Chapter 272 The Road
"From Fengxiang Mansion to Xingyuan Mansion, there are several roads. One is Baoxie Road, also known as Xiegu Road. Fan Sui built the plank road during King Qin Zhao's time. Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty burned it down, and it was rebuilt during Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Guangwu conquered Shu, and then From then on, the road entered. At the end of the later Han Dynasty, Zhang Lu ruled Hanzhong, and destroyed this road, and it was repaired soon. Cao Cao and Liu Bei took this road when they fought for Hanzhong. In the second year of Jingzong Baoli (826) of the Guo Dynasty, the road was rebuilt, and Dazhong In the fourth year (850), Feng Ao was restored and a post house was set up."

"One is the Sanguan Road, which exits from Dasan Pass and passes through Xingzhou and Fengzhou to Xingyuan Mansion. It was rebuilt in four years (839) and a post house was set up."

"One is Luo Gu Road..."

"One is the Northern Wei Hui Lane..."

"One day, Ziwu Valley Road..."

In the camp of Qifangting, Zhao Guangfeng was explaining to Shao Shude the various routes to Hanzhong.

I have to say that the map files provided by Mr. Xiao were really helpful and full of details.For example, the year, who presided over the construction, how long it took, how many post houses were installed, and which sections of the road were unstable are all clearly written.

This is the benefit of relying on the capital.There may be some in Jinyang, the northern capital, but it will definitely not be complete.As for the eastern capital Luoyang, it was destroyed by war long ago, and there is nothing left.

"Which way is the country based on?" Shao Shude asked.

"Breakthrough road."

"I also think it's this way. Although the road is long, it's easy to walk. The Son of Heaven is lucky to walk this way, right?"


In fact, during the reign of Emperor Guangqi, the emperor ran away for the second time, and he originally wanted to go this way.But before he had time to escape, he was welcomed back to Chang'an.This road passes through Xingzhou and Fengzhou, with a total length of [-] li, and the road condition is the best.

By the way, Yang Fugong has already gone to Yangzhou.Because the imperial court announced that it was against the party, Xingzhou and Fengzhou were wavering. Among them, Xingzhou returned to the imperial court anyway, but the governor of Fengzhou was attacked and killed by Yang Shouzhong's troops, and he is still in his hands.

Of course Shao Shude also received this information, but to be honest, he didn't really care.Xingzhou and Fengzhou are sparsely populated and the mountains are rugged. From an economic point of view, they are of little value.What is valued by people is still its geographical location.

In the Qin Dynasty, it was occupied by the king of Shu.After losing it, Qin destroyed Shu.

At the end of Qin Dynasty, it was controlled by Liu Bang, and it was also the main channel for him to send troops to Guanzhong.

When it came to the Three Kingdoms, it was the area where the Shu Han and Cao Wei fought repeatedly.

In history, after Wang Jian entered Shu, he fought repeatedly with Li Maozhen here.During the Five Dynasties, Shu sent troops to capture Xingzhou and Fengzhou, which shows its importance.

The financial burden of stationing troops here is not small.Because the local money and food cannot supply the consumption of the garrison at all, they have to be transported from the rear.But you have to build cities and garrison troops, otherwise you will be beaten directly to your door.

Yang Shouzhong is only in the land of two prefectures and eight counties, with a total of about [-] people, and most of them are still concentrated in Yangzhou. How many soldiers can he support?

"Let Zhenwu Army Zhang Jun envoy come over." Shao Shude said suddenly.

The Zhenwu Army was stationed outside Tianxing County, so they arrived soon.

"Mr. Zhang, when you were governor of Yangzhou, did you go to Xingzhou and Fengzhou?" Shao Shude asked.

Zhao Guangfeng glanced at Zhang Yanqiu.Before sending troops, he and Zhang Yanqiu carefully studied everything in Yangzhou. When he learned that Zhang was the governor, Yangzhou had two thousand state soldiers.After the establishment of the Wuding Army, some town soldiers should have been added, but this is beyond Zhang Yanqiu's knowledge.

However, with a population of 5 in Yangzhou, it is impossible to support two thousand town soldiers (Yajun) and two thousand state soldiers. Fengzhou is very poor and can support hundreds of soldiers.Yang Shouzhong's strength is less than 5000 people, even if there is danger in the mountains and rivers, how can he resist tens of thousands of elite soldiers?

