Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 264 Chang'an and Luoyang

Chapter 264 Chang'an and Luoyang


"Kill them!"

"You are so courageous, do you want to kill the king?"

In front of the Daming Palace, two groups of people are confronting each other.Both sides took out their weapons, as if they were about to strike if they disagreed.

Ximen Wentong put on two layers of iron armor, and a long suit over it, holding a step bow and looking high-spirited.

The adoptive father sent him a lot of troops, and there are now three thousand people in Pengridu, equipped with excellent equipment and majestic.

To be honest, as far as their well-armed level is concerned, they may far surpass the Difficult Army outside the city.

It's just - it seems that it is not as good as other people's ability to fight!

The Son of Heaven has always been kind to the Shence Army.The richness of the reward is enough to make the Yamen in all towns jealous.Even though the tributes from the various states were intermittent and the imperial court's financial resources were quite insufficient, they still tried their best to support the Shence Army, which had grown to more than [-] people.

Shence Army is really different from a few years ago.

When the saint first returned to Chang'an, there were a total of 4000 people, all of whom were recruited in Shu.Later, when the governors, commanders-in-chief, and supervisors took office, they sent Shence soldiers to escort them, ranging from three hundred to five hundred, and as many as two thousand. They sent out more than 2 people and spread them to various towns across the country.

More than two years ago, the troops of Binning and Dingnan towns entered Chang'an, and took away 5000 of the most elite of them, that is, the soldiers and horses recruited by Yang Fuguang on the territory of the Zhongwu Army.

With fewer people, it is natural to re-program.But the most pitiful thing is that the imperial court still recruits people from Chang'an City to join the army. These people receive rewards very diligently, but they are slippery and lack courage, and they don't want to fight at all.Giving them the best equipment is useless!

Ximen Sigong and Yang Fugong fought back and forth, but they were surprisingly unified in this matter. They both believed that people from Chang'an City and even people from the surrounding Ji County could not be used.Those who have already been recruited are fine, and these crooked melons and dates must not be used in the future.

Ever since, the imperial court sent generals of the Shence Army to go to various towns to recruit soldiers.There are Ziqing, Tianping, Taining, Wuning, Hedong, Xuanwu, Yiwu, Yicheng and other towns, and 2 people have been recruited back and forth.

Even in the territory of the Dingnan Army, people came to recruit troops.The army supervisor Qiu Weidao also mentioned this matter to Shao Shude, and finally asked them to recruit thousands of people from the party departments in Hexi, Hengshan, and Pingxia.

The entire recruitment process was completed by the end of last year, and training began last month.

But how should I put it, there are more than [-] people, more than [-]% are oily veterans, and more than [-]% are idlers from Chang'an and Ji County, and they are stationed inside and outside Chang'an City.

The thousand people under Ximen Wentong's command were originally Hebei soldiers from Yiwu Town, and the newly added 2000 people include various party members and Xuzhou soldiers from the Wuning Army.He is still very thoughtful, trains strictly, and will not tolerate people who steal, rape and play tricks, so the combat effectiveness of Pengridu is among the best in the Forbidden Army.

Facing thousands of soldiers from Yushan Capital and Tianwei Capital at this time, Ximen Wentong was full of confidence. As long as these idlers dared to attack, they would be beaten to pieces today.

"Whoosh!" I don't know if it was because of nervousness or what, a feathered arrow shot out, brushed Ximen Wentong's arm, and sank into the chest of a sergeant.

"The thief is on the move!"

"Someone wants to kill the king!"

"Hack them!"

The sergeants of the Sun Capital clamored loudly, and shot towards the opposite side with their bows and arrows.

Ximen Wentong hid behind two large shields under the guard of his own soldiers.

He was a little annoyed, firstly because the other side dared to launch a sneak attack, and secondly because——I haven't given the order yet, why did the soldiers fight back one after another?What kind of discipline is this? !

Arrows flew around outside the Daming Palace, and knives and guns stabbed each other.In the palace city, several middle officials led a large group of soldiers and rushed to the saint who was watching the cockfight.

The saint was startled, subconsciously stood up and retreated.At this moment, he couldn't help but think of several ancestors who died strangely in history.

"Help the saint!" Zhongguan Han Quanhui roared.

Several burly sergeants stepped forward, holding the emperor's arms tightly with their big hands like iron tongs.The faces of the concubines and royal relatives who were pulled over to watch the cockfight were pale, almost thinking that there was another bloody coup d'état.

"Take them all to Zhaoyang Hall." Han Quanhui led the way first, and pushed the saint into a carriage. Concubines and kings staggered behind, surrounded by sergeants, and headed for Zhaoyang Hall.

The fighting outside the Daming Palace became more and more fierce, both sides fought real fire, people fell down constantly, and reinforcements kept coming.

The carriage galloped on the stone road, Han Quanhui and the saint sat in the carriage, their expressions were dignified, and they didn't say a word.

The emperor's face was pale, and his forehead was sweating profusely. He wanted to ask questions several times, but was interrupted by Han Quanhui.

The concubines and the kings were exhausted and couldn't keep up with the speed of the carriage. The officers and sergeants swung their whips and beat them head-to-head, urging them to keep up.

Zhaoyang Hall will arrive soon.Thousands of soldiers had already gathered outside, and when they saw the saint driving over, they made a way out of the way.

The carriage galloped in.After arriving at the place, Han Quanhui helped the saint down and locked him in a palace.

When the sage got out of the car, his legs were shaking, he was sweating profusely, and he almost collapsed.

Soon, the concubine was also sent over and locked up with the saint.

Han Quanhui ordered the door to be locked, and all the doors and windows were sealed with wooden strips. He assigned dozens of powerful Zhongguan Zhongkong and Wu armed guards to guard them, and then left in a hurry.

