Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 298 The actor is in place

Chapter 298 The actor is in place
"Mr. Yang, since there is an order from the commander-in-chief, I will issue a call-up order." Outside the Huining Pass, the governor Han Jian said very straightforwardly.

"Okay, it doesn't take much, just transfer 5000 people to help transport food and grass." Yang Yue said with a straight face.

Above the lower reaches of the Yellow River, in fact, seldom freezes in winter.In the area of ​​Huizhou, even the ice is hard to see, and it does not hinder crossing the river, so Yang Yue plans to transport the personnel, equipment, food and grass to the vicinity of Xinquan Army City on the other side of the river as soon as possible.

Wuzhou - well, maybe it should be called Jiezhou - the battle has successfully ended.

The strength of Tubo in that place was already very weak.After the Anshi Rebellion, it was not even able to completely capture it. During the Dazhong period, the imperial power went in again and set up a new Wuzhou office in Gaolan Town.

The Xinquan army fought in the local area for several months. They beheaded more than [-] ranks and surrendered more than [-] people in Tubo.

After regaining Jiezhou, Xinquan Army returned to Huizhou.After resting for more than a month, he received an order from Xiazhou to go to Liangzhou!

Yang Yue obeyed this order, even secretly pleased.

He likes to fight this kind of battle to regain lost ground, even if there is no oil and water, he will fight, and he will never tire of it.

From the moment he was appointed as the Envoy of the Seven Cities of Liangzhou, he started preparations non-stop, hoarding food, grass, equipment, urging the Tibetans to come to meet up, etc., and he was surprisingly energetic.

Han Jian had already tasted the old man's exuberant energy.But he didn't dare to talk nonsense, Yang Yue regained the Wei, Min, and Tier prefectures, and had a great reputation in Longyou, how dare he dare to disobey others?
You can do things honestly, the commander-in-chief is sensible, and you should remember your own hard work.

After negotiating with Yang Yue, Han Jian hurried back to Zhoucheng, where there was still an old man who had to wait on him: the capital of the Tianzhu Army was waiting for Fu Cunju.

Fu Cunshen arrived in Huizhou with [-] infantry and [-] cavalry, where he gathered the immigrants and prisoners sent from Guanzhong.

There are more than 900 immigrant households, and a total of 500 prisoners. The sum of the two is more than [-]. Most of them are strong men and healthy women.

It is still beneficial for Shao Dashuai to knock on the que.At least the imperial court did not dare to delay the matter of recruiting people to reclaim wasteland and rivers and Wei.These more than [-] households were the first batch, and they were originally sent to Lanzhou, so they took the Huizhou route.

These more than 900 Guanzhong households have lived in Huizhou for some time.A few days later, a second batch of more than [-] households arrived, and the two batches were combined and sent to Guzang and Shenniao counties in Liangzhou for reclamation.

Han Jian is a person who can "manage the house".

During the stay, the people did not let them idle, but helped to repair the road from Huining County to Dingxi County.

Huizhou actually developed well under his rule.

By the end of the first year of Wende (888), there were about 3000 households, 50 people, and [-] hectares of land, and more than [-] hu of millet, wheat and miscellaneous grains had been harvested.Although most of the people are still in the third year of tax holidays, the two taxes paid by the whole state are very small (only [-] households pay taxes), but he still gets the approval of the commander-in-chief, and he is very happy in his heart.

Han Shijun now realizes more and more deeply that maybe joining the army in his early years was a mistake, and he is more interested in making a living such as farming and grazing.Now I am very familiar with the three counties of Huizhou. If I work hard for a few more years, although it will not restore the reputation of "Suzhou" in the past, it will be no problem to increase the grain production by a few percent.

"General Fu, the [-] bundles of hay must be collected by someone from your ministry."

"The master is gone. These strong men and women look pretty good, just let them help transfer supplies along the way."

"Someone from the Bai Family Department will send someone to tell them to send some shepherds over, so that these camels will not be left unattended."

