Chapter 293 Calm
The north wind was blowing, and the snow was flying heavily. The white city walls were soon covered with a thick layer of snow.

In the Wuwei army camp in the southeast of the city, military envoy Lu Huaizhong was reading an official letter.

He was not very literate, most of which he had learned over the years, and he struggled to read, but with the help of his staff, he still figured out the meaning of the official document.

"Master Zhou, this means that in the future, there will be only one shogunate in the four provinces of Guanbei? The commander-in-chief is not the governor of the Dingnan army, but the governor of Shuofang?" Lu Huaizhong asked.

He wore a fine suit of armor, polished almost spotlessly.I don't know how I can stand wearing iron armor in the winter, just sitting there upright with a serious face.

He wasn't like this before.When he was still a little Huochang, he was rude, heroic and aggressive, no matter how you looked at it, he was a dog butcher, not a general at all.

But people are changed by the environment.

From the time of Tielindu, Lu Huaizhong was "forced" to participate in various seminars. After a long time, he learned a lot.Later, Shao Shude kept persuading him to study, but Lu Huaizhong couldn't help it, so he asked his army staff to read and lecture on history for him.Don't tell me, it's quite interesting after reading it.

Lu Huaizhong was addicted to "the joy of learning" in this way, knowledge gradually accumulated, and his horizons gradually broadened.Until the crusade against Lingzhou, with a lot of accumulation, he saw through the entire battlefield situation by accident, attacked decisively, and won the final victory.

That big victory gave him a lot of confidence.It's a pity that after staying in Lingxia for a longer and longer time, even if he went out to the expedition, he would act with the large army, and there was no chance of leading the army alone.

This year when he was marching on the South West Road in Shanshan, he stayed behind in Xiazhou again, and he was melancholy for a long time.Feeling troubled, he had no choice but to devote his energy to running the army, various drills, various inspections, and various competitions.Be strict with others, and be strict with yourself, until the commander-in-chief surrendered his military power.

However, he soon gained military power again, that is, he led the Wuwei Army with [-] cavalry to station at Bailao Pass and Yangping Pass in Xingyuan Mansion.Wang Yu, the envoy of the Dingyuan Army, led [-] cavalry and stationed at Guzhen and Xingchengguan.

Both armies set off after the new year and went to guard Shannan West Road for at least two years.

Lu Huaizhong was appointed as the envoy of Xingfengliang Township to suppress soldiers and horses, and guard the Shannan West Road and even the Longjian Ten Prefectures for Commander Shao. While collecting goods and goods, he paid close attention to the situation in Central Shu.Once there is a change, report it quickly.

Strictly speaking, this can be regarded as the coach of the army, right?It's just that it always feels almost meaningless.Because this is a garrison of soldiers and horses, not a field army when attacking the enemy.

"Military envoys, the imperial court issued an edict to dismiss the old four towns of Dingnan Army, Zhenwu Army, Tiande Army, and Shuofang, and set up Shuofang Town in the land of ten prefectures in Guanbei. The king of Lingwu County served as Shuofang Jiedushi, and observed in the management Disposal and other envoys, envoys for the release of feudal vassals, envoys for camping fields, envoys for supervising pastors, governors of Zhenbei, governors of Lingzhou, governors of Lingzhou, governors of Lingzhou, and envoys of Hexi Observation. Now Guanbei Xia Suiyin You Lingyan Hui Feng Shenglin Shi There is indeed only one shogunate in the 35 counties of the prefecture." Master Zhou replied respectfully.

"It's not bad to deal with it like this." Lu Huaizhong was silent for a while, and then said: "The four divisions in the north of the Guanbei, the commander-in-chief alone has the final say, so it's unreasonable to divide them into four divisions, just from the perspective of defending against the enemy. "

"Military envoy, do you want to send someone to congratulate you?" Master Zhou reminded.

Generally speaking, one or two of the armies around Xiazhou are on alert. The generals at all levels are in the battalion, and the sergeants are not allowed to leave. The rations and equipment reserves are sufficient, enough to fight several large-scale battles.Now the Wuwei Army is in such a state, so Lu Huaizhong, as a military envoy, cannot leave the camp, so he can only send an envoy to Xiazhou to congratulate him.

"Send envoys to congratulate, as soon as possible." Although Lu Huaizhong likes to fight and kill, it doesn't mean he has no EQ. At such a critical moment, he must show his loyalty.

Master Zhou secretly heaved a sigh of relief.In his opinion, the commander-in-chief has great trust in Lu Junshi.When he was away on an expedition, he was entrusted with the task of staying in Xiazhou. Isn't this trust?
Moreover, looking at the words and deeds of the military envoys on weekdays, there is a lot of praise for the commander-in-chief's actions, and the commander-in-chief of other feudal towns is worthless.If you are already loyal, then you have to show it and let the commander know that you are loyal from the beginning to the end, and you will naturally be able to enjoy the wealth in the future.

