Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 227 Luomen River and Bird Mouse Mountain

Chapter 227 Luomen River and Bird Mouse Mountain

The breeze blew past, stirring up the blood in the city, and the smell made people sick.But Yang Yue pretended nothing had happened, and walked around Weizhou City accompanied by his own soldiers.

"This used to be an orchard." Yang Yue pointed to a place and said.

The garden was overgrown with weeds, and more than a dozen trees were felled by the roots.Looking at the fracture, it is still very fresh, and it should be the Tubo people defending the city and attacking.

There is another family in the garden, a total of six people, looking at the new conqueror with trepidation.

Yang Yue looked at these people with complicated expressions.Braided hair, face covering, left lapel, maybe they are real Tibetans.

"This used to be a place where a big family lived together." Going to another place, Yang Yue looked at the stone lion that fell to the ground and was almost broken in two, and said.

The setting sun shone through the clouds and shone on this ruined village full of broken walls and rubble, making it extremely bleak.

"It used to be such a big family, the family was prosperous, the house was full of children and grandchildren, and there were hundreds of servants and maidservants. Where is it now?" Yang Yue sighed, "I hope it's not herding."

Gui Ya falls on a branch and is not afraid of people at all.Except for the sergeant, there was no normal civilian on the street.

Yang Yue has already issued an order to grow hair, regardless of the Han people, if they don't grow hair, they will be cut off.This policy is much stricter than in Lingxia and other places, where it is not mandatory, it is just that the Tibetans who have joined the army have to change their hair ornaments from the Tang Dynasty.But the occupied area is like this, and Weizhou City was not peacefully received, but laid down, so the various policies are naturally different.

"Plausible..." Yang Yue was a little disappointed, it was different from the Weizhou he had imagined.

He originally thought that people from the Tang Dynasty would come to cry and complain about all these years of suffering, and then said that they finally waited for Master Wang to save them, and they were determined not to forget their homeland, and now they die without regret.

Unfortunately, no.

What greeted them was strange, worried, and fearful eyes.Even the slaves of the Han people all looked uneasy, and Yang Yue couldn't even tell whether they were Tubo people or Han people.

Indeed, several Han officials, such as elders, patriarchs, and tribal envoys, came to show their favor, but Yang Yue was not interested in them. He just reiterated the various policies of de-Tuboization and sent them away.

A camp was set up outside the city, and a large number of Tubo prisoners rushed in and out, helping to set up the camp while burying the dead bodies.

The Duqu Tribe with more than [-] people is considered an influential tribe in the vicinity. It guarded Weizhou City, facing a group of exhausted soldiers from the Tang Dynasty, and couldn't even hold it for half a day.

The Tubo soldiers who participated in the battle of defending the city recalled the skillful killing skills and tacit cooperation of the Dingyuan soldiers, and couldn't help but shudder.

For such a soldier, you have to die several times to train one, right?Usually, they have to eat and drink offerings, so that they have the strength to hone their martial arts, familiarize themselves with the military formation, and obey orders and prohibitions.

When this generation of veterans dies, I don't believe that your next generation will still be able to fight like this!

However, this has nothing to do with them. Even if they want to take revenge, it should be another tribe.

Du Qubu, it's basically finished!In this battle, more than 3000 people were beheaded, [-] people surrendered, and the leader Du Quyan's family set fire to himself. However, there were also rumors among the prisoners that the general of the Tang people would not surrender and insisted on his death so that their entire tribe could be swallowed up.

But so what is true, what is false, now everyone is a prisoner, just like the people of Tang Dynasty a hundred years ago, maybe they will be made slaves.Most of the tribes, old and young, who graze on the southwestern side of the river will also be captured. The whole tribe has more than 1 people.

On April [-]th, Yang Yue assembled the cavalry of Dingyuan Army and Xinquan Army, one man and two horses, and rushed eastward.

They escorted the captives of the Luma tribe as guides, and arrived in the Luomenchuan area on the afternoon of the [-]th, and found the old and weak left behind by the Luma tribe who were in a hurry.

The main force of the Luma tribe is still in the northern mountains, and those who stay in Luomenchuan are only [-] strong and strong, and there are more than [-] old and weak and tens of thousands of cattle and sheep.

Knowing that they couldn't run away, they drew out their weapons one by one with grief and indignation, got on their horses, and rushed up roaring.

The cavalry soldiers of the Dingyuan and Xinquan Second Armies looked calm.After the officer gave the order, they were divided into three parts, coordinated step by step, and rushed forward head-on.

The five hundred or so cavalry rushing to the front, armed with spears and horse lances, staggered past the enemy.With just this one blow, most of the Tibetans fell on horses, and their screams were drowned out by the thunderous hooves of the horses.

Before the hundreds of cavalry who broke through by chance had time to react, hundreds of cavaliers from the Dingnan Army with indifferent expressions, ferocious expressions, or sneers came oncoming.

Pieces of big knives slashed out lightning-like white light, and flesh and blood flew all over the place, and the outcome was immediately apparent.

The horse neighed and ran wildly, but there was no knight on its back.After a long time, the horse came back snorting again, looked at the owner lying on the ground silently, and stuck out his tongue to lick.

The master will not come back again, and the four hundred Tubo cavalrymen are all lying on the ground, ending their lives.

The east wind picked up suddenly, and the ribbons rattled, as if they were summoning the soul of the dead.

Yang Yuece immediately stepped forward and looked at the old and weak women and children of Tubo who were surrounded by a large group of knights and were crying.

For some reason, he remembered the incident of the Tubo cavalry entering Liangzhou City at night. The people of the Tang Dynasty were also panicked and helpless back then, right?
The reincarnation of the heavens has its own time when it rises and falls.

Now Tubo is in a state of weakness and is in a state of disunity.If they were given more than a hundred years, how would they know that there would not be a new Zanpu born in the Tubo tribes in the twenty prefectures of Helong?
Can't give them a chance!
"Take all the people and animals back, and withdraw the troops." Yang Yue ordered.

"Obey!" Soon someone went down to obey.

Yang Yue boarded a high slope and looked east.

There are continuous mountains everywhere, and the flat Weishui River valley is inlaid in the middle.

The wind moves the forest, and the waves burst out.

To the east is Fuqiang County in Qinzhou.Zhu Mei is the envoy of Fengxiang Longyou Jiedu, but he only received two Longyou prefectures.How would he feel after learning that Weizhou was captured by the Marshal?

On the way back to the teacher, Yang Yue dropped by Longxi County.

In fact, he did not contribute, and the Dingnan Army did not use their swords either.The Han slave tribe in Longxi County tricked the Tubo people over, killed them all, and surrendered the city.

Yang Yue comforted them with warm words, and asked them to send envoys to Zhang County in the south to instigate the local Han slaves to rebel and kill Tubo and return to the country.

Among the Tubo tribes in Weizhou, Qubu was bitten by the Yinshan Tubo tribe and fled westward.The Duqu tribe was destroyed, and the Luma tribe suffered heavy losses, so the situation changed.

At this time, even the real Tubo people want to surrender, let alone the slaves who have always been squeezed?
It was already April 26 when we returned to Weizhou with the captives, cattle and sheep.Wang Yulai reported that they captured the old and weak Duqu tribe in the southwest foothills, and seized more than [-] cattle and sheep.

So far, of the four counties in Weizhou, two counties have been destroyed, nearly [-] Tubo soldiers have been killed, more than [-] people have been captured, and more than [-] cattle and sheep have been captured.

No matter how much he disagreed with Yang Yue, Wang Yu had to admit that the old man's combat exploits were indeed dazzling.

First, on the side of the Zuli River, use the Huizhou Fan tribe and Tutuan villagers to attract the main force of the Luma tribe.Then go back to Shiguan Chuanhe, advance all the way quickly, take advantage of the time difference, and bravely break through Weizhou City.That's not enough, and then they rushed to Luomenchuan without stopping, captured a large number of Tubo old and weak, cattle and sheep, and recovered Longxi County along the way.If the slave tribe of the Han people in Zhang County also killed officials anyway, one state and three counties would be recovered.

This style of using troops is very different from the general who has always been calm and stable, but it has achieved amazing results.

The commander is still young, Wang Yu thought about it in private, and felt that he fought like an old man with a conservative style, and he didn't know who he learned from, could it be Zhuge Shuang?Yang Yue is nearly half a century old, but he fights like a teenager, with an aggressive style, which is really strange.

How the Marshal will deal with Yang Yue must be a headache, right?
When Yang Yue returned to Weizhou City, the Tuoba Department had already rushed over with a large amount of food, grass and equipment.

There are 2 people in this tribe, and they can pull out five or six thousand men, and all of them have developed weapons. It should be said that they can also fight wars.Yang Yue hesitated for a long time, considered again and again, and finally let Tuoba's department go, and only let him continue to transfer supplies with the army.

The current Weizhou has replaced Dingxi Village and has become the logistics center of the armies on the Southeast Road.At present, various materials are being collected one after another, but Yang Yue doesn't intend to wait any longer.

He ordered the sergeants to replace the damaged equipment and let the people who accompanied the military craftsman battalion repair it slowly, and then took out new weapons from the inventory, and prepared to lead the troops westward to attack the Weiyuan area.

In fact, whether an army can march and fight continuously depends on multiple factors.

Drinking water, equipment, and physical strength accounted for the main reasons. It's okay to eat and drink, but equipment is really troublesome.In a battle, 1 people may have to shoot tens of thousands of arrows, which is quite a supplement.The armor on the body is damaged and needs to be repaired, the blade needs to be repaired, the spear is cut by the enemy and needs to be replaced, the bow string cannot be used and needs to be replaced, etc. In short, there are a lot of troubles that the military craftsman camp has no time to deal with.

This is still a continuous battle with solid logistics, which is actually not difficult.

If you break away from the logistics line and advance lightly, it will be even more difficult.Even in modern times, the Japanese Inaba Division (Sixth Division) invaded China. When they attacked Wuhan, they marched in the rain for several days. Stop and rectify.

This is true of modern armies brainwashed by Bushido, and it is even more difficult for ancient armies.

The Dingnan army advanced lightly in the bad weather for six consecutive days, and even stormed Weizhou City, already showing the appearance of a strong army.However, the warriors in the late Tang Dynasty had certain "human rights", and they would kill generals and rebel if they were not satisfied, which was in stark contrast to the soldiers who were almost slaves in some dynasties.

In short, you can't drive the soldiers of the late Tang and Five Dynasties like livestock, they may really kill you.

So Wang Yu was shocked by Yang Yue's constant "testing" of the bottom line of the Dingnan soldiers.Fortunately, the soldiers endured.After resting for a while, the equipment has been replenished, and it is the right time to send troops to attack Weiyuan and Niaoshu Mountain.

But Wang Yu was going to stay and defend the city, which made him extremely annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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