"Of course there are guides. Tomorrow, Huining County will send a few to the army. Don't worry, all of them have been to Liangzhou. There are Tibetans and Han Chinese. They know the way."

"Arrows, bowstrings and other ordnance have to be collected from Huining Pass, and the military envoy Yamen has sent people there."

While handing over to Fu Cunshen skillfully, Han Jian looked at this person carefully.

Very patient, unruly, and seems to be good at running the army, the commander likes this kind of person.If there is enough loyalty and the record is justified, then flying to the top is not a dream.

Han Jian secretly wrote down Fu Cunshen's name, and planned to take him to a banquet at night.A promising general in the army naturally wants to make friends a lot.

Fu Cunshen patiently handed over to Han Jian.

He felt that it was not that simple to escort the immigrants to Liangzhou.Maybe, after sending people to the ground, the Tianzhu army will stay there to fight.

Yang Yue, the envoy of the Xinquan Army, has been appointed as the Envoy of the Seven Cities of Liangzhou, whose name sounds like it is to control Liangzhou City and stabilize order.But as long as the situation changes, he can become a recruiter of Hexi at any time, fully responsible for local military and political affairs.

Li Tangbin, the envoy of Tianzhu Army, and Feng Yin, the deputy envoy, probably took the remaining [-] infantry to escort food, grass, and equipment to Lingzhou.

The Xinquan Army has 3000 soldiers, the Tianzhu Army has 4000 soldiers, and the Shunyi Army has more than [-] cavalry. This is already more than [-] Yamen troops. Adding the Hewei Fan Department, they can actually do a lot of things.

How do you feel that the situation will be different from what the Marshal expected?

On the outskirts of Dunhuang County, Shazhou, Zhang Huaishen is slowly patrolling.

The name of this place is Mijiazhuang, which is part of the original Conghua Township.

Conghua, as the name suggests, is also naturalized.To be more clear, all the people living here were Sogdians, and there were also a small number of Uighurs, Longjia people, and Khotanese.Just look at the names of the villages, Mijiazhuang, Anjiazhuang, Caojiazhuang, Kangjiazhuang, Zhaijiazhuang, Lijiazhuang, Longjiazhuang, Khotan Taizizhuang, etc.

In Shazhou and Guazhou, there are still too few Han people, accounting for only [-]% of the total, and the other [-]% are Hu people.Among the Hu people, the Sogdians were the most, followed by Tubo, and then Tuyuhun, Gamo, Qiang, Longjia, Khotan, Uighur, Tatar and other tribes.

In fact, just look at the ratio of officers to non-commissioned officers.

When the winter solstice issued rewards, there were 70 officials in the various government departments, and Hu people such as Sogdian accounted for 21 of them.

This time, there were 145 soldiers in the six teams brought to the countryside, including 29 Hu people including Sogdian.

With such a situation, the Guiyi Army was doomed to be a Han-Hu coalition regime with Han people as the main body.Therefore, due to the relationship of population, it is inevitable for Hu people to take up high positions in the Guiyi Army.An Jingmin, the deputy envoy of Jiedu in the past, Kang Xin, the military envoy of Youyi Fangcai Yingtian in the western border of Liangzhou, Zheng Kang Xianzhao, the governor, and Kang Shi, the governor of Guazhou...

Jacko religion is prevalent, almost keeping pace with Buddhism...

The marriage between Han and Hu began with the intermarriage of the Sogdians from the uncle Zhang Qianyi...

This foundation is not easy to maintain!

Zhang Huaishen has already heard about the new Shuofang Jiedu envoy Shao Shude sending troops into Liangzhou.

To be honest, he was quite envious.Being closer to the Central Plains, you can get enough population, form a powerful army, and have more opportunities.Unlike them, after Ganzhou was occupied by the Uyghurs, they had to take a detour back to the court, not to mention hanging out alone, but it is also true that there are many Hu tribes along the way, which is very inconvenient.