Coincidentally, more than ten generals and officers from the Iron Cavalry Army, Tielin Army, Dingyuan Army, and Yi Cong Army stationed inside and outside Xiazhou City also congratulated at the same time.In a few days, the envoys of the Feng'an Army, Tiande Army, and Jinglue Army from Longyou in Yuanzhen will probably arrive.After them, there are the chiefs of the tribes and the commanders of the neighboring towns. Whoever does not express at this time will be suspected of having a different intention. Naturally, there is no need to say more about what will happen in the future.

This was—actually, an obedience test.

The congratulatory forms of the military chiefs, shogunate and prefectural and county officials quickly flew to the mansion like snowflakes.

Shao Shude was explaining the use of the walking bow to his sons. After hearing this, he smiled and said, "As expected. In the land of ten states, who dares to stab me?"

Zhe Fangai adjusted Shao Shude's robe with a smile, and said: "Knowing the majesty of Mr. Shao, the name of Shao Papi has spread to the mansion."

"I'm only good at peeling clothes, not skins. My wife should know that someone is good at this."

Zhe Fangai blushed again with anger, said: "The children are all here, you are talking nonsense."

"Hmm..." Shao Shude withdrew his smile, looked at the two children Chengjie and Siwu, saw that their interest was still on the bow, and said softly: "Mistress, don't be impatient, after I finish telling the children about bows and knives In the evening, I will personally demonstrate spear skills to the lady."

Zhefang Ai blushed and retreated.

"Grandpa, can a bow shoot deer?" Si Wu, who was already five years old, kept stroking the hard bowstring and asked.

"Of course." Shao Shude picked it up, put it on his lap, and said with a smile: "Swords, guns, bows and cards are the most useful things in the world. If you learn it, others will not be able to grab your things. My son is willing to learn ?”

"I would like to learn. Yeli Kecheng has a very small bow and has ridden a horse before, so I want to learn it too." Siwu said.

"Grandpa..." Cheng Jie was one year younger, and he kept his hand towards the bow, not so slippery.

Shao Shude hugged him on his lap as well, and said with a smile: "Why is Zhong'er in a hurry? You can also play after the elder brother finishes playing. One day when Grandpa is gone, you brothers will need to support each other in this family business, understand?"

Cheng Jie nodded ignorantly.

In his family, the relationship between brothers had to be constantly corrected and cultivated since childhood.It is normal for children to compete for toys, food, clothing, and even playmates.But Shao Shude will observe closely and always inculcate the idea of ​​brotherly love and mutual support.

Although after adulthood, due to the influence of the external environment and the real conflict of interests, the relationship between brothers may deteriorate.But it's better to have the friendship and affection from childhood as a foundation than nothing.

Nor does he intend to treat the two sons differently.What should be taught, both of them will teach, and they will not favor one over the other.This world is cruel, if something unexpected happens to me, if something happens to the eldest son, and there is no other suitable son to take the top position, the eldest son will have to take the position quickly.

This is to fight the world, but you don't like to guard against this and that.If the son can't do it, the family business will be cheaper for others.

Concubine Ji gave birth to two more children in the mansion last month, one son and one daughter: Wei Cai gave birth to a daughter in Mei, and in the middle of last month, Feng Xuan gave birth to a son at the end of the month, making her younger sister Xiao Feng extremely envious .

The son of Dafeng was named Mianren, and the daughter of Weicai was named Ze, because her mother came from Jinze.Foya also had a name. Shao Shude was practicing archery at that time, so he named it Yu.

Three sons and five daughters, and the eldest daughter, Yuan Yue, is about to get married formally. Marshal Shao feels that life is quite satisfactory.

Most of the twelfth lunar month passed quickly, and the town was calm and peaceful.

The generals of the Yamen went to the Housi of Duyu as usual, and the assistants continued to work in the Yamen.Except for some ignorant scholars from other places who drank a few ounces of cat piss and talked in public, thinking that the court may have made a bad start, and that every town in the world may follow suit, most people are busy with their own lives.

There is no food without farming, no food without grazing, and no food without business.The King of Lingwu County at least gave everyone a stable life, why do you care so much?Are you tired?Whispering again, I will send you to Shuzhong, which is the most loyal to the Tang Dynasty, will you go?

After seeing that everything was going on as usual, Shao Shude took advantage of the time before the year before and went to the Jiedu Shiya to sit on duty for a few days and began to solve the financial problem that he had always wanted to do but was powerless.

As the saying goes, without agriculture, there is no stability, and without business, there is no wealth.The ability to produce enough food for all to consume, with a considerable surplus, is the basis for the development of commerce and industry.

For so many years, the food problem in the ten prefectures of Shuofang has always existed.The whole may be enough to eat, but it is also a fact that the output is not abundant. At the same time, the distribution mechanism is also heavily inclined to the army, which has caused various problems.However, after the three-crop crop rotation system in Lingzhou has made a good start, if nothing else happens, the food problem will be greatly improved in the next three years.

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste.As for commercial issues, it is time to warm up and implement them.

(End of this chapter)

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