Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 304 Transformation

Chapter 304 Transformation
"Now there is no way to go, we can only form an alliance with the Liangzhou Tang people to deal with Liugu Tubo." On the open grassland, the wind whipped up the sand and slapped it on the top of the tent. Cui Su sighed heavily, His eyes were cloudy, and he was no longer as shrewd and strong as before.

I fell into the trap of Weng Gao!
Cui Su even wondered whether Weng Gao had colluded with the Shao thief and deliberately came to harm them Liangzhou Gamo.

Too bad it's too late to say anything.

If you lose, you lose, and you lose thousands of people.Some vassal small tribes also ran away, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to obey orders again in a short time.

But these are not unaffordable costs.

The most difficult thing for them to accept, like a bolt from the blue, was the news they had just received: Liugu Tubo marched northward, harassed the Gamo tribe everywhere, burned down villages, plundered cattle and sheep, and captured property and people. basic things.

With the [-] remnants and defeated generals in front of them, even if they can slowly gather up the fleeing clansmen, they can only restore tens of thousands of troops at most, which is still not as good as Liugu Tubo.

In contrast, after the Tibetans devoured a large number of people and goods, they only need to spend a few years to digest and consolidate, and then they can launch the second war of annexation against Gamo, Liangzhou. What can I use to block it?
Therefore, it is imperative to defeat Liugu Tubo and regain the tribe, cattle and sheep as soon as possible.

"Alliance? I'm afraid it's a knee-jerk surrender?" Chen Duudou gave a miserable laugh and said, "The people of Tang are not fools. You only need to ask a little bit to know our current situation. It's fine if we don't take advantage of the opportunity to send troops to destroy them. Do you still want to form an alliance? "

"Whether it's an alliance or a surrender, it's just a rhetoric." Lu Yan sighed, and said: "Now, do we have any other options? The longer the delay, the more fully the Liugu Tubo integration will be. value is lower."

"There is not enough food, cattle and sheep, so we have to find a way." Said Wu Xijia, who had seldom spoken since dispatching troops.

"There are not enough arrows. The craftsmen are all in the tribes and villages, and the broken equipment is not repaired."

"The sergeants have no intention of fighting and just want to find their families."

"We can't procrastinate any longer. The morale of the army must be stabilized. If we continue to procrastinate, there may be a mutiny."

"If Liugu Tubo sends people to surrender, I doubt many people will vote."

Everyone chattered, and quickly analyzed the current situation.

There is no move, the situation has deteriorated to the point where it is difficult to add.

Everyone was psychologically unwilling to vote in Liugu Tubo, not to mention that they had just attacked their side shamelessly.

Instead of sitting and waiting for death, it is better to surrender to the Tang people, and use their strength to defeat Liugu Tubo, and maybe there is still a chance to stand up.

"Then, send someone to Liangzhou to contact the Tang people?" Cui Su suggested.

Everyone has no opinion, or has an opinion, and they can't think of a better way.We can only do this first, and then think of other tricks to get rid of the restraint of the Tang people.

Anyway, it is not the first time to surrender to Datang.As long as they are given time, they can always recover slowly. It is not certain what the situation in Liangzhou will be like by then.

As long as you are alive, you have a chance!
Chen Cheng soon received Yan Mo's envoys in Liangzhou City. In fact, it was none other than Cui Su and Lu Yan, and some of their followers.

The opponent who was still beating life and death before, suddenly became one of his own.For such an experience, Chen Cheng felt that it was quite new.

The world is impermanent!
"The two generals, do you know that you are descendants of China?" The people in Guanzhong and some food, grass, and equipment have been successfully sent to Liangzhou. At this time, there are three thousand Tianzhu troops in the city. Great psychological advantage.

After a while, Li Tangbin, the envoy of the Tianzhu army, will arrive with [-] infantry escorting a large amount of grain, grass and equipment, and the advantage will be even greater then.

"Naturally, we know that our surname is Han." Cui Su replied.

"Since they are descendants of China, why do the ministers still speak Tubo and make enemies with the imperial court?" Chen Cheng continued to ask.

How to answer this question...

It seems too arrogant to say that there are many feudal towns in the Central Plains that are against the imperial court.

It seems even more inappropriate to say that Shao thief knocked on the que more than once.

Therefore, Cui Su could only evade the important point and said lightly: "In the past, the Tubo North moral theory forced Tubo language to be used, and Tubo script was used. After decades, I have already gotten used to it. It is not easy for me to understand some official Chinese."

"If you vote for the king of Lingwu County, you will have to speak official language and wear Tang clothes in the future. Is it possible?"

"It's impossible."

"You still have to register as a registered household, pay tribute, and perform corvee and military service."

Cui Su and the others hesitated for a moment.

It was because of this rumor and Weng Gao's temptation that they finally decided to send troops to Liangzhou.Now you tell me that after fighting for a few days and losing so many people and goods, the result is back to the original point. Are we fighting for nothing?
"Don't make mistakes, generals." Chen Cheng said with a cold snort.

He has also inquired clearly, and knows what kind of situation the Yanmo tribes are facing now.As the saying goes, taking advantage of your illness to kill you, if you don't take advantage of this great opportunity to get things right, will it happen again later?
"That's all, I will follow the request of Lingwu County King." Cui Su sighed.