If you don't pacify the Uighurs in Ganzhou, sooner or later it will become a serious disaster.This time, can we use Shao Shude's strength to jointly eradicate it?
"Marshal, someone from the Yanmo tribe has come to report that the leaders of the Yanmo tribe in Liangzhou have summoned the tribesmen, and they seem to have taken action." A general galloped over on his horse, and at first glance, it turned out to be Suo Xun, the uncle's son-in-law. .

Zhang Huai was a little surprised when he heard the words. After being silent for a while, he asked, "Who is going to deal with at the end of Liangzhou? Weng Gao or Shao Shude?"

Thinking about it is unlikely.Since the Qianfu, the Liangzhou shogunate and Yan Mo have always kept the water in the well without interfering with the water in the river, so there should be no conflicts.To deal with the Shuofang army?Less likely!Yan Mo is not stupid, why bother to anger Shao Shude?Even if they defeated the Shunyi army in the city with more than [-] cavalry, they mobilized tens of thousands of horses to conquer in a blink of an eye, what can Yan Mo do?Why don't you give up the nomadic land in Liangzhou and go to another place to avoid the limelight?

But that may not be a bad thing for Sabah.

If some of Liangzhou can come over, it can strengthen the strength of Shazhou, and it will be more confident in dealing with Ganzhou Uighurs in the future.

The Uighurs are really powerful enemies, and it is no longer the era when they could be bullied at will.In its heyday, the Guiyi Army could pull out [-] elite soldiers from the Han Dynasty, but now there are more than [-] at most, and it is difficult to maintain a long-term stalemate with the Uighurs in Ganzhou.If you wait for it to capture Suzhou, there will be no chance at all.

"Send an envoy to Liangzhou and make repeated inquiries. The information must be accurate. You can handle this matter." Zhang Huaishen ordered.

"The general will obey." Suo Xun replied, but he didn't intend to leave.

"What else?" Zhang Huai frowned deeply and asked.

The Yin family, Suo family, and Li family are really troublesome.Especially Sog Clan, who had a deep relationship with the Sogdian Cao Clan, Zhang Huai was quite afraid, but he didn't dare to move lightly.

This time the imperial court awarded the Shazhou Jingjie, although it is not completely satisfactory, but at least it is a sigh of relief.

There are not a few families in the town who covet Zhang's power and position.Moreover, they are big trees with deep roots, so they are not very easy to deal with.For example, the Sog family, who had a close relationship with the Sogdians, and the Li family, who had secret contacts with the Uighurs—Zhang Huaishen had received reports from the people below that the Li family had colluded with the Ganzhou Uyghurs and planned to deal with the Zhang family together.

Zhang Huaishen couldn't believe it.Although the rise of the Uyghurs in Ganzhou can no longer be curbed, colluding with them will still provide the Uyghurs with a golden opportunity to accelerate their rise.Li Shi dare to do this?Aren't you afraid that fetching water from a bamboo basket will be in vain?

Well, after analyzing my heart carefully, it's not that I can't believe it, but that I don't want to believe it.The Guiyi Army can't afford civil strife. There are various tribes everywhere in the area. If there is any trouble, they may rebel. Their regime-after all, is too fragile.

"Shao Shude's wolfish ambition may lead to Longwangshu, occupy Liangzhou, and return to Shazhou." Suo Xun said solemnly.

Zhang Huai sneered in his heart when he heard the words, but he said: "General Suo, don't worry. It would be great if the Shuofang army can finish Liangzhou. There are also two forces of Ganzhou Uighurs and Suzhou Longjia. It is the so-called long-distance and short-distance attack. We It is possible to have more contact with the Shuofang Army, so it's okay."

"Since the commander-in-chief has a plan, it's hard for the general to say anything. In short, it's better to be prepared." Suo Xun said.

"Someone has his own measure."

(End of this chapter)

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