There are many roads to enter Hanzhong, and each road has its own branch, which is guarded by troops one by one, and spread out evenly, but there will be no one.

"Commander, I went to Fengzhou when I was hunting." Zhang Yanqiu replied.

"A certain wanting relative led an army to escape through the pass, what do you think?" Shao Shude asked looking at the dangerous locations and fortresses marked on the map.

"How many ways does the commander want to divide his troops?"

How could an army of [-] to [-] go all the way?The logistical pressure is too great, so the division of troops is inevitable.

"Divide the troops into four groups." Shao Shude said: "In fact, troops have already been dispatched along the way. Six thousand infantry from the left wing of the Yi Cong Army have occupied Ziwu Pass and entered Ziwu Valley. A certain person wants to lead the Tielin Army, Tianzhu Army, and Yi Cong Army to the right wing three Thousands of infantry and the Baosai army are going to Sanguan Road. The Baoxie Road is several hundred miles closer to the Sanguan Road, and Yang Shouzhong will deploy heavy troops. This way, a certain plan to send you to lead the army, how about it?"

Zhao Guangfeng listened silently.

The marshal still attaches great importance to Zhang Yanqiu, and entrusted him with important tasks as soon as he came, just like Yang Yue back then.I just don't know if Zhang Yanqiu has Yang Yue's abilities.At the beginning in Hedong, he was the coach of the capital, that is, after the death of Zhang Kai, Guo Yu, and Kang Chuangui, it was his turn to take charge of the military power in Hedong, but it didn't last long.As soon as Zheng Congxuan left, he followed suit, and it took only three or four years.

"The commander-in-chief has a lot of trust, and the general will be grateful in the end, and will definitely live up to his trust."

"Very good." Shao Shude smiled and said, "You should lead more troops on this journey. The Zhenwu Army has 6000 soldiers, the Baoda Army has [-] soldiers, the Binning Army has [-] soldiers, the Jingyuan Army has [-] soldiers, and the Hexi Dangxiang Army has [-] soldiers. You are in charge. There are branches in the Baoxie Road, how to use your troops is up to you.”

"Thank you, Marshal, for your trust."

Luogu Road in the east, of course, led by Zhu Mei.In addition to the 5000 men of the Shence Army who guarded the food and grass with the Yinshan Fans and the logistics lines of the various armies, the Ximen Wentong and Mancun armies with [-] people were also under Zhu Mei's command.

The four-way army marched south, and Yang Shouzhong's thousands of people couldn't hold it!
"Call Li Tangbin and Fu Cunshen here too." Shao Shude asked people to hang up the map, and said while looking at it carefully.

Li Renfu, the tenth general of the personal army, took the order and left.Zhao Guangfeng was really a little confused, Li Tangbin was the envoy of Tianzhu Army, so it was fine to call him here, and Fu Cunshen, a ten general, could come to such an occasion?This is not the time to point generals.

The commander-in-chief seems to have circled a few people in his heart, and then inspected them one by one to see if they have the potential to be cultivated.After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Guangfeng understood the reason.

In the Difficult Army, Yang Yue has already proved that he can be the commander of the army along the way, but Lu Huaizhong has not yet fully proved it, but he is the old man Yuan Cong of the commander, and he is deeply trusted, and he should be a general in the future.

For the rest of the generals, Zhe Siyu is the general of the cavalry army, which is a bit special, so let's ignore it.Zhang Yanqiu, Li Tangbin, Fu Cunshen, Wu Zang Jieming, and Ye Li Yulue should be the second batch of candidates that the commander-in-chief will focus on.

Especially Zhang Yanqiu, who has been in charge of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in Hedong for nearly four years, and has also fought against Li Keyong. The commander has high expectations for him.

In addition, Liang Hanyong is still in the Zhenwu Army!When he first came, he was awarded the team vice-president for his bravery, and he made military exploits during the western expedition to Lanzhou, so he was awarded the team commander.This time, as long as you make a little contribution to conquer Wu Dingjun this time, it will not be a problem to be promoted to a lieutenant general - there is a real shortage in the army, which may be difficult for others, but it is not difficult for Liang Hanyong.

