Chapter 306 Contact
The high military flag fluttered over the camp.

This is the military flag that Yang Yue made in Huizhou before he left for the expedition. He wrote: "The seven cities of Liangzhou beheaded the envoy Yang".

As for the city guard and military judge in Liangzhou, how did he get to Haomen Valley in the south? This is Yang Junshi's fighting style.

Well, his style is: when an opportunity arises, he immediately rushes to bite it fiercely, and creates an opportunity if there is no opportunity. Even if he takes a risk, as long as he is [-]% sure, it is worth the gamble.

He fought wars and often achieved great results at a small cost.And if the insurance fails, then you may suffer heavy losses, in short, this is the situation.

Fortunately, the number of Uyghur soldiers was unknown and they were scattered widely, and the Tubo of Liugubu rushed back as quickly as their butts were on fire.

However, he still played a trick of blooming in the center, that is, to attract the main force of the enemy to surround him, creating opportunities for the reinforcements that the Liangzhou tribes and even the generals might send.

As for whether the enemy is also playing siege to fight for aid, it depends on their own abilities.Whoever is strong, whoever plays well, can achieve his intentions.

Zhe Bu Nian rode his horse around outside, looking extremely irritable.

It was a good thing that the Tang army raided the Liugu tribe and was stopped by the allies who came halfway, reducing losses.But the ones who are so lucky to die happened to be looted in Yangfei Valley and Haomen Valley, and suffered heavy losses.

Seeing Tang Jun slaughtering their cattle and sheep to make meat jerky, Zhe Bu Nian felt his heart bleed.

Isn't it just to expand the cattle and sheep, and to multiply the tribe's population?But once the hard-earned things became the spoils of the Tang army, how could it not make people feel sad?For this reason, the Dingkou, cattle and sheep captured from the Gamo people seem to be not so fragrant.

I robbed the end of the bag, Tang Jun robbed me, what is this?

Lord Wumu's big tent was set up by the Zamu River outside the Haomen Valley, but at this time he was not in the camp, but climbed up a high slope, overlooking the entire valley.

Tang Ren's stockade was built very rigorously, which gave him quite a headache.

This group of people seems to be naturally good at digging the ground, erecting fences and repairing ditches.Antler guns and horse pits were dug everywhere, the law was strict and the cooperation was tacit.

The Tibetans only tried to attack once, and they immediately learned how powerful the hedgehog camp was.After leaving behind four or five hundred corpses, he completely gave up.

If you don't want to kill people, the best way is to besiege.

However, the Tang people seem to be unwilling to just guard the stockade——

On the flat river valley pasture, two groups of cavalry fought fiercely.

One is Liugu Tubo, about 700 people, and the other is following the Tang army, but I don't know which tribe it is, about 500 people, and the two sides killed evenly.

Lord Wumu suddenly hated Shao thief's soldiers and horses.

You are a prince of the Central Plains, what are you doing with so many cavalry?The advantage of the prairie people lies in the cavalry, which is erratic. They can fight and leave whenever they want, so that your clumsy and slow infantry can't catch up.But Shao Bandit has elite infantry and a lot of cavalry, and they are not afraid of the grassland style of play at all.

Master Wumu has also heard some stories in the history of the Han people, and he knows that the Central Plains people like to use chariots to defeat cavalry, so he has also figured out a countermeasure.But when encountering Shao thief, there is no way to use it.

Shao thieves don't build partial vans!Just drive the brigade of cavalry hard to ride the broken cavalry, just like the hard-core style of a prairie khan.

Lord Umm intends to withdraw from the siege.

More than 1 cavalry, all gathered in an area of ​​dozens of miles nearby, may not be able to bear it.Liugu Tubo also cultivates land, which can provide some food, but it is not enough, and it is not necessary.

Cavalry besieging the city is the most stupid way of fighting!

The grassland cavalry always avoids hard bones and chooses fat meat to eat when they are dispatched.

Liangzhou's fat meat can be eaten in Gamo, in various small tribes that have already lost their courage, and even in Liugubu.Cattle, sheep, goods, women, who is not to be robbed?Whoever is weak will grab whoever!

Lord Wumu went down the high slope and went to discuss with his generals.

Yang Yue in the camp was also paying close attention to the enemy's movements.

To be honest, until now the battle has been fought, both sides are blinded.

The Tubo and Uyghurs did not know how many Tang troops had. Looking at the camp regulations and the daily number of woodcutters, it was roughly estimated that there were ten thousand men, half walking and half riding.

Yang Yue knew even less about the enemy army.