"You may call the shots?"

"I'm here on behalf of the ministries, so I can be the master."

Cui Su had a descendant named Cui Yanmi, who also sent envoys to the court during the Later Liang Dynasty.

"In May of the following year (909), Rebu Bodu and Cui Yanmei, the leaders of the late Wen Dynasty, were appointed as Doctor Yinqing Guanglu, inspected the prince's guests, and sent them back to the headquarters."

Therefore, the Cui family is quite influential in Gamoli.Rebu, that is, Zhebu, is also a big family at the end of the day.

"That's good." Chen Cheng said with a smile: "The first thing to do now is to go south to conquer the Liugu tribe."

"I can't ask for it." Cui Su and the others said together.

Outside the Haomen Valley, the infantry of the Xinquan Army occupied a favorable position, felling trees to build fences, staring at the hundreds of riders in Tsing Yi in the distance.

They have more than 3000 infantry and [-] cavalry from the Luma Department.

Today, Yang Yue, who returned from the great victory in Yangfei Valley, will also escort a large number of Tubo captives, cattle and sheep to meet here.

The number of riders in Tsing Yi must not be many, otherwise they would have rushed forward and eaten them all.Instead of hanging from a distance like now, mainly intimidating and frightening.Even after the cavalry of the Luma Department rushed up, they didn't even dare to monitor, they were extremely cautious.

This group of people is Ganzhou Uighurs.The Xinquan army tried their best to catch two rangers, and learned after interrogation.In addition, the Gamo people who fled also confirmed this point, and some of the captives in Liugu Tubo also knew Uighurs.

"...wearing Tsing Yi, like a Chinese Taoist uniform." This is what Song people saw in Ganzhou.

However, considering that there may not be much cloth in the area, what the Song people saw may be the middle and upper classes and sergeants.Ordinary people mostly still wear furs.

Ganzhou Uighur woman, "white" according to historical records, with a thin green gauze covering her head to see her face.

They don't braid or shave their hair, but wear it in a bun, five or six inches high, wrapped in red silk.If you are married, add a felt hat.

The customs are not the same as those of other grassland peoples, even other Uighur tribes.

Ganzhou Uighurs have always been allies of Liugu Tubo.Although they appear here, it is surprising, but it is not incomprehensible-in this troubled world, who hasn't formed gangs, protect each other, and have the ambition to annex others?

In any case, these Ganzhou Uighur cavalry caused a lot of trouble to the Tang army.

Its most direct impact was to ruin Yang Yue's major event, forcing him to withdraw his troops in time, escort the captives, cattle and sheep back to Haomen Valley, and join the main infantry.

Although Yang is crazy, he is not brainless.Knowing that there may be a large number of cavalry with unknown intentions around, they will still go their own way and continue to plunder Liugubu Tubo.

Therefore, Liugube's luck is better than that of Yanmo.Someone helped them at the critical moment. Of the six valleys and river valleys, only two were broken, but one of them was the stronger Yangfei Gubu. I just don't know how Zhebu Nian would react when he found out.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows behind, that's all.

The two sides confronted each other tacitly.

The Xinquan army carried a large number of pack horses and vehicles, and loaded a full [-] dendrobium of corn.The Tibetans who are coming quickly also brought a lot of cattle and sheep, let's face it, it will take a long time, let's see who suffers!

Yang Yue swaggered back with the team at the beginning of You Shi, and Zhen Xu was relieved to see this.

There are a large number of Tibetan captives to drive, and the camp has already been completed.The infantry of the imperial court, when there is a large battalion to rely on and enough food to consume, its combat effectiveness is unmatched by the cavalry.

Haomen Valley has mountains and water, and the terrain is also suitable for defense. If you have the ability to continue to consume.

"Pass two letters and send them out tonight." Yang Yue said as soon as he arrived at Daying.

"The first one is to send an order to the Liangzhou side, ordering them to control the army and finish the city, to recruit the scattered soldiers, and to rectify the soldiers and horses."

"The second one is to report the situation in Liangzhou to Lingzhou in detail, and the commander-in-chief will personally decide."

After giving his orders, he went to inspect the camp.

He has heard of the close relationship between Ganzhou Uighurs and Liugu Tubo.

Since this expedition, the situation in Liangzhou has given him a prominent feeling that it is chaotic, especially chaotic!
Liugu Tubo still has a certain strength, and the Ganzhou Uighurs do not know how many people have come.Coupled with the fact that there may be some small tribes who temporarily speculated on Liugu Tubo, the current situation must be treated with caution.

Sometimes you can take risks, and sometimes you have to be cautious, Yang can still tell the difference.

Anyway, he has made a lot of money.What should be anxious now is Liugu Tubo.

On the tenth day of March, the Minzhou Dangxiang Tuoba family and the Huizhou Bai family each rode [-] paces to Haomen Valley.

Yang Yue calculated the strength at hand. There were about 4000 cavalry and more than 6000 infantry. It seemed that he could test the strength of the Uighurs in Ganzhou.

He doesn't want to leave Haomen Valley and Yangfei Valley for the time being.How can it be easily given away after taking it with great difficulty?

To discuss Liangzhou, it is not enough to flatten a piece of rice, it is best to clean up Liugu Tubo together, so that there will be no future troubles!
(End of this chapter)

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