There are some secrets that cannot be hidden!The fact that the marshal chose Liang Hanyong to be his son-in-law has already spread in a small circle in the army.And Zhang Yanqiu has a very close relationship with the Liang family, and has an old friend with the handsome man, and the Liang family is the son-in-law of the handsome man, this relationship is simple!

After Li and Fu arrived, Shao Shude told them about the strategic concept and asked them for their opinions.

"Commander, as Zhang Jun said, Yang Shouzhong only has [-] soldiers. Even if he temporarily recruits strong men, there will not be too many, and he will not be able to fight. Our four armies have an absolute advantage in any route, and there is no need to divide the main force. If you are on the wrong side of the division, kill the general with one brain, and you will definitely defeat his army." Li Tangbin is thinking of a brave general, but it is also the truth.

"Marshal, Wu Ding's army has thousands of soldiers. They must be stretched to guard everywhere. If the road is heavy, the other three defenders will be dispatched to help. This is to demolish the east wall to make up for the west wall. The general thought that the Bao ramp is the closest, if the offensive If it is fierce, the other three routes will not have any decent troops to defend the fortress. It is Yang Shouzhong who is not wise, and it is hard for a clever woman to cook without rice." After Li Tangbin finished speaking, Fu Cunshen replied.

The answer is quite satisfactory, but there is nothing much to say about Wu Dingjun. The situation is clear at a glance, and it depends on their next performance.

Afterwards, everyone discussed the details of the battle in the mountains, and they did not disperse until evening.

"Marshal, Fengxiang and Zhu Mei are asking to see you." Li Renfu came to report suddenly.

"Let him in." Shao Shude straightened his uniform and said.

"Meet the recruitment envoy." Zhu Mei said as soon as she entered.

"Why is Shuai Zhu so indifferent?" Shao Shude supported Zhu Mei, and said with a smile: "The battle against Zhu Quanzhong during the Zhonghe period, and the first attack on Li Changfu by Guangqi, I and Shuai Zhu fought side by side. If the relationship is like this, it's not good Xing is so strange, Zhu Shuai also invites to sit up."

"Shao Shuai, I came here this time to ask for an errand." Zhu Mei said after sitting down.

"Oh? What kind of job does Shuai Zhu want?" Shao Shude asked calmly.

"The forty prefectures in central Shu are now mostly occupied by Tian and Yang Yunei, and the tributes are intermittent. I am the commander of the Tang Dynasty, and I have been favored by the country. After thinking about it, I want to take the initiative to ask Ying to make peace for the court. Fan." Zhu Mei said.

"Zhu Shuai wants to restore Zhongzhou County in Sichuan for the imperial court, so he can present himself to the imperial court, and he will be happy and happy, so he is happy to agree."

"Shao Shuai has to go to the watch together."

Shao Shude pondered.

Zhu Mei's move was actually a tactful expression of his willingness to move to the town.Asking Shao Shude to go to the table together is actually asking him to recommend someone to replace Feng Xiang as commander in chief, and Zhu Mei will naturally recommend him in the memorial.As long as the court is not stupid, it will not make trouble at this juncture.

"Zhu Shuai wants to be loyal to the country, how can he not do it?" Shao Shude suddenly smiled and said: "Dongchuan Jiedu envoy Gao Renhou, the court ordered him to challenge Chen Jingxuan, but he has failed for several years, which shows that his ability is limited. No way, the emperor will Call him into court."

"What Shao Shuai said is very true." Zhu Mei said: "It's just that Fengxiang is an important town in the west of Beijing, and it must be guarded by good generals. I wonder who Shao Shuai thinks can take on this important task?"

"What does Zhu Shuai think of the Binning Jiedu envoy breaking the Zongben?"

"The old general Zhe is strict in running the army, and he is dedicated to the country, so I respect him." Zhu Mei said in awe: "There is Commander Zhe Zhenfengxiang, and there is no worry in the west of Beijing."

"Such a great kindness! After marching into the Shannan West Road, Zhu Shuai can make some preparations in advance. Some guesses, the imperial court will also send the Shence Army to Shu, and with Zhu Shuai's Fengxiang elite soldiers, Shu will definitely return to the imperial court." .”

(End of this chapter)

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