The military strength of Tubo can be estimated, and it will not exceed [-] people, but it is hard to say about the Uighurs in Ganzhou.Their cavalry had never appeared on the battlefield at the same time, and at most there were only more than [-] cavalry.

Yang Yue observed carefully and found several Uyghur garrisons, and estimated that the total force could not be less than [-] cavalry.

But he has no confidence in his own judgment, and he doesn't think that the Uighurs are just such a small number of people.If it doesn't work out, there will be more people looting outside. This is very likely to happen.

"Testing firepower", this is what the two sides have been doing for the past few days.

Sending cavalry to each other and fighting seemingly aimlessly are actually confirming their own ideas and correcting their own judgments.As for the people who died in the fight, in the eyes of the generals of both sides, it is far more important than confirming the judgment.

Careful, extremely boring war!When there were few soldiers, old man Yang was quite capable of "turtle".

"Shao Shude sent a letter inviting me to attack Ganzhou Uighurs, what do you guys think?" In the Dunhuang military mansion, Zhang Huaishen sat on top and asked the generals for advice.

In fact, everyone already knows the matter.

It is impossible not to communicate in advance about such a big matter as the attack on the Uyghurs in Ganzhou.But after discussing in private for a long time, with different opinions, Zhang Huaishen also lost patience and prepared to discuss publicly.

"Marshal, this is a big matter, and we need to think about it in the long run." Suo Xun was still the first to speak.

Zhang Huai took a deep look at him.Everyone has a position, and what they say also represents their own position.Suo Xun had veiledly opposed sending troops before, and he could figure out the reason for it, which was to support the so-called orthodoxy.

Thinking of this, he turned his eyes to Zhang Huaiding, the son of his younger brother and uncle Zhang Yichao.

Zhang Huai knew deeply that his uncle had always wanted to leave this inheritance to his parents and children.

When the incident started at the beginning of the year, the imperial army marched all the way westward and recovered several states.Gao Pian, the farthest, has even stationed troops at Fenglin Pass, and his momentum is very strong.In order to obtain the court's support, my uncle decided to send the hostages to Beijing to reassure the court.

But as a hostage, you must have children or close relatives, otherwise it will have no weight.Therefore, after the discussion, in the seventh year of Dazhong (853), his father Zhang Yitan, mother Suoshi, and younger brother Zhang Huaicheng, who were then governors of Shazhou, entered the court.

I went there and never came back.

It can be said that I was able to become the governor of Shazhou at the age of 22. This is completely earned by my parents and brothers, and I don't owe my uncle and their family anything.

In the eighth year of Xiantong (867), my uncle had no choice but to enter the court.Because he had a son very late, the eldest son, Huai Ding, was not yet old enough to be a weak crown. For the benefit of the Zhang family, he could only temporarily entrust the affairs of the town to himself, but he also left behind many helpers. Three sons-in-law: Yin Wentong was appointed to the Yijun Zuomabu Duya, this is what my uncle asked for since the court, "super promoted", the second person in the town's military power, his son inherited the position after his death, and married a daughter of the Yin family to Zhang Huaiding as his wife; Suo Xun served as the governor of Guazhou for 14 years, and he was recently dismissed; Li Mingzhen was the marching commander in the outer town.

How long did it take me to slowly eliminate the influence of my uncle's family?
The imperial court did not grant Jingjie, although there were reasons for its own mistakes, falsely calling Hexi Jiedu envoy, and not making offerings, but the chaos and struggles within the Zhang family were also a major factor.

Even in the mission to Chang'an to ask for the festival, there are a bunch of traitors. Some people openly mocked "Pu She (Zhang Huaishen) has done a lot of credit, look for his festival", "When you get the festival, the four of us will go against the head" .

How can such an undercurrent surging Guiyi army not make people tremble?
But now there is a solution.

As long as we defeat the Ganzhou Uighurs in the east, get in touch with the Shuofang army, and at the same time make friends with them, and ask them for help, we may be able to suppress many ambitious people in the town, such as the power of my uncle's family.

"There are Gaochang Uyghurs in the west, constantly plundering Guazhou, and Ganzhou Uyghurs in the east, invading the Longjia tribe in Suzhou. Don't you worry about such a situation?" sleep soundly."

When Zhang Huaishen raised this matter, many people were silenced.

Today is different from the past, the Uighur forces are rising day by day, attacking from both sides, the situation of the Guiyi Army has deteriorated unprecedentedly.

The previous attempt to annex Liangzhou was actually to break the dilemma of being attacked from both sides at the same time, to gain more territory and population, and to solve the threat on one side first.

