and shouted at the Min and Wei prefectures, who gave him the courage?"

"Of course [-] Tang people can't occupy so much land, but what if more Tang people come here in the future?" Lu Maqi said: "From Niaoshu Mountain to Longxi County, there is so much rain every spring and summer, and there are so many rivers. Will the Tang people give up? It’s okay if they’re all mountains, like Dangzhou and Diezhou in the south, I don’t believe the Tang people are still interested. But Weizhou is different, you can think clearly.”

Du Quyan hesitated again.

Lu Maqi took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire and said: "Even if you want to surrender, you have to fight first. If you can win, it's easy to bargain. Min and Wei prefectures are only one festival, which is not normal. If The people of the Tang Dynasty granted two more festivals, and we can also be officials, how good is it?"

"How many soldiers can you gather?" Du Quyan asked.

"No less than seven thousand." In fact, Lu Ma started bragging. He had been at odds with the Tang people for so long, and recently had a stalemate on the banks of the Zuli River. Now that he can gather five thousand soldiers, it would be great.Moreover, the Fufuling family in Minzhou didn't give them any supplementary equipment recently. They used to go to the Fufuling family's pasture near Weiyuan County to get them, but they didn't receive them last time. I don't know what happened.

"When can I come back?"

"It will take more than ten days." Speaking of this Luma, he felt a little headache, and it seemed that the grassland on the other side of the Zuli River was about to be completely abandoned.

"How many people are there in Qubu?"

"It used to be five thousand, but it's hard to say how much there is now. They were originally placed in Weiyuan County and Niaoshu Mountain to graze, but the Fu Fuling family couldn't bear to part with that pasture, so they drove them to the north. He was defeated by the Tang army and lost the pasture, so now he can only live a hard life in the mountains." Lu Maqi said.

Du Quyan's face was cloudy and uncertain.

He still has more than 5000 people, and the three parts add up to just over 1.But the number of herdsmen who went south from the Tang people exceeded ten thousand. Even if they could rely on the geographical advantage to defend, without the support of Fu Fuling, this battle would not be won.

Of course, Weizhou cannot support three tribes, but what if it only supports one?

Isn't the Bai family grazing in Huizhou now?Aren't there Tang people farming in the local area?Nothing is impossible.

"Boom!" The sky became more gloomy, and there was a faint sound of thunder.

Du Quyan and Lu Maqi looked out at the same time, only to see the pattering spring rain falling.

The raindrops fell on the century-old bluestone slabs, washing away the dust.

The raindrops fell on the fields where the seedlings grew, nourishing the spring wheat.

Raindrops fell on the flat river valley road, washing away the blood...

Yang Yue looked at the scattered corpses on the post road and snorted coldly.

Those who died were all Fans, whether they were the surrendered Hexi Dangxiang Fans, or the hostile Qubu Fans, he didn't like it.

The Marshal is so kind to the Fans!

But now he still wants to use these foreigners, he naturally won't say anything, on the contrary, he praises them vigorously and comforts them carefully.

He Xi Dangxiang, he hated it deeply, even though they were already the barbarians under the command of the general.

"Keep going, don't stop!" Yang Yue ordered.

The Hexi herdsmen who had been summoned looked distressed, but seeing the thousands of soldiers of the Dingyuan Army standing quietly in the rain, they were a little afraid, and they bit the bullet and headed south.

As he walked, he secretly sighed about his bad luck.The tribes of the Yinshan Mountains, walk the mountains on both sides, leave if they want, stay if they want, there is nothing wrong with them, they are the ones who suffer the most, they are called to come and act with the army, how do they live this day?
If you want to go against it directly, but the tribe and family are still in Lingzhou, and they can't defeat more than 1 Tang troops, so you can only vent your anger on the Tubo people and rob his mother!
More than [-] people swarmed down like this non-stop, and it took only a few days to reach the mountain pass north of Weizhou City.At this time, the army's rations were almost exhausted, and the herdsmen of the Yinshan tribe were still fighting with the Tubo people in the mountains.If the army doesn't want to go hungry, there is only one way to go forward and capture Weizhou.

Wang Yu frowned and looked at Yang Yue. This old man is crazy enough to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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