In Weinan Daying, Shao Shude was receiving two prime ministers: Wei Zhaodu and Zhang Jun.

They are the representatives of court officials and even the prime minister, but they are not at odds in private.But at the critical juncture when the Dingnan army was about to knock down the gate, they had to put aside their previous suspicions and work together in the same boat, hoping to persuade Shao Shude with his three-inch tongue.

"Shao Shuai received kindness from the court, asked for it to be used, and broke the yellow nest. He made great contributions, and people called him it at the time." Sitting beside Shao Shude, Wei Zhaodu persuaded him earnestly: "Today, let the soldiers knock on the que, destroy their own fame, and make the world a hero. What's the point of being sad?"

"What Wei Xiang said..." Shao Shude smiled and said, "Zhuge's servant is also my teacher. In the past when the nest entered Guanzhong, there was a hustle and bustle, and the servant led Xia Sui's elite soldiers to fight against the bandits. After several years of fierce fighting, the sage was able to return to Beijing. Now that there is no bad day, Yang Fugong, Yang Shouzhong and his son plotted a murderous plot to separate the monarch and his ministers. These treacherous cronies, frivolously playing with the state code, and putting the sage in an unrighteous situation are definitely not ZTE's technique also."

Wei Zhaodu was silent.

"Mr. Shao is guarding the vassal for the Son of Heaven. He has not yet obtained the edict from the king and his ministers. He has summoned the soldiers and horses of the three towns to intimidate the capital, causing the royal family to be restless. He almost wants to spread it. It is definitely not the way of a man and a minister." Zhang Jun said suddenly: " It's better to retreat for the time being, and if you have something to ask, the sage Jiayue will definitely agree."

"I want Yang's family to be punished, and the emperor agrees?" Shao Shude asked.

Zhang Jun was speechless when he heard the words, and didn't know how to answer.

They didn't have the ability to kill Yang Fugong, although they wanted to do it long ago.The Dingnan army knocked on the que, and some court officials secretly rejoiced, thinking that they could bring down the Yang family who was going too far.But as prime ministers, Wei Zhaodu and Zhang Jun did not dare to take risks.It's best to persuade people to go back. The Dingnan Army didn't rob Chang'an last time. What about this time?They didn't dare to think that Shao Shude would be able to restrain the troops and not plunder the capital, as some court officials said.

But after talking for a while just now, both of them understood in their hearts that things would definitely not get better.The attitude of Lingwu County King is very firm, that is, he wants to kill Yang Fugong and his henchmen to stand up for Zhuge Shuang.Considering that Yang Fugong holds the military power, if he refuses to be captured, foreign soldiers will have to enter the city, and things will be out of control at that time.

"The king of Lingwu County really wants to do this?"

"Since the troops have been dispatched, it is hard to stop."

"So, let's take my leave." Wei Zhaodu and Zhang Jun cupped their hands, sighed, and returned to Chang'an with their entourage.

Seeing them go away, Shao Shude smiled.Of course, Yang Fugong didn't have to be killed.But this guy is still timid, can't make up his mind, can't give up his prestige and face, and refuses to come up with substantive terms of exchange.

Otherwise, for the sake of brother Yi, maybe he would be let go.

Forget it, sending troops this time is already too arrogant, it's better to keep a low profile.

Yang Fugong was frightened out of his wits by the army approaching Chang'an, and he probably won't survive for a few days.Let him learn a lesson and be convinced, so that he can quickly end the mess here and rush to Shannan West Road to take care of the mess.

Furthermore, the affairs of the Henan Mansion are more important, so we should not be distracted by the affairs of Chang'an.

"Marshal, there is a military report from the Henan government." After Wei and Zhang left, Zhao Guangfeng walked into the big tent and reported the report.

Shao Shude took the military newspaper and read it carefully.

After being supported by Li Keyong's seven thousand cavalry, Li Hanzhi stormed Zhang Quanyi.Zhang couldn't resist, and Luoyang was in danger.So, in a cruel heart, he sent his wife and children to Bianzhou as hostages, and asked Zhu Quanzhong for help.

Zhu Quanzhong was overjoyed, and immediately rectified his troops, preparing to go to Henan Mansion and Heyang Town to intervene in this sudden war.

He did seize a favorable moment.Li Ke used some of his troops to station in the north to guard against the Datong army and Hebei feudal towns, while the main force was in the Xingzhou area.At this time, the soldiers entered Heyang, threatening Ze and Lu, which might cut off the retreat of Li Keyong's army.

He didn't expect this at all, let alone this opportunity. It was Li Ke who forced Zhang Quanyi to turn against him with his own showmanship, and then this golden opportunity appeared. It can make Li Keyong fall into a big somersault, which is very cool.

"Superior Zhao, where is Zhongyong now?" Shao Shude asked.

"I have crossed Luoshui and entered the territory of Tongzhou to collect food and grass. Hao Zhenwei, the governor of Tongzhou, stayed behind closed doors, and the military envoy of Wei Mu could only call the gentry to send donations." Zhao Guangfeng replied.

"Where are the Iron Cavalry and Leopard Cavalry?"

"Just arrived in Zhaoying County."

Zhaoying County is two miles northwest of Lishan Mountain, sixty miles away from Chang'an, and two hundred miles away from Huayin County.

"Marshal, do you want to order them to speed up their march?" Zhao Guangfeng asked.

"No need." Shao Shude vetoed his proposal, saying: "Continue to act according to the original plan. We still have to wait for a response from Shanguo and Hezhong. Besides, Zhu Quanzhong previously stationed troops on the Weibo border, and the defeated Le Congxun Collusion, intending to gain benefits. At this time, returning to the division to fight in Heyang, I am afraid it will not be so fast. Let's act according to the established plan."

"As ordered."

(End of this chapter)

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