However, the Uighurs in Ganzhou were defeated and did not die. On the contrary, they became stronger and stronger. Li Mingzhen could not be promoted in Liangzhou for 30 years.After helping the imperial court recover Liangzhou during the Qianfu period, they were also forced to retreat due to internal and external difficulties. This road was completely blocked.

Zhang Huaishen was already desperate, thinking that the Guiyi Army might be about to sink.Unexpectedly, Shao Shude rose rapidly in Lingxia, conquered east and west, and laid down a large territory. He has dozens of good generals and tens of thousands of elite soldiers under his command, and his strength is several times that of the Guiyi army.

Such strong support may be concluded.

"Commander, there are more than [-] Uyghurs in Ganzhou. They are light, nimble and good at fighting, tough and difficult to control. How can we break them? There are at most [-] Han soldiers in the town, and they are not the enemies of the Uyghurs." Suo Xun continued to mention Realistic difficulties, trying to dispel Zhang Huaishen's idea.

"General Suo's words are wrong." Zhang Qiu, the judge of Jiedu and the secretary of power, immediately said: "Shao Shude's leadership is Shuofang's powerful soldiers. He wrote to the commander-in-chief, saying that he would command an army of [-] and conquer Hexi. Or is it a lie? However, there should still be [-] to [-]. Ganzhou Uyghurs have made enemies everywhere, among the Gamo, Longjia, Tuyuhun, Sogdian, Tatar, and Qiang people, which one has no enmity with them? If I return to the rebel army and send [-] troops, Suzhou Long In order to avenge the great revenge, the family can also send [-] troops, with this [-] army, and with the cooperation of the Shuofang army, it will be destroyed!"

"Shao Shude may have [-] troops in search of the whole town, but how could he bring them all here?" Suo Xun didn't dare to get angry with Zhang Huai, but he was not polite to Zhang Qiu. Doubtful! If he wins, why would he personally lead the army to help? It must be that the battle is not going well, and he is worried, so he bluffs me to take chestnuts from the fire. I have seen many such methods, and Judge Zhang is afraid that he thinks highly of him."

"General Suo, if you don't believe me, you can send the Cao family and the Long family to investigate. These two families have many relatives and old friends in Liangzhou, so it should not be difficult to get the letter." Zhang Qiu said: "Victory is victory, and defeat is defeat. There is no doubt that the Yanmo army has been defeated under the city of Liangzhou. Next, Shao Shude is afraid that he will recruit all the tribes and attack the six valleys of Tubo in the south. The Uyghurs in Ganzhou are friendly with them and they are known as allies. They will surely lead troops to rescue them. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

Suo Xun snorted coldly.

Cao, Li, Yin, An and other big families in the town also hesitated.

The Ganzhou Uyghurs are powerful, if they were really deceived by Shao Shude, then this dispatch of troops would definitely be unfavorable, and they would suffer endless retaliation from the Uyghurs later, which would be a big trouble.

But on the other hand, if things come true, it is indeed a good opportunity to solve the Ganzhou Uyghurs once and for all.

The temptation and risk are all here, it is really hard to make a decision.

"What do you think, Brother Cong?" Zhang Huaishen suddenly turned to Zhang Huaiding and asked.

Zhang Huaiding is 42 years old this year. He has served in the army and politics, but he has never been outstanding.Moreover, he has a gloomy personality and a stern personality, so he is not very popular with Zhang Huai.

But after all, he is the legitimate son of his uncle Zhang Yichao, and he has many supporters in the town, so he has to be careful and ask his opinion on everything.

"Brother Zhe, if you ask me, I'll tell you straight up. Don't send troops!" Zhang Huaiding said bluntly, "The Murong clan of Tuyuhun in Guazhou has always been disobedient. We have invaded and plundered several times in the past year, and our military strength cannot resist. In such a situation, if we send troops to Ganzhou, the victory will be worthless. Would like to see it destroyed."

Zhang Huai's expression was not hesitant when he heard the words.

What does this say?Don't others have a share in the foundation established by my uncle's army?
My late father, Zhang Yitan, lost all his family wealth, recruited soldiers and horses, supported his uncle in attacking Tubo, and at the same time helped persuade many Hu people and Tubo tribes to respond.After the success of the uprising, it was even more important to enter the court as a hostage to secure the heart of the court.Isn't this a credit?
It seems that there is a lot of resistance to sending troops to attack the Uighurs in Ganzhou.

But Zhang Huaishen still wanted to make a move.There was no other reason, and if he continued to wait in such a daze, he could imagine what the Guiyi Army's final outcome would be.

Some opportunities, once missed, there is no second time.

(End of this